* added views for each step of generating final caravel.gds
* generated the right caravel and caravel-eco gds
* renamed caravel_signoff and removed caravel-non-eco
Co-authored-by: Marwan Abbas <marwan@ciic.c.catx-ext-efabless.internal>
* reharden: caravel
~ shift caravel_clocking due to change in size
~ change the pr boundary of caravel_power_routing mag file
~ regenarate lef of caravel_power_routing
* update pdn for `caravel_clocking` & `digital_pll`
* added script to update and generate the power routing views
* ~ run update_power_routing_views from the caravel root with prboundary
* fix output message
* added power routing lef, mag and gds
* fix update_power_routing_views saving wrong cell name
* reharden: caravel
~ incorperate pdn changes
~ re-extract spefs
* fix caravel_power_routing views
* fix abs path in maglef views
* fix abs path in mag views
add substcut layers in gpio_control_block and mgmt_protect
* generate a new chip_io gds
* regenerate gpio_control_block due to mag and gds not in sync
* reharden: caravel
~ change config to pass clean routing
~ use updated views of macros
* lvs clean views
* add caravel top-level generated sdf for all corners
* fix absolute path for mgmt_core_wrapper
Co-authored-by: kareem <kareem.farid@efabless.com>
Co-authored-by: Bassant Hassan <bassant.hassan@efabless.com>
~ increase width for more spread decaps
+ add or cells to cell exclude
~ change placement density in accordance to area
~ change padding to allow for space for decaps
~ increase height for more spread decap insertion
+ add or cells to cell exclude
~ adjust pdn to have an offset half to pitch
~ change placement density in accordance to area
~ change padding to allow for space for decap insertion
~ enable synth buffering to fix fanout
~ add *buf_1* to no synth list
~ add attribute (* keep *) to the oscillator as dont
touch for yosys
!need to verify that the oscillator remains untouched
the RTL, but cleaned up for macro definitions; this can be used
for LVS. The decap cells were hand-edited in because there is
no way to devine them from the RTL source.
+ add custom interactive script to insert a buffer on user_clk output
and have a large buffer on core_clk
~ change pdn config to match top level
~ change sdc
~ change openlane configuration
~ reimplement based on updated views of the macros
~ change interactive script to call label_macro_pins
~ extract all spef and sdf corners using timing-scripts repo
!important same work arounds as before
~ update interactive script for chip_io.v for recent openlane
~ update config.tcl for recent openlane
~ add a verilog stub for sky130_fd_io__top_xres4v2 as
the io verilog models are not readable by yosys