Overall structure in place to match the iCE40 flow.
Still needs a new example design, and more text for the later sections (which the counter doesn't cover).
Blocking tasks are now capital TODO (compared to non-blocking todo).
Updated some of the todos.
Added note about which intel synth does which families.
Rename extended Yosys universe to Yosys family.
Added brief text to landing page, and also a note about the restructure and where to find old docs.
Moved todolist above ToC in preparation for disabling it in the config (so that it doesn't need it's own header).
Fixed pdf build, was previously breaking on trying to include the svg badges.
Includes CAD suite info and details on the OSS CAD suite nightly build targets.
Instructions for building from source, largely based on the readme but with some minor modifications.
Tests are still WIP, but we replaced the old test suites with a brief comment on the github workflow tests. Still needs more on the tests themselves and how to run them locally.
Also an extra todo on the index page.
Moved remaining content into relevant places.
Added `load_design.rst` to more scripting.
Split fsm handling and abc out of optimization passes. Also moved things around to match the general flow previously described.
Changed generic `synth` for `prep` instead.
Replace `typical_phases.rst` and `examples.rst` with a single `example_synth.rst`.
Also updating the counter example to match.
Aims to reduce redundancy, and simplify the getting started section.
Details on things like `proc`, `memory` and `fsm` should instead be in the advanced section (under the new `synth` subsection).
More consistent indentation and section headings.
Convert yoscrypt blocks to lists of cmdrefs (so they link to the commands in question).
Also update said lists.
Add other common optimizations/mapping commands.
Remove example synth script in favour of the examples on the next page.
Makefiles now have `clean` target.
Also fixed top level makefile calls to images directory.
More yosys scripts instead of inline yosys commands in makefiles (which also means they can be included in the accompanying document when talking about the image generated).
Fixed another couple image generators that were still outputting pdf directly.
Fixed some hanging image references which hadn't been updated.
Adjusted some text related to images, and included a couple more intermediate images on `memdemo`.
see also previous commit
Also updates `scripting_intro.rst` to use literal includes, and uses individual image outputs to avoid the intermediary `.tex` file to join them all.
Code now resides in `docs/source/code_examples`.
`CHAPTER_Prog` -> `stubnets`
`APPNOTE_011_Design_Investigation` -> `selections` and `show`
`resources/PRESENTATION_Intro` -> `intro`
`resources/PRESENTATION_ExSyn` -> `synth_flow`
`resources/PRESENTATION_ExAdv` -> `techmap`, `macc`, and `selections`
`resources/PRESENTATION_ExOth` -> `scrambler` and `axis`
Note that generated images are not yet configured to build from the new code locations.
Mostly in the `more_scripting` section, with part of the intro in the `scripting_intro`.
Also includes an extra todo on the installation page and some extra notes on where to find `show` details where relevant.
Images now included relative to the `docs/source` folder instead of the rst file.
Also makes sure to add the updated `yosyshq.css` (which as a sidenote has ended up as `custom.css` in most of the other docs).
Rework images makefile a bit to get it to import and build from resources folder(s).
Currently requires running twice from a clean build due to the way it finds `.dot` files to convert.