Remove all the old tpiu code and replace it with a wrapper that
uses the new commands, prints-out the new commands and informs
about the deprecation.
All the code that handles the deprecated tpiu commands is enclosed
between the comments
so will be easy to remove it in the future.
Change-Id: I70b0486770128203b923346382d9a90b8ec08439
Signed-off-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Adrian M Negreanu <>
This is supposed to replace big part of armv7m_trace.[ch], since
TPIU is not only the one implemented in Cortex-M3 and M4.
Change-Id: I7588d16cbefe9cdb371c52fb0aa5cdfb48518804
Signed-off-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Quote: The ST-LINK TCP server is an application to share the debug
interface of a single ST-LINK board among several host applications,
typically a debugging tool and a monitoring tool.
Note: ST-Link TCP server does not support the SWIM transport.
ST-LINK TCP server allows several applications to connect to the same
ST-Link through sockets (TCP).
To use ST-LINK TCP server:
- using stlink-dap : use 'st-link backend tcp [port]'
- using hla : use 'hla_stlink_backend tcp [port]'
the default port value is 7184
Change-Id: I9b79f65267f04b1e978709934892160e65bd2d6d
Signed-off-by: Tarek BOCHKATI <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Antonio Borneo <>
OpenOCD is based on a single main loop that schedules all the
At the execution of a TCL command, the timestamp is checked to
eventually trigger the polling of the targets. This means that by
executing a TCL command the polling can be triggered and detect a
change of target's state.
When openocd 'resumes' a target, the target can halt again by
hitting a breakpoint.
The 'resumed' event handler is started just after the target has
been resumed, but it triggers a polling before the execution of
its very first instruction.
If the polling finds the target halted, it will run the 'halted'
event handler, that will then be executed 'before' the pending
'resumed' handler.
In case of gdb, a 'continue' command will restart the target but,
polling (and halt detection) executed before the end of the resume
process will hide the halt. As a consequence, the gdb will not be
informed of the halt and will remains waiting as if the target is
still running without showing the prompt.
This can be verified by running on the target a firmware with a
loop, run openocd with a dummy 'resumed' event, and let gdb to set
a breakpoint in the loop. A 'continue' command will cause the
target to halt again by hitting the breakpoint at the next loop
iteration, but gdb will loose it and will not return the prompt.
openocd -f board/st_nucleo_f4.cfg -c \
'stm32f4x.cpu configure -event resumed {echo hello}'
arm-none-eabi-gdb -ex 'target remote :3333' -ex 'b *$pc' -ex c
Disable the polling while executing target's resume().
Document it and provide hints to developers to cope with future
Change-Id: I3be830a8e7c2ef6278617cb4547a4d676b0ddeb5
Signed-off-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Reported-by: Габитов Александр Фаритович <>
Reviewed-by: Tomas Vanek <>
Tested-by: jenkins
We are talking about adapter connectivity in this chapter. It should
be "dongles" instead of "cables".
Change-Id: I7bd4307765517375caa2af86dfc929d0ef66c3e6
Signed-off-by: Yasushi SHOJI <>
Reviewed-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Tested-by: jenkins
This adds some cosmetic changes to make the PDF User Manual look
Building it now requires Texinfo 5.0 which shouldn't be problematic
according to [0]. Commit 79fdeb37f4 is
effectively reverted.
Change-Id: I990bc23bdb53d24c302b26d74fd770ea738e4096
Signed-off-by: Paul Fertser <>
Reviewed-by: Jonathan McDowell <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Antonio Borneo <>
This was flagged by lintian against the Debian package; the text stating
there are no invariant sections deviates from the official GNU wording.
Update it to match the text at the bottom of:
Change-Id: Ie222237a8eede24c1b71218b05e1513b74208a47
Signed-off-by: Jonathan McDowell <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Real Time Transfer (RTT) is an interface specified by SEGGER based on
basic memory reads and writes to transfer data bidirectionally between
target and host.
Every target that supports so called "background memory access", which
means that the target memory can be accessed by the debugger while the
target is running, can be used.
RTT is especially of interest for targets which do not support Serial
Wire Output (SWO) (e.g. ARM Cortex-M0) or where using semihosting is
not possible (e.g. real-time applications) [1].
The data transfer is organized in channels where each channel consists
of an up- and/or down-channel. See [2] for more details.
Channels are exposed via TCP connections. One or more RTT server can be
assigned to each channel to make them accessible to an unlimited number
of TCP connections.
The current implementation does not respect buffer flags which are used
to determine what happens when writing to a full buffer.
Note that the implementation is designed in a way that the RTT
operations can be directly performed by an adapter (e.g. J-Link).
Change-Id: I8bc8a1b381fb74e08b8752d5cf53804cc573c1e0
Signed-off-by: Marc Schink <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Tomas Vanek <>
Reviewed-by: Antonio Borneo <>
STM32L5 have 512 Kbytes of Flash memory with dual bank architecture.
STM32L5 flash is quite similar to L4 flash, mainly register names
and offsets and some bits are changed.
NON-SECURE flash is located at 0x8000000 like L4 devices, so no
big change is needed (secure flash will be subject of another change).
Note: flash driver name is set stm32l5x, in order to extend the commands
with specific L5 commands (to manage TZEN for example ...)
Note: this works only when TZEN=0
Change-Id: Ie758abb4aa19a3f29eeb0702d7dcb43992e4c639
Signed-off-by: Michael Jung <>
Signed-off-by: Tarek BOCHKATI <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Reviewed-by: Tomas Vanek <>
- write speed up to 150 kByte/s on STM32F469I-disco (due to
SWD clock and USB connection), up to 1 MByte/s on Nucleo-F767ZI
with external STLink-V3 or Nucleo-G474RE with two W25Q256FV in
dual 4-line mode or STM32H73BI-Disco in octal mode
- tested with STM32L476G-disco (64MBit flash, 3-byte addr),
STM32F412G-Disco, STM32F469I-Disco, STM32F746G-Disco, and
STM32L476G-Disco (all 128Mbit flash, 3-byte addr),
STM32F723E-Disco, STM32F769I-Disco (512Mbit flash, 4-byte addr)
STM32L4R9I-Disco, STM32L4P5G-Disco (512MBit octo-flash, DTR, 4-byte addr)
STM32H745I-Disco, STM32H747I-Disco (two 512MBit flash, 4-byte addr)
STM32H73BI-Disco, STM32H735G-Disco (512MBit octo-flash, DTR, 4-byte addr)
- suitable cfg for Discovery boards included
- limited parsing of SFDP data if flash device not hardcoded
(tested only in single/quad mode as most devices either don't
support SFDP at all or have empty(!) SFDP memory)
- 'set' command for auto detection override (e. g. for EEPROMs)
- 'cmd' command for arbitrary SPI commands (reconfiguration, testing etc.)
- makefile for creation of binary loader files
- tcl/board/stm32f469discovery.cfg superseded by stm32f469i-disco.cfg
- tcl/board/stm32f7discovery.cfg removed as name is ambiguous
(superseded by stm32f746g-disco.cfg vs. stm32f769i-disco.cfg)
- dual 4-line mode tested on Nucleo-F767ZI, Nucleo-H743ZI and Nucleo-H7A3ZI-Q
with two W25Q256FV, and on Nucleo-L496ZP-P and Nucleo-L4R5ZI
with two W25Q128FV, sample cfg files included and on STM32H745I-Disco,
STM32H747I-Disco, STM32H750B-Disco
- read/verify/erase_check uses indirect read mode to work around silicon bug in
H7, L4+ and MP1 memory mapped mode (last bytes not readable, accessing last
bytes causes debug interface to hang)
- octospi supported only in single/dual 1-line, 2-line, 4-line
and single 8-line modes, (not in hyper flash mode)
GPIOs must be initialized appropriately, and SPI flash chip be configured
appropriately (1-line ..., QPI, 4-byte addresses ...). This is board/chip
specific, cf. included cfg files. The driver infers most parameters from
current setting in CR, CCR, ... registers.
Change-Id: I54858fbbe8758c3a5fe58812e93f5f39514704f8
Signed-off-by: Andreas Bolsch <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Tarek BOCHKATI <>
Reviewed-by: Tomas Vanek <>
Reviewed-by: Christopher Head <>
The only code dealing with tftp in OpenOCD was in eCos build, code
already dropped in commit 39650e2273 ("ecosboard: delete
bit-rotted eCos code") almost 8 years ago.
Drop tftp related documentation too.
Change-Id: I0defc8f844e74c90894dca04a652dcc497a520e1
Signed-off-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Jonathan McDowell <>
When trace capturing the trace is enabled using 'tpiu_config internal'
(via the internal mode), OpenOCD can collect the trace buffers then append
it to a specified file or named pipe and propagate the trace to 'tcl_trace'
This change is allowing OpenOCD to stream the captured trace over TCP.
When using this configuration OpenOCD acts like a server and multiple
clients can connect and receive the captured trace.
Example on STM32F7 running at 216MHz:
itm port 0 on
tpiu config internal :3344 uart off 216000000
Change-Id: Idea43e7e26e87b98a33da7fb9acf7ea50fe3b345
Signed-off-by: Tarek BOCHKATI <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Karl Palsson <>
Reviewed-by: Antonio Borneo <>
The default way of working is to have a single GDB attached to one
target, so OpenOCD accepts only one connection to the GDB port of
each targets and rejects any further connection.
There are some barely safe use cases in which it could get useful
having a second GDB connection to the same target.
One such use case is while using GDB as a 'non-intrusive memory
inspector', as explained in the OpenOCD documentation.
One GDB can be left running an infinite loop to dump some memory
area, or even analysing the content, while keeping a second GDB
ready for user interaction or spot memory check.
Add a target configure option to specify the maximum number of GDB
connections allowed for that target, keeping the default to 1.
Change-Id: I4985a602e61588df0b527d2f2aa5b955c93e125e
Signed-off-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Tarek BOCHKATI <>
To avoid code duplication, reorganize the code to replace
cti_configure() with adiv5_jim_mem_ap_spot_configure().
Reorganize 'struct arm_cti_object' and its sub-'struct arm_cti'
moving DAP and mem-AP info in a 'struct adiv5_mem_ap_spot'.
Replace cti_configure() with adiv5_jim_mem_ap_spot_configure().
Deprecate the use of '-ctibase' in favor of '-baseaddr'.
Change-Id: I43740a37c80de67c0f5e4dc79c3400b91a12e9e8
Signed-off-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Tested-by: jenkins
These are all the changes from
(approximately 91dc0c0c) made just to src/target/riscv/*. Some of the
new code is disabled because it requires some other target-independent
changes which I didn't want to include here.
Built like this, OpenOCD passes:
* All single-RV32 tests against spike.
* All single-RV64 tests against spike.
* Enough HiFive1 tests. (I suspect the failures are due to the test
suite rotting.)
* Many dual-RV32 (-rtos hwthread) against spike.
* Many dual-RV64 (-rtos hwthread) against spike.
I suspect this is an overall improvement compared to what's in mainline
right now, and it gets me a lot closer to getting all the riscv-openocd
work upstreamed.
Change-Id: Ide2f80c9397400780ff6780d78a206bc6a6e2f98
Signed-off-by: Tim Newsome <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Jan Matyas <>
Reviewed-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Reviewed-by: Karl Palsson <>
Search in XDG_CONFIG_HOME as per XDG Base Directory Specification
in addition to $HOME/.openocd.
On Darwin, search in ~/Library/Preferences/org.openocd/ which
appears to be one of the conventional locations.
Make $OPENOCD_SCRIPTS highest priority on all platforms, previously
it was only higher on WIN32.
Update the documentation to reflect the search order.
Change-Id: Ibaf4b59b51fdf452712d91b47ea2b5312bb5ada9
Signed-off-by: Andreas Fritiofson <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Antonio Borneo <>
This driver provides support for Cadence JTAG BFM
The "jtag_dpi" driver implements a JTAG driver acting as a client for the
SystemVerilog Direct Programming Interface (DPI) for JTAG devices.
DPI allows OpenOCD to connect to the JTAG interface of a hardware model
written in SystemVerilog, for example, on an emulation model of
target hardware.
Tested on Ampere emulation with Altra and Altra Max models
Change-Id: Iaef8ba5cc1398ee2c888f39a606e8cb592484625
Signed-off-by: Kevin Burke <>
Signed-off-by: Daniel Goehring <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Implementation largely taken from Nuvoton github
Reset is still not fully compatible with OpenOCD framework.
Adapted to hidapi.
Change-Id: Ieb1791b1b7f0b444c15c9668f8f2bcf34975d48f
Signed-off-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Signed-off-by: Zale Yu <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Saravanan Sekar <>
Reviewed-by: Marc Schink <>
Add support for Nu-Link1 over usb hidapi and config file.
The original work is fetched from Nuvoton github.
Code cleanup, fix merge conflicts, compile and runtime issues.
Switch the code from libusb to hidapi, being the device HID based.
Add documentation.
Merge fixes for multi-word memory read.
Reset is not fully compatible with openocd framework; currently
the target is reset and then halt at openocd start.
Change-Id: I9738de4e26783ba462ea3e39ec32069fd5bb7d94
Signed-off-by: Zale Yu <>
Signed-off-by: Saravanan Sekar <>
Signed-off-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Marc Schink <>
Add threads support for RIOT (
Original code is from Daniel Krebs.
Change-Id: I83fe3b91dd75949e800b5aea1015d8fa37b09c61
Signed-off-by: Daniel Krebs <>
Signed-off-by: Vincent Dupont <>
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Valentin <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Remove occurrences of duplicated words in the documentation.
Change-Id: Ib6ef1607fc5e6387764be108b2b9c0c93ac10a62
Signed-off-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Tarek BOCHKATI <>
Reviewed-by: Tomas Vanek <>
In case of GDB connection not using extended mode, issue a warning
message to suggest the user to switch using the extended mode.
Issue the message only once at each run of OpenOCD, to avoid too
much noise.
Update the documentation to suggest using extended mode.
Change-Id: I9326e84f748d5d7912d5a48f00f0fb541ca19221
Signed-off-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Karl Palsson <>
Add support for SWD debug to the Xilinx XVC/PCIe driver.
This is possible since the device is essentially a shift-register.
So doing SWD vs JTAG is a matter of wiring things correctly on the
RTL side (use TMS for SWDI, TDO for SWDO).
The clang static checker doesn't find any new problems with this change.
Change-Id: I3959e21440cd1036769e8e56a55e601d3e4aee9a
Signed-off-by: Moritz Fischer <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Add SWIM and STM8 to documentation and update TODO file.
Introduce transport "swim" and command "swim newtap".
Switch in swim.c from HLA API to the new SWIM API.
Implement in stlink driver the SWIM APIs as wrappers of existing
HLA functions.
Remove any SWIM related reference from HLA files.
Update stm8 config files and stlink-dap interface config file.
Change-Id: I2bb9f58d52900f6eb4df05f979f7ef11fd439c24
Signed-off-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Identified by checkpatch script from Linux kernel v5.7-rc1 using
the command
find doc/ -type f -exec ./tools/scripts/ \
-q --types TYPO_SPELLING --strict -f {} \;
Change-Id: I1269ac966027439e16eb6e63179e43925bec37fa
Signed-off-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Reviewed-by: Andreas Fritiofson <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Commit 87a4158acf ("drivers: xds110: Clean up command syntax and
documentation") does not follow the documentation structure that
lists the adapters in cpt 2 "Debug Adapter Hardware" then lists
the adapter commands in cpt 8.2 "Interface Drivers"; it puts all
in cpt 2.
While doing that, uses an incorrect texinfo syntax that causes the
following warnings at compile time:
doc/openocd.texi:543: warning: @deffn should only appear at the beginning of a line
doc/openocd.texi:547: warning: @deffn should only appear at the beginning of a line
doc/openocd.texi:552: warning: @deffn should only appear at the beginning of a line
Move the documentation of xds110 commands in the proper chapter
and fix the texinfo syntax.
Change-Id: I0b3f0fe0c687f194bb02e2d81aca86fcd4fdd718
Signed-off-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Fixes: 87a4158acf ("drivers: xds110: Clean up command syntax and documentation")
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Andreas Fritiofson <>
Reviewed-by: Edward Fewell <>
Some flash banks are not mapped in the target memory
(e.g. SPI flash, some special pages).
Add flash version of mdw/h/b which reads data using
the flash driver.
Change-Id: I66910e0a69cf523fe5ca1ed6ce7b9e8e176aef4a
Signed-off-by: Tomas Vanek <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Andreas Bolsch <>
Reviewed-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Changes since v1:
-Moved from
into separate commit.
-Removed multiple cpu configuration section, currently
only ARC EM is supported.
-Some cleanup
-For "arc set-reg-exists" command limitize the number of
arguments (50 maximum).
-Revert limitation for "arc set-reg-exist" command
Change-Id: I4b06f89df95f2773bfde6e1bd2ae2b6b880bfaa8
Signed-off-by: Evgeniy Didin <>
Cc: Alexey Brodkin <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Oleksij Rempel <>
have been added - analogous to already existing events
This is an example of a concrete use case where having
these events is important:
In RISC-V processors without Debug Program Buffer, OpenOCD
cannot execute fence/fence.i when resuming or single-
stepping. With these events implemented, the user can
instead provide custom operations to achieve that same
effect prior to resuming the processor.
Change-Id: I786348ff08940759d99b0f24e9e0ed5a44581094
Signed-off-by: Jan Matyas <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Tim Newsome <>
target types are sorted alphabetically
minor changes for some precision:
- cortex_a : it's an ARMv7-A core
- cortex_m : besides the ARMv7-M it support the v6-M and v8-M cores
Change-Id: I37ade2392fe3948fba4156a2831bbd8739fa9993
Signed-off-by: Tarek BOCHKATI <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Reviewed-by: Oleksij Rempel <>
Arrange all commands under a top level xds110 command. Fix
documentation to properly reflect the current functionality.
Also updated the links in the document to the new permanent
links for the XDS110 only support.
Patch updated for comments from code review. Return
ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR for wrong number of args in
commands. Added deprecated commands to src/jtag/startup.tcl.
Change-Id: Ica45f65e1fdf7fa72866f4e28c4f6bce428d8ac9
Signed-off-by: Edward Fewell <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Antonio Borneo <>
STM32WLEx devices are based on arm Cortex-M4 running at 48MHz,
contains a single bank of maximum 256 Kbytes of flash memory.
there is 3 variants with different Flash/RAM sizes:
STM32WLE5JC : 256K/64K
STM32WLE5JB : 128K/48K
STM32WLE5J8 : 64K/20K
the work-area size is set to 20 kb to fit in STM32WLE5J8
Change-Id: Ie8e186fe4be97cbc25c53ef0ade4b4dbbcee6f66
Signed-off-by: Tarek BOCHKATI <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Andreas Bolsch <>
Reviewed-by: Tomas Vanek <>
Flash module of STM32G0/G4 family is quite similar to the one of
STM32L4, so only minor changes are required, in particular
adaption of flash loader to Cortex-M0. Register addresses
passed to flash loader to simplify integration of L5.
Added re-probe after option byte load.
Added flash size override via cfg file.
WRPxxR mask now based on max. number of pages instead of fixed 0xFF,
as G4 devices fill up unused bits with '1'.
Sizes in stm32l4_probe changed to multiples of 1kB.
Tested with Nucleo-G071RB, G030J6, Nucleo-G431RB and Nucleo-G474RE.
Gap handling in G4 Cat. 3 dual bank mode tested with STM32G473RB.
This handling isn't optimal as the bank size includes the
size of the gap. WB not tested.
Change-Id: I24df7c065afeb71c11c7e96de4aa9fdb91845593
Signed-off-by: Andreas Bolsch <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Tarek BOCHKATI <>
Reviewed-by: Tomas Vanek <>
A configuration script may want to check the reason why examine fails
e.g. device has security lock engaged.
tcl/target/kx.cfg and klx.cfg is modified to use the new event
for testing of the security lock of Kinetis MCU
Change-Id: Id1d3a79d24e84b513f4ea35586cd2ab0437ff9b3
Signed-off-by: Tomas Vanek <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Added fixes for issues found in additional code reviews.
Fixed host Endianness issues with using buffer reads
and writes instead of the *_u32 variants.
Changed code that tried to ID banks by hardcode
bank_number values to use instead the bank base
address. This fixes problems using configurations
with multiple devices.
Note that this replaces Change 4786 which has
been abandoned because of extensive changes to
the code to stop IDing banks by name. And I
think I really messed up a rebase/merge on the
document file.
Tested on MSP432P401R, MSP432P4111, and MSP432E401Y
Change-Id: Id05798b3aa78ae5cbe725ee762a164d673ee5767
Signed-off-by: Edward Fewell <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Tomas Vanek <>
Adopted only fast algorithm for flash programming:
- write_word and write_byte methods have been removed.
- start and end write alignments have been defined.
Moved flash controller registers offsets in a common file
shared with the flash algorithm.
- the flash base address is passed to the flash algorithm
as a parameter.
Removed unused functions
Change-Id: I80aeab3994e477044bbcf02e66d9525dae0cb491
Signed-off-by: luca vinci <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Tomas Vanek <>
Reviewed-by: Michele Sardo <>
The default log output is stderr. After the command "log_output"
has been used to set an output log file, it is possible to return
back to stderr only on *NIX hosts specifying a new log output file
as "/dev/stderr", but this is not intuitive, not documented and
not portable out of *NIX.
Make command "log_output" able to set back the default output to
stderr when the parameter is either "default" or is missing.
While there, add debug message to log the change and make the
command return error on incorrect syntax.
Change-Id: I8c7c929780f58e2c23936737c8e7274a96734786
Signed-off-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Tomas Vanek <>
this is to avoid confusion with STM32 L4, L4+ and L5 families
- a warning message is changed to error
- stm32l0x and stm32l1x aliases has been created to permit
the usage of either names
Change-Id: If3f16d2a3b7d1369959aa7407da37a9076ea91d7
Signed-off-by: Tarek BOCHKATI <>
Reviewed-by: Marc Schink <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Tomas Vanek <>
currently we have different types of same command group:
- starting with adapter_*
- starting with interface*
- without adapter or interface prefix.
Since interface name is already used, we can only use "adapter" command
group by keeping old commands as well.
Change-Id: Id0a1cb63a2ea6860c67ae1e7a3a06a37ddf464f4
Signed-off-by: Oleksij Rempel <>
Reviewed-by: Marc Schink <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Reviewed-by: Oleksij Rempel <>
Add support for Xilinx Virtual Cable over PCIe JTAG controller.
It is commonly used in Xilinx based PCI Express designs with JTAG IP
in the FPGA fabric.
Access to the JTAG registers happens via the PCI Express extended
configuration space.
This can be used to debug soft-cores instantiated in the FPGA fabric.
The clang static checker doesn't find any new problems with this change.
Change-Id: Ib12ede0d1f26dacfda808d5e05b947b640c5bde7
Signed-off-by: Moritz Fischer <>
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Antonio Borneo <>
Reviewed-by: Marex
Reviewed-by: Oleksij Rempel <>