Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into ganesh_dev
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
*.gds filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.spef filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
TESTBENCH/**/*.v filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
TESTBENCH/*/pnr/verilog_testbench/*_tb.v filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ sudo apt-get install libxft-dev
sudo apt-get install libxml++2.6-dev
sudo apt-get install perl
sudo apt-get install python
sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools
sudo apt-get install python-lxml
sudo apt-get install texinfo
sudo apt-get install time
@ -46,3 +47,5 @@ sudo apt-get install g++-9
sudo apt-get install gcc-9
sudo apt-get install clang-6.0
sudo apt-get install clang-8
# Python dependencies
python3 -m pip install -r /home/runner/work/SOFA/SOFA/OpenFPGA/requirements.txt
@ -103,7 +103,8 @@
<circuit_model type="pass_gate" name="TGATE" prefix="TGATE" is_default="true">
<!-- Trick OpenFPGA to avoid auto-generating TGATE modules, which are not used in PnR -->
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@ -288,7 +289,7 @@
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<global_port name="Reset" tile_port="clb.reset" is_reset="true" default_val="1"/>
<!-- physical pb_type binding in complex block IO -->
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
#Handle references in bibtex format
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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
.. _datasheet_sofa_hd:
.. _datasheet_qlsofa_hd:
@ -8,29 +8,14 @@ Circuit Designs
I/O Circuit
As shown in :numref:`fig_qlsofa_hd_embedded_io_schematic`, the I/O circuit used in the I/O tiles of the FPGA fabric (see :numref:`fig_qlsofa_hd_fpga_arch`) is an digital I/O cell with
QLSOFA HD FPGA share the same I/O circuit design as SOFA HD FPGA.
See details at :ref:`sofa_hd_circuit_design_io`.
- An **active-low** I/O isolation signal ``IO_ISOL_N`` to set the I/O in input mode. This is to avoid any unexpected output signals to damage circuits outside the FPGA due to configurable memories are not properly initialized.
.. _sofa_hd_circuit_design_mux:
.. warning:: This feature may not be needed if the configurable memory cell has a built-in set/reset functionality!
- An internal protection circuitry to ensure clean signals at all the SOC I/O ports. This is to avoid
QLSOFA HD FPGA share the same multiplexer design as SOFA HD FPGA.
See details at :ref:`sofa_hd_circuit_design_mux`.
- ``SOC_OUT`` port outputs any random signal when the I/O is in input mode
- ``FPGA_IN`` port is driven by any random signal when the I/O is output mode
- An internal configurable memory element to control the direction of I/O cell
The truth table of the I/O cell is consistent with the GPIO cell of Caravel SoC, where
- When configuration bit (FF output) is logic ``1``, the I/O cell is in input mode
- When configuration bit (FF output) is logic ``0``, the I/O cell is in output mode
.. _fig_qlsofa_hd_embedded_io_schematic:
.. figure:: ./figures/qlsofa_hd_embedded_io_schematic.svg
:scale: 30%
:alt: Schematic of embedded I/O cell used in FPGA
Schematic of embedded I/O cell used in FPGA
@ -8,21 +8,8 @@ Architecture
:numref:`fig_qlsofa_hd_fpga_arch` shows an overview on the architecture of the embedded FPGA fabric.
The FPGA follows a homogeneous architecture which only contains single type of tiles in the center fabric.
I/O tiles are placed at the boundary of the FPGA to interface with GPIOs and RISC-V processors (see details in :ref:`qlsofa_hd_io_resource`).
.. _fig_qlsofa_hd_fpga_arch:
.. figure:: ./figures/qlsofa_hd_fpga_arch.svg
:scale: 25%
:alt: Tile-based FPGA architecture
Tile-based FPGA architecture
.. _qlsofa_hd_fpga_arch_tiles:
QLSOFA HD FPGA share the same floroplan as SOFA HD FPGA.
See details at :ref:`sofa_hd_fpga_arch_floorplan`.
@ -64,19 +51,5 @@ The FPGA architecture follows a tile-based organization, to exploit the fine-gra
There is a built-in scan-chain in the FPGA which connects the the `sc_in` and `sc_out` ports of CLBs in a chain (see details in :ref:`qlsofa_hd_clb_arch_scan_chain`), as illustrated in :numref:`fig_qlsofa_hd_fabric_scan_chain`.
When `Test_en` signal is active, users can
- overwrite the contents of all the D-type flip-flops in the FPGA by feeding signals to the `SC_HEAD` port
- readback the contents of all the D-type flip-flops in the FPGA through the `SC_TAIL` port.
.. _fig_qlsofa_hd_fabric_scan_chain:
.. figure:: ./figures/qlsofa_hd_fabric_scan_chain.svg
:scale: 25%
:alt: Built-in scan-chain across FPGA
Built-in scan-chain across FPGA
QLSOFA HD FPGA share the same floroplan as SOFA HD FPGA.
See details at :ref:`sofa_hd_fpga_arch_scan_chain`.
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ I/O Resources
Pin Assignment
The *High-Density* (HD) FPGA IP has 144 data I/O pins as shown in :numref:`fig_qlsofa_hd_fpga_io_switch`.
The QLSOFA HD FPGA IP has 144 data I/O pins as shown in :numref:`fig_qlsofa_hd_fpga_io_switch`.
Among the 144 I/Os,
@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ Among the 144 I/Os,
:scale: 20%
:alt: I/O arrangement of FPGA IP
I/O arrangement of *High-Density* (HD) FPGA IP: switchable between logic analyzer and wishbone bus interface
I/O arrangement of QLSOFA HD FPGA IP: switchable between logic analyzer and wishbone bus interface
.. _io_resource_qlsofa_hd_external_io:
External I/Os
A SOFA HD FPGA IP contains 37 external I/O pins, including 27 data I/Os and 10 control I/Os.
A QLSOFA HD FPGA IP contains 37 external I/O pins, including 27 data I/Os and 10 control I/Os.
Full details are summarized in the following table.
@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
.. _datasheet_sofa_chd:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
.. _sofa_chd_circuit_design:
Circuit Designs
.. _sofa_chd_circuit_design_io:
I/O Circuit
SOFA CHD FPGA share the same I/O circuit design as SOFA HD FPGA.
See details at :ref:`sofa_hd_circuit_design_io`.
.. _sofa_hd_circuit_design_mux:
Routing multiplexer are designed by using a few custom cells based on the Skywater *High-Density* (HD) PDK, as shown in :numref:`fig_sofa_chd_mux_circuit`.
The multiplexer design follows a two-level structure, which is applied to all the routing multiplexers in logic elements, connection blocks and switch blocks across the FPGA fabric.
.. _fig_sofa_chd_mux_circuit:
.. figure:: ./figures/sofa_chd_mux_circuit.svg
:scale: 30%
:alt: Schematic of multiplexer design in SOFA CHD FPGA
Schematic of multiplexer design in SOFA CHD FPGA
Each primitive in the two-level structure could be a 2/3/4-input custom cell, depending on the input size of the routing multiplexer.
Each custom cell is built with input inverters and transmission-gates.
For instance, :numref:`fig_sofa_chd_custom_mux_cells` shows the transistor-level design of a 3-input custom cell.
.. _fig_sofa_chd_custom_mux_cells:
.. figure:: ./figures/custom_mux_cells.svg
:scale: 40%
:alt: Detailed schematic of a 3-input custom cell in SOFA CHD FPGA
Detailed schematic of a 3-input custom cell in SOFA CHD FPGA
.. note:: Each routing multiplexer has a dedicated input which is connected to ground (GND) signal. When it is not used, the output will be driven by the ground, working as a constant generator.
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
.. _sofa_chd_clb_arch:
Configurable Logic Block
The SOFA CHD FPGA IP share the same *Configurable Logic Block* (CLB) architecture as QLSOFA HD FPGA IP.
See details at :ref:`qlsofa_hd_clb_arch`.
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
.. _sofa_chd_fpga_arch:
SOFA CHD FPGA share the same architecture as QLSOFA HD FPGA.
See full details at :ref:`qlsofa_hd_fpga_arch`.
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
.. _sofa_chd_io_resource:
I/O Resources
The SOFA CHD FPGA IP share the same I/O resource arragement as QLSOFA HD FPGA IP.
See details at :ref:`qlsofa_hd_io_resource`.
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
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@ -248,6 +245,21 @@
<circle cx="917.8945" cy="1146.375" r="4.50000719055851" fill="white"/>
<circle cx="917.8945" cy="1146.375" r="4.50000719055851" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"/>
<g id="Graphic_609">
<circle cx="855.0503" cy="1244.5984" r="4.50000719055848" fill="white"/>
<circle cx="855.0503" cy="1244.5984" r="4.50000719055848" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"/>
<g id="Graphic_610">
<path d="M 864.3836 1215 L 855.0503 1231.6467 L 845.7169 1215 Z" fill="white"/>
<path d="M 864.3836 1215 L 855.0503 1231.6467 L 845.7169 1215 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"/>
<g id="Graphic_611">
<circle cx="855.5503" cy="1230.6235" r="2.5532776857906" fill="white"/>
<circle cx="855.5503" cy="1230.6235" r="2.5532776857906" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"/>
<g id="Line_612">
<line x1="744.75" y1="1199.6042" x2="853.519" y2="1199.8096" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"/>
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 18 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 19 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 48 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 86 KiB |
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ As shown in :numref:`fig_sofa_hd_embedded_io_schematic`, the I/O circuit used in
- An internal configurable memory element to control the direction of I/O cell
The truth table of the I/O cell is consistent with the GPIO cell of Caravel SoC, where
The truth table of the I/O cell is consistent with the GPIO cell of Caravel SoC (which requires an active-low signal to enable output directionality), where
- When configuration bit (FF output) is logic ``1``, the I/O cell is in input mode
@ -34,3 +34,36 @@ The truth table of the I/O cell is consistent with the GPIO cell of Caravel SoC,
:alt: Schematic of embedded I/O cell used in FPGA
Schematic of embedded I/O cell used in FPGA
:numref:`fig_sofa_hd_embedded_io_test_waveform` shows an example waveform about how the I/O cell works:
- When ``IO_ISOL_N`` is enabled/disabled
- When operates in input mode
- When operates in output mode
.. _fig_sofa_hd_embedded_io_test_waveform:
.. figure:: ./figures/sofa_hd_embedded_io_test_waveform.svg
:scale: 30%
:alt: Schematic of embedded I/O cell used in FPGA
An example of waveforms of embedded I/O cell used in FPGA
.. _sofa_hd_circuit_design_mux:
Routing multiplexer are designed by using the skywater *High-Density* (HD) 2-input MUX cell, as shown in :numref:`fig_sofa_hd_mux_circuit`.
The tree-like multiplexer design is applied to all the routing multiplexers in logic elements, connection blocks and switch blocks across the FPGA fabric.
.. _fig_sofa_hd_mux_circuit:
.. figure:: ./figures/sofa_hd_mux_circuit.svg
:scale: 30%
:alt: Schematic of multiplexer design in SOFA HD FPGA
Schematic of multiplexer design in SOFA HD FPGA
.. note:: Each routing multiplexer has a dedicated input which is connected to ground (GND) signal. When it is not used, the output will be driven by the ground, working as a constant generator.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 741 KiB |
@ -7,27 +7,27 @@ The High Density (HD) FPGAs are embedded FPGAs built with the Skywater 130nm Hig
.. table:: Logic capacity of High Density (HD) FPGA IPs
| Resource/Capacity | SOFA HD | QLSOFA HD |
| Look-Up Tables [1]_ | 1152 | 1152 |
| Flip-flops | 2304 | 2304 |
| Soft Adders [2]_ | N/A | 1152 |
| Routing Channel Width [3]_ | 40 | 60 |
| Max. Configuration Speed [4]_ | 50MHz | 50MHz |
| Max. Operating Speed [4]_ | 50MHz | 50 MHz |
| User I/O Pins [5]_ | 144 | 144 |
| Max. I/O Speed [4]_ | 33MHz | 33 MHz |
| Core Voltage | 1.8V | 1.8V |
| Resource/Capacity | SOFA HD | QLSOFA HD | SOFA CHD |
| Look-Up Tables [1]_ | 1152 | 1152 | 1152 |
| Flip-flops | 2304 | 2304 | 2304 |
| Soft Adders [2]_ | N/A | 1152 | 1152 |
| Routing Channel Width [3]_ | 40 | 60 | 60 |
| Max. Configuration Speed [4]_ | 50MHz | 50MHz | 50MHz |
| Max. Operating Speed [4]_ | 50MHz | 50 MHz | 50MHz |
| User I/O Pins [5]_ | 144 | 144 | 144 |
| Max. I/O Speed [4]_ | 33MHz | 33MHz | 33MHz |
| Core Voltage | 1.8V | 1.8V | 1.8V |
.. [1] counted by 4-input fracturable Look-Up Tables (LUTs), each of which can operate as dual-output 3-input LUTs or single-output 4-input LUT.
@ -3,9 +3,18 @@
All the FPGA devices in this project are fully open-source, from the architecture description to the physical design outputs, e.g., GDSII.
All the devices are designed through the OpenFPGA framework and the Skywater 130nm PDK.
The devices are embedded FPGA IPs, which are designed to interface the caravel SoC interface.
We aims to empower embedded applications with its low-cost design approach but high-density architecture.
Operating temperature ranging from 0 :math:`^\circ C` to 85 :math:`^\circ C`
*Skywater Opensource FpgA* (SOFA) is a fully open-source embedded FPGA IP library, from the architecture description to production ready layouts.
As illustrated in :numref:`fig_sofa_motivation`, SOFA IPs are designed through the Skywater 130nm PDK, OpenFPGA framework and Synopsys IC Compiler II.
The runtime of the design flow for each IP is within 24 hours.
All the SOFA FPGAs are designed to interface the Caravel SoC interface.
We aims to empower embedded applications with its low-cost design approach but high-density architecture.
.. _fig_sofa_motivation:
.. figure:: ./figures/sofa_motivation.png
:scale: 15%
:alt: 24-hour FPGA IP development: from PDK to production-ready layout
24-hour FPGA IP development: from PDK to production-ready layout
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
Welcome to SKywater-OpenFPGA documentation!
Welcome to SOFA documentation!
.. toctree::
:caption: Device Family
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// A file to include all the dependency HDL codes
// required by Caravel gate-level netlists
//----- Time scale -----
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`define USE_POWER_PINS 1
// Skywater standard cell netlists
// I/O cells
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/verilog/sky130_fd_io.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/verilog/sky130_ef_io.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/verilog/sky130_ef_io__gpiov2_pad_wrapped.v"
// High density cells
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/verilog/sky130_fd_sc_hd.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/verilog/primitives.v"
// High voltage cells
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/verilog/sky130_fd_sc_hvl.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/verilog/primitives.v"
// Gate-level netlists
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/caravel/verilog/gl/DFFRAM.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/caravel/verilog/gl/caravel.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/caravel/verilog/gl/chip_io.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/caravel/verilog/gl/digital_pll.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/caravel/verilog/gl/mgmt_core.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/caravel/verilog/gl/storage.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/caravel/verilog/gl/user_id_programming.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/caravel/verilog/gl/user_proj_example.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/caravel/verilog/gl/user_project_wrapper.v"
// Use RTL codes for the following module as the gate-level netlists are buggy
// in handling power pins
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/caravel/verilog/rtl/defines.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/caravel/verilog/rtl/mgmt_protect.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/caravel/verilog/rtl/mgmt_protect_hv.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/caravel/verilog/rtl/gpio_control_block.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/caravel/verilog/rtl/simple_por.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/caravel/verilog/rtl/sky130_fd_sc_hvl__lsbufhv2lv_1_wrapped.v"
@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ custom_nlist = open(args.output_verilog, "w")
# A function to generate Verilog codes for a MUX3 custom cell
# Given an input index
def generate_verilog_codes_custom_cell_mux3(first_input_index, instance_index):
def generate_verilog_codes_custom_cell_mux3(first_input_index, instance_index, add_inverter_follower):
lines = []
# Instanciate a 3-input MUX cell
lines.append("\tscs8hd_muxinv3_1 scs8hd_muxinv3_1_" + str(instance_index) + "(")
lines.append("\t .Q1(in[" + str(first_input_index) + "]),")
lines.append("\t .Q2(in[" + str(first_input_index + 1) + "]),")
@ -71,17 +71,28 @@ def generate_verilog_codes_custom_cell_mux3(first_input_index, instance_index):
lines.append("\t .S1B(mem_inv[" + str(first_input_index + 1) + "]),")
lines.append("\t .S2(mem[" + str(first_input_index + 2) + "]),")
lines.append("\t .S2B(mem_inv[" + str(first_input_index + 2) + "]),")
lines.append("\t .Z(out[0])")
if (add_inverter_follower):
lines.append("\t .Z(out_inv[0])")
lines.append("\t .Z(out[0])")
lines.append("\t );")
# Instanciate an inverter follower to pair the MUX cells (which has input inverters)
if (add_inverter_follower):
lines.append("\tsky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1 scs8hd_muxinv3_1_inv_follower" + str(instance_index) + "(")
lines.append("\t .A(out_inv[0]),")
lines.append("\t .Y(out[0])")
lines.append("\t );")
return lines
# A function to generate Verilog codes for a MUX3 custom cell
# Given an input index
def generate_verilog_codes_custom_cell_mux2(first_input_index, instance_index):
def generate_verilog_codes_custom_cell_mux2(first_input_index, instance_index, add_inverter_follower):
lines = []
# Instanciate a 2-input MUX cell
lines.append("\tscs8hd_muxinv2_1 scs8hd_muxinv2_1_" + str(instance_index) + "(")
lines.append("\t .Q1(in[" + str(first_input_index) + "]),")
lines.append("\t .Q2(in[" + str(first_input_index + 1) + "]),")
@ -89,9 +100,19 @@ def generate_verilog_codes_custom_cell_mux2(first_input_index, instance_index):
lines.append("\t .S0B(mem_inv[" + str(first_input_index) + "]),")
lines.append("\t .S1(mem[" + str(first_input_index + 1) + "]),")
lines.append("\t .S1B(mem_inv[" + str(first_input_index + 1) + "]),")
lines.append("\t .Z(out[0])")
if (add_inverter_follower):
lines.append("\t .Z(out_inv[0])")
lines.append("\t .Z(out[0])")
lines.append("\t );")
# Instanciate an inverter follower to pair the MUX cells (which has input inverters)
if (add_inverter_follower):
lines.append("\tsky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1 scs8hd_muxinv2_1_inv_follower" + str(instance_index) + "(")
lines.append("\t .A(out_inv[0]),")
lines.append("\t .Y(out[0])")
lines.append("\t );")
return lines
@ -116,8 +137,12 @@ def generate_verilog_codes_standard_cell_mux2(first_input_index, instance_index)
# In this case, an standard cell will be outputted
# - If the memory size is larger than 1, the input size should be the same
# as memory size. In this case, we will output custom cells
def write_custom_mux_cells_to_file(custom_nlist, input_size, mem_size):
def write_custom_mux_cells_to_file(custom_nlist, input_size, mem_size, add_inverter_follower):
lines = []
if (add_inverter_follower):
lines.append("wire [0:0] out_inv;")
if (1 == mem_size):
assert(2 == input_size)
# Output a standard cell, currently we support HD cell MUX2
@ -132,17 +157,17 @@ def write_custom_mux_cells_to_file(custom_nlist, input_size, mem_size):
# - a few MUX2 cells
if (1 == input_size % 2):
assert(3 <= input_size)
for line in generate_verilog_codes_custom_cell_mux3(0, 0):
for line in generate_verilog_codes_custom_cell_mux3(0, 0, add_inverter_follower):
for mux2_inst in range(int((input_size - 3) / 2)):
for line in generate_verilog_codes_custom_cell_mux2(3 + 2 * mux2_inst, mux2_inst):
for line in generate_verilog_codes_custom_cell_mux2(3 + 2 * mux2_inst, mux2_inst, add_inverter_follower):
# - If the input size is an even number, we will use
# - a few MUX2 cells
assert (0 == input_size % 2)
for mux2_inst in range(int(input_size / 2)):
for line in generate_verilog_codes_custom_cell_mux2(2 * mux2_inst, mux2_inst):
for line in generate_verilog_codes_custom_cell_mux2(2 * mux2_inst, mux2_inst, add_inverter_follower):
# Output lines to file
@ -154,6 +179,7 @@ with open(args.template_netlist, "r") as wp:
template_nlist = wp.readlines()
# A flag for write the current line or skip
output_action = "copy"
mux_structure = "1level"
input_size = 0
mem_size = 0
for line_num, curr_line in enumerate(template_nlist):
@ -168,6 +194,12 @@ with open(args.template_netlist, "r") as wp:
mem_size = int(re.findall("input(\d+)_mem(\d+)\(", curr_line)[0][1])
assert(input_size > 0)
assert(mem_size > 0)
# Find the MUX structure levels
if ("1level", curr_line)):
mux_structure = "1level"
assert("2level", curr_line))
mux_structure = "2level"
# Change status indicating that we are now inside a module
output_action = "copy"
@ -179,7 +211,7 @@ with open(args.template_netlist, "r") as wp:
# Reaching the end of the current module
# Now output the custom cell instanciation
if (curr_line.startswith("endmodule")):
write_custom_mux_cells_to_file(custom_nlist, input_size, mem_size)
write_custom_mux_cells_to_file(custom_nlist, input_size, mem_size, "1level" != mux_structure)
output_action = "copy"
if ("skip" != output_action):
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ module EMBEDDED_IO_HD (
sky130_fd_sc_hd__or2b_4 ISOL_EN_GATE (.B_N(IO_ISOL_N),
// Use drive-strength 4 for a high fan-out from global routing architecture
sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1 INV_SOC_DIR (.A(SOC_DIR), .Y(SOC_DIR_N));
@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ import argparse
import logging
import subprocess
import glob
import threading
import multiprocessing
import run_post_pnr_msim_test
# Initialize logger
@ -64,15 +67,16 @@ num_sim_finished = 0
msim_testrun_script_abspath = os.path.abspath(__file__)
msim_testrun_script_abspath = re.sub(os.path.basename(msim_testrun_script_abspath), "", msim_testrun_script_abspath)
threads = []
for testbench_file in testbench_files:
# Find testbench name
testbench_name = re.findall("(\w+)_include_netlists.v", os.path.basename(testbench_file))[0]
cmd = "python3 " + msim_testrun_script_abspath \
+ " --verilog_testbench " + testbench_file \
+ " --project_path " + msim_task_dir_abspath + "/" + testbench_name \
+ " --testbench_name " + testbench_name + "_autocheck_top_tb"
||||, shell=True, check=True)
num_sim_finished += 1
process = multiprocessing.Process(target=run_post_pnr_msim_test.run_msim, args=(testbench_file, msim_task_dir_abspath + "/" + testbench_name, testbench_name + "_autocheck_top_tb",))
for process in threads:
||||"Finish " + str(num_sim_finished) + " ModelSim simulations")
||||"Finish " + str(len(threads)) + " ModelSim simulations")
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
# - Analyze output log files and return succeed or failure
import sys
import os
from os.path import dirname, abspath, isfile
import shutil
@ -18,138 +19,150 @@ import subprocess
# Initialize logger
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
# Main function of this script, so that it can be called by other scripts
def main(args):
# Parse the options
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run ModelSim verification for a testbench')
parser.add_argument('--verilog_testbench', required=True,
help='Specify the file path for the Verilog testbench as input')
parser.add_argument('--project_path', required=True,
help='Specify the file path to create the ModelSim project')
parser.add_argument('--testbench_name', required=True,
help='Specify the top-level module of the testbench')
args = parser.parse_args(args)
run_msim(args.verilog_testbench, args.project_path, args.testbench_name)
# Parse the options
# Main function of this script, so that it can be called by other scripts
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run ModelSim verification for a testbench')
parser.add_argument('--verilog_testbench', required=True,
help='Specify the file path for the Verilog testbench as input')
parser.add_argument('--project_path', required=True,
help='Specify the file path to create the ModelSim project')
parser.add_argument('--testbench_name', required=True,
help='Specify the top-level module of the testbench')
args = parser.parse_args()
def run_msim(verilog_testbench, project_path, testbench_name):
# Check options:
# - Input testbench file must be valid
# Otherwise, error out
# - If the modelsim project path does not exist, create it
if not isfile(verilog_testbench):
logging.error("Invalid Verilog testbench: " + verilog_testbench + "\nFile does not exist!\n")
# Check options:
# - Input testbench file must be valid
# Otherwise, error out
# - If the modelsim project path does not exist, create it
if not isfile(args.verilog_testbench):
logging.error("Invalid Verilog testbench: " + args.verilog_testbench + "\nFile does not exist!\n")
project_abs_path = os.path.abspath(project_path)
if not os.path.isdir(project_abs_path):
logging.debug("Creating ModelSim project directory : " + project_abs_path + " ...\n")
os.makedirs(project_abs_path, exist_ok=True)
project_abs_path = os.path.abspath(args.project_path)
if not os.path.isdir(project_abs_path):
logging.debug("Creating ModelSim project directory : " + project_abs_path + " ...\n")
os.makedirs(project_abs_path, exist_ok=True)
# Create the Tcl script for Modelsim
# Get modelsim process tcl file path
msim_proc_tcl_path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
msim_proc_tcl_path = re.sub(os.path.basename(msim_proc_tcl_path), "modelsim_proc.tcl", msim_proc_tcl_path)
if not isfile(msim_proc_tcl_path):
logging.error("Invalid process script for ModelSim: " + msim_proc_tcl_path + "\nFile does not exist!\n")
# Create the Tcl script for Modelsim
# Get modelsim process tcl file path
msim_proc_tcl_path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
msim_proc_tcl_path = re.sub(os.path.basename(msim_proc_tcl_path), "modelsim_proc.tcl", msim_proc_tcl_path)
if not isfile(msim_proc_tcl_path):
logging.error("Invalid process script for ModelSim: " + msim_proc_tcl_path + "\nFile does not exist!\n")
# Create output file handler
tcl_file_path = project_abs_path + "/" + os.path.basename(testbench_name) + ".tcl"
logging.debug("Generating Tcl script for ModelSim: " + tcl_file_path)
tcl_file = open(tcl_file_path, "w")
# Create output file handler
tcl_file_path = project_abs_path + "/" + os.path.basename(args.testbench_name) + ".tcl"
logging.debug("Generating Tcl script for ModelSim: " + tcl_file_path)
tcl_file = open(tcl_file_path, "w")
# A string buffer to write tcl content
tcl_lines = []
# A string buffer to write tcl content
tcl_lines = []
tcl_lines.append("echo \"==============================\"")
tcl_lines.append("echo \"==============================\"")
tcl_lines.append("set project_name " + testbench_name)
tcl_lines.append("set top_tb " + testbench_name)
tcl_lines.append("set project_path \"" + project_abs_path + "\"")
tcl_lines.append("set verilog_files \"" + os.path.abspath(verilog_testbench) + "\"")
tcl_lines.append("source " + msim_proc_tcl_path)
tcl_lines.append("try {")
tcl_lines.append("\ttop_create_new_project $project_name $verilog_files $project_path $top_tb")
tcl_lines.append("} finally {")
tcl_lines.append("echo \"==============================\"")
tcl_lines.append("echo \"==============================\"")
tcl_lines.append("set project_name " + args.testbench_name)
tcl_lines.append("set top_tb " + args.testbench_name)
tcl_lines.append("set project_path \"" + project_abs_path + "\"")
tcl_lines.append("set verilog_files \"" + os.path.abspath(args.verilog_testbench) + "\"")
tcl_lines.append("source " + msim_proc_tcl_path)
tcl_lines.append("try {")
tcl_lines.append("\ttop_create_new_project $project_name $verilog_files $project_path $top_tb")
tcl_lines.append("} finally {")
for line in tcl_lines:
tcl_file.write(line + "\n")
for line in tcl_lines:
tcl_file.write(line + "\n")
# Run ModelSim simulation
curr_dir = os.getcwd()
# Change to the project directory
logging.debug("Changed to directory: " + project_abs_path)
# Run ModelSim simulation
curr_dir = os.getcwd()
# Change to the project directory
logging.debug("Changed to directory: " + project_abs_path)
# Run ModelSim
vsim_log_file_path = project_abs_path + "/vsim_run_log"
vsim_bin = "/uusoc/facility/cad_tools/Mentor/modelsim10.7b/modeltech/bin/vsim"
vsim_cmd = vsim_bin + " -c -do " + os.path.abspath(tcl_file_path) + " > " + vsim_log_file_path
logging.debug("Running modelsim by : " + vsim_cmd)
||||, shell=True, check=True)
# Run ModelSim
vsim_log_file_path = project_abs_path + "/vsim_run_log"
vsim_bin = "/uusoc/facility/cad_tools/Mentor/modelsim10.7b/modeltech/bin/vsim"
vsim_cmd = vsim_bin + " -c -do " + os.path.abspath(tcl_file_path) + " > " + vsim_log_file_path
logging.debug("Running modelsim by : " + vsim_cmd)
||||, shell=True, check=True)
# Go back to current directory
# Go back to current directory
# Parse log files and report any errors
vsim_log_file = open(vsim_log_file_path, "r")
# Parse log files and report any errors
vsim_log_file = open(vsim_log_file_path, "r")
# Error counter
num_err = 0
num_err_lines_found = 0
verification_passed = False
# Error counter
num_err = 0
num_err_lines_found = 0
verification_passed = False
for line in vsim_log_file:
# Check errors from self-testing testbench output
if line.startswith("# Simulation finish with") :
num_sim_err = int(re.findall("# Simulation finish with(\s+)(\d+) errors", line)[0][1])
num_err_lines_found += 1
if (0 < num_sim_err) :
logging.error("Simulation failed with " + str(num_sim_err) + " errors!\n")
# Add to total errors
num_err += num_sim_err
if line.startswith("# Simulation Failed with") :
print (line)
num_sim_err = int(re.findall("# Simulation Failed with(\s+)(\d+) error\(s\)", line)[0][1])
num_err_lines_found += 1
if (0 < num_sim_err) :
logging.error("Simulation failed with " + str(num_sim_err) + " errors!\n")
# Add to total errors
num_err += num_sim_err
# Check total errors by Modelsim
if line.startswith("# Errors:") :
num_msim_err = int(re.findall("# Errors:(\s)(\d+),", line)[0][1])
num_err_lines_found += 1
num_err += num_msim_err
for line in vsim_log_file:
# Check errors from self-testing testbench output
if line.startswith("# Simulation finish with") :
num_sim_err = int(re.findall("# Simulation finish with(\s+)(\d+) errors", line)[0][1])
num_err_lines_found += 1
if (0 < num_sim_err) :
logging.error("Simulation failed with " + str(num_sim_err) + " errors!\n")
# Add to total errors
num_err += num_sim_err
if line.startswith("# Simulation Failed with") :
print (line)
num_sim_err = int(re.findall("# Simulation Failed with(\s+)(\d+) error\(s\)", line)[0][1])
num_err_lines_found += 1
if (0 < num_sim_err) :
logging.error("Simulation failed with " + str(num_sim_err) + " errors!\n")
# Add to total errors
num_err += num_sim_err
# Check total errors by Modelsim
if line.startswith("# Errors:") :
num_msim_err = int(re.findall("# Errors:(\s)(\d+),", line)[0][1])
num_err_lines_found += 1
num_err += num_msim_err
if (0 == num_err_lines_found) :
logging.error("No error lines found!Something wrong in setting up modelsim simulation\n")
elif (0 < num_err) :
logging.error("ModelSim failed with " + str(num_err) + " errors!\n")
else :
verification_passed = True
if (0 == num_err_lines_found) :
logging.error("No error lines found!Something wrong in setting up modelsim simulation\n")
elif (0 < num_err) :
logging.error("ModelSim failed with " + str(num_err) + " errors!\n")
else :
verification_passed = True
if (verification_passed) :
|||| + "...[Passed]\n")
else :
logging.error(testbench_name + "...[Failed]\n")
if (verification_passed) :
|||| + "...[Passed]\n")
else :
logging.error(args.testbench_name + "...[Failed]\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Skywater PDK
This directory is the workspace for running Synopsys Design Compiler for FPGA primitives
This required to synthesis decoders in FPGA fabrics
Please keep this directory clean and organize as follows:
- **HDL**: Any HDL to synthesis
- **SCRIPT**: Scripts to enable Design Compile runs
- **RPT**: Report files from Design Compiler runs
- **TEMP**: workspace for Design Compiler projects
- READMD is the only file allowed in the directory, others should be sub-directories.
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# Template scripts to synthesize a combinational circuit
# using Design Compiler
# Author: Xifan Tang
# Organization: University of Utah
# Date: September 4th, 2020
# Variable declaration
set CTRITICAL_PATH 1; # [ns]
# Make sure a clean start
remove_design -all
set DB_FILE "/research/ece/lnis/CAD_TOOLS/DKITS/skywater/skywater-pdk/vendor/synopsys/results/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hd/db_nldm/sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80.db"
# Read standard cell library
# Here we consider the Skywater 130nm High Density(HD) cell library
read_db ${DB_FILE}
set target_library ${DB_FILE}
set link_library ${DB_FILE}
# Parse the HDL
analyze -f verilog ${RTL_NETLIST}
elaborate ${DESIGN_NAME}
# Set constraints
# Push to 0 for the minimum area
set_max_area 0
# Link to technology library and start compilation
compile -map_effort high
# Output netlist
write -format Verilog -output ../GATE_NETLISTS/${DESIGN_NAME}_post_synth.v
# Report results
report_unit > ../RPT/${DESIGN_NAME}_unit.rpt
report_area > ../RPT/${DESIGN_NAME}_area.rpt
report_timing > ../RPT/${DESIGN_NAME}_timing.rpt
report_power > ../RPT/${DESIGN_NAME}_power.rpt
report_reference > ../RPT/${DESIGN_NAME}_reference.rpt
# Finish here
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
# Python script to execute Design Compiler Synthesis for a given template tcl script
# This script will
# - Create the tcl script as synthesis recipe
# - Run Design Compiler
# - Analyze output log files and return succeed or failure
import sys
import os
from os.path import dirname, abspath, isfile
import shutil
import re
import argparse
import logging
import subprocess
# Initialize logger
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
# Main function of this script, so that it can be called by other scripts
def main(args):
# Parse the options
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run Synopsys Design Compiler Synthesis for an input netlist')
parser.add_argument('--rtl_netlist', required=True,
help='Specify the file path to the RTL netlist as input')
parser.add_argument('--recipe_template', required=True,
help='Specify the file path to tcl script contain template synthesis recipe')
parser.add_argument('--technology_library', required=True,
help='Specify the technology library which the RTL netlist will be mapped to')
parser.add_argument('--project_workspace', required=True,
help='Specify the directory to run Design Compiler')
args = parser.parse_args(args)
run_dc_batch_synth(args.rtl_netlist, args.recipe_template, args.technology_library, args.project_workspace)
# A function to execute a single-run of Design Compiler for a RTL design
def run_dc_synth(rtl_netlist, rtl_design_name, recipe_template, technology_library, project_workspace):
project_abs_path = os.path.abspath(project_workspace)
if not os.path.isdir(project_abs_path):
logging.debug("Creating Design Compiler project directory : " + project_abs_path + " ...\n")
os.makedirs(project_abs_path, exist_ok=True)
# Create the Tcl script for Design Compiler
# Get absolute path to the template tcl script, it must be valid
template_tcl_path = os.path.abspath(recipe_template)
# Create output file handler
tcl_file_path = project_abs_path + "/" + os.path.basename(rtl_design_name) + "_dc.tcl"
logging.debug("Generating Tcl script from template recipe: " + tcl_file_path)
tcl_file = open(tcl_file_path, "w")
with open(template_tcl_path, "r") as wp:
template_tcl_file = wp.readlines()
for line_num, curr_line in enumerate(template_tcl_file):
line2output = curr_line
# Replace keywords with custom values
line2output = re.sub("TECH_DB_VAR", technology_library, curr_line)
line2output = re.sub("DESIGN_NAME_VAR", rtl_design_name, curr_line)
line2output = re.sub("RTL_NETLIST_VAR", rtl_netlist, curr_line)
# Finished processing
# Output the line
# Run Design Compiler
curr_dir = os.getcwd()
# Change to the project directory
logging.debug("Changed to directory: " + project_abs_path)
# Run Design Compiler
dc_log_file_path = project_abs_path + "/" + os.path.basename(rtl_design_name) + "_dc.log"
dc_shell_bin = "dc_shell"
dc_shell_cmd = dc_shell_bin + " -f " + os.path.abspath(tcl_file_path) + " > " + dc_log_file_path
logging.debug("Running Design Compiler by : " + dc_shell_cmd)
||||, shell=True, check=True)
# Go back to current directory
# Main function of this script, so that it can be called by other scripts
def run_dc_batch_synth(rtl_netlist, recipe_template, technology_library, project_workspace):
# Check options:
# - Input files must be valid
# Otherwise, error out
if not isfile(rtl_netlist):
logging.error("Invalid RTL netlist: " + rtr_netlist + "\nFile does not exist!\n")
if not isfile(recipe_template):
logging.error("Invalid recipe template: " + recipe_template + "\nFile does not exist!\n")
if not isfile(technology_library):
logging.error("Invalid technology library: " + technology_library + "\nFile does not exist!\n")
# Collect all the RTL designs to synthesis from the RTL netlist
rtl_design_names = []
with open(rtl_netlist, "r") as wp:
rtl_file = wp.readlines()
# If a line starts with 'module', it is an RTL design to be synthesized
for line_num, curr_line in enumerate(rtl_file):
if (curr_line.startswith("module")):
# Get the design name
rtl_design_name = re.findall("module(\s+)(\w+)\(", curr_line)[0][1]
||||"Found " + str(len(rtl_design_names)) + " RTL designs to synthesize")
# Get absolute path to the template tcl script, it must be valid
rtl_netlist_abs_path = os.path.abspath(rtl_netlist)
for rtl_design_name in rtl_design_names:
||||"Running Design Compiler for design: " + rtl_design_name)
run_dc_synth(rtl_netlist_abs_path, rtl_design_name, recipe_template, technology_library, project_workspace)
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -0,0 +1 @@
python3 SCRIPTS/ --rtl_netlist ../HDL/k4_N8_reset_softadder_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_customhd_cc/SRC/sub_module/local_encoder.v --recipe_template SCRIPTS/dc_template.tcl --technology_library ../PDK/skywater-pdk/vendor/synopsys/results/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hd/db_nldm/sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80.db --project_workspace ./TEMP
TESTBENCH/common/post_pnr_fpga_cells.v (Stored with Git LFS)
TESTBENCH/digital_io_hd_test/digital_io_hd_test_include_netlists.v (Stored with Git LFS)
Normal file
TESTBENCH/k4_N8_reset_softadder_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_customhd_cc/postpnr/verilog_testbench/and2_latch_post_pnr_include_netlists.v (Stored with Git LFS)
Normal file
TESTBENCH/k4_N8_reset_softadder_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_customhd_cc/postpnr/verilog_testbench/and2_latch_post_pnr_wrapper_include_netlists.v (Stored with Git LFS)
Normal file
TESTBENCH/k4_N8_reset_softadder_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_customhd_cc/postpnr/verilog_testbench/and2_or2_post_pnr_include_netlists.v (Stored with Git LFS)
Normal file
TESTBENCH/k4_N8_reset_softadder_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_customhd_cc/postpnr/verilog_testbench/and2_or2_post_pnr_wrapper_include_netlists.v (Stored with Git LFS)
Normal file
TESTBENCH/k4_N8_reset_softadder_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_customhd_cc/postpnr/verilog_testbench/and2_post_pnr_include_netlists.v (Stored with Git LFS)
Normal file
TESTBENCH/k4_N8_reset_softadder_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_customhd_cc/postpnr/verilog_testbench/and2_post_pnr_wrapper_include_netlists.v (Stored with Git LFS)
Normal file
TESTBENCH/k4_N8_reset_softadder_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_customhd_cc/postpnr/verilog_testbench/ccff_test_post_pnr_include_netlists.v (Stored with Git LFS)
Normal file
TESTBENCH/k4_N8_reset_softadder_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_customhd_cc/postpnr/verilog_testbench/ccff_test_post_pnr_wrapper_include_netlists.v (Stored with Git LFS)
Normal file
TESTBENCH/k4_N8_reset_softadder_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_customhd_cc/postpnr/verilog_testbench/counter_post_pnr_include_netlists.v (Stored with Git LFS)
Normal file
TESTBENCH/k4_N8_reset_softadder_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_customhd_cc/postpnr/verilog_testbench/routing_test_post_pnr_include_netlists.v (Stored with Git LFS)
Normal file
TESTBENCH/k4_N8_reset_softadder_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_customhd_cc/postpnr/verilog_testbench/routing_test_post_pnr_wrapper_include_netlists.v (Stored with Git LFS)
Normal file
TESTBENCH/k4_N8_reset_softadder_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_customhd_cc/postpnr/verilog_testbench/scff_test_post_pnr_include_netlists.v (Stored with Git LFS)
Normal file
TESTBENCH/k4_N8_reset_softadder_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_customhd_cc/postpnr/verilog_testbench/scff_test_post_pnr_wrapper_include_netlists.v (Stored with Git LFS)
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@