Right now neither `sat` nor `sim` have support for the `$check` cell.
For formal verification it is a good idea to always run either
async2sync or clk2fflogic which will (in a future commit) lower `$check`
to `$assert`, etc.
While `sim` should eventually support `$check` directly, using
`async2sync` is ok for the current tests that use `sim`, so this commit
also runs `async2sync` before running sim on designs containing
(* nowrshmsk *) on a struct / union variable now affects dynamic
bit slice assignments to members of the struct / union.
(* nowrshmsk *) can in some cases yield significant resource savings; the
combination of pipeline shifting and indexed writes is an example of this.
Constructs similar to the one below can benefit from (* nowrshmsk *), and
in addition it is no longer necessary to split out the shift assignments
on separate lines in order to avoid the error message "ERROR: incompatible
mix of lookahead and non-lookahead IDs in LHS expression."
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if (rotate) begin
{ v5, v4, v3, v2, v1, v0 } <= { v4, v3, v2, v1, v0, v5 };
if (res) begin
v0.bytes <= '0;
end else if (w) begin
v0.bytes[addr] <= data;
This brings the metadata for packed arrays in packed structs
in line with the metadata for unpacked arrays, and correctly
handles the case when both lsb and msb in an address range are
- User-defined types must be data types. Using a net type (e.g. wire) is
a syntax error.
- User-defined types without a net type are always variables (i.e.
- Nets and variables can now be explicitly declared using user-defined
typedef logic [1:0] W;
wire W w;
typedef logic [1:0] V;
var V v;
(parameters in systemverilog packages can't actually be overridden, so
allowing parameters in addition to localparams doesn't actually add any
new functionality, but it's useful to be able to use the parameter
keyword also)
- information also useful for strongly-typed enums (not implemented)
- resolves enum values in ilang part of #1594
- still need to output enums to VCD (or better yet FST) files