Add a new Track finishing stage: close short gaps of same nets wires.

* New: In Track::repair(), short gaps between segments of the same
    nets where occuring and being not detected. This was causing
    DRC minimal distance violations. Now, fuse the segments when
    they are too close. Done by extenting the duSource of the
    rightmost one to the leftlost one.
       Create ancillary class GapSet to manage the gaps of the
    various segment of the same net.
This commit is contained in:
Jean-Paul Chaput 2021-04-10 19:51:19 +02:00
parent d3ee38b01e
commit 81fffb9d0a
4 changed files with 144 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -844,13 +844,14 @@ namespace Katana {
// openSession();
// for ( RoutingPlane* plane : _routingPlanes ) {
// for ( Track* track : plane->getTracks() ) {
// track->expandMinArea();
// }
// }
// Session::close();
for ( RoutingPlane* plane : _routingPlanes ) {
for ( Track* track : plane->getTracks() ) {
setState( Anabatic::EngineDriving );

View File

@ -38,6 +38,95 @@ namespace {
using namespace Katana;
class GapSet {
GapSet ( const Track* );
inline size_t size () const;
inline const vector< pair<size_t,size_t> >&
spans () const;
inline DbU::Unit sourceU ( size_t ) const;
inline DbU::Unit targetU ( size_t ) const;
void merge ( size_t );
inline void clear ();
const Track* _track;
DbU::Unit _halfSpacing;
vector< pair<size_t,size_t> > _spans;
GapSet::GapSet ( const Track* track )
: _track(track)
, _halfSpacing(_track->getLayer()->getMinimalSpacing()/2)
, _spans()
{ }
inline size_t GapSet::size () const { return _spans.size(); }
inline const vector< pair<size_t,size_t> >& GapSet::spans () const { return _spans; }
inline void GapSet::clear ()
// cerr << "GapSet::clear()" << endl;
// for ( size_t i=0 ; i < _spans.size() ; ++i ) {
// cerr << " " << i << "=[" << DbU::getValueString(sourceU(i))
// << " " << DbU::getValueString(targetU(i)) << "] " ;
// }
// cerr << endl;
inline DbU::Unit GapSet::sourceU ( size_t i ) const
// if (_track->getSegment( _spans[i].first)->isNonPref()) {
// cerr << " Non-pref sourceU: " << DbU::getValueString(_track->getSegment( _spans[i].first )->getSourceU()) << endl;
// cerr << " " << _track->getSegment( _spans[i].first ) << endl;
// }
return (i<_spans.size()) ? _track->getSegment( _spans[i].first )->getSourceU()+_halfSpacing : 0;
inline DbU::Unit GapSet::targetU ( size_t i ) const
// if (_track->getSegment( _spans[i].second)->isNonPref()) {
// cerr << " Non-pref targetU: " << DbU::getValueString(_track->getSegment( _spans[i].second )->getTargetU()) << endl;
// cerr << " " << _track->getSegment( _spans[i].second ) << endl;
// }
return (i<_spans.size()) ? _track->getSegment( _spans[i].second )->getTargetU()-_halfSpacing : 0;
void GapSet::merge ( size_t i )
// cerr << "GapSet::merge() " << _track->getSegment( i ) << endl;
if (_spans.empty()) {
_spans.push_back( make_pair(i,i) );
size_t ispan = 0;
TrackElement* element = _track->getSegment( i );
DbU::Unit segSourceU = element->getSourceU()+_halfSpacing;
DbU::Unit segTargetU = element->getTargetU()-_halfSpacing;
for ( ; ispan<_spans.size() ; ++ispan ) {
if (targetU(ispan) >= segSourceU) {
if (targetU(ispan) >= segTargetU)
_spans[ispan].second = i;
if (ispan == _spans.size()) {
_spans.push_back( make_pair(i,i) );
while ( ispan+1 < _spans.size() ) {
if (targetU(ispan) >= sourceU(ispan+1)) {
_spans[ispan].second = std::max( targetU(ispan), targetU(ispan+1) );
_spans.erase( _spans.begin()+ispan+1 );
struct isDetachedSegment {
bool operator() ( const TrackElement* s ) { return not s->getTrack(); };
@ -847,6 +936,48 @@ namespace Katana {
uint32_t Track::repair () const
if (_segments.empty()) return 0;
DbU::Unit minSpacing = getLayer()->getMinimalSpacing();
uint32_t gaps = 0;
GapSet gapset ( this );
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_segments.size()-1 ; i++ ) {
gapset.merge( i );
if ( (_segments[i]->getNet() != _segments[i+1]->getNet())
or _segments[i]->getLayer()->isBlockage() ) {
if (gapset.size() > 1) {
// cerr << "potential gap around " << _segments[i] << endl;
for ( size_t j=0 ; j+1 < gapset.size() ; ++j ) {
// cerr << j << "=[" << DbU::getValueString(gapset.sourceU(j))
// << " " << DbU::getValueString(gapset.targetU(j)) << "], "
// << j+1 << "=[" << DbU::getValueString(gapset.sourceU(j+1))
// << " " << DbU::getValueString(gapset.targetU(j+1)) << "]" << endl;
DbU::Unit spacing = gapset.sourceU(j+1) - gapset.targetU(j);
// cerr << "| spacing=" << DbU::getValueString(spacing) << endl;
if (spacing < minSpacing) {
AutoSegment* first = _segments[j+1]->base();
for ( AutoSegment* segment : _segments[j]->base()->getAligneds() ) {
if (segment->getSourcePosition() < first->getSourcePosition())
first = segment;
first->setDuSource( first->getDuSource() - spacing );
cerr << Warning( " Track::repair(): Closing same net gap in %s near:\n %s"
, getString(this).c_str()
, getString(_segments[i-1]).c_str() ) << endl;
return gaps;
uint32_t Track::checkOverlap ( uint32_t& overlaps ) const
if ( !_segments.size() ) return 0;
@ -874,7 +1005,7 @@ namespace Katana {
if ( (j<_segments.size())
&& (_segments[i]->getTargetU() > _segments[j]->getSourceU()) ) {
and (_segments[i]->getTargetU() > _segments[j]->getSourceU()) ) {
cerr << Error("Overlap in %s between:\n %s\n %s\n TargetU:%s SourceU:%s"

View File

@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ namespace Katana {
if (track) {
uint32_t depth = track->getDepth();
Technology* technology = DataBase::getDB()->getTechnology();
const Layer* layer1 = track->getLayer()->getBlockageLayer();
//Technology* technology = DataBase::getDB()->getTechnology();
//const Layer* layer1 = track->getLayer()->getBlockageLayer();
//RegularLayer* layer2 = dynamic_cast<RegularLayer*>(technology->getLayer(layer1->getMask()));
//if (layer2) {
//cerr << track->getLayer() << " minSpace:" << DbU::getValueString(track->getLayer()->getMinimalSpacing()) << endl;

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@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ namespace Katana {
TrackCost& addOverlapCost ( TrackCost& ) const;
void getTerminalWeight ( Interval, Net*, size_t& count, uint32_t& weight ) const;
DbU::Unit getSourcePosition ( size_t index ) const;
uint32_t repair () const;
bool check ( uint32_t& overlaps, const char* message=NULL ) const;
uint32_t checkOverlap ( uint32_t& overlaps ) const;
uint32_t checkMinArea () const;