* reharden: caravel
~ shift caravel_clocking due to change in size
~ change the pr boundary of caravel_power_routing mag file
~ regenarate lef of caravel_power_routing
* update pdn for `caravel_clocking` & `digital_pll`
* added script to update and generate the power routing views
* ~ run update_power_routing_views from the caravel root with prboundary
* fix output message
* added power routing lef, mag and gds
* fix update_power_routing_views saving wrong cell name
* reharden: caravel
~ incorperate pdn changes
~ re-extract spefs
* fix caravel_power_routing views
* fix abs path in maglef views
* fix abs path in mag views
add substcut layers in gpio_control_block and mgmt_protect
* generate a new chip_io gds
* regenerate gpio_control_block due to mag and gds not in sync
* reharden: caravel
~ change config to pass clean routing
~ use updated views of macros
* lvs clean views
* add caravel top-level generated sdf for all corners
* fix absolute path for mgmt_core_wrapper
Co-authored-by: kareem <kareem.farid@efabless.com>
Co-authored-by: Bassant Hassan <bassant.hassan@efabless.com>
~ increase width for more spread decaps
+ add or cells to cell exclude
~ change placement density in accordance to area
~ change padding to allow for space for decaps
~ increase height for more spread decap insertion
+ add or cells to cell exclude
~ adjust pdn to have an offset half to pitch
~ change placement density in accordance to area
~ change padding to allow for space for decap insertion
~ enable synth buffering to fix fanout
~ add *buf_1* to no synth list
~ add attribute (* keep *) to the oscillator as dont
touch for yosys
!need to verify that the oscillator remains untouched
+ add custom interactive script to insert a buffer on user_clk output
and have a large buffer on core_clk
~ change pdn config to match top level
~ change sdc
~ change openlane configuration
- reimplement using a sparecell
- reimplement using newest open_pdks
!important using openlane pre odb with some local patches which
most if not all are merged in the current head of openlane however
still takes effort to update the interactive script to be latest
openlane compatible
!important override abstract lef generated by openlane. openlane
generates lef and mag that contain def BLOCKAGE layers that cause
congestions during top level routing
- rtl updated
~ add one column to the right to pass placement congestion
~ density adjusted (probably has no effect)
+ manually add isosubstrate layer in mag and gds from older iterations
!important still need to run dynamic simulations
!important depends on some updates to openlane
!important need to be able to recreate using newer openlane versions