~ update interactive script for chip_io.v for recent openlane
~ update config.tcl for recent openlane
~ add a verilog stub for sky130_fd_io__top_xres4v2 as
the io verilog models are not readable by yosys
- reimplement using a sparecell
- reimplement using newest open_pdks
!important using openlane pre odb with some local patches which
most if not all are merged in the current head of openlane however
still takes effort to update the interactive script to be latest
openlane compatible
!important override abstract lef generated by openlane. openlane
generates lef and mag that contain def BLOCKAGE layers that cause
congestions during top level routing
- remove unused port in chip_io
- move the rest of chip_io power ports to the USE_POWER_PINS guard
- add caravel_power_routing cell guarded by TOP_ROUTING ifdef
~ update the following views:
spef(all corners)
+ add the ability to override the interactive script filename
+ add the ability to run openlane regression using regression.config
~ change GRT ADJUSTMENT values
~ change pointers to some files for workarounds
!important the interactive script still needs updates
!important this was done using old openlane v0.22 and its matching
!important known workarounds:
- a custom techlef is used where large metal spacing rules are the
only ones present to avoid violations by the router
- some odd behaviour happening when a macro has a lef view
with a non zero origin. so the power routing cell is (temporarily)
modified to have a zero origin and its placement has been shifted
which doesn't match the power routing mag.
- the old openlane doesn't generate multi spef corners. they
are generated using timing-scripts repo
includes RTL change inside the padframe definition to remove one
previously unnoticed hard-wired connection between VDDIO and a
3.3V domain digital input pin.