2022-09-30 03:42:36 -05:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import collections
import json
import sys
import os
from pathlib import Path
import json
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from datetime import datetime
import random
from pathlib import Path
2022-10-02 08:37:12 -05:00
iverilog = True
vcs = False
2022-09-30 03:42:36 -05:00
def go_up ( path , n ) :
for i in range ( n ) :
path = os . path . dirname ( path )
return path
# search pattern in file
def search_str ( file_path , word ) :
with open ( file_path , ' r ' ) as file :
# read all content of a file
content = file . read ( )
# check if string present in a file
if word in content :
return " passed "
else :
return " failed "
class RunTest :
def __init__ ( self , test_name , sim ) - > None :
self . cocotb_path = os . getcwd ( )
self . test_name = test_name
self . sim_type = sim
self . create_log_file ( )
self . hex_generate ( )
self . runTest ( )
# create and open full terminal log to be able to use it before run the test
def create_log_file ( self ) :
self . cd_cocotb ( )
os . chdir ( f " sim/ { os . getenv ( ' RUNTAG ' ) } " )
test_dir = f " { self . sim_type } - { self . test_name } "
os . makedirs ( f " { test_dir } " , exist_ok = True )
self . cd_cocotb ( )
self . sim_path = f " sim/ { os . getenv ( ' RUNTAG ' ) } / { test_dir } / "
terminal_log = f " { self . sim_path } /fullTerminal.log "
test_log = f " { self . sim_path } / { self . test_name } .log "
self . full_terminal = open ( test_log , " w " )
2022-10-02 08:37:12 -05:00
def runTest ( self ) :
if ( iverilog ) : return self . runTest_iverilog ( )
elif ( vcs ) : return self . runTest_vcs ( )
2022-09-30 03:42:36 -05:00
# iverilog function
2022-10-02 08:37:12 -05:00
def runTest_iverilog ( self ) :
print ( f " Start running test: { self . sim_type } - { self . test_name } " )
os . system ( f " TestName= { self . test_name } SIM= { self . sim_type } make cocotb >> { self . full_terminal . name } " )
self . passed = search_str ( self . full_terminal . name , " Test passed with (0)criticals (0)errors " )
Path ( f ' { self . sim_path } / { self . passed } ' ) . touch ( )
2022-09-30 03:42:36 -05:00
2022-10-02 08:37:12 -05:00
# vcs function
def runTest_vcs ( self ) :
2022-09-30 03:42:36 -05:00
print ( f " Start running test: { self . sim_type } - { self . test_name } " )
dirs = f ' +incdir+ \\ \" { go_up ( self . cocotb_path , 4 ) } \\ \" '
macros = f ' +define+FUNCTIONAL +define+USE_POWER_PINS +define+UNIT_DELAY=#1 +define+MAIN_PATH= \\ \" { self . cocotb_path } \\ \" +define+VCS '
# shutil.copyfile(f'{self.test_full_dir}/{self.test_name}.hex',f'{self.sim_path}/{self.test_name}.hex')
# if os.path.exists(f'{self.test_full_dir}/test_data'):
# shutil.copyfile(f'{self.test_full_dir}/test_data',f'{self.sim_path}/test_data')
if ( self . sim_type == " GL_SDF " ) :
macros = f ' { macros } +define+ENABLE_SDF +define+SIM=GL_SDF +define+GL +define+SDF_POSTFIX= \\ \" - { self . corner } \\ \" '
os . makedirs ( f " annotation_logs " , exist_ok = True )
elif ( self . sim_type == " GL " ) :
macros = f ' { macros } +define+GL +define+SIM=GL '
elif ( self . sim_type == " RTL " ) :
macros = f ' { macros } +define+SIM= \\ \" RTL \\ \" '
else :
print ( f " Fatal: incorrect simulation type { self . sim_type } " )
os . environ [ " TESTCASE " ] = f " { self . test_name } "
os . environ [ " MODULE " ] = f " caravel_tests "
os . environ [ " SIM " ] = self . sim_type
os . system ( f " vlogan -full64 -sverilog +error+25 caravel_top.sv { dirs } { macros } +define+TESTNAME= \\ \" { self . test_name } \\ \" +define+FTESTNAME= \\ \" { self . sim_type } - { self . test_name } \\ \" +define+TAG= \\ \" { os . getenv ( ' RUNTAG ' ) } \\ \" -l { self . sim_path } /analysis.log -o { self . sim_path } " )
os . system ( f " vcs -cm line -R -diag=sdf:verbose +sdfverbose +neg_tchk -debug_access -full64 -l { self . sim_path } /test.log caravel_top -Mdir= { self . sim_path } /csrc -o { self . sim_path } /simv +vpi -P pli.tab -load $(cocotb-config --lib-name-path vpi vcs) " )
self . passed = search_str ( self . full_terminal . name , " Test passed with (0)criticals (0)errors " )
Path ( f ' { self . sim_path } / { self . passed } ' ) . touch ( )
2022-10-01 14:28:52 -05:00
os . system ( " rm AN.DB/ cm.log results.xml ucli.key -r " )
2022-10-02 08:37:12 -05:00
2022-09-30 03:42:36 -05:00
def find ( self , name , path ) :
for root , dirs , files in os . walk ( path ) :
if name in files :
return os . path . join ( root , name )
print ( f " Test { name } doesn ' t exist or don ' t have a C file " )
def test_path ( self ) :
test_name = self . test_name
test_name + = " .c "
tests_path = os . path . abspath ( f " { self . cocotb_path } /tests " )
test_file = self . find ( test_name , tests_path )
test_path = os . path . dirname ( test_file )
return ( test_path )
def hex_generate ( self ) :
#open docker
test_path = self . test_path ( )
self . cd_make ( )
2022-10-02 08:37:12 -05:00
if not os . path . exists ( f " { self . cocotb_path } /hex_files " ) :
os . makedirs ( f " { self . cocotb_path } /hex_files " ) # Create a new hex_files directory because it does not exist
2022-09-30 03:42:36 -05:00
elf_out = f " { self . cocotb_path } /hex_files/ { self . test_name } .elf "
c_file = f " { test_path } / { self . test_name } .c "
hex_file = f " { self . cocotb_path } /hex_files/ { self . test_name } .hex "
GCC_PATH = " /foss/tools/riscv-gnu-toolchain-rv32i/217e7f3debe424d61374d31e33a091a630535937/bin/ "
GCC_PREFIX = " riscv32-unknown-linux-gnu "
SOURCE_FILES = f " { os . getenv ( ' FIRMWARE_PATH ' ) } /crt0_vex.S { os . getenv ( ' FIRMWARE_PATH ' ) } /isr.c "
LINKER_SCRIPT = f " { os . getenv ( ' FIRMWARE_PATH ' ) } /sections.lds "
CPUFLAGS = f " -march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32 -D__vexriscv__ "
verilog_path = f " { os . getenv ( ' VERILOG_PATH ' ) } "
test_dir = f " { os . getenv ( ' VERILOG_PATH ' ) } /dv/tests-caravel/mem " # linker script include // TODO: to fix this in the future from the mgmt repo
print ( test_dir )
elf_command = ( f " { GCC_PATH } / { GCC_PREFIX } -gcc -g -I { verilog_path } /dv/firmware -I { verilog_path } /dv/generated -I { verilog_path } /dv/ "
f " -I { verilog_path } /common { CPUFLAGS } -Wl,-Bstatic,-T, { LINKER_SCRIPT } , "
f " --strip-debug -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o { elf_out } { SOURCE_FILES } { c_file } " )
hex_command = f " { GCC_PATH } / { GCC_PREFIX } -objcopy -O verilog { elf_out } { hex_file } "
sed_command = f " sed -ie ' s/@10/@00/g ' { hex_file } "
2022-10-01 03:48:55 -05:00
hex_gen_state = os . system ( f " docker run -it -v /home:/home efabless/dv:latest sh -c ' cd { test_dir } && { elf_command } && { hex_command } && { sed_command } ' " )
2022-09-30 03:42:36 -05:00
self . full_terminal . write ( os . path . expandvars ( elf_command ) + " \n " + " \n " )
self . full_terminal . write ( os . path . expandvars ( hex_command ) + " \n " + " \n " )
self . full_terminal . write ( os . path . expandvars ( sed_command ) + " \n " + " \n " )
self . cd_cocotb ( )
self . full_terminal . close ( )
2022-10-01 03:48:55 -05:00
if hex_gen_state != 0 :
print ( f " fatal: Error when generating hex " )
sys . exit ( )
2022-09-30 03:42:36 -05:00
def cd_make ( self ) :
os . chdir ( f " { os . getenv ( ' VERILOG_PATH ' ) } /dv/make " )
def cd_cocotb ( self ) :
os . chdir ( self . cocotb_path )
class RunRegression :
def __init__ ( self , regression , test , type_arg , testlist ) - > None :
self . regression_arg = regression
self . test_arg = test
self . testlist_arg = testlist
if type_arg is None :
type_arg = " RTL "
self . type_arg = type_arg
self . write_command_log ( )
with open ( ' tests.json ' ) as f :
self . tests_json = json . load ( f )
self . tests_json = self . tests_json [ " Tests " ]
self . get_tests ( )
self . run_regression ( )
def get_tests ( self ) :
self . tests = collections . defaultdict ( lambda : collections . defaultdict ( dict ) ) #key is testname and value is list of sim types
self . unknown_tests = 0
self . passed_tests = 0
self . failed_tests = 0
# regression
if self . regression_arg is not None :
sim_types = ( " RTL " , " GL " , " GL_SDF " )
for test , test_elements in self . tests_json . items ( ) :
if fnmatch ( test , " _* " ) :
for sim_type in sim_types :
if self . regression_arg in test_elements [ sim_type ] :
self . add_new_test ( test_name = test , sim_type = sim_type )
if ( len ( self . tests ) == 0 ) :
print ( f " fatal: { self . regression_arg } is not a valid regression name please input a valid regression \n check tests.json for more info " )
sys . exit ( )
if self . test_arg is not None :
if isinstance ( self . test_arg , list ) :
for test in self . test_arg :
if test in self . tests_json :
if isinstance ( self . type_arg , list ) :
for sim_type in self . type_arg :
self . add_new_test ( test_name = test , sim_type = sim_type )
else :
self . add_new_test ( test_name = test , sim_type = self . type_arg )
else :
if self . test_arg in self . tests_json :
if isinstance ( self . type_arg , list ) :
for sim_type in self . type_arg :
self . add_new_test ( test_name = self . test_arg , sim_type = sim_type )
else :
self . add_new_test ( test_name = self . test_arg , sim_type = self . type_arg )
# testlist TODO: add logic for test list
if self . testlist_arg is not None :
print ( f ' fatal: code for test list isnt added yet ' )
sys . exit ( )
self . update_reg_log ( )
def add_new_test ( self , test_name , sim_type ) :
self . tests [ test_name ] [ sim_type ] [ " status " ] = " pending "
self . tests [ test_name ] [ sim_type ] [ " starttime " ] = " - "
self . tests [ test_name ] [ sim_type ] [ " endtime " ] = " - "
self . tests [ test_name ] [ sim_type ] [ " duration " ] = " - "
self . tests [ test_name ] [ sim_type ] [ " pass " ] = " - "
self . unknown_tests + = 1
def run_regression ( self ) :
for test , sim_types in self . tests . items ( ) :
for sim_type , status in sim_types . items ( ) : # TODO: add multithreading or multiprocessing here
start_time = datetime . now ( )
self . tests [ test ] [ sim_type ] [ " starttime " ] = datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % H: % M: % S( %a ) " )
self . tests [ test ] [ sim_type ] [ " duration " ] = " - "
self . tests [ test ] [ sim_type ] [ " status " ] = " running "
self . update_reg_log ( )
test_run = RunTest ( test , sim_type )
self . tests [ test ] [ sim_type ] [ " status " ] = " done "
self . tests [ test ] [ sim_type ] [ " endtime " ] = datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % H: % M: % S( %a ) " )
self . tests [ test ] [ sim_type ] [ " duration " ] = ( " %.10s " % ( datetime . now ( ) - start_time ) )
self . tests [ test ] [ sim_type ] [ " pass " ] = test_run . passed
if test_run . passed == " passed " :
self . passed_tests + = 1
elif test_run . passed == " failed " :
self . failed_tests + = 1
self . unknown_tests - = 1
self . update_reg_log ( )
#TODO: add send mail here
def update_reg_log ( self ) :
file_name = f " sim/ { os . getenv ( ' RUNTAG ' ) } /runs.log "
f = open ( file_name , " w " )
f . write ( f " { ' Test ' : <25 } { ' status ' : <10 } { ' start ' : <15 } { ' end ' : <15 } { ' duration ' : <13 } { ' p/f ' : <5 } \n " )
for test , sim_types in self . tests . items ( ) :
for sim_type , status in sim_types . items ( ) :
new_test_name = f " { sim_type } - { test } "
f . write ( f " { new_test_name : <25 } { status [ ' status ' ] : <10 } { status [ ' starttime ' ] : <15 } { status [ ' endtime ' ] : <15 } { status [ ' duration ' ] : <13 } { status [ ' pass ' ] : <5 } \n " )
f . write ( f " \n \n Total: ( { self . passed_tests } )passed ( { self . failed_tests } )failed ( { self . unknown_tests } )unknown " )
f . close ( )
def write_command_log ( self ) :
file_name = f " sim/ { os . getenv ( ' RUNTAG ' ) } /command.log "
f = open ( file_name , " w " )
f . write ( f " { ' ' . join ( sys . argv ) } " )
f . close ( )
class main ( ) :
def __init__ ( self , args ) - > None :
self . regression = args . regression
self . test = args . test
self . testlist = args . testlist
self . type = args . sim
self . tag = args . tag
self . maxerr = args . maxerr
self . check_valid_args ( )
self . set_tag ( )
self . def_env_vars ( )
RunRegression ( self . regression , self . test , self . type , self . testlist )
def check_valid_args ( self ) :
if all ( v is None for v in [ self . regression , self . test , self . testlist ] ) :
print ( " Fatal: Should provide at least one of the following options regression, test or testlist for more info use --help " )
sys . exit ( )
if not set ( self . type ) . issubset ( [ " RTL " , " GL " , " GL_SDF " ] ) :
print ( f " Fatal: { self . type } isnt a correct type for -sim it should be one or combination of the following RTL, GL or GL_SDF " )
sys . exit ( )
def set_tag ( self ) :
self . TAG = None # tag will be set in the main phase and other functions will use it
if self . tag is not None :
self . TAG = self . tag
elif self . regression is not None :
self . TAG = f ' { self . regression } _ { datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % H_ % M_ % S_ %d _ % m " ) } '
else :
self . TAG = f ' run { random . randint ( 0 , 1000 ) } _ { datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % H_ % M_ % S_ %d _ % m " ) } '
Path ( f " sim/ { self . TAG } " ) . mkdir ( parents = True , exist_ok = True )
print ( f " Run tag: { self . TAG } " )
def def_env_vars ( self ) :
cocotb_path = os . getcwd ( )
repo_path = go_up ( cocotb_path , 4 )
os . environ [ " CARAVEL_ROOT " ] = f " { repo_path } /caravel "
os . environ [ " CARAVEL_VERILOG_PATH " ] = f " { repo_path } /caravel/verilog "
os . environ [ " MCW_ROOT " ] = f " { repo_path } /caravel_mgmt_soc_litex/ "
os . environ [ " VERILOG_PATH " ] = f " { os . getenv ( ' MCW_ROOT ' ) } /verilog "
os . environ [ " CARAVEL_PATH " ] = f " { os . getenv ( ' CARAVEL_VERILOG_PATH ' ) } "
os . environ [ " USER_PROJECT_VERILOG " ] = f " { repo_path } /verilog/ "
os . environ [ " GCC_PATH " ] = " /ciic/tools/rv32/bin "
os . environ [ " FIRMWARE_PATH " ] = f " { os . getenv ( ' MCW_ROOT ' ) } /verilog/dv/firmware "
os . environ [ " RUNTAG " ] = f " { self . TAG } "
print ( self . maxerr )
os . environ [ " ERRORMAX " ] = f " { self . maxerr } "
import argparse
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = ' Run cocotb tests ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' -regression ' , ' -r ' , help = ' name of regression can found in tests.json ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' -test ' , ' -t ' , nargs = ' + ' , help = ' name of test if no --sim provided RTL will be run <takes list as input> ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' -sim ' , nargs = ' + ' , help = ' Simulation type to be run RTL,GL&GL_SDF provided only when run -test <takes list as input> ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' -testlist ' , ' -tl ' , help = ' path of testlist to be run ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' -tag ' , help = ' provide tag of the run default would be regression name and if no regression is provided would be run_<random float>_<timestamp>_ ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' -maxerr ' , help = ' max number of errors for every test before simulation breaks default = 3 ' )
2022-10-02 08:37:12 -05:00
parser . add_argument ( ' -vcs ' , ' -v ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' use vcs as compiler if not used iverilog would be used ' )
2022-09-30 03:42:36 -05:00
args = parser . parse_args ( )
2022-10-02 08:37:12 -05:00
if ( args . vcs ) :
iverilog = False
vcs = True
2022-09-30 03:42:36 -05:00
if args . sim == None :
args . sim = [ " RTL " ]
print ( f " regression: { args . regression } , test: { args . test } , testlist: { args . testlist } sim: { args . sim } " )
main ( args )