which had not been correctly annotated for ports and so were
marked only as plain labels, causing issues when using the cell
as a macro inside mgmt_protect.
+ add custom interactive script to insert a buffer on user_clk output
and have a large buffer on core_clk
~ change pdn config to match top level
~ change sdc
~ change openlane configuration
~ reimplement based on updated views of the macros
~ change interactive script to call label_macro_pins
~ extract all spef and sdf corners using timing-scripts repo
!important same work arounds as before
view of constant_block which was recently merged into the repository.
The constant_block instance positions and connections were modified
slightly to avoid routing over obstruction areas.
- rtl updated
~ add one column to the right to pass placement congestion
~ density adjusted (probably has no effect)
+ manually add isosubstrate layer in mag and gds from older iterations
!important still need to run dynamic simulations
!important depends on some updates to openlane
!important need to be able to recreate using newer openlane versions
* Fix the simple_por to (logically) isolate the 1.8V and 3.3V grounds.
This commit does the following:
(1) Corrects the xschem simple_por schematic to separate the 1.8V and 3.3V grounds.
(2) Corrects the xschem simple_por symbol to separate the 1.8V and 3.3V grounds.
(3) Corrects the xschem testbench to connect to both grounds of simple_por.
(4) Corrects the simple_por layout to remove the 1.8V logic from the
3.3V ground and connect it instead to the 1.8V ground.
(5) Extends the top-level power routing of caravel and caravan to
make a better connection to the simple_por 1.8V ground.
(6) Adds an LVS script to properly check the simple_por layout against the
xschem-generated schematic netlist.
NOTE: None of these modifications change the function of any circuit. The
1.8V and 3.3V ground nets are only logically separated in the netlists but
share the substrate. This fix cleanly defines the 1.8V and 3.3V grounds
within the simple_por, where they were previously mingled. It also ensures
that the full LVS for caravel and caravan can now include the simple_por at
the transistor level and still pass.
* Updated the GDS of simple_por (previously did not remove GDS_FILE
from the .mag file and so it just overwrote the original GDS file
with itself).
* Corrected a route to simple_por in the top level of both caravel
and caravan that was shorting to the extra metals put on top of
the substrate contact across the top (bottom, in the top level)
of the simple_por layout.
* REVERT ME: temporarily match simple_por pin in verilog with lef
* - update configs
- add patch file for power routing def
* - update the following caravel toplevel views
- gl
- mag
- def
- add caravel power routing def
* Apply automatic changes to Manifest and README.rst
* update gl mag and def for caravel
* Revert "REVERT ME: temporarily match simple_por pin in verilog with lef"
This reverts commit b70c27c69f.
* update caravel gds
* Apply automatic changes to Manifest and README.rst
* Added text and logo cells back into the caravel top level. Put an
isolated ground marker layer on the xres_buf layout. Corrected
the power supply pin names on the gate level verilog netlist of
simple_por in caravel.v. Updated the copyright block text.
Corrected DRC errors in the top level routing.
Co-authored-by: Tim Edwards <tim@opencircuitdesign.com>