This commit adds support for real-valued parameters in blackboxes. Additionally,
parameters now retain their types are no longer all encoded as strings.
There is a caveat with this implementation due to my limited knowledge of yosys,
more specifically to how yosys encodes bitwidths of parameter values. The example
below can motivate the implementation choice I took. Suppose a verilog component
is declared with the following parameters:
parameter signed [26:0] test_signed;
parameter [26:0] test_unsigned;
parameter signed [40:0] test_signed_large;
If you instantiate it as follows:
defparam <inst_name> .test_signed = 49;
defparam <inst_name> .test_unsigned = 40'd35;
defparam <inst_name> .test_signed_large = 40'd12;
If you peek in the RTLIL::Const structure corresponding to these params, you
realize that parameter "test_signed" is being considered as a 32-bit value
since it's declared as "49" without a width specifier, even though the parameter
is defined to have a maximum width of 27 bits.
A similar issue occurs for parameter "test_unsigned" where it is supposed to take
a maximum bit width of 27 bits, but if the user supplies a 40-bit value as above,
then yosys considers the value to be 40 bits.
I suppose this is due to the type being defined by the RHS rather than the definition.
Regardless of this, I emit the same widths as what the user specifies on the RHS when
generating firrtl IR.
Previous blackbox components were just emitted with their interface ports,
but their generic parameters were never emitted and it was therefore
impossible to customize them.
This commit adds support for blackbox generic parameters, though support
is only provided for INTEGER and STRING parameters. Other types of
parameters such as DOUBLEs, ..., would result in undefined behavior here.
This allows the emission of custom extmodule instances such as the following:
extmodule fourteennm_lcell_comb_<instName>:
input cin: UInt<1>
output combout: UInt<1>
output cout: UInt<1>
input dataa: UInt<1>
input datab: UInt<1>
input datac: UInt<1>
input datad: UInt<1>
input datae: UInt<1>
input dataf: UInt<1>
input datag: UInt<1>
input datah: UInt<1>
input sharein: UInt<1>
output shareout: UInt<1>
output sumout: UInt<1>
defname = fourteennm_lcell_comb
parameter extended_lut = "off"
parameter lut_mask = "b0001001000010010000100100001001000010010000100100001001000010010"
parameter shared_arith = "off"
Refer to the SMT-LIB specification, section 4.1.7. According to the spec, some options can only be specified in `start` mode. Once the solver sees `set-logic`, it moves to `assert` mode.
This commit only affects translation of RTLIL processes (for which
there is limited support).
Due to the event-driven nature of Verilog, processes like
reg x;
always @*
x <= 1;
may never execute. This can be fixed in SystemVerilog code by using
`always_comb` instead of `always @*`, but in Verilog-2001 the options
are limited. This commit implements the following workaround:
reg init = 0;
reg x;
always @* begin
if (init) begin end
x <= 1;
Of standard yosys cells, xilinx_srl only works on $_DFF_?_ and
$_DFFE_?P_, which get upgraded to $_SDFFE_?P?P_ by dfflegalize at the
point where xilinx_srl is called for non-abc9. Fix this by running
ff_map.v first, resulting in FDRE cells, which are handled correctly.
This commit fixes R/R conflicts introduced by commit 7e83a51.
Parameter logic is already defined as part of `param_range_type` rule.
Signed-off-by: Kamil Rakoczy <>