
4.6 KiB

1Material ThicknessesValue (um)Variable name
2field oxide (above silicon surface) ... underneath poly0.07FOXSTEP
3min. etch and fill capability for isolation, licon, and met10.15DEFC
4min. etch and fill capability for mcon0.14CEFC
5min. etch and fill capability for via0.18VEFC
6poly cap after SPE0.2OVGTTH
7poly thickness0.18POLYTH
8oxide spacer 0.05SpThickn
9Pre-LI ILD thickness0.5ILDTHICKN
10Licon1 etch angle (deg)10LICETANG
11Standard Licon bottom CD0.08LBCD
12Mcon enclosure by Li0mconLiEnclosure
13Via1 slope0.02Via1Slope
14Oxide Bias for MM10.6BiasMM1
15Oxide Bias for MM20.6BiasMM2
16Oxide Bias for MM31.15BiasMM3
17Oxide Bias for MM41.15BiasMM4
18LI1 thickness for antenna ratio calculations0.1LiThick
19Metal 1 thickness for antenna ratio calculations (S8D*)0.35Met1Thick
20Metal 2 thickness for antenna ratio calculations (S8D*)0.35Met2Thick
21Inductor thickness for antenna ratio calculation (S8D*)4IndmThick
22Metal 3 thickness for antenna ratio calculation (S8Q/SP8Q)0.8Met3thick_q
23Metal4 thickness for antenna ratio calculation (S8Q*/SP8Q)2Met4Thick_q
24Metal 3 thickness for antenna ratio calculation (S8P*/SP8P*)0.8Met3thick_p
25Metal4 thickness for antenna ratio calculation (S8P*/SP8P*)0.8Met4Thick_p
26Metal5 thickness for antenna ratio calculation (S8P*/SP8P* with 2um thick metal)2Met5Thick_p
27Metal5 thickness for antenna ratio calculation (S8P*/SP8P* with 1.2um thick metal)1.2Met5Thickp_12
28Metal 2 thickness for antenna ratio calculations (SP8T/S8T*)0.35Met2_Qthick
29Metal 3 thickness for antenna ratio calculations (S8T* other than S8TM*)0.85Met3_Qthick
30Metal 3 thickness for antenna ratio calculations (S8TM* flow)2Met3_TMthick
31Metal 3 thickness for antenna ratio calculations (SP8T flow)0.8Met3_SP8Tthick
32Photoresist thickness1.14PRTHICKN
33Photoresist thickness for HV Tip Implants0.3PrThickImplant
34Min width of tip implant opening0.1minTip_impW
35NTM shadowing0.16ntmShadowing
36HVNTM shadowing0.232hvntmShadowing
37HVPTM shadowing0.089hvptmShadowing
39Channel length for low Vt PMOS0.35lvtpmos_poly
40Width of the Low Leakage gate on each side of LowVt Pmos connected to power rails (requirement based on exp data)0.28LvtEnc_forPowerRail
41CD tolerance for PDM (3s)1PdmCD_tol
42Min process bias 3s tolerance0.032PHTOL
43Min process bias 3s tolerance for poly0.02PHP1TOL
44Minimum Space and OverlapValue (um)Variable name
45Minimum mcon overlap onto LI for reproducible contact resistance0.12TCONOVLP
46Dogbone PR decay length (SRS 8/4/99)0.2DBPRDEC
47Bowing of rectangular contact (per edge) -- seal ring sizing0.015TBOWINGSEAL
48Waffling / Pattern DensityValueVariable name
49S8 average FOM PD (extractions from logic device)0.45FOMPDAVG
50Size of small PD extraction box for rough tolerance (um)700SMALLPDBOX
51Size of large PD extraction box for rough tolerance (um)2000LARGEPDBOX
52Min pattern density for oxide0.75OxideMinPD
53Min MM* PD range0.3MMPDrange
54FOM 700um box PD tolerance for CMP (SOI8 PCR2) for all technologies0.15FOM700TOL
55Stepping box shift as a percent of box size0.5BOXSHIFT
56Maximum metal waffle drop pattern density in the frame0.55PD_FrameWP
57Window size for frame waffle drop PD check100WP_PDWINDOW
58Step size for frame waffle drop PD check10WP_PDSTEP
59OtherValueVariable name
60Poly resistor width and spacing to reduce CD variation (um)0.33POLYRCD
61Poly resistor width and spacing to reduce CD variation (um)0.48POLYRSPC
62Spacing between slotted_licons (Not applicable when the two edges L= 0.19um)0.51LICM1SLSP1
63Precision resistor width to accommodate 6 contacts across2.03PRECRESW
64Li resistor width (to drop one Licon w/o dogbones)0.29LIRESCD
65Correction factor for spacing to a wide metal line2BIGMF
66Min spacing for created dnwell to pnp.dg (more restrictive than dnwell.4 rule)5cdnwPnpSpc
67Min spacing between nwell and deep nwell on separate nets (Taken from dnwell.3 from S4* TDR *N plus rounded up, IGK request.)6nwellDnwellSpc
68Min space between deep nwells used as photo diode (um)5PDDnwSpc
69Min space between dnwell (used for photo diode and other deep nwell (um)5.3PDDnwSpc1
70Min/Max width of nwell inside deep nwell (for photo diodes)0.84PDNwmCD
71Min/Max enclosure of nwell by deep nwell (for photo diode)1.08PDNwmDnwEnc
72Min/Max width of tap inside deep nwell (for photo diode)0.41PDTapCD
73Min/Max enclosure of tap by nwell inside deep nwell (for photo diode)0.215PDTapNwmEnc