- New: Added support for ACM/SIGDA ISCAS98 (.bench extension).
- Bug: In Parsers/Drivers changes the signature of the prototype, passes
file name string by value instead of by reference. In the cases of
reentrant P&D calls it may causes havoc.
- New: In Utilities, automatic setting of STRATUS_MAPPING_NAME. It's put
back into the environment from the configuration. This suppress the
need for the last environment variable under cgt.
- Change: New problem identified with the Python modules: each module seems
to be built as a complete binary, so all the static C++ initializers are
allocated in each module. In particular the C++ tree inheritance is built
for *each* module so we cannot longer uses the typeid() comparisons
across modules... It was used by boost::program_options to perform is
casts with boost::any and was starting throwing exceptions because of
bad casts. program_option was first initialized in "configuration"
first included by PyViewer then in PyCRL (see Utilities.cpp).
A first solution is to re-order the import of Python modules in
stratus1/st_model so that CRL is imported first.
The second is to not not link "configuration" with boost::program_option
as only the binary vlsisapd-conf-editor needs it.
That is a serious problem of which we must be aware and can cause further
strange behaviors.
Debug code used to diagnostic has been kept commented in the sources a
it may be needed again :-(
This behavior do not affect our singletons because they are part of
dynamic libraries that seems to be correctly shared between the various
Python modules.
* ./crlcore:
- In PyCRL, module method "getAllianceFramework()" moved as static object
method "get()" of AllianceFramework. Object AllianceFramework added
to module CRL.
cleaner separated functions converting Hurricane objects to oa
create 4 "Design CellView" of the cell : netlist, symbol, schematic and layout
remove bug with oaLib or oaTech at openning
adding oaLayerConstraint in oaLayer from the oaTech for the rule of the technology
- Bug: target_link_libraries() must be put back for OSX Snow Leopard
(doesn't seems to affect Leopard). As I do not have an OSX under
my hand it's untested and is likely to fail at that point.
* ./crlcore:
- New: PyCatalog & PyCatalogState python wrappers, mainly to have constants
values for stratus1 parsers/drivers.
- Library linking: there must not be "target_link_library()" for libraries,
only when building binaries. Avoid clashes between static module
or class variables, and strange reinitialisation of those variables.
- Change: Boost is now always linked staticly.
* ./crlcore:
- Change: In System, static initialisation problem again, there seems to
be a race between it and boost::filesystem, make the singleton creation
"at first call" again. Triggers the System singleton creation in
AllianceFramework to spare the user the need to explicitly doing it.
- New: In Utilities, automatically adds the "site-packages" PYTHONPATH
component, guessed from CORIOLIS_TOP.
- Change: In PaletteWidget, uses "goMatched" to hide DrawingStyle that are
not associated to a Go to hide/show. That is, are only pure color useds
by ExtensionGo.
- New: In <tools.configuration.xml>, added parameters for verbosity, info
and trace level.
- New: Uniform mecanism to get the "/etc" path. Now System reads the
environment variables (thanks to boost::program_option).
- Change: In Utility, correct "when first called" initialisation of the
System singleton. Access to members only through static members that
ensure the initialisation of the singleton first.
- Change: In System, makes uses of the callback feature of Parameter to
initialize the new configuration parameters (verbosity, coredump, ...).
- Change: In linefill, build upon mstream instead of ostream. Now dual
aspect, inherit ostream and have a mstream member.
- New: "linefill" class which allows to print filled lines and automatically
go to the next line whenever the line is full (more than 80 characters).
- New: In ToolBox, getInstancesCount() recursively counts leaf cell instances.
- New: In CellGauge, added getClone() method (for Configuration).
- Change: It seems that the changes to match the new VLSISAPD weren't commited
by Damien...
My view is : the possibility of configuration and combination of OA,
are almost infinite, the .cmake should not bother on finding the directory
hierarchy depending on uname value but only identify OA libraries and includes.
all you have to do is set an OPENACCESS_TOP like
in the other projects.
Example :
Now assuming you work on coriolis machine
To use the precompiled cadence OA v22.04.057 in
and the headers extracted from si2 OA v22.04.042 in
you can create a directory, let's say /dsk/l1/misc/caba/CADENCE_OA
containing symbolic links respectively named lib and include
Then set OPENACCESS_TOP to this created dir
export OPENACCESS_TOP=/dsk/l1/misc/caba/CADENCE_OA
- Bug: In CMakeLists.txt, local include directories *first*.
- New: In Utilities, Dots::asBool() & Dots::asLambda().
- New: In display.xml, new <drawingstyle> for Mauka Containers.
DO NOT name two files with the same name with only case difference !
Mac osx is by default formated as NON case sensitive system file.
key_k.fig becomes key_k_.fig
key_k.png becomes key_k_.png
key_K.fig and key_K.png are not modified
IMPORTANT: this is a temporary update to allow me to finally checkout crlcore but need to be corrected by the author
- Change: When static linking is required, also switch Boost libraries in static
mode. Automatically done is modules using FindHURRICANE through
SET_LIB_LINK_MODE(). Note: FindBoost must be called *after* SET_LIB_LINK_MODE().
- Bug: In AllianceFramework, do not try to build SxLib gauge if the layers are
not presents. Prevent cgt to miserably fails if the environment is not
- Change: In src/ccore/CMakeLists.txt, try to guess the CORIOLIS_TOP from the
compilation environment and pass back to sources.
- Change: Rename hcmos9 into cmos130 in configuration files.