This makes clk2fflogic add an attr to $ff cells that carry the state of
the emulated async FF. The $ff output doesn't have any async updates
that happened in the current cycle, but the $ff input does, so the $ff
input corresponds to the async FF's output in the original design.
Hence this patch also makes the following changes to passes besides
clk2fflogic (but only for FFs with the clk2fflogic attr set):
* opt_clean treats the input as a register name (instead of the
* rename -witness ensures that the input has a public name
* the formal backends (smt2, btor, aiger) will use the input's
name for the initial state of the FF in witness files
* when sim reads a yw witness that assigns an initial value to the
input signal, the state update is redirected to the output
This ensures that yosys witness files for clk2fflogic designs have
useful and stable public signal names. It also makes it possible to
simulate a clk2fflogic witness on the original design (with some
limitations when the original design is already using $ff cells).
It might seem like setting the output of a clk2fflogic FF to update the
input's initial value might not work in general, but it works fine for
these reasons:
* Witnesses for FFs are only present in the initial cycle, so we do
not care about any later cycles.
* The logic that clk2fflogic generates loops the output of the
genreated FF back to the input, with muxes in between to apply any
edge or level sensitive updates. So when there are no active updates
in the current gclk cycle, there is a combinational path from the
output back to the input.
* The logic clk2fflogic generates makes sure that an edge sensitive
update cannot be active in the first cycle (i.e. the past initial
value is assumed to be whatever it needs to be to avoid an edge).
* When a level sensitive update is active in the first gclk cycle, it
is actively driving the output for the whole gclk cycle, so ignoring
any witness initialization is the correct behavior.
genvar declaration cannot take an initial value when declared as a module_or_generate_item_declaration.
Correct this test so that it doesn't fail unexpectedly if Yosys aligns with the standard.
When assigning values to input ports of nested modules in cosimulation,
sim needs to find the actual driver of the signal to perform the
assignment. The existing code didn't handle unconnected inputs in that
While not setting the smtoffset here was clearly a bug, I think using
`chunk.offset` only worked incidentally. The `smtoffset` is an offset
into the `smtname, smtid` pair (here `"", idcounter`) which corresponds
to the smt bitvector `stringf("%s#%d", get_id(module), idcounter)` which
contains all the chunks this loop is iterating over.
Thus using an incrementing `smtoffset` (like the `$ff`/`$dff` case above
already does) should be the correct fix.
Wires weren't being assigned an smtoffset value so when generating a yosys witness trace it would also use an offset of 0.
Not sure if this has any other effects, but it fixes the bug I was having.
@jix could you take a look at this?
Allow Liberty canonical identifier including double quotes in if-body and pass-through for Synopsys-style unquoted identifiers issue#3498
Co-authored-by: Aki <>
Writeback of simulation state into initial state was only working for `run()` and `run_cosim_fst()`.
This change moves the writeback into the `write_output_files()` function so that all simulation modes work with the writeback option.
(* nowrshmsk *) on a struct / union variable now affects dynamic
bit slice assignments to members of the struct / union.
(* nowrshmsk *) can in some cases yield significant resource savings; the
combination of pipeline shifting and indexed writes is an example of this.
Constructs similar to the one below can benefit from (* nowrshmsk *), and
in addition it is no longer necessary to split out the shift assignments
on separate lines in order to avoid the error message "ERROR: incompatible
mix of lookahead and non-lookahead IDs in LHS expression."
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if (rotate) begin
{ v5, v4, v3, v2, v1, v0 } <= { v4, v3, v2, v1, v0, v5 };
if (res) begin
v0.bytes <= '0;
end else if (w) begin
v0.bytes[addr] <= data;