*`uiMainSteps()` no longer takes any arguments and no longer needs to invoke a function to do the work. You still need to call it, but once you do, it will return immediately and you can then get right to your main loop.
* Added `uiWindowContentSize()`, `uiWindowSetContentSize()`, and `uiWindowOnContentSizeChanged()` methods for manipulating uiWindow content sizes. Note the use of "content size"; the size you work with does NOT include window decorations (titlebars, menus, etc.).
* Added `uiWindowFullscreen()` and `uiWindowSetFullscreen()` to allow making fullscreen uiWindows, taking advantage of OS facilities for fullscreen and without changing the screen resolution (!).
* Added `uiMainSteps()`. You call this instead of `uiMain()` if you want to run the main loop yourself. You pass in a function that will be called; within that function, you call `uiMainStep()` repeatedly until it returns 0, doing whatever you need to do in the meantime. (This was needed because just having `uiMainStep()` by itself only worked on some systems.)
* uiDarwinControl now has a `ChildVisibilityChanged()` method and a corresponding `NotifyVisibilityChanged()` function that is called by the default show/hide handlers. This is used to make visibility changes work on OS X; uiBox, uiForm, and uiGrid all respect these now.
*`intmax_t` and `uintmax_t` are no longer used for libui API functions; now we use `int`. This should make things much easier for bindings. `int` should be at least 32 bits wide; this should be sufficient for all but the most extreme cases.
* Added `uiGrid`, a new container control that arranges controls in rows and columns, with stretchy ("expanding") rows, stretchy ("expanding") columns, cells that span rows and columns, and cells whose content is aligned in either direction rather than just filling. It's quite powerful, is it? =P
* Added `uiRadioButtonsSelected()`, `uiRadioButtonsSetSelected()`, and `uiRadioButtonsOnSelected()` to control selection of a radio button and catch an event when such a thing happens.
* Added `uiNewPasswordEntry()`, which creates a new `uiEntry` suitable for entering passwords.
* Added `uiNewSearchEntry()`, which creates a new `uiEntry` suitable for searching. On some systems, the `OnChanged()` event will be slightly delayed and/or combined, to produce a more natural feel when searching.
* Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 or newer (2013 is needed for `va_copy()`) — you can build either a static or a shared library
* MinGW-w64 (other flavors of MinGW may not work) — **you can only build a static library**; shared library support will be re-added once the following features come in:
* [Isolation awareness](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa375197%28v=vs.85%29.aspx), which is how you get themed controls from a DLL without needing a manifest
Pass `-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF` to `cmake` to build a static library. The standard cmake build configurations are provided; if none is specified, `Debug` is used.
If you use a makefile generator with cmake, then
$ make
$ make tester # for the test program
$ make examples # for examples
and pass `VERBOSE=1` to see build commands. Build targets will be in the `build/out` folder.
Project file generators should work, but are untested by me.
On Windows, I use the `Unix Makefiles` generator and GNU make (built using the `build_w32.bat` script included in the source and run in the Visual Studio command line). In this state, if MinGW-w64 (either 32-bit or 64-bit) is not in your `%PATH%`, cmake will use MSVC by default; otherwise, cmake will use with whatever MinGW-w64 is in your path. `set PATH=%PATH%;c:\msys2\mingw(32/64)\bin` should be enough to temporarily change to a MinGW-w64 build for the current command line session only if you installed MinGW-w64 through [MSYS2](https://msys2.github.io/); no need to change global environment variables constantly.
libui was originally written as part of my [package ui for Go](https://github.com/andlabs/ui). Now that libui is separate, package ui has become a binding to libui. As such, package ui is the only official binding.
Other people have made bindings to other languages: