- set_user_id had no dependencies
- gen_gpio_defaults had a dependency for caravan_core.mag, but
added a smart_open routine to natively open an uncompressed or
compressed file based on the suffix. No need to recompress.
Require default constants in 13'hxxxx format.
Require default constants to be 13 binary bits maximum.
Standardize file names to lower case hex digits.
NOTE: Invalid values are merely ignored. No error code is returned.
cells are replaced with the base cells. Routing to pins
is instead done in the "gpio_connects" cells while
improving on the original routing (fewer cross-overs,
multiple vias per contact, wider buses for the analog
signals). Made small adjustments to many of the openframe
wrapper pins to keep them all on a 10nm grid. Moved the
connections previously from the "wrapped" GPIO cell back
from the openframe project border, so that the border can
be clear of all blockages. Added the DEF file of the
wrapper (previously only in the openframe example repo)
to the def/ directory. Note: The modified LVS scripts
depend on the gate-level netlists of the frame, which
have been committed in a prior pull request. This pull
request does not conflict with those files.
modified caravel_core.mag layout to ensure that all the defaults
blocks got the correct substitutions. Previously, only the
individual defaults blocks layouts were checked and verified.
clean. Provides the netgen report, JSON file, and run-time log of
each. Modified the scripts to tee into the run-time log file and to
add the SPICE netlist of the simple_por. Corrected the simple_por
netlist to make the xhigh resistors non-width-specific, since the
width-specific ID mask is not a GDS layer and cannot be reconstructed
from GDS (at least not with the current tech file in magic).
- set the parasitics log file for each RC corner to be in the directory `./signoff/<design_name>/primetime-signoff/logs/`
- flag if there is any error in reading a spef file
- correct paths of `RAM256` and `RAM128` spef files
- set PT message limit to 1500 instead of the default 100
- report SI bottleneck nets for any design