2015-08-16 21:46:18 -05:00
// 6 january 2015
2017-06-02 23:33:40 -05:00
// note: as of OS X Sierra, the -mmacosx-version-min compiler options governs deprecation warnings; keep these around anyway just in case
2016-05-28 12:06:16 -05:00
2015-08-16 21:46:18 -05:00
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
2018-05-03 21:28:02 -05:00
#import <dlfcn.h> // see future.m
2015-08-16 21:46:18 -05:00
#import "../ui.h"
#import "../ui_darwin.h"
2015-10-16 17:31:14 -05:00
#import "../common/uipriv.h"
2015-08-16 21:46:18 -05:00
2018-05-05 20:28:13 -05:00
// TODO should we rename the uiprivMk things or not
// TODO what about renaming class wrapper functions that return the underlying class (like uiprivNewLabel())
2016-01-02 08:22:24 -06:00
#if __has_feature(objc_arc)
#error Sorry, libui cannot be compiled with ARC.
2018-05-03 21:38:21 -05:00
#define uiprivToNSString(str) [NSString stringWithUTF8String:(str)]
#define uiprivFromNSString(str) [(str) UTF8String]
// TODO find a better place for this
#ifndef NSAppKitVersionNumber10_9
#define NSAppKitVersionNumber10_9 1265
2018-05-03 22:00:50 -05:00
// map.m
typedef struct uiprivMap uiprivMap;
extern uiprivMap *uiprivNewMap(void);
extern void uiprivMapDestroy(uiprivMap *m);
extern void *uiprivMapGet(uiprivMap *m, void *key);
extern void uiprivMapSet(uiprivMap *m, void *key, void *value);
extern void uiprivMapDelete(uiprivMap *m, void *key);
extern void uiprivMapWalk(uiprivMap *m, void (*f)(void *key, void *value));
extern void uiprivMapReset(uiprivMap *m);
2018-05-03 22:19:42 -05:00
// menu.m
@interface uiprivMenuManager : NSObject {
uiprivMap *items;
BOOL hasQuit;
BOOL hasPreferences;
BOOL hasAbout;
@property (strong) NSMenuItem *quitItem;
@property (strong) NSMenuItem *preferencesItem;
@property (strong) NSMenuItem *aboutItem;
// NSMenuValidation is only informal
- (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)item;
- (NSMenu *)makeMenubar;
extern void uiprivFinalizeMenus(void);
extern void uiprivUninitMenus(void);
2018-05-04 18:50:02 -05:00
// main.m
@interface uiprivApplicationClass : NSApplication
// this is needed because NSApp is of type id, confusing clang
#define uiprivNSApp() ((uiprivApplicationClass *) NSApp)
@interface uiprivAppDelegate : NSObject<NSApplicationDelegate>
@property (strong) uiprivMenuManager *menuManager;
#define uiprivAppDelegate() ((uiprivAppDelegate *) [uiprivNSApp() delegate])
typedef struct uiprivNextEventArgs uiprivNextEventArgs;
struct uiprivNextEventArgs {
NSEventMask mask;
NSDate *duration;
// LONGTERM no NSRunLoopMode?
NSString *mode;
BOOL dequeue;
extern int uiprivMainStep(uiprivNextEventArgs *nea, BOOL (^interceptEvent)(NSEvent *));
2018-05-04 19:26:13 -05:00
// util.m
extern void uiprivDisableAutocorrect(NSTextView *);
// entry.m
extern void uiprivFinishNewTextField(NSTextField *, BOOL);
extern NSTextField *uiprivNewEditableTextField(void);
2018-05-05 18:38:16 -05:00
// window.m
@interface uiprivNSWindow : NSWindow
- (void)uiprivDoMove:(NSEvent *)initialEvent;
- (void)uiprivDoResize:(NSEvent *)initialEvent on:(uiWindowResizeEdge)edge;
extern uiWindow *uiprivWindowFromNSWindow(NSWindow *);
2018-05-05 18:46:57 -05:00
// alloc.m
extern NSMutableArray *uiprivDelegates;
extern void uiprivInitAlloc(void);
extern void uiprivUninitAlloc(void);
2018-05-05 19:15:32 -05:00
// autolayout.m
extern NSLayoutConstraint *uiprivMkConstraint(id view1, NSLayoutAttribute attr1, NSLayoutRelation relation, id view2, NSLayoutAttribute attr2, CGFloat multiplier, CGFloat c, NSString *desc);
extern void uiprivJiggleViewLayout(NSView *view);
typedef struct uiprivSingleChildConstraints uiprivSingleChildConstraints;
struct uiprivSingleChildConstraints {
NSLayoutConstraint *leadingConstraint;
NSLayoutConstraint *topConstraint;
NSLayoutConstraint *trailingConstraintGreater;
NSLayoutConstraint *trailingConstraintEqual;
NSLayoutConstraint *bottomConstraintGreater;
NSLayoutConstraint *bottomConstraintEqual;
extern void uiprivSingleChildConstraintsEstablish(uiprivSingleChildConstraints *c, NSView *contentView, NSView *childView, BOOL hugsTrailing, BOOL hugsBottom, int margined, NSString *desc);
extern void uiprivSingleChildConstraintsRemove(uiprivSingleChildConstraints *c, NSView *cv);
extern void uiprivSingleChildConstraintsSetMargined(uiprivSingleChildConstraints *c, int margined);
2018-05-05 19:20:57 -05:00
// area.m
extern int uiprivSendAreaEvents(NSEvent *);
// areaevents.m
extern BOOL uiprivFromKeycode(unsigned short keycode, uiAreaKeyEvent *ke);
extern BOOL uiprivKeycodeModifier(unsigned short keycode, uiModifiers *mod);
2018-05-05 19:28:00 -05:00
// draw.m
extern uiDrawContext *uiprivDrawNewContext(CGContextRef, CGFloat);
extern void uiprivDrawFreeContext(uiDrawContext *);
// fontbutton.m
extern BOOL uiprivFontButtonInhibitSendAction(SEL sel, id from, id to);
extern BOOL uiprivFontButtonOverrideTargetForAction(SEL sel, id from, id to, id *override);
extern void uiprivSetupFontPanel(void);
// colorbutton.m
extern BOOL uiprivColorButtonInhibitSendAction(SEL sel, id from, id to);
2018-05-05 20:21:44 -05:00
// scrollview.m
typedef struct uiprivScrollViewCreateParams uiprivScrollViewCreateParams;
struct uiprivScrollViewCreateParams {
// TODO MAYBE fix these identifiers
NSView *DocumentView;
NSColor *BackgroundColor;
BOOL DrawsBackground;
BOOL Bordered;
BOOL HScroll;
BOOL VScroll;
typedef struct uiprivScrollViewData uiprivScrollViewData;
extern NSScrollView *uiprivMkScrollView(uiprivScrollViewCreateParams *p, uiprivScrollViewData **dout);
extern void uiprivScrollViewSetScrolling(NSScrollView *sv, uiprivScrollViewData *d, BOOL hscroll, BOOL vscroll);
extern void uiprivScrollViewFreeData(NSScrollView *sv, uiprivScrollViewData *d);
2018-05-05 20:28:13 -05:00
// label.m
extern NSTextField *uiprivNewLabel(NSString *str);
// image.m
extern NSImage *uiprivImageNSImage(uiImage *);
// winmoveresize.m
extern void uiprivDoManualMove(NSWindow *w, NSEvent *initialEvent);
extern void uiprivDoManualResize(NSWindow *w, NSEvent *initialEvent, uiWindowResizeEdge edge);
2018-05-05 21:02:25 -05:00
// future.m
extern CFStringRef *uiprivFUTURE_kCTFontOpenTypeFeatureTag;
extern CFStringRef *uiprivFUTURE_kCTFontOpenTypeFeatureValue;
extern CFStringRef *uiprivFUTURE_kCTBackgroundColorAttributeName;
extern void uiprivLoadFutures(void);
extern void uiprivFUTURE_NSLayoutConstraint_setIdentifier(NSLayoutConstraint *constraint, NSString *identifier);
extern BOOL uiprivFUTURE_NSWindow_performWindowDragWithEvent(NSWindow *w, NSEvent *initialEvent);
// undocumented.m
extern CFStringRef uiprivUNDOC_kCTFontPreferredSubFamilyNameKey;
extern CFStringRef uiprivUNDOC_kCTFontPreferredFamilyNameKey;
extern void uiprivLoadUndocumented(void);