LIP6 Sorbonne Universite CNRS

Install Cases


Installation in a chrooted Environment

In this case, we will setup a Debian 9 installation of Alliance/Coriolis under a Scientific Linux 7 os. This should also work for rhel or CentOS.

Debian 9 will be referred as the guest OS or the chrooted. Scientific Linux will be referred as the host OS.

Setting up the chrooted root directory

We need the debootstrap and schroot packages (from the epel repository).

root@pc:~# yum install debootstrap schroot

On the host os, as the root user, create the directory into which the whole chrooted os will reside:

root@pc:~# mkdir -p /home/chroot/debian9.coriolis
root@pc:~# debootstrap stretch /home/chroot/debian9.coriolis http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian
root@pc:~# echo "debian9.coriolis" > /home/chroot/debian9.coriolis/etc/debian_chroot

Then, we need to give access the chrooted distribution to some kernel filesystem of the host, namely dev, proc, sys & tmp. On the host filesytem, add to /etc/fstab:

# Your host normal mounts.
# ...
# For Jail chroot of Debian9.
/dev      /home/chroot/debian9.coriolis/dev      none    bind    0   0
/dev/pts  /home/chroot/debian9.coriolis/dev/pts  none    bind    0   0
/proc     /home/chroot/debian9.coriolis/proc     none    bind    0   0
/sys      /home/chroot/debian9.coriolis/sys      none    bind    0   0
/tmp      /home/chroot/debian9.coriolis/tmp      none    bind    0   0

Mount them:

root@pc:~# mount -a

Configure schroot

Edit /etc/schroot.d/schroot.conf as follow:

description=Debian 9 stretch


Users in the schrooted environment. They must exists on both the host system and in the chrooted one. It is best if they also have the same uid / gid and home directories (relative to their respectives root). For example, for a ego user:

On the Host In the chrooted os
/home/ego N/A
/home/chroot/debian9.coriolis/home/ego /home/ego

Installing Packages in Debian 9

Now that schroot is set, we can log in the guest os as root and add the minimal needed package set to build Alliance / Coriolis.

root@pc:~# schroot -c debian9.coriolis -u root
(debian9.coriolis)root@pc:~# export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
(debian9.coriolis)root@pc:~# apt-get update
(debian9.coriolis)root@pc:~# apt-get -y install build-essential binutils-dev         \
                                                git cmake bison flex gcc python-dev  \
                                                libboost-all-dev libboost-python-dev \
                                                zlib1g-dev libxml2-dev rapidjson-dev \
                                                libbz2-dev                           \
                                                qt4-dev-tools libqwt-dev python-qt4  \
                                                autotools-dev automake               \
                                                libxt-dev libxpm-dev libmotif-dev    \
                                                yosys                                \
(debian9.coriolis)root@pc:~# apt-get clean

Creating a Duplicate User

As stated before, we must create in the guest os a user that also exist on the host os, and with the same uid and home directory. Here we assume that ego has an uid of 20000.

(debian9.coriolis)root@pc:~# adduser --uid 20000 ego
                             Adding user `ego' ...
                             Adding new group `ego' (20000) ...
                             Adding new user `ego' (20000) with group `ego' ...
                             Creating home directory `/home/ego' ...
                             Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
                             Enter new UNIX password:
                             Retype new UNIX password:
                             passwd: password updated successfully
                             Changing the user information for ego
                             Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
                                 Full Name []: Me Myself and I
                                 Room Number []: 404
                                 Work Phone []: 666 666 666
                                 Home Phone []: 3615
                                 Other []:
                             Is the information correct? [Y/n] Y

Installation of Alliance / Coriolis

Download the installer script: socInstaller.py. And put it in the home directory of the user ego in the guest os.


As it is more easier to download it from the host os, you may do so and just copy it under /home/chroot/debian9.coriolis/home/ego. As they share the same uid, the copy is allowed.

Now we can connect as the ego user on the guest os:

ego@pc:~> schroot -c debian9.coriolis -u ego
(debian9.coriolis)jpc@pc:~> ./socInstaller.py --chroot --profile=Debian9 \
                                              --do-alliance --do-coriolis