2018-11-19 16:50:29 -06:00
<architecture >
ODIN II specific config begins
Describes the types of user-specified netlist blocks (in blif, this corresponds to
".model [type_of_block]") that this architecture supports.
Note: Basic LUTs, I/Os, and flip-flops are not included here as there are
already special structures in blif (.names, .input, .output, and .latch)
that describe them.
<models >
<model name= "io" >
<input_ports >
<port name= "outpad" />
<output_ports >
<port name= "inpad" />
<!-- ODIN II specific config ends -->
<!-- Physical descriptions begin -->
<layout auto= "1.0" /> <!-- Takes the smallest square possible that fits the number of LUTs needed -->
<!-- <layout width="3" height="3"/> -->
<spice_settings >
<parameters >
<options sim_temp= "25" post= "off" captab= "off" fast= "on" />
<!-- Used only when doing monte_carlo simulations
<monte_carlo mc_sim= "off" num_mc_points= "2" cmos_variation= "off" rram_variation= "off" >
<cmos abs_variation= "0.1" num_sigma= "3" />
<rram abs_variation= "0.1" num_sigma= "3" />
<measure sim_num_clock_cycle= "auto" accuracy= "1e-13" accuracy_type= "abs" >
<slew >
<rise upper_thres_pct= "0.95" lower_thres_pct= "0.05" />
<fall upper_thres_pct= "0.05" lower_thres_pct= "0.95" />
<delay >
<fall input_thres_pct= "0.5" output_thres_pct= "0.5" />
<stimulate >
<clock op_freq= "auto" sim_slack= "0.2" prog_freq= "2.5e6" >
<rise slew_time= "20e-12" slew_type= "abs" />
<fall slew_time= "20e-12" slew_type= "abs" />
<input >
<rise slew_time= "25e-12" slew_type= "abs" />
<fall slew_time= "25e-12" slew_type= "abs" />
<tech_lib lib_type= "industry" transistor_type= "TOP_TT" lib_path= "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/tangxifan-eda-tools/branches/subvt_fpga/process/tsmc40nm/toplevel.l" nominal_vdd= "0.9" io_vdd= "2.5" />
<transistors pn_ratio= "2" model_ref= "M" >
<nmos model_name= "nch" chan_length= "40e-9" min_width= "140e-9" />
<pmos model_name= "pch" chan_length= "40e-9" min_width= "140e-9" />
<io_nmos model_name= "nch_25" chan_length= "270e-9" min_width= "320e-9" />
<io_pmos model_name= "pch_25" chan_length= "270e-9" min_width= "320e-9" />
<module_circuit_models >
<circuit_model type= "inv_buf" name= "INVTX1" prefix= "INVTX1" is_default= "1" >
<design_technology type= "cmos" topology= "inverter" size= "1" tapered= "off" />
<port type= "input" prefix= "in" size= "1" />
<port type= "output" prefix= "out" size= "1" />
<circuit_model type= "inv_buf" name= "buf4" prefix= "buf4" is_default= "0" >
<design_technology type= "cmos" topology= "buffer" size= "1" tapered= "on" tap_drive_level= "2" f_per_stage= "4" />
<port type= "input" prefix= "in" size= "1" />
<port type= "output" prefix= "out" size= "1" />
<circuit_model type= "inv_buf" name= "tap_buf4" prefix= "tap_buf4" is_default= "0" >
<design_technology type= "cmos" topology= "buffer" size= "1" tapered= "on" tap_drive_level= "3" f_per_stage= "4" />
<port type= "input" prefix= "in" size= "1" />
<port type= "output" prefix= "out" size= "1" />
<circuit_model type= "pass_gate" name= "TGATE" prefix= "TGATE" is_default= "1" >
<design_technology type= "cmos" topology= "transmission_gate" nmos_size= "1" pmos_size= "2" />
<input_buffer exist= "off" />
<output_buffer exist= "off" />
<port type= "input" prefix= "in" size= "1" />
<port type= "input" prefix= "sel" size= "1" />
<port type= "input" prefix= "selb" size= "1" />
<port type= "output" prefix= "out" size= "1" />
<circuit_model type= "chan_wire" name= "chan_segment" prefix= "track_seg" is_default= "1" >
<design_technology type= "cmos" />
<input_buffer exist= "off" />
<output_buffer exist= "off" />
<port type= "input" prefix= "in" size= "1" />
<port type= "output" prefix= "out" size= "1" />
<wire_param model_type= "pie" res_val= "101" cap_val= "22.5e-15" level= "1" /> <!-- model_type could be T, res_val and cap_val DON'T CARE -->
<circuit_model type= "wire" name= "direct_interc" prefix= "direct_interc" is_default= "1" >
<design_technology type= "cmos" />
<input_buffer exist= "off" />
<output_buffer exist= "off" />
<port type= "input" prefix= "in" size= "1" />
<port type= "output" prefix= "out" size= "1" />
<wire_param model_type= "pie" res_val= "0" cap_val= "0" level= "1" /> <!-- model_type could be T, res_val cap_val should be defined -->
<circuit_model type= "mux" name= "mux_1level_tapbuf" prefix= "mux_1level_tapbuf" dump_structural_verilog= "true" >
<design_technology type= "cmos" structure= "one-level" />
<input_buffer exist= "on" circuit_model_name= "INVTX1" />
<output_buffer exist= "on" circuit_model_name= "tap_buf4" />
<!-- mux2to1 subckt_name="mux2to1"/ -->
<pass_gate_logic circuit_model_name= "TGATE" />
<port type= "input" prefix= "in" size= "1" />
<port type= "output" prefix= "out" size= "1" />
<port type= "sram" prefix= "sram" size= "1" />
<circuit_model type= "mux" name= "mux_2level" prefix= "mux_2level" is_default= "1" dump_structural_verilog= "true" >
<design_technology type= "cmos" structure= "multi-level" num_level= "2" />
<input_buffer exist= "on" circuit_model_name= "INVTX1" />
<output_buffer exist= "on" circuit_model_name= "INVTX1" />
<!-- mux2to1 subckt_name="mux2to1"/ -->
<pass_gate_logic circuit_model_name= "TGATE" />
<port type= "input" prefix= "in" size= "1" />
<port type= "output" prefix= "out" size= "1" />
<port type= "sram" prefix= "sram" size= "1" />
<circuit_model type= "mux" name= "mux_2level_tapbuf" prefix= "mux_2level_tapbuf" dump_structural_verilog= "true" >
<design_technology type= "cmos" structure= "multi-level" num_level= "2" />
<input_buffer exist= "on" circuit_model_name= "INVTX1" />
<output_buffer exist= "on" circuit_model_name= "tap_buf4" />
<!-- mux2to1 subckt_name="mux2to1"/ -->
<pass_gate_logic circuit_model_name= "TGATE" />
<port type= "input" prefix= "in" size= "1" />
<port type= "output" prefix= "out" size= "1" />
<port type= "sram" prefix= "sram" size= "1" />
<circuit_model type= "ff" name= "static_dff" prefix= "dff" spice_netlist= "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/tangxifan-eda-tools/branches/vpr7_rram/vpr/SpiceNetlists/ff.sp" verilog_netlist= "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/tangxifan-eda-tools/branches/vpr7_rram/vpr/VerilogNetlists/ff.v" >
<design_technology type= "cmos" />
<input_buffer exist= "on" circuit_model_name= "INVTX1" />
<output_buffer exist= "on" circuit_model_name= "INVTX1" />
<pass_gate_logic circuit_model_name= "TGATE" />
<port type= "input" prefix= "D" size= "1" />
<port type= "input" prefix= "Set" size= "1" is_global= "true" default_val= "0" is_set= "true" />
<port type= "input" prefix= "Reset" size= "1" is_global= "true" default_val= "0" is_reset= "true" />
<port type= "output" prefix= "Q" size= "1" />
<port type= "clock" prefix= "clk" size= "1" is_global= "true" default_val= "0" />
<circuit_model type= "lut" name= "lut6" prefix= "lut6" dump_structural_verilog= "true" >
<design_technology type= "cmos" />
<input_buffer exist= "on" circuit_model_name= "INVTX1" />
<output_buffer exist= "on" circuit_model_name= "INVTX1" />
<lut_input_buffer exist= "on" circuit_model_name= "buf4" />
<pass_gate_logic circuit_model_name= "TGATE" />
<port type= "input" prefix= "in" size= "6" />
<port type= "output" prefix= "out" size= "1" />
<port type= "sram" prefix= "sram" size= "64" />
<circuit_model type= "sram" name= "sram6T" prefix= "sram" spice_netlist= "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/tangxifan-eda-tools/branches/vpr7_rram/vpr/SpiceNetlists/sram.sp" verilog_netlist= "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/tangxifan-eda-tools/branches/vpr7_rram/vpr/VerilogNetlists/sram.v" >
<design_technology type= "cmos" />
<input_buffer exist= "on" circuit_model_name= "INVTX1" />
<output_buffer exist= "on" circuit_model_name= "INVTX1" />
<pass_gate_logic circuit_model_name= "TGATE" />
<port type= "input" prefix= "in" size= "1" />
<port type= "output" prefix= "out" size= "2" />
<circuit_model type= "sram" name= "sram6T_blwl" prefix= "sram_blwl" spice_netlist= "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/tangxifan-eda-tools/branches/vpr7_rram/vpr/SpiceNetlists/sram.sp" verilog_netlist= "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/tangxifan-eda-tools/branches/vpr7_rram/vpr/VerilogNetlists/sram.v" >
<design_technology type= "cmos" />
<input_buffer exist= "on" circuit_model_name= "INVTX1" />
<output_buffer exist= "on" circuit_model_name= "INVTX1" />
<pass_gate_logic circuit_model_name= "TGATE" />
<port type= "input" prefix= "in" size= "1" />
<port type= "output" prefix= "out" size= "2" />
<port type= "bl" prefix= "bl" size= "1" default_val= "0" inv_circuit_model_name= "INVTX1" />
<port type= "blb" prefix= "blb" size= "1" default_val= "1" inv_circuit_model_name= "INVTX1" />
<port type= "wl" prefix= "wl" size= "1" default_val= "0" inv_circuit_model_name= "INVTX1" />
<circuit_model type= "iopad" name= "iopad" prefix= "iopad" spice_netlist= "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/tangxifan-eda-tools/branches/vpr7_rram/vpr/SpiceNetlists/io.sp" verilog_netlist= "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/tangxifan-eda-tools/branches/vpr7_rram/vpr/VerilogNetlists/io.v" >
<design_technology type= "cmos" />
<input_buffer exist= "on" circuit_model_name= "INVTX1" />
<output_buffer exist= "on" circuit_model_name= "INVTX1" />
<pass_gate_logic circuit_model_name= "TGATE" />
<port type= "inout" prefix= "pad" size= "1" />
<port type= "sram" prefix= "en" size= "1" mode_select= "true" circuit_model_name= "sram6T_blwl" default_val= "1" />
<port type= "input" prefix= "outpad" size= "1" />
<port type= "input" prefix= "zin" size= "1" is_global= "true" default_val= "0" />
<port type= "output" prefix= "inpad" size= "1" />
<device >
<sizing R_minW_nmos= "8926" R_minW_pmos= "16067" ipin_mux_trans_size= "9" />
<timing C_ipin_cblock= "596e-18" T_ipin_cblock= "77.93e-12" />
<area grid_logic_tile_area= "0" />
<sram area= "6" >
2018-12-06 15:03:17 -06:00
<!-- <verilog organization="memory_bank" circuit_model_name="sram6T_blwl"/> -->
<verilog organization= "scan-chain" circuit_model_name= "static_dff" />
<spice organization= "standalone" circuit_model_name= "sram6T" />
2018-11-19 16:50:29 -06:00
<chan_width_distr >
<io width= "1.000000" />
<x distr= "uniform" peak= "1.000000" />
<y distr= "uniform" peak= "1.000000" />
<switch_block type= "wilton" fs= "3" />
<cblocks >
<switch type= "mux" name= "cb_mux" R= "0" Cin= "596e-18" Cout= "0" Tdel= "77.93e-12" mux_trans_size= "3" buf_size= "63" circuit_model_name= "mux_2level_tapbuf" structure= "multi-level" num_level= "2" >
<switchlist >
<switch type= "mux" name= "sb_mux_L4" R= "128" Cin= "596e-18" Cout= "0e-15" Tdel= "47.2e-12" mux_trans_size= "3" buf_size= "63" circuit_model_name= "mux_1level_tapbuf" structure= "multi-level" num_level= "1" >
<segmentlist >
<segment freq= "0.4" length= "4" type= "unidir" Rmetal= "101" Cmetal= "22.5e-15" circuit_model_name= "chan_segment" >
<mux name= "sb_mux_L4" />
<sb type= "pattern" > 1 1 1 1 1</sb>
<cb type= "pattern" > 1 1 1 1</cb>
<segment freq= "0.3" length= "2" type= "unidir" Rmetal= "101" Cmetal= "22.5e-15" circuit_model_name= "chan_segment" >
<mux name= "sb_mux_L4" />
<sb type= "pattern" > 1 1 1</sb>
<cb type= "pattern" > 1 1 </cb>
<segment freq= "0.3" length= "1" type= "unidir" Rmetal= "101" Cmetal= "22.5e-15" circuit_model_name= "chan_segment" >
<mux name= "sb_mux_L4" />
<sb type= "pattern" > 1 1</sb>
<cb type= "pattern" > 1</cb>
<complexblocklist >
<pb_type name= "io" capacity= "8" area= "0" idle_mode_name= "inpad" physical_mode_name= "io_phy" >
<input name= "outpad" num_pins= "1" />
<output name= "inpad" num_pins= "1" />
<!-- physical design description -->
<mode name= "io_phy" disabled_in_packing= "false" >
<pb_type name= "iopad" blif_model= ".subckt io" num_pb= "1" circuit_model_name= "iopad" >
<input name= "outpad" num_pins= "1" />
<output name= "inpad" num_pins= "1" />
<interconnect >
<direct name= "inpad" input= "iopad.inpad" output= "io.inpad" >
<delay_constant max= "0e-11" in_port= "iopad.inpad" out_port= "io.inpad" />
<direct name= "outpad" input= "io.outpad" output= "iopad.outpad" >
<delay_constant max= "0e-11" in_port= "io.outpad" out_port= "iopad.outpad" />
<mode name= "inpad" >
<pb_type name= "inpad" blif_model= ".input" num_pb= "1" circuit_model_name= "iopad" mode_bits= "1" >
<output name= "inpad" num_pins= "1" />
<interconnect >
<direct name= "inpad" input= "inpad.inpad" output= "io.inpad" >
<delay_constant max= "0e-11" in_port= "inpad.inpad" out_port= "io.inpad" />
<mode name= "outpad" >
<pb_type name= "outpad" blif_model= ".output" num_pb= "1" circuit_model_name= "iopad" mode_bits= "0" >
<input name= "outpad" num_pins= "1" />
<interconnect >
<direct name= "outpad" input= "io.outpad" output= "outpad.outpad" >
<delay_constant max= "0e-11" in_port= "io.outpad" out_port= "outpad.outpad" />
<!-- Every input pin is driven by 15% of the tracks in a channel, every output pin is driven by 10% of the tracks in a channel -->
<fc default_in_type= "frac" default_in_val= "0.15" default_out_type= "frac" default_out_val= "0.10" />
<!-- IOs go on the periphery of the FPGA, for consistency,
make it physically equivalent on all sides so that only one definition of I/Os is needed.
If I do not make a physically equivalent definition, then I need to define 4 different I/Os, one for each side of the FPGA
<pinlocations pattern= "custom" >
<loc side= "left" > io.outpad io.inpad</loc>
<loc side= "top" > io.outpad io.inpad</loc>
<loc side= "right" > io.outpad io.inpad</loc>
<loc side= "bottom" > io.outpad io.inpad</loc>
<!-- Place I/Os on the sides of the FPGA -->
<gridlocations >
<loc type= "perimeter" priority= "10" />
<power method= "ignore" />
<!-- Define I/O pads ends -->
<pb_type name= "clb" area= "53894" opin_to_cb= "false" >
<pin_equivalence_auto_detect input_ports = "off" output_ports= "off" />
<input name= "I" num_pins= "40" equivalent= "true" /> <!-- Each slice will have 6 inputs but we pass the output of a slice to the next one hence 4x(6 - 1)= 20 inputs (one input from the first slice is hanging) -->
<output name= "O" num_pins= "10" equivalent= "false" />
<clock name= "clk" num_pins= "1" />
<!-- fle basically refers to a slice. In this example, we just want one of them but we
leave it in so that we know this architecture can and should be used -->
<pb_type name= "fle" num_pb= "10" idle_mode_name= "n1_lut6" physical_mode_name= "n1_lut6" >
<input name= "in" num_pins= "6" />
<output name= "out" num_pins= "1" />
<clock name= "clk" num_pins= "1" />
<!-- 4 - LUT mode definition begin -->
<mode name= "n1_lut6" >
<!-- Define 6 - LUT mode -->
<pb_type name= "ble6" num_pb= "1" >
<input name= "in" num_pins= "6" />
<output name= "out" num_pins= "1" />
<clock name= "clk" num_pins= "1" />
<!-- Define LUT -->
<pb_type name= "lut6" blif_model= ".names" num_pb= "1" class= "lut" circuit_model_name= "lut6" >
<input name= "in" num_pins= "6" port_class= "lut_in" />
<output name= "out" num_pins= "1" port_class= "lut_out" />
<!-- LUT timing using delay matrix, one delay per input -->
<delay_matrix type= "max" in_port= "lut6.in" out_port= "lut6.out" >
<!-- Define flip - flop -->
<pb_type name= "ff" blif_model= ".latch" num_pb= "1" class= "flipflop" circuit_model_name= "static_dff" >
<input name= "D" num_pins= "1" port_class= "D" />
<output name= "Q" num_pins= "1" port_class= "Q" />
<clock name= "clk" num_pins= "1" port_class= "clock" />
<T_setup value= "29e-12" port= "ff.D" clock= "clk" />
<T_clock_to_Q max= "16e-12" port= "ff.Q" clock= "clk" />
<interconnect >
<direct name= "direct1" input= "ble6.in" output= "lut6.in" />
<direct name= "direct2" input= "lut6.out" output= "ff.D" >
<!-- Advanced user option that tells CAD tool to find LUT+FF pairs in netlist -->
<pack_pattern name= "ble6" in_port= "lut6.out" out_port= "ff.D" />
<direct name= "direct3" input= "ble6.clk" output= "ff.clk" />
<mux name= "mux1" input= "ff.Q lut6.out" output= "ble6.out" circuit_model_name= "mux_1level_tapbuf" >
<delay_constant max= "42.06e-12" in_port= "lut6.out" out_port= "ble6.out" />
<delay_constant max= "42.06e-12" in_port= "ff.Q" out_port= "ble6.out" />
<interconnect >
<direct name= "direct1" input= "fle.in" output= "ble6.in" />
<direct name= "direct2" input= "ble6.out" output= "fle.out" />
<direct name= "direct3" input= "fle.clk" output= "ble6.clk" />
<!-- 6 - LUT mode definition end -->
<interconnect >
<complete name= "crossbar" input= "clb.I fle[9:0].out" output= "fle[9:0].in" circuit_model_name= "mux_2level" >
<delay_constant max= "53.44e-12" in_port= "clb.I" out_port= "fle[9:0].in" />
<delay_constant max= "53.44e-12" in_port= "fle[9:0].out" out_port= "fle[9:0].in" />
<complete name= "clks" input= "clb.clk" output= "fle[9:0].clk" >
<direct name= "clbouts1" input= "fle[9:0].out" output= "clb.O[9:0]" />
<!-- Every input pin is driven by 15% of the tracks in a channel, every output pin is driven by 10% of the tracks in a channel -->
<fc default_in_type= "frac" default_in_val= "0.15" default_out_type= "frac" default_out_val= "0.10" />
<pinlocations pattern= "spread" />
<!-- Place this general purpose logic block in any unspecified column -->
<gridlocations >
<loc type= "fill" priority= "1" />
<!-- Define general purpose logic block (CLB) ends -->
<power >
<local_interconnect C_wire= "0" />
<mux_transistor_size mux_transistor_size= "5" />
<FF_size FF_size= "4" />
<LUT_transistor_size LUT_transistor_size= "5" />
<clocks >
<clock buffer_size= "auto" C_wire= "0" />