* Update: In CRL/node600/phenitec/kite.py, update the routing gauge to
the new format. So now we can use again SxLib-2M (channel routing
SxLib for two metal technologies).
* Change: In CRL::BlifParser, if a master cell is not found in the
AllianceFramework, then try in the Blif supplied libraries.
This is used to load the zero, one and tie cells.
Add a Blif::getCell() static function to look into the Blif
supplied libraries.
* Change: In CRL::LefImport, sometimes there can be discrepencies between
the LEF ROUTING layers and the Coriolis routing gauge. Now ignore
routing layers that are *not* presents in the Coriolis gauge.
* Change: In AnabaticEngine, moved routingMode attribute from KatanaEngine,
as some setup operations needs it.
* Change: In AutoSegment::canReduce(), allow fixed segments to be reduced
if they are "jumpers" (turn+turn and top+top or bot+bot).
This case arise on the edge of routing channels for fixed wires
to connect terminals.
* Change: In AutoSegment::getTopologicalinfos(), compute differently the
(leftBound,rightBound) interval when in channel mode.
In over-the-cell mode, this interval is the one of the whole
GCells under the wire. In channel mode, for fixed wires (that is,
verticals connecteds to cells) this interval is reduced to half
the GCell height, on the connected side of said channel.
This allows Manipulator::_insertToTrack() to issue disantangling
requests (push left/push right) for fixed segments that are face
to face in the channel.
* Change: In Anabatic::Configuration CTOR, allow the cellGauge to have a
different name from the routingGauge. Now if the cell gauge that
should match the routing gauge is not found, fallback to the
name set in "anabatic.cellGauge" parameter.
Case occur when we try to match with CORE sites from LEF files.
* Change: In Etesian::Configuration CTOR, same change as in the
Anabatic configuration.
* Change: In Anabatic::GCell::updateDensity(), never set the GoStraight
flag in channel mode. This flag makes sense when there is at least
4 routing layers (so we have 2 contiguous free of blockages).
* Bug: In Anabatic::Session::_getNearestGridpoint(), sometimes the nearest on
grid point is outside the constraint box. Now force the point
to remains inside constraints even if offgrid.
* Change: In Katana::DataNegociate::update(), perpandiculars that are
either reduced or in non-preferred routing direction should not
trigger a bug message.
* Change: In KatanaEngine::_check(), do not check for fixed, horizontal
non-prefs AutoSegments in channel mode (avoid false bug display).
* Bug: In Manipulator::_forceToTrack(), slighty shrink (-1) the interval
to free. The intersection function of intervals returns true when
the two intervals *exactly* touches (1.vMax == 2.vMin). But in
this specific case, they are not *overlapping* and no action
should be taken...
* Bug: In Manipulator::_insertInTrack(), do not reject the track when
we are overlapping a fixed vertical segment in channel mode.
(Hmm, maybe already corrected by the previous one).
* Change: In Katana::NegociateOverlapCost(), in channel mode, do
not put two overlaping vertical fixed segments into infinite cost.
This happens when two cell connected verticals are face to face in
a channel. We want them negociated the track (by shrinking their
length) instead of excluding it right away.
* Change: In NegociateWindow::createTrackSegment(), in channel mode,
do not attempt to create a track segment over a fixed and reduced
Do not attempt to put a non-preferred AutoSegment on a Track
* Bug: In RoutingEvent::revalidate(), the number of availables tracks
was badly computed when in the pure constraint case, when there
was only one it was reporting zero.
* Change: In TrackElements::TrackElements_Perpandicular::Locator,
do not issue a bug when an non-pref or reduced AutoSegment do not
have an associated TrackElement.
* Change: In TrackSegmentCost::update(), do not issue a bug when a
perpandicular is reduded or non-pref and do not have a TrackElement.
* Bug: In cumulus/plugins/rsave.py, the Cells where saveds each time
one instance of was encountered. Resulting in multiple saves.
It was, of course, ineficient, but it also triggers a bug
that seems to happen after multiple save : the VHDL additional
property was deleted *before* the full hierarchical dump was
Now, we save each Cell only once so it does not occur, but
should make a deeper investigation later.
The decoupling of the cell gauge and the routing gauge implies that
the METAL2 & METAL3 terminals of macro blocks cannot be aligned on
the routing tracks anymore. That is, an horizontal METAL2 terminal
will not be on a track axis, but offgrid, so we no longer can use
a METAL2 horizontal segment to connect to it. Making an adjustement
between the offgrid terminal and the on-grid segment has proven
too complex and generating difficult configuration for the router.
Moreover, METLA2 terminal could be fully inside a METAL2 blockage.
So now, when the gauges are decoupled, we connect the METAL2 and
METAL3 the same way we do for METAL1: *from above* in the perpandicular
direction and using a *sliding* VIA. We assume that those kind of
terminals in upper metals are quite long.
* New: In Hurricane::Rectilinear, export the isNonRectangle() method
to the Python interface.
* New: In CRL::RoutingGauge, add function isSuperPitched() with the
associated boolean attribute. Set to true when each pitch of
each layer is independant (not low fractional multiples).
* New: In AnabaticEngine, add the ability to temporarily disable the
canonize() operation (mainly used in dogleg creation).
* New: In AutoSegment::canonize(), do nothing if the operation is
disabled by AnabaticEngine.
* Bug: In Session::_revalidateTopology(), disable the canonization
during the topology updating of a net. Too early canonization
was occuring in makeDogleg() leading to incoherencies when
performing the later canonization stage over the complete net.
Mostly occured in the initial build stage of the net.
* New: In GCell, add function postGlobalAnnotate(), if a layer
is fully blocked (above 0.9), typically, under a blockage,
add a further capacity decrease of 2 on the edges. So we may
handle a modicum of doglegs.
* Bug; In GCell::addBlockage(), removeContact(), removeHSegment()
and removeVSegment(), forgot to set the Invalidated flag.
This may have lead to innacurate densities.
* Change: In GCell::updateDensity(), more complex setting of the
GoStraight flag. This flag is now set if we don't have two
*contiguous* below 60% of density. We need free contiguous
layers to make doglegs.
* New: In NetBuilder, now manage a current state flag along
with the state flag of the *source* GCell. This flag is used
to tell if the GCell needs it's *global* routing to be done
using the upper layers (METAL4 & METAL5) instead of the
lower ones.
* New: In NetBuilder::setStartHook(), set the state flag of the
GCell to ToUpperRouting when processing a global routing
articulation and one of the base layer is obstructed
above 0.9.
In GCell with terminals, also set ToUpperRouting when there
are some in METAL2 / METAL3 and the gauge is not super-pitched.
* New: In NetBuilder, function isInsideBlockage(), to check if a
terminal is completely or partially enclosed in a blockage.
* Change: In NetBuilderHV::doRp_AutoContact(), remove support for
trying to put on grid misaligned METAL2/METAL3.
Instead systematically access them from above.
Do not cover with fixed protection terminals that are already
enclosed in blockages.
* Bug: In NetBuilderHV::doRp_AutoContact(), always add the terminal
contact in the requested GCell and not the target/source one,
in case the terminal span several GCells.
* Change: In NetBuilderHV::doRp_Access(), create the local wiring
according to the RoutingPad layer.
* Change: In NetBuilderHV::_do_xG(), _do_2G(),
create the global wiring in upper layers, according to the
ToUpperRouting flag.
* Change: In NetBuilderHV::_do_xG_xM3(), now delegate to
_do_xG_xM3_baseRouting() and _do_xG_xM3_upperRouting() if the
density at terminal level is above 0.5.
* New: NetBuilderHV::_do_xG_xM3_baseRouting() and
_do_xG_xM3_upperRouting() separated function to manage the
local routing.
* Change: In NetBuilder::_do_globalSegment(), if the currently
processed GCell or it's source is in ToUpperRouting mode,
move up the global segment. Do *not* use the moveUp() function
which would create doglegs unwanted at this stage.
* New: In KatanaEngine::annotateGlobalGraph(), call postGlobalAnnotate()
on the GCell after the blockages have been taken into accound to
add the penalty.
* Bug: In Track::getPrevious(), correctly manage the 0 value for the
index argument. Strange it didn't show earlier.
Same goes for Track::expandFreeInterval().
After a Cell has been created in memory (by parsers or Python scripts)
we can annotate it with the Spice parser so it will know the right
order with which to create the subcircuit call ('x').
* New: In CRL::Spice::load(), add support to read the ".subckt" card
and guess the right ordering for generating the 'x' (subcircuit
card call).
* Bug: In Spice::SpiceBit & Spice::BitExtension, when a Net bit property
is removed, if it's the currently cached property in BitExtension
it may lead to a crash. So when a property is destroyed, we must
also clear the cache (see remove(), clearCache() & onReleasedby()).
I'm wary that this could also happen on other kind of cached
* New: In CRL::NamingScheme, new method vhdlToVlog() to translate back
VHDL net name into Verilog. Currently only changes "()" into "[]".
Used to generate the commented SPICE interface for Alliance compliance.
* Change: In Spice::Entity, previously all the ordering where removed
between each run of the SPICE parser, but the orders read from
SPICE file (mostly standard cells) must be kept. So add a flag
ReferenceCell to prevent the removal by ::destroyAll().
* Bug: In CRL::BlifParser::Model CTOR, forgot to set the direction
on auto-generated power supply global nets. So they were put
in "linkage" in the VST files.
* New: In CRL::DefImport, add specific support for the Sky130/Caravel
harness "user_project_wrapper".Mainly:
- Do not fuse together "io_in" and "io_out" as a single net as
they should (according to the DEF). So we can connect separately
on each of them. We only allow one port for each net, as in VHDL.
* Bug: In CRL::MeasureSet::toStringHeaders(), check and issue a warning
if a measure label ends with a "." (dot).
* Change: In CRL::ToolEngine::getMeasure(), return the data measure
by pointer instead of by reference (easier to manipulate afterwards).
* New: In EtesianEngine::place(), add the placement runtime (under label
"placeT") to the measure set.
* New: In KatanaEngine::dumpMeasures(), add the Etesian runtime to the
set of measures.
WARNING: We are partially duplicating the informations pertaining
to the Alliance catalog (stored in the Catalog property)
directly into the Cell. This is needed for Flexlib which
is not using the Alliance loading mechanim. Ideally the
Catalog information should be moved into the Cell.
* New: In Cell, add new state flags Diode, PowerFeed (in addition to
Pad & Feed).
Export flags setter/getter to Python. For Flexlib usage.
* Change: In AllianceFramework::getInstancesCount(), correctly skip
Diode & Feeds based on Cell flags. Those flags must correctly
be set in the various Flexlib_fix.py scripts.
NOTE: Due to Python pathes, the NDA.common is *not* seen, even by NDA
protected configuration. They are using the non-NDA one. No harm
in that, just need to be known...
* New: In AllianceFramework::getInstancesCount(), add a flag TerminalNetlist
to stop recursion on "terminal for netlist" instance level. This is to
avoid counting physical only or non-routed instances inside hard macros,
like SRAM blocks. This was leading to an overstimation of the "size"
in number of gates of the routing problem.
* Change: In KatanaEngine CTOR, call for the terminal for netlist number of
* Bug: In all CMakeLists.txt, it seems I was doing a worng use of
target_link_library(). No longer add dependencies to the C++ base
library but instead either to the Python associated module or
to the final binaries. This was inderectly causing the linking
problem related to Python (which was a misdirection).
* Bug: Typo in FindLibexecinfo.cmake, do not use FindLib[E]xecinfo.
* Change: In CRL/ccore/CMakeLists.txt, activate SKIP_AUTOMOC on
bison/flex generated files.
* Bug: In viewer/PyHApplication, do not delete the C++ object in
the Python destroy method.
* New: In CRL::DefImport, the previous version of the parser was designed
only to read pure netlists, no physical components. Now add features
* VIA generate statements. Generated VIAs are created as Cell and
then instaciated wherever they are needed. Alternative would be
to duplicate it's contents so the original netlist is not changed.
But would create lot more objects.
* PIN, added support for basic physical shapes.
* SPECIALNETS and their associated wiring (path callback).
Note: (to myself) As the Path is created *before* the NET or SPECIALNET
callback is called, we must create a temporary net to store
the path components. This is the "__prebuild__" net which
will be merged later with the actual net.
* Bug: In CRL::GdsDriver::GdsStream::operator<<(Cell*), when looking for
layer names ending with ".pin", must also check that the string is
at least 4 characters long.
Note: We don't suppress warnings due to unused variables or functions,
as we may need them later or in debug mode...
* Change: In Hurricane::DBo::~DBo, add a noexcept(false) because
constructed by default destructor of derived classes seems to
loosen it. The right solution whould be to explicitely define
all virtual destructors (too lazy for now).
* Change: In Viewer::Script, replace the deprecated
PyModule_GetFilename() by PyModule_GetFilenameObject(), Unicode
support again...
* New: Python/C++ API level:
* Write a new C++/template wrapper to get rid of boost::python
* The int & long Python type are now merged. So a C/C++ level,
it became "PyLong_X" (remove "PyInt_X") and at Python code
level, it became "int" (remove "long").
* Change: VLSISAPD finally defunct.
* Configuration is now integrated as a Hurricane component,
makes use of the new C++/template wrapper.
* vlsisapd is now defunct. Keep it in the source for now as
some remaining non essential code may have to be ported in
the future.
* Note: Python code (copy of the migration howto):
* New print function syntax print().
* Changed "dict.has_key(k)" for "k" in dict.
* Changed "except Exception, e" for "except Exception as e".
* The division "/" is now the floating point division, even if
both operand are integers. So 3/2 now gives 1.5 and no longer 1.
The integer division is now "//" : 1 = 3//2. So have to carefully
review the code to update. Most of the time we want to use "//".
We must never change to float for long that, in fact, represents
DbU (exposed as Python int type).
* execfile() must be replaced by exec(open("file").read()).
* iter().__next__() becomes iter(x).__next__().
* __getslice__() has been removed, integrated to __getitem__().
* The formating used for str(type(o)) has changed, so In Stratus,
have to update them ("<class 'MyClass'>" instead of "MyClass").
* the "types" module no longer supply values for default types
like str (types.StringType) or list (types.StringType).
Must use "isinstance()" where they were occuring.
* Remove the 'L' to indicate "long integer" (like "12L"), now
all Python integer are long.
* Change in bootstrap:
* Ported Coriolis builder (ccb) to Python3.
* Ported Coriolis socInstaller.py to Python3.
* Note: In PyQt4+Python3, QVariant no longer exists. Use None or
directly convert using the python syntax: bool(x), int(x), ...
By default, it is a string (str).
* Note: PyQt4 bindings & Python3 under SL7.
* In order to compile user's must upgrade to my own rebuild of
PyQt 4 & 5 bindings 4.19.21-1.el7.soc.
* Bug: In cumulus/plugins.block.htree.HTree.splitNet(), set the root
buffer of the H-Tree to the original signal (mainly: top clock).
Strangely, it was only done when working in full chip mode.
* Change: In <tool>/CMakeLists.txt, add an USE_LIBBFD option to
enable the link against the BFD library. Latest versions seems
to have changed their API.
* Change: In bootstrap/ccp.by & builder/Builder.py, add an option
"--bfd" (and self._bfd) to enable BFD support.
* Bug: In CRL/etc/symbolic/plugins.py, power lines around the core where
badly spaced, allowing the filler to insert a fill wire that was
causing both DRC error and short circuit.
SPICE simulators don't like to have the same model defined twice.
As we have a "one file per model policy", then we must include the
model file only once. This is particularly critical for standard
cells. So now, the driver include all the models in the top level,
both terminals ans intermediate. And the sub-models include nothing.
We stop at the "TerminalNetlist" level.
Add an option flag througout all the Spice driver hierarchy to
convey that information.