* Change: In bootstrap, in ccb & builder, build by default with Qt4 and
provide a --qt5 command line switch to enable Qt5.
FindBootstrap.cmake now provides a qtX_wrap_cpp() macros to be
independant of the version of Qt being used.
Add all thoses options to the graphical interface to the builder.
* Change: In all the tools using Qt, switch to the qtX_*() macros from
* Change: In Hurricane, in CellViewer, revert to the Qt4 way of connecting
signal/slots for backward compatibility.
* New: In all to CMakeLists.txt, disable the warning about deprecated
WIN32 under cygwin.
* New: In boostrap, in ccb.py, coriolisEnv.py and builder/Configuration.py
add recognition in uname for the values returned under Windows/Cygwin.
* New: In Documenation, in UsersGuide.rst add some informations about
Cygwin and a section for the devel branch.
When upgrading from doxygen 1.5.x to 1.8.5 the way the documentation
is generated has underwent many changes, particularly in the headers.
* Change: In <header.html>, must include the javascripts <jquery.js>
and <dynsections.js>.
* In <CMakeLists.txt>, as the header is customized, doxygen seems not
copy some files like the javascripts and some images (open.png,
closed.png). So we copy them from doxygen installation and make
the CMakeLists.txt install them. I hope they will not change too
much in the future.
* In <doxyfile>, disable markdown support as it do not interpret
correctly the formating we already adopted (with a left margin
to put command into). Use HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET instead of
HTML_STYLESHEET. Enable the index (DISABLE_INDEX=NO), for the
top header. Enable dot for inheritance diagram. Set the
EXAMPLE_PATH=. to include the synthetic hierarchy.
Correct the tag inclusion (faulty path in some places).
* In <SoC.css>, create style for the new header generated by doxygen.
* In the documentation, move the synthetic hierarchy into a module.
* Change: In <crlcore>, in display.conf use the same display threshold
for both METAL2 & METAL3.
In alliance.conf, the side of VIAs in the gauge is 2l (not 3l).
In kite.conf, separate edge densities for H/V.
* Change: In <Cell>, in flattenNets() use flag as argument, not a
boolean. Do not create rings for clock or supply nets.
* Change: In <DeepNet>, in _createRoutingPads() do not create rings
for clock or supply net (duplicated policy as in Cell::flattenNets()).
* Bug: In <ControllerWidget>, at last find the bad signal disconnect
that was causing ungraceful messages.
* Change: In <knik>, in Edge display occupancy/capacity in the string
name. Improved display progress and debugging capabilities.
Improved exception catch & breakpoint managment:
* Bug: In <PaletteWidget>, in updateExtensions() replace the calls to
deleteLayer() by delete. This cause the widget to be immediatly
erased instead of waiting for the event queue to be completly
processed. This was causing the widget to be left in a incoherent
state when stoping at a breakpoint.
* Bug: In <BreakpointWidget>, in execNoModal(), flush the main event
loop (QApplication::flush()) *before* lauching the *local* event
loop. This is to ensure all widgets are in their final state when
waiting (especially <PaletteWidget>).
* Change: In <ExceptionWidget>, new method catchAllWrapper() to
execute any std::function< void() > function/method with a "try"/
"catch" wraparound and lauch the widget in case something is catch.
* New: In <hurricane>, support for a oberver pattern, backported from
<katabatic> with an Obervable capable of being linked to any
number of Obervers.
* New: In <Cell>, made it observable to detect Cell change, currently
emit two kind of signals:
- Cell::CellAboutToChange : *before* any change.
- Cell::CellChanged : *after* the change has been completed.
* New: In <UpdateSession>, in Go::invalidate() add the Cell owning the
Go to the UPDATOR_STACK (of course the cell is added only once).
In addition, when the Cell is added, send a notification of
Cell::CellAboutToChange to all it's observers. The slave instances
are also invalidated.
Conversely in UpdateSession::_preDestroy() for each invalidated
Cell send a Cell::CellChanged notification to all observer.
The UPDATOR_STACK has been slightly amended to accept Cell which
are not Gos. Prior to this, the Cell where completly excluded from
the UpdateSession mechanism, so it's instances where never actualised
of anything referring to the Cell for that matter.
Note: we use two different mechanisms to transmit a Cell change,
observers and the slave instance map. I think at some point it
should be unificated.
* Change: In <CellViewer>, make it a Cell observer to redraw when the
cell is modificated (also update the palette).
Uses the catchAllWrapper() to protect all critical actions.
* Change: In <GraphicTool>, no longer need of cellPreModificated and
cellPostModificated signals. Now done through the Cell obersvers.
* Change: In <mauka>, <etesian> & <kite> now uses the catchAllWrapper
method for protection (need to split methods in two, to be able
to pass it as argument). No longer emit cellPreModificated and
Support for RoutingGauge in P&R:
* Bug: In <placeandroute.py>, the connection from the internal power
ring to the connectors was not done correctly. Wrong contact layers
leading to a gap.
* Change: In <BuildPowerRails>, detection of the corona signals based
on how the "pck_px" pad is connected. No longer based on name
* Change: In <placeandroute.py>, support for 2 routing metal only
(3 metal in the technology).
* Change: In <katabatic> & <kite> support for a "top layer" limitation
on the routing gauge, this allows to use only two routing metals
(METAL2 & METAL3). Work in progress.
* Cleanup: In <vlsisapd/src/bookshelf>, remove unused file Bookshelf.cpp
(may have been a parser once upon a time).
* Cleanup: In <hurricane>, in Cell::flattenNets() use flags instead of
booleans to be more readable. Allow occurrence placement checking.
* New: In <crlcore> add Python wrapper for the Ispd05 loader.
* New: In <unicorn> add option for direct loading of ISPD05 designs.
* Bug: In <hurricane/src/viewer>, RecordModel must emit
layoutAboutToBeChanged() before changing the record contents (and
layoutChanged() afterwards).
* New: In <vlsispad/utilities>, new objet Dots for displaying a kind
of progress bar.
* Change: In <vlsisapd/bookshelf>, keywords are now case-insensitive.
Added a "strict syntax" option (to be disabled for ISPD05).
* New: First working implementation of Etesian, at least for ISPD05
* Change: In <hurricane>, in Cell::flattenNets(), no longer display
a warning if an instance is unplaced, this does not make sense
when the circuit is not placed.
* New: In <crlcore>, Added translator for ISPD05 bookshelf, the
circuit is *not* placed, unlike in ISPD04 and terminal nodes
*are* true cells.
* New: In <unicorn>, added entry in import cell for ISPD05 benchmarks.
Update to Qt 5:
* Change: Now requires at least cmake 2.8.9.
* Change: CMakeLists.txt needs small changes. Qt modules must be found
one by one (Core, Gui, Widgets). Must add "set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON)"
in the top file and replace "qt4" prefix in macros by "qt5".
Added simpler macro "setup_qt()" in FindBootstrap.cmake.
* Change: No longer need to include <QGtkStyle> is is choosen by default
according to the current desktop environment.
* Change: In <hurricane>, In HApplication, launch ExceptionWidget when
a std::exception is catched instead of silently discarting it.
New placer Tool: Etesian
* New: <etesian> analytical placer. Encapsulate Coloquinte from
Gabriel Gouvine.
* New: in <documentation>, add stub demonstration ToolEngine <smurf>.
Needs to be commented.
* New: in <boostrap> and <unicorn>, added support for Etesian, the new
analytic placer. The tool itself will be added in the next commit.
* Bug: in <CellWidget>, when shifting the display buffer, we no longer
can copy the buffer on itself (we should never have). Now go through
a temporary one (PlaneId::AutoCopy) which is added to the
DrawingPlanes. Affect "goLeft()" and "goUp()".
* Bug: In <CellWidget>, remove the WA_PaintOnScreen flag/attribute.
When it's on, no PaintEvent is transmitted to the CellWidget
when it's the central widget of the <CellViewer> (QMainWindow).
It's something I still don't understand from the doc of Qt.
* Change: In <AreaCommand>, use the PlaneId enumeration instead of a
anonymous numerical index.
* Change: In <HApplication>, no longer catch and silently discard
standartd exceptions but launch the ExceptionWidget...
Suppress the now deprecated constructor with "Type" argument.
* Change: In <SelectionModel>, the "reset()" method is deprecated in
Qt5, instead enclose the "clear()" by a "beginResetModel()" and
"endResetModel()" pair.
* New: In <crlcore>, add support for ISPD05 benchmarks (in Bookshelf
format). Forked from ISPD04 and not finished yet.
* Change: In <Mauka>, distinguish the Action string identifier from
* New: In <unicorn>, add entry for ISPD05 loader. Add entry for
<Etesian> analytic placer.
* New: in <bootstrap>: add support for devtoolset-2 in ccb. Run the
cmake commands through 'scl', set shell environment variables
system path search.
* Change: In various flex scanners add the %nounput to suppress
compiler warnings.
* Change: Little cleanup for g++ 4.8.1 as it's more strict.
* Change: In various top CMakeLists.txt, suppress extraneous '/'
after DESTDIR.
Project hierarchy reorganisation:
* With svn, we were doing a tool by tool checkout, suppressing the
whole repository hierarchy level.
* The tools were also grouped, inside one repository, into multiple
projects (<bootstrap>, <vlsisapd>, <coriolis>).
* We do not want to split up each tool into a separate repository,
given their tight integration (except for vlsisapd).
* We choose to simplify, and consider all tools in a svn repository
one project. Due to the way Git clone repositories, the directory
containing the project is now to be seen under "src/".
CMake modifications:
* Now that the <vlsisapd> and <bootstrap> projects are merged into
coriolis, modificate the top CMakeLists.txt of each tool to uses
only Coriolis (and bootstrap hard wired).
CCB compile script modifications:
* Uses the new source tree hierarchy, with the project directory
* Remove (comment) all parts relateds to svn managment.
* Git is sufficiently simple so that we do not want to integrate
command shortcut into the script.
SVN cleanup:
* Remove the obsolete <chamsin> tool, that has become the full fledged
<chams> project long time ago.
- New: Path module to provide a ligthweight alternative to boost::filesystem.
The compatibility change in boost was giving more and more touble and was
not worth it. Path is aimed to provides the same services, but with a
better portability.
- A complete sweep of cleanup to suppress allmost all compiler warnings.
* ./vlsisapd/openchams:
- Change: Completly remove Name as std::string are shared. Also impact
amsCore (OpenChamsParser/OpenChamsDriver).
* ./vlsisapd/configuration:
- Bug: Python.h must be included first (see Isobar comment).
- Change: New "readFromFile()" Configuration method.
- Change: In Parameters, suppress the two separate maps, one for double
and another for string (equations). We shouldn't suppose what kind
of data an user can put in the parameter's value. Now that the
parameters for the HB-Tree are to be integrated, we have not only
double but boolean, integers and a direction string. The value are
now stored in a raw fashion as strings. It is up to the parser/drivers
(i.e OpenChamsParser/OpenChamsDriver) to give meaning to those strings
and interpret them accordingly.
- Change: In Circuit, helper templates (and some non-template) functions
to cast a string into various types. All the POD through stringAs<>
template, plus stringAsDirection() & stringAsBool(). Reverse functions
templates asString<> are also avalaible.
Note: Those helpers are of more general interest, we should displace
them sooner or later into a common "Utility" sub-tool.
- remove callOrder member on Operator
- add order on Instance (to order Devices and Subcircuits)
- update python interface
- update C++/Python parse/drive examples
symmetry becomes orientation and now supports symmetries AND rotations.
There are 8 possible orientations:
ID (identity)
R1 (rotate 90° Counter Clock wise)
R2 (symX and symY)
R3 (rotate 90° Clock Wise)
MX (symX)
XR (symX then rotate 90° Counter Clock Wise)
MY (symY)
YR (symY then rotate 90° Counter Clock Wise)
These orientations exactly copy Hurricane::Transformation::Orientation
- New: In TabDescription, add an "id" field, to be used for filtering
by the file drivers.
- New: in LayoutDescription::writeToStream(), adds a filtering over
the tabs id (same fonctionality as for the parameters).
- New: PyConfiguration extension, build using boost::python.
Not finished yet.
- Bug: In LayoutDescription::buildWidget(), when the parameter associated
to a widget is not found, to not try to adds it. Print a nice error
message and do not core dump...