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Scripting in Yosys
On the previous page we went through a synthesis script, running each command in
the interactive Yosys shell. On this page, we will be introducing the script
file format and how you can make your own synthesis scripts.
Yosys script files typically use the ``.ys`` extension and contain a set of
commands for Yosys to run sequentially. These commands are the same ones we
were using on the previous page like :cmd:ref:`read_verilog` and
:cmd:ref:`hierarchy`. As with the interactive shell, each command consists of
the command name, and an optional whitespace separated list of arguments.
Commands are terminated with the newline character, or by a semicolon (;).
Empty lines, and lines starting with the hash sign (#), are ignored.
The synthesis starter script
.. role:: yoscrypt(code)
:language: yoscrypt
All of the images and console output used in
:doc:`/getting_started/example_synth` were generated by Yosys, using Yosys
script files found in ``docs/source/code_examples/fifo``. If you haven't
already, let's take a look at some of those script files now.
.. literalinclude:: /code_examples/fifo/fifo.ys
:language: yoscrypt
:start-at: echo on
:end-before: design -reset
:caption: A section of ``fifo.ys``, generating the images used for :ref:`addr_gen_example`
:name: fifo-ys
The first command there, :yoscrypt:`echo on`, uses :cmd:ref:`echo` to enable
command echoes on. This is how we generated the code listing for
:ref:`hierarchy_output`. Turning command echoes on prints the ``yosys>
hierarchy -top addr_gen`` line, making the output look the same as if it were an
interactive terminal. :yoscrypt:`hierarchy -top addr_gen` is of course the
command we were demonstrating, including the output text and an image of the
design schematic after running it.
We briefly touched on :cmd:ref:`select` when it came up in
:cmd:ref:`synth_ice40`, but let's look at it more now.
.. _select_intro:
Selections intro
The :cmd:ref:`select` command is used to modify and view the list of selected
.. literalinclude:: /code_examples/fifo/fifo.out
:language: doscon
:start-at: yosys> select
:end-before: yosys> show
When we call :yoscrypt:`select -module addr_gen` we are changing the currently
active selection from the whole design, to just the ``addr_gen`` module. Notice
how this changes the ``yosys`` at the start of each command to ``yosys
[addr_gen]``? This indicates that any commands we run at this point will *only*
operate on the ``addr_gen`` module. When we then call :yoscrypt:`select -list`
we get a list of all objects in the ``addr_gen`` module, including the module
itself, as well as all of the wires, inputs, outputs, processes, and cells.
Next we perform another selection, :yoscrypt:`select t:*`. The ``t:`` part
signifies we are matching on the *cell type*, and the ``*`` means to match
anything. For this (very simple) selection, we are trying to find all of the
cells, regardless of their type. The active selection is now shown as
``[addr_gen]*``, indicating some sub-selection of the ``addr_gen`` module. This
gives us the ``$add`` and ``$eq`` cells, which we want to highlight for the
:ref:`addr_gen_hier` image.
.. _select_new_cells:
We can assign a name to a selection with :yoscrypt:`select -set`. In our case
we are using the name ``new_cells``, and telling it to use the current
selection, indicated by the ``%`` symbol. We can then use this named selection
by referring to it as ``@new_cells``, which we will see later. Then we clear
the selection so that the following commands can operate on the full design.
While we split that out for this document, we could have done the same thing in
a single line by calling :yoscrypt:`select -set new_cells addr_gen/t:*`. If we
know we only have the one module in our design, we can even skip the `addr_gen/`
part. Looking further down :ref:`the fifo.ys code <fifo-ys>` we can see this
with :yoscrypt:`select -set new_cells t:$mux t:*dff`. We can also see in that
command that selections don't have to be limited to a single statement.
Many commands also support an optional ``[selection]`` argument which can be
used to override the currently selected objects. We could, for example, call
:yoscrypt:`clean addr_gen` to have :cmd:ref:`clean` operate on *just* the
``addr_gen`` module.
Detailed documentation of the select framework can be found under
:doc:`/using_yosys/more_scripting/selections` or in the command reference at
.. _show_intro:
The show command
While the :cmd:ref:`select` command is very useful, sometimes nothing beats
being able to see a design for yourself. This is where :cmd:ref:`show` comes
in. Note that this document is just an introduction to the :cmd:ref:`show`
command, only covering the basics. For more information, including a guide on
what the different symbols represent, see :ref:`interactive_show` and the
:doc:`/using_yosys/more_scripting/interactive_investigation` page.
.. figure:: /_images/code_examples/fifo/addr_gen_show.*
:class: width-helper
:name: addr_gen_show
Calling :yoscrypt:`show addr_gen` after :cmd:ref:`hierarchy`
.. note::
The :cmd:ref:`show` command requires a working installation of `GraphViz`_
and `xdot`_ for displaying the actual circuit diagrams.
.. _GraphViz: http://www.graphviz.org/
.. _xdot: https://github.com/jrfonseca/xdot.py
This is the first :yoscrypt:`show` command we called in ``fifo.ys``, :ref:`as we
saw above <fifo-ys>`. If we look at the log output for this image we see the
.. literalinclude:: /code_examples/fifo/fifo.out
:language: doscon
:start-at: -prefix addr_gen_show
:end-before: yosys> show
Calling :cmd:ref:`show` with :yoscrypt:`-format dot` tells it we want to output
a ``.dot`` file rather than opening it for display. The :yoscrypt:`-prefix
addr_gen_show` option indicates we want the file to be called `addr_gen_show.*`.
Remember, we do this in ``fifo.ys`` because we need to store the image for
displaying in the documentation you're reading. But if you just want to display
the images locally you can skip these two options. The ``-format`` option
internally calls the ``dot`` command line program from GraphViz to convert to
formats other than ``.dot``. Check `GraphViz output docs`_ for more on
available formats.
.. _GraphViz output docs: https://graphviz.org/docs/outputs/
.. note::
If you are using a POSIX based version of Yosys (such as for Mac or Linux),
xdot will be opened in the background and Yosys can continue to be used. If
it it still open, future calls to :yoscrypt:`show` will use the same xdot
The ``addr_gen`` at the end tells it we only want the ``addr_gen`` module, just
like when we called :yoscrypt:`select -module addr_gen` in :ref:`select_intro`.
That last parameter doesn't have to be a module name, it can be any valid
selection string. Remember when we :ref:`assigned a name to a
selection<select_new_cells>` and called it ``new_cells``? We saw in the
:yoscrypt:`select -list` output that it contained two cells, an ``$add`` and an
``$eq``. We can call :cmd:ref:`show` on that selection just as easily:
.. figure:: /_images/code_examples/fifo/new_cells_show.*
:class: width-helper
:name: new_cells_show
Calling :yoscrypt:`show -notitle @new_cells`
We could have gotten the same output with :yoscrypt:`show -notitle t:$add t:$eq`
if we didn't have the named selection. By adding the :yoscrypt:`-notitle` flag
there we can also get rid of the ``addr_gen`` title that would have been
automatically added. The last two images were both added for this introduction.
The next image is the first one we saw in :doc:`/getting_started/example_synth`:
showing the full ``addr_gen`` module while also highlighting ``@new_cells`` and
the two ``PROC`` blocks. To achieve this highlight, we make use of the
:yoscrypt:`-color` option:
.. figure:: /_images/code_examples/fifo/addr_gen_hier.*
:class: width-helper
Calling :yoscrypt:`show -color maroon3 @new_cells -color cornflowerblue p:* -notitle`
As described in the the :cmd:ref:`help` output for :cmd:ref:`show` (or by
clicking on the :cmd:ref:`show` link), colors are specified as :yoscrypt:`-color
<color> <object>`. Color names for the ``<color>`` portion can be found on the
`GraphViz color docs`_. Unlike the final :cmd:ref:`show` parameter which can
have be any selection string, the ``<object>`` part must be a single selection
expression or named selection. That means while we can use ``@new_cells``, we
couldn't use ``t:$eq t:$add``. In general, if a command lists ``[selection]``
as its final parameter it can be any selection string. Any selections that are
not the final parameter, such as those used in options, must be a single
expression instead.
.. _GraphViz color docs: https://graphviz.org/doc/info/colors
.. seealso:: :ref:`interactive_show` on the
:doc:`/using_yosys/more_scripting/interactive_investigation` page.