Pietro Gagliardi
Added utf16dup(). Completely forgot about this.
2016-04-22 13:01:55 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Migrated control.c, I think. Changing the current way uiControl works will wait for another branch.
2016-04-22 12:44:18 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Migrated text.c.
2016-04-21 23:29:44 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Migrated util.c.
2016-04-21 23:05:10 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Migrated debug.cpp.
2016-04-21 21:57:36 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Added line ending manipulation routines now, just to be sure.
2016-04-21 18:10:30 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Wrote up a utf16 with conversion and allocating-sprintf() functions. Changed the way deubgging will work.
2016-04-21 18:03:52 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Changed complain() for bugs in libui and control implementations to implbug().
2016-04-21 16:29:34 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Whops, left some stuff over in events.cpp. Also added a comment.
2016-04-21 15:01:05 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Started rewriting ui_windows.h and uipriv_windows.h(pp).
2016-04-21 12:55:09 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Quick fix in events.cpp.
2016-04-21 12:22:02 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Got rid of all the template cruft and other nonsense from events.cpp.
2016-04-21 12:20:37 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Templatized this. I feel dirty.
2016-04-21 11:22:34 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
"Moved" events.c to C++.
2016-04-20 22:10:04 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Quick fixes to the previous commit.
2016-04-20 20:21:57 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Migrated alloc.c to C++. This is working already :v
2016-04-20 20:20:10 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Pruned, organized, and formatted winapi.hpp.
2016-04-20 19:51:30 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Moved the files that are already C++ out of the way so we can migrate them later and separate them from the already-migrated files.
2016-04-20 19:41:14 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Moved most of the headers to C++.
2016-04-20 19:39:20 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Implemented the new font button stuff on Windows.
2016-04-20 14:17:55 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Implemented colored text on OS X and Windows.
2016-04-19 18:45:16 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Decided to use character offsets instead of byte offsets for text layout attributes. This removes the shaky code from the OS X and Windows backends to compute a list of character offsets for byte offsets. The equivalent code for GTK+ to convert chars to bytes will be much more solid; it will be written next.
2016-04-19 14:39:33 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Added some helpers for actually returning a font from the font button on Windows. Similar helpers are needed on other platforms.
2016-04-18 19:18:29 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Finished changing the Windows font dialog and uiFontButton to manipulate IDWriteFonts directly.
2016-04-18 17:14:33 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Okay, I made a mistake: we want uiFontButton to return uiDrawFonts, not uiDrawFontDescriptors. Started the work to change the Windows one likewise.
2016-04-18 15:31:52 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
More work on the initial font and showing styles. I have a feeling my current approach is a mistake.
2016-04-18 13:32:48 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
And brought the new font out of the font dialog and into the font button. We should be good now...
2016-04-18 01:12:25 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Implemented loading of the font dialog font. Now to save it too.
2016-04-18 00:56:13 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Added support routines for migrating DirectWrite attributes.
2016-04-18 00:41:17 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Hooked the Windows font button and font dialog together at last. More TODOs. Now we just need to actually convert everything to DirectWrite and implement the label.
2016-04-17 22:09:18 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Implemented the correct behavior for the initial display of the size combobox of the font dialog. At this point we can move straight to manipulating the uiDrawFontDescriptors.
2016-04-17 21:11:55 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Properly implemented the size combobox. We're so close!
2016-04-17 20:10:14 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Implemented nearest style matches when changing families. Wow we're actually almost done here!
2016-04-17 19:37:03 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Implemented events and type-to-select for the Style combobox.
2016-04-17 19:22:37 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Implemented type-to-search in the font dialog.
2016-04-17 19:03:34 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Quick TODO resolution.
2016-04-17 16:49:50 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Migrated the font dialog from drawing its own sample text to having a D2D scratch control do it.
2016-04-17 13:06:45 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Added a Direct2D scratch control that will be used by the font and color dialogs we will implement.
2016-04-17 11:53:24 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
More font dialog work: split out all the combobox manipulation functions into their own function, made the current selection part of the structure, made the font families item data to the family combobox, and changed the font face string function to use the dedicated font face string method (thanks Windows 7 ChooseFont sample program).
2016-04-17 01:34:05 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Oh fixed the font dialog not showing all styles thing; stupid me forgot that a IDWriteFontFamily is also a IDWriteFontList.
2016-04-16 22:46:39 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
More font dialog work. Ugh if only I could just use the Windows 7 sample code one...
2016-04-16 22:15:19 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Quick compilation fixes. I really don't know what I'm doing right now.
2016-04-16 19:25:21 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
More sample work. Ugh this is a mess I should just use Direct2D after all.
2016-04-16 19:07:17 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Started work on previewing samples of fonts in the new font dialog. This adds all the boilerplate, including sample positioning. Also tightens up the dialog a bit. Now just to implement the actual drawing.
2016-04-16 17:58:45 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Removed uiFontDescriptor.SmallCaps; on Windows this has to be applied to layouts.
2016-04-15 14:23:16 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Removed the small caps checkbox from the new font dialog. It turns out that the small caps in DirectWrite is applied to a text layout, not a part of a font like it is elsewhere. Do we even still need the custom font dialog?
2016-04-15 13:57:26 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
More font dialog stuff.
2016-04-15 13:18:06 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Split the function to extract the correct string of an IDWriteLocalizedStrings instance out into its own function. I'm not sure if I'll need the informational strings out of a font (need to see what the strings actually say first), but in case I do, this will help.
2016-04-15 10:15:05 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Dropped uiDrawTextGravity. That has to do with vertical text, which we can both abstract into a higher level API and can't do yet because DirectWrite simply does not support vertical text on Windows 7 for reasons that escape logical thought.
2016-04-15 00:24:27 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
More fontdialog.cpp work. This is gonna kill me...
2016-04-14 22:40:01 -04:00 |