Note about the managment of VIA & cuts: Components using a layer which
is a ViaLayer, that is one containing more than one BasicLayer,
multiple tiles are created in QueryTiles::goCallback().
Components that have a single BasicLayer of "cut" material will
also have their multiples tiles created in QueryTiles::goCallback().
Rectilinear components will have their multiples tiles created
in Tile::create(). Tile::create() return not all the tiles but the
one used as root (for the union find).
* New: In SweepLine::_buildCutConnexMap(), when using a "cut" layer
in a standalone way, and not as part of a ViaLayer, we do not
automatically know to which layer above & below they are connected.
We build a table for each cut layer, based on the ViaLayer,
to know all tops & belows layers they connect (this is cumulative,
in the case of "cut" towards the substrate).
Then in Tile::create(), we not only create the tile for the "cut"
but also in thoses connected layers (and link them in the union
* New: In Tile::create(), when we encounter a Rectilinear, break it
into rectangles and make as many tiles. All tiles linked to the
same root in the union find.
* Bug: In Hurricane::Rectilinear, ambiguous specification of the set
of points defining the shape. I did suppose that the start and and
point where not the same the last edge being between them.
But if FlexLib, it uses the GDSII inspired convention where the
first and last point must be the same, to indicate a closed contour.
This difference was not causing any difference with the drawing,
but it was a problem for getAsRectangle(). This was creating a
"false" extra vertical edge leading to a bigger rectangle.
And this, in turn, was making "false" intersections in the
tiling/sweepline of the extractor.
Add a more thorough checking of the points vector.
* New: Rectilinear::asRectangles(), decompose the Rectilinear into a
set of non-overlapping rectangles sliced vertically.
This not a mathematical minimum set. But should be speedier.
Done using a sweepline processing the vertical edges.
Specially suited for use in the extractor which basically
manage only rectangles.
Simple algorithm described in pp. 9-11 of Extractor notebook.
Tests done with unitests/python/, the
Rectilinear here should cover all the sweepline cases.
Definition: A buried net is a net that has no components at the top
Cell level. Typically example is a wire internal to a standard cell.
Those nets, while part of the complete design (flat) are not part
of the top netlist, and we may want not to see it.
A buried net is slighly different from a deep net. While a deepnet
is also not reaching the top level cell, we created it at top level
to be processed by the router (virtual flatten).
* New: Equipotential elements includes now:
1. Components at the top level (the cell owning the Equi).
2. Nets at the top level. If an equi include all the components
of a Net, own the Net, not all it's individual components.
3. Other equipotentials from the Instances immediatey below.
Thoses equis should be equivalents to the Plug of the Net.
They are stored in the form of Occurrences <Instance,Equi>,
the relation is stored on that Occurrence.
* New: Equipotential::getFlatComponents(), a collection to recursively
get all the *component* occurrences of the equi. Transhierarchically.
Go through components, nets components, and recursively through
the child equis.
* New: EquipotentialRelation, the master of this relation is the
Equipotential and the slaves, all its elements.
* Change: In Tile, in case the tile is build on a deep component,
we trace up the Equipotential it belongs to in the Instance
level immediately belonging to the Cell under extraction.
They must exists as we extract from bottom to top all the
master cells. So we have, for that tile an Occurrence
<Instance,Equi> that we can store in the current Equi level.
* Change/Bug: In Tile, add an Id to be reliably sort the tiles
in the IntervalTree. As we replaced the tile component occurrence
by a <Instance,Equi> we were having multiple tiles with the same
equi. This was causing havoc again in the IntervalTree.
Should add a check in the RbTree for elements with the
exact same key, but that would imply passing a new template
parameter for the "equal" function.
* Bug: In Interval::intersect(), bad condition check in strict mode.
* Change: In Occurrence::operator<(), change the sorting criterions
so that the ones with no paths are "lower", then the one with
no entities, then compare entities Id then Path hashes.
* Change: In Occurrence::getCompactString(), to be more readable,
suppress leading and ending "<>".
* Change: In IntervalTree, now use an IntervalDataCompare to control
the ordering of the nodes inside the tree. This may be needed
when IntervalData is build upon a pointer, we don't want to
sort on pointer values (non deterministic) .
* Bug: In IntervalTree::postRemove(), there was an incorrect computation
of the updated childsVMax.
* Bug: In IntervalTree::beginOverlaps(), miscalculated leftmost
interval overlapping.
* Bug: In RbTree::remove(), when exchanging the removed node for a
leaf, fully swap the nodes contents, was incompletly copied before.
* New: In CellWidget, add new slots selectSet(OccurrenceSet&) and
unselectSet(OccurrenceSet&), to be able to select/unselected sets
of Occurrence (for use by TabEquipotentials).
* Change: In EtesianEngine, no more need to remove leading/ending "<>".
* New: In Tramontana, use a Query to find all the Occurrence under
an area. Previously we were using Cell::getOccurrencesUnder()
which *do not* return the components in instances, so we would
have been unable to find trans-hierarchical shorts circuits.
* New: In tramontana, now use a Relation to tag all the components
belonging to an Equipotential.
* Change: In Equipotential, store everything under the form of
Occurrence, instead of Components. Due to the way the Occurrences
are sorted, the one holding Components should be firts.
* New: In Tramontana,
* Multi-layer support for the swap line. Split VIAs into their
various metal plates and link the two relevant tiles, ensuring
connexity between layers.
* Improved Equipotential information rebuild. Try to rebuild more
closely the Net characteristics. Improved tab widgets.
* New: Interval::CompareByMinMax, lexicographical comparison of
Intervals, first compare the lower bound (VMin) then the
upper bound (VMax). Needed for IntervalTree.
* Change: In IntervalTree, the key comparison was only based on
the lower bound (VMin). That means that the tree would accept
only one interval for a given VMin. You couldn't store both
[1:4] and [1:5]. Now use CompareByMinMax that allows it.
* New: In Component, typedef ComponentSet (set sorted on Ids).
* New: CellWidget::selectSet() & CellWidget::unselectSet() select/unselect
a whole set of component.
* New: Tramontana::Equipotential, implemented.
* Change: Tramontana::Tile, add UnionFind capabilities and Equipotential
* New: Tramontana::SweepLine, build upon Hurricane::IntervalTree,
can now perform a "one layer only" extraction (checked with "metal1").
* Change: In bootstrap, FindBootstrap.cmake, ccb (builder) & socInstaller,
suppress the "--qt5" argument as it the default now. Create a "--qt4"
to force building against the old one.
* Change: In bootstrap/cmake_modules/FindBootstrap.cmake, add a
"-Wl,--no-undefined" to the C++/ld flags to force checking of
undefined symbol at link time.
* In bootstrap/, under WSL it seems that setting up the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH makes the linker to ignore /etc/
To avoid that, use ldconfig to import all the known paths into
* New: In cumulus.designflow: add yosysnp to manage Yosys without
Python support enabled.
Add klayout support for running scripts in batch mode.
Add generic system command support.
* Change: In cumulus.designflow.task.TaskFlow, systematically
convert pathes (str) into pathlib.Path in targets and depends.
* New: In cumulus.designflow.clean.Clean, add cleaning by glob.
* Change: In cumulus/plugins/, new behavior for loading
plugins supplied as third party. In order to avoid messing up
with the "site-packages/coriolis/" main package tree (with
modules named "coriolis.<MODULE>", they have to be under
"site-packages/addons/coriolis/" (so modules will be named
"addons.coriolis.<MODULE>"). This should prevent *overwritting*
standard modules by third party ones.
Now uses pathlib for module loading.
Had a conflict between Hurricane.Path and pathlib.Path, now do
not import the Hurricane one into the module globals...