add test for heterogeneous FPGA and fix bugs
This commit is contained in:
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
<port name="Q"/>
<model name="dpram">
<model name="dual_port_ram_32x1024">
<port name="wen"/> <!-- control -->
<port name="ren"/> <!-- control -->
@ -163,8 +163,8 @@
<!-- ODIN II specific config ends -->
<!-- Physical descriptions begin -->
<layout auto="1.0" tileable_routing="off"/>
<!--layout width="12" height="12" tileable_routing="off"/-->
<layout auto="1.0" tileable_routing="on"/>
<!--layout width="5" height="2" tileable_routing="on"/-->
<options sim_temp="25" post="off" captab="off" fast="on"/>
@ -344,14 +344,14 @@
<port type="output" prefix="out" size="1"/>
<!--DFF subckt ports should be defined as <D> <Q> <CLK> <RESET> <SET> -->
<circuit_model type="ff" name="static_dff" prefix="dff" spice_netlist="${OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/SpiceNetlists/ff.sp" verilog_netlist="${OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/VerlogNetlists/ff.v">
<circuit_model type="ff" name="static_dff" prefix="dff" spice_netlist="${OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/SpiceNetlists/ff.sp" verilog_netlist="${OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/VerilogNetlists/ff.v">
<design_technology type="cmos"/>
<input_buffer exist="on" circuit_model_name="INV1X"/>
<output_buffer exist="on" circuit_model_name="INV1X"/>
<pass_gate_logic circuit_model_name="TGATEX1"/>
<port type="input" prefix="D" size="1"/>
<port type="input" prefix="Set" size="1" is_global="true" default_val="0" is_set="true"/>
<port type="input" prefix="Reset" size="1" is_global="true" default_val="0" is_reset="true"/>
<port type="input" prefix="set" size="1" is_global="true" default_val="0" is_set="true"/>
<port type="input" prefix="reset" size="1" is_global="true" default_val="0" is_reset="true"/>
<port type="output" prefix="Q" size="1"/>
<port type="clock" prefix="clk" size="1" is_global="true" default_val="0" />
@ -386,17 +386,17 @@
<port type="sram" prefix="mode" size="2" mode_select="true" circuit_model_name="sc_dff_compact" default_val="1"/>
<!--Scan-chain DFF subckt ports should be defined as <D> <Q> <Qb> <CLK> <RESET> <SET> -->
<circuit_model type="sff" name="sc_dff_compact" prefix="scff" spice_netlist="${OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/SpiceNetlists/ff.sp" verilog_netlist="${OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/VerlogNetlists/ff.v">
<circuit_model type="sff" name="sc_dff_compact" prefix="scff" spice_netlist="${OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/SpiceNetlists/ff.sp" verilog_netlist="${OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/VerilogNetlists/ff.v">
<design_technology type="cmos"/>
<input_buffer exist="on" circuit_model_name="INV1X"/>
<output_buffer exist="on" circuit_model_name="INV1X"/>
<pass_gate_logic circuit_model_name="TGATEX1"/>
<port type="input" prefix="pReset" size="1" is_global="true" default_val="0" is_reset="true" is_prog="true"/>
<port type="input" prefix="pReset" lib_name="reset" size="1" is_global="true" default_val="0" is_reset="true" is_prog="true"/>
<!-- <port type="input" prefix="pSet" size="1" is_global="true" default_val="0" is_set="true" is_prog="true"/> -->
<port type="input" prefix="D" size="1"/>
<port type="output" prefix="Q" size="1"/>
<port type="output" prefix="Qb" size="1"/>
<port type="clock" prefix="prog_clk" size="1" is_global="true" default_val="0" is_prog="true"/>
<port type="clock" prefix="prog_clk" lib_name="clk" size="1" is_global="true" default_val="0" is_prog="true"/>
<circuit_model type="iopad" name="iopad" prefix="iopad" spice_netlist="${OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/SpiceNetlists/io.sp" verilog_netlist="${OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/VerilogNetlists/io.v">
<design_technology type="cmos"/>
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
<port type="output" prefix="sumout" size="1"/>
<port type="output" prefix="cout" size="1"/>
<circuit_model type="hard_logic" name="dpram" prefix="dpram" dump_explicit_port_map="true" spice_netlist="${OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/VerilogNetlists/spram.sp" verilog_netlist="${OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/VerilogNetlists/memory_wrapper.v">
<circuit_model type="hard_logic" name="dual_port_ram_32x1024" prefix="dual_port_ram_32x1024" dump_explicit_port_map="true" spice_netlist="${OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/VerilogNetlists/spram.sp" verilog_netlist="${OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/VerilogNetlists/dpram.v">
<design_technology type="cmos"/>
<input_buffer exist="on" circuit_model_name="buf1"/>
<output_buffer exist="on" circuit_model_name="buf1"/>
@ -613,7 +613,7 @@
<!-- SPRAM instanciation -->
<pb_type name="memory_dp" height="6" area="548000">
<pb_type name="memory_dp" height="2" area="548000">
<input name="waddr" num_pins="11" equivalent="false"/>
<input name="raddr" num_pins="11" equivalent="false"/>
@ -631,7 +631,7 @@
<input name="ren" num_pins="1"/>
<output name="d_out" num_pins="64"/>
<clock name="clk" num_pins="1"/>
<pb_type name="dpram" num_pb="1" blif_model=".subckt dpram" circuit_model_name="dpram">
<pb_type name="dpram" num_pb="1" blif_model=".subckt dual_port_ram_32x1024" circuit_model_name="dual_port_ram_32x1024">
<input name="waddr" num_pins="11" port_class="address"/>
<input name="raddr" num_pins="11" port_class="address"/>
<input name="d_in" num_pins="64" port_class="data_in"/>
@ -674,13 +674,13 @@
<direct name="clk" input="memory_dp.clk" output="memory.clk"/>
<fc default_in_type="frac" default_in_val="0.15" default_out_type="frac" default_out_val="0.10"/>
<pinlocations pattern="spread"/>
<!--pinlocations pattern="custom">
<!--pinlocations pattern="spread"/-->
<pinlocations pattern="custom">
<loc side="left">memory_dp.d_in</loc>
<loc side="top" offset="5">memory_dp.clk memory_dp.wen memory_dp.waddr</loc>
<loc side="top" offset="1">memory_dp.clk memory_dp.wen memory_dp.waddr</loc>
<loc side="right">memory_dp.d_out</loc>
<loc side="bottom"> memory_dp.raddr</loc>
<!-- Place this memory block every 8 columns from (and including) the second column -->
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
clk 0.5 0.2
wen 0.5 0.2
wen_st0 0.5 0.2
wen_st1 0.5 0.2
ren 0.5 0.2
raddr_0_ 0.5 0.2
raddr_1_ 0.5 0.2
raddr_2_ 0.5 0.2
raddr_3_ 0.5 0.2
raddr_4_ 0.5 0.2
raddr_5_ 0.5 0.2
waddr_0_ 0.5 0.2
waddr_1_ 0.5 0.2
waddr_2_ 0.5 0.2
waddr_3_ 0.5 0.2
waddr_4_ 0.5 0.2
waddr_5_ 0.5 0.2
waddr_st0_0_ 0.5 0.2
waddr_st0_1_ 0.5 0.2
waddr_st0_2_ 0.5 0.2
waddr_st0_3_ 0.5 0.2
waddr_st0_4_ 0.5 0.2
waddr_st0_5_ 0.5 0.2
waddr_st1_0_ 0.5 0.2
waddr_st1_1_ 0.5 0.2
waddr_st1_2_ 0.5 0.2
waddr_st1_3_ 0.5 0.2
waddr_st1_4_ 0.5 0.2
waddr_st1_5_ 0.5 0.2
a_0_ 0.5 0.2
a_1_ 0.5 0.2
a_2_ 0.5 0.2
a_3_ 0.5 0.2
a_4_ 0.5 0.2
a_5_ 0.5 0.2
a_6_ 0.5 0.2
a_st0_0_ 0.5 0.2
a_st0_1_ 0.5 0.2
a_st0_2_ 0.5 0.2
a_st0_3_ 0.5 0.2
a_st0_4_ 0.5 0.2
a_st0_5_ 0.5 0.2
a_st0_6_ 0.5 0.2
a_st1_0_ 0.5 0.2
a_st1_1_ 0.5 0.2
a_st1_2_ 0.5 0.2
a_st1_3_ 0.5 0.2
a_st1_4_ 0.5 0.2
a_st1_5_ 0.5 0.2
a_st1_6_ 0.5 0.2
b_0_ 0.5 0.2
b_1_ 0.5 0.2
b_2_ 0.5 0.2
b_3_ 0.5 0.2
b_4_ 0.5 0.2
b_5_ 0.5 0.2
b_6_ 0.5 0.2
b_st0_0_ 0.5 0.2
b_st0_1_ 0.5 0.2
b_st0_2_ 0.5 0.2
b_st0_3_ 0.5 0.2
b_st0_4_ 0.5 0.2
b_st0_5_ 0.5 0.2
b_st0_6_ 0.5 0.2
b_st1_0_ 0.5 0.2
b_st1_1_ 0.5 0.2
b_st1_2_ 0.5 0.2
b_st1_3_ 0.5 0.2
b_st1_4_ 0.5 0.2
b_st1_5_ 0.5 0.2
b_st1_6_ 0.5 0.2
q_0_ 0.5 0.2
q_1_ 0.5 0.2
q_2_ 0.5 0.2
q_3_ 0.5 0.2
q_4_ 0.5 0.2
q_5_ 0.5 0.2
q_6_ 0.5 0.2
q_7_ 0.5 0.2
AplusB_0_ 0.5 0.2
AplusB_1_ 0.5 0.2
AplusB_2_ 0.5 0.2
AplusB_3_ 0.5 0.2
AplusB_4_ 0.5 0.2
AplusB_5_ 0.5 0.2
AplusB_6_ 0.5 0.2
AplusB_7_ 0.5 0.2
cint01 0.5 0.2
cint02 0.5 0.2
cint03 0.5 0.2
cint04 0.5 0.2
cint05 0.5 0.2
cint06 0.5 0.2
cint07 0.5 0.2
zero00 0 0
@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
# Benchmark pipelined_32b_adder
.model pipelined_32b_adder
.inputs clk wen ren raddr_0_ raddr_1_ raddr_2_ raddr_3_ raddr_4_ raddr_5_ waddr_0_ waddr_1_ waddr_2_ waddr_3_ waddr_4_ waddr_5_ a_0_ a_1_ a_2_ a_3_ a_4_ a_5_ a_6_ b_0_ b_1_ b_2_ b_3_ b_4_ b_5_ b_6_
.outputs q_0_ q_1_ q_2_ q_3_ q_4_ q_5_ q_6_ q_7_
# Start pipeline
# Pipeline a
.subckt shift D=a_0_ clk=clk Q=a_st0_0_
.subckt shift D=a_st0_0_ clk=clk Q=a_st1_0_
.subckt shift D=a_1_ clk=clk Q=a_st0_1_
.subckt shift D=a_st0_1_ clk=clk Q=a_st1_1_
.subckt shift D=a_2_ clk=clk Q=a_st0_2_
.subckt shift D=a_st0_2_ clk=clk Q=a_st1_2_
.subckt shift D=a_3_ clk=clk Q=a_st0_3_
.subckt shift D=a_st0_3_ clk=clk Q=a_st1_3_
.subckt shift D=a_4_ clk=clk Q=a_st0_4_
.subckt shift D=a_st0_4_ clk=clk Q=a_st1_4_
.subckt shift D=a_5_ clk=clk Q=a_st0_5_
.subckt shift D=a_st0_5_ clk=clk Q=a_st1_5_
.subckt shift D=a_6_ clk=clk Q=a_st0_6_
.subckt shift D=a_st0_6_ clk=clk Q=a_st1_6_
# Pipeline b
.subckt shift D=b_0_ clk=clk Q=b_st0_0_
.subckt shift D=b_st0_0_ clk=clk Q=b_st1_0_
.subckt shift D=b_1_ clk=clk Q=b_st0_1_
.subckt shift D=b_st0_1_ clk=clk Q=b_st1_1_
.subckt shift D=b_2_ clk=clk Q=b_st0_2_
.subckt shift D=b_st0_2_ clk=clk Q=b_st1_2_
.subckt shift D=b_3_ clk=clk Q=b_st0_3_
.subckt shift D=b_st0_3_ clk=clk Q=b_st1_3_
.subckt shift D=b_4_ clk=clk Q=b_st0_4_
.subckt shift D=b_st0_4_ clk=clk Q=b_st1_4_
.subckt shift D=b_5_ clk=clk Q=b_st0_5_
.subckt shift D=b_st0_5_ clk=clk Q=b_st1_5_
.subckt shift D=b_6_ clk=clk Q=b_st0_6_
.subckt shift D=b_st0_6_ clk=clk Q=b_st1_6_
# Pipeline waddr
.subckt shift D=waddr_0_ clk=clk Q=waddr_st0_0_
.subckt shift D=waddr_st0_0_ clk=clk Q=waddr_st1_0_
.subckt shift D=waddr_1_ clk=clk Q=waddr_st0_1_
.subckt shift D=waddr_st0_1_ clk=clk Q=waddr_st1_1_
.subckt shift D=waddr_2_ clk=clk Q=waddr_st0_2_
.subckt shift D=waddr_st0_2_ clk=clk Q=waddr_st1_2_
.subckt shift D=waddr_3_ clk=clk Q=waddr_st0_3_
.subckt shift D=waddr_st0_3_ clk=clk Q=waddr_st1_3_
.subckt shift D=waddr_4_ clk=clk Q=waddr_st0_4_
.subckt shift D=waddr_st0_4_ clk=clk Q=waddr_st1_4_
.subckt shift D=waddr_5_ clk=clk Q=waddr_st0_5_
.subckt shift D=waddr_st0_5_ clk=clk Q=waddr_st1_5_
# Pipeline wen
.subckt shift D=wen clk=clk Q=wen_st0
.subckt shift D=wen_st0 clk=clk Q=wen_st1
# End pipeline
# Start adder
.subckt adder a=a_st1_0_ b=b_st1_0_ cin=zero00 cout=cint01 sumout=AplusB_0_
.subckt adder a=a_st1_1_ b=b_st1_1_ cin=cint01 cout=cint02 sumout=AplusB_1_
.subckt adder a=a_st1_2_ b=b_st1_2_ cin=cint02 cout=cint03 sumout=AplusB_2_
.subckt adder a=a_st1_3_ b=b_st1_3_ cin=cint03 cout=cint04 sumout=AplusB_3_
.subckt adder a=a_st1_4_ b=b_st1_4_ cin=cint04 cout=cint05 sumout=AplusB_4_
.subckt adder a=a_st1_5_ b=b_st1_5_ cin=cint05 cout=cint06 sumout=AplusB_5_
.subckt adder a=a_st1_6_ b=b_st1_6_ cin=cint06 cout=cint07 sumout=AplusB_6_
.subckt adder a=zero00 b=zero00 cin=cint07 cout=unconn sumout=AplusB_7_
# End adder
# Start DPRAM
.subckt dual_port_ram_32x1024 clk=clk wen=wen_st1 ren=ren \
waddr[0]=waddr_st1_0_ waddr[1]=waddr_st1_1_ waddr[2]=waddr_st1_2_ waddr[3]=waddr_st1_3_ waddr[4]=waddr_st1_4_ \
waddr[5]=waddr_st1_5_ waddr[6]=zero00 waddr[7]=zero00 waddr[8]=zero00 \
raddr[0]=raddr_0_ raddr[1]=raddr_1_ raddr[2]=raddr_2_ raddr[3]=raddr_3_ raddr[4]=raddr_4_ raddr[5]=raddr_5_ \
raddr[6]=zero00 raddr[7]=zero00 raddr[8]=zero00 \
d_in[0]=AplusB_0_ d_in[1]=AplusB_1_ d_in[2]=AplusB_2_ d_in[3]=AplusB_3_ d_in[4]=AplusB_4_ d_in[5]=AplusB_5_ \
d_in[6]=AplusB_6_ d_in[7]=AplusB_7_ d_in[8]=zero00 d_in[9]=zero00 d_in[10]=zero00 d_in[11]=zero00 \
d_in[12]=zero00 d_in[13]=zero00 d_in[14]=zero00 d_in[15]=zero00 d_in[16]=zero00 d_in[17]=zero00 \
d_in[18]=zero00 d_in[19]=zero00 d_in[20]=zero00 d_in[21]=zero00 d_in[22]=zero00 d_in[23]=zero00 \
d_in[24]=zero00 d_in[25]=zero00 d_in[26]=zero00 d_in[27]=zero00 d_in[28]=zero00 d_in[29]=zero00 \
d_in[30]=zero00 d_in[31]=zero00 \
d_out[0]=q_0_ d_out[1]=q_1_ d_out[2]=q_2_ d_out[3]=q_3_ d_out[4]=q_4_ d_out[5]=q_5_ \
d_out[6]=q_6_ d_out[7]=q_7_ d_out[8]=unconn d_out[9]=unconn d_out[10]=unconn \
d_out[11]=unconn d_out[12]=unconn d_out[13]=unconn d_out[14]=unconn d_out[15]=unconn \
d_out[16]=unconn d_out[17]=unconn d_out[18]=unconn d_out[19]=unconn d_out[20]=unconn \
d_out[21]=unconn d_out[22]=unconn d_out[23]=unconn d_out[24]=unconn d_out[25]=unconn \
d_out[26]=unconn d_out[27]=unconn d_out[28]=unconn d_out[29]=unconn d_out[30]=unconn d_out[31]=unconn
# Start global variable
.names zero00
# End global variable
# Start blackbox definition
.model dual_port_ram_32x1024
.inputs clk wen ren waddr[0] waddr[1] waddr[2] waddr[3] waddr[4] waddr[5] \
waddr[6] waddr[7] waddr[8] raddr[0] raddr[1] raddr[2] \
raddr[3] raddr[4] raddr[5] raddr[6] raddr[7] raddr[8] \
d_in[0] d_in[1] d_in[2] d_in[3] d_in[4] d_in[5] d_in[6] d_in[7] d_in[8] \
d_in[9] d_in[10] d_in[11] d_in[12] d_in[13] d_in[14] d_in[15] d_in[16] \
d_in[17] d_in[18] d_in[19] d_in[20] d_in[21] d_in[22] d_in[23] d_in[24] \
d_in[25] d_in[26] d_in[27] d_in[28] d_in[29] d_in[30] d_in[31]
.outputs d_out[0] d_out[1] d_out[2] d_out[3] d_out[4] d_out[5] d_out[6] \
d_out[7] d_out[8] d_out[9] d_out[10] d_out[11] d_out[12] d_out[13] \
d_out[14] d_out[15] d_out[16] d_out[17] d_out[18] d_out[19] d_out[20] \
d_out[21] d_out[22] d_out[23] d_out[24] d_out[25] d_out[26] d_out[27] \
d_out[28] d_out[29] d_out[30] d_out[31]
.model adder
.inputs a b cin
.outputs cout sumout
.model shift
.inputs D clk
.outputs Q
# End blackbox definition
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
// //
// ERI summit demo-benchmark //
// pipelined_8b_adder.v //
// by Aurelien //
// //
// Design Name : pipelined_8bit_adder
// File Name : pipelined_8bit_adder.v
// Function : Pipelined 8-bit adders, whose sum and carry outputs
// are cached in a memory
// Coder : Aurelien Alacchi
`timescale 1 ns/ 1 ps
// To match the port definition in BLIF format, so that we can do verification
// Each input/output bus is expanded here.
// In future, we should be able to support buses in verification!
module pipelined_8bit_adder(
input clk,
input ren,
input wen,
input raddr_0_,
input raddr_1_,
input raddr_2_,
input raddr_3_,
input raddr_4_,
input raddr_5_,
input waddr_0_,
input waddr_1_,
input waddr_2_,
input waddr_3_,
input waddr_4_,
input waddr_5_,
input a_0_,
input a_1_,
input a_2_,
input a_3_,
input a_4_,
input a_5_,
input a_6_,
input b_0_,
input b_1_,
input b_2_,
input b_3_,
input b_4_,
input b_5_,
input b_6_,
output q_0_,
output q_1_,
output q_2_,
output q_3_,
output q_4_,
output q_5_,
output q_6_,
output q_7_);
wire [5:0] raddr = { raddr_5_, raddr_4_, raddr_3_, raddr_2_, raddr_1_, raddr_0_ };
wire [5:0] waddr = { waddr_5_, waddr_4_, waddr_3_, waddr_2_, waddr_1_, waddr_0_ };
wire [6:0] a = { a_6_, a_5_, a_4_, a_3_, a_2_, a_1_, a_0_ };
wire [6:0] b = { b_6_, b_5_, b_4_, b_3_, b_2_, b_1_, b_0_ };
wire [7:0] q = { q_7_, q_6_, q_5_, q_4_, q_3_, q_2_, q_1_, q_0_ };
reg[7:0] ram[63:0];
reg[6:0] a_st0;
reg[6:0] a_st1;
reg[6:0] b_st0;
reg[6:0] b_st1;
reg[8:0] waddr_st0;
reg[8:0] waddr_st1;
reg wen_st0;
reg wen_st1;
reg[7:0] q_int;
wire[7:0] AplusB;
assign AplusB = a_st1 + b_st1;
assign q = q_int;
always@(posedge clk) begin
waddr_st0 <= waddr;
waddr_st1 <= waddr_st0;
a_st0 <= a;
a_st1 <= a_st0;
b_st0 <= b;
b_st1 <= b_st0;
wen_st0 <= wen;
wen_st1 <= wen_st0;
if(wen_st1) begin
ram[waddr_st1] <= AplusB;
if(ren) begin
q_int <= ram[raddr];
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# Configuration file for running experiments
# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# timeout_each_job : FPGA Task script splits fpga flow into multiple jobs
# Each job execute fpga_flow script on combination of architecture & benchmark
# timeout_each_job is timeout for each job
# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
power_tech_file = ${PATH:OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/tech/PTM_45nm/45nm.xml
power_analysis = true
timeout_each_job = 20*60
bench0_top = pipelined_8bit_adder
bench0_act = ${PATH:OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/benchmarks/pipelined_8bit_adder/pipelined_8bit_adder.act
bench0_verilog = ${PATH:OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/benchmarks/pipelined_8bit_adder/pipelined_8bit_adder.v
bench0_chan_width = 100
@ -1480,6 +1480,10 @@ void update_one_grid_pack_net_num(int x, int y) {
assert ((NULL != type)
&& (EMPTY_TYPE != type)
&& (IO_TYPE != type));
/* Bypass grids whose offset is larger than 0 ! They have been processed! */
if (0 < grid[x][y].offset) {
for (iblk = 0; iblk < grid[x][y].usage; iblk++) {
blk_id = grid[x][y].blocks[iblk];
Reference in New Issue