see also previous commit
Also updates `scripting_intro.rst` to use literal includes, and uses individual image outputs to avoid the intermediary `.tex` file to join them all.
Code now resides in `docs/source/code_examples`.
`CHAPTER_Prog` -> `stubnets`
`APPNOTE_011_Design_Investigation` -> `selections` and `show`
`resources/PRESENTATION_Intro` -> `intro`
`resources/PRESENTATION_ExSyn` -> `synth_flow`
`resources/PRESENTATION_ExAdv` -> `techmap`, `macc`, and `selections`
`resources/PRESENTATION_ExOth` -> `scrambler` and `axis`
Note that generated images are not yet configured to build from the new code locations.
Combined presentation sections with appnote sections.
Moved a bunch of Yosys one-liners in-line.
Better reference in interactive investigation to memdemo as a part of advanced logic cone selection (esp. because the show commands use some of the advanced features)
More :numref: because I figured out they were only failing if I didn't do a full re-make.
Reflow first section a little to help readability.
Also includes a css change to prevent code block caption text from bunching into the caption number.
Mostly in the `more_scripting` section, with part of the intro in the `scripting_intro`.
Also includes an extra todo on the installation page and some extra notes on where to find `show` details where relevant.
Images now included relative to the `docs/source` folder instead of the rst file.
Also makes sure to add the updated `yosyshq.css` (which as a sidenote has ended up as `custom.css` in most of the other docs).
Fix#3905 by removing emoji (and move the comment into the if block for less ambiguity).
Adds `latexmk` to README.
Note that latexpdf doesn't seem to like `cmd:ref` links, possibly because the
reference location is inside a latex comment block, but I was under the
impression that there was a reference location in there previously which was
working fine. May be related to how the `cmd:def` block expands (or doesn't as
the case may be).