Started OS X name migration by moving uipriv_darwin.h out of the way.

This commit is contained in:
Pietro Gagliardi 2018-05-03 22:28:02 -04:00
parent 6a4a3e1b4d
commit 4fe74fbd56
2 changed files with 145 additions and 143 deletions

darwin/OLD_uipriv_darwin.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
#define toNSString(str) [NSString stringWithUTF8String:(str)]
#define fromNSString(str) [(str) UTF8String]
#ifndef NSAppKitVersionNumber10_9
#define NSAppKitVersionNumber10_9 1265
/*TODO remove this*/typedef struct uiImage uiImage;
// menu.m
@interface menuManager : NSObject {
struct mapTable *items;
BOOL hasQuit;
BOOL hasPreferences;
BOOL hasAbout;
@property (strong) NSMenuItem *quitItem;
@property (strong) NSMenuItem *preferencesItem;
@property (strong) NSMenuItem *aboutItem;
// NSMenuValidation is only informal
- (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)item;
- (NSMenu *)makeMenubar;
extern void finalizeMenus(void);
extern void uninitMenus(void);
// main.m
@interface applicationClass : NSApplication
// this is needed because NSApp is of type id, confusing clang
#define realNSApp() ((applicationClass *) NSApp)
@interface appDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate>
@property (strong) menuManager *menuManager;
#define appDelegate() ((appDelegate *) [realNSApp() delegate])
struct nextEventArgs {
NSEventMask mask;
NSDate *duration;
// LONGTERM no NSRunLoopMode?
NSString *mode;
BOOL dequeue;
extern int mainStep(struct nextEventArgs *nea, BOOL (^interceptEvent)(NSEvent *));
// util.m
extern void disableAutocorrect(NSTextView *);
// entry.m
extern void finishNewTextField(NSTextField *, BOOL);
extern NSTextField *newEditableTextField(void);
// window.m
@interface libuiNSWindow : NSWindow
- (void)libui_doMove:(NSEvent *)initialEvent;
- (void)libui_doResize:(NSEvent *)initialEvent on:(uiWindowResizeEdge)edge;
extern uiWindow *windowFromNSWindow(NSWindow *);
// alloc.m
extern NSMutableArray *delegates;
extern void initAlloc(void);
extern void uninitAlloc(void);
// autolayout.m
extern NSLayoutConstraint *mkConstraint(id view1, NSLayoutAttribute attr1, NSLayoutRelation relation, id view2, NSLayoutAttribute attr2, CGFloat multiplier, CGFloat c, NSString *desc);
extern void jiggleViewLayout(NSView *view);
struct singleChildConstraints {
NSLayoutConstraint *leadingConstraint;
NSLayoutConstraint *topConstraint;
NSLayoutConstraint *trailingConstraintGreater;
NSLayoutConstraint *trailingConstraintEqual;
NSLayoutConstraint *bottomConstraintGreater;
NSLayoutConstraint *bottomConstraintEqual;
extern void singleChildConstraintsEstablish(struct singleChildConstraints *c, NSView *contentView, NSView *childView, BOOL hugsTrailing, BOOL hugsBottom, int margined, NSString *desc);
extern void singleChildConstraintsRemove(struct singleChildConstraints *c, NSView *cv);
extern void singleChildConstraintsSetMargined(struct singleChildConstraints *c, int margined);
// map.m
extern struct mapTable *newMap(void);
extern void mapDestroy(struct mapTable *m);
extern void *mapGet(struct mapTable *m, void *key);
extern void mapSet(struct mapTable *m, void *key, void *value);
extern void mapDelete(struct mapTable *m, void *key);
extern void mapWalk(struct mapTable *m, void (*f)(void *key, void *value));
extern void mapReset(struct mapTable *m);
// area.m
extern int sendAreaEvents(NSEvent *);
// areaevents.m
extern BOOL fromKeycode(unsigned short keycode, uiAreaKeyEvent *ke);
extern BOOL keycodeModifier(unsigned short keycode, uiModifiers *mod);
// draw.m
extern uiDrawContext *newContext(CGContextRef, CGFloat);
extern void freeContext(uiDrawContext *);
// fontbutton.m
extern BOOL uiprivFontButtonInhibitSendAction(SEL sel, id from, id to);
extern BOOL uiprivFontButtonOverrideTargetForAction(SEL sel, id from, id to, id *override);
extern void uiprivSetupFontPanel(void);
// colorbutton.m
extern BOOL colorButtonInhibitSendAction(SEL sel, id from, id to);
// scrollview.m
struct scrollViewCreateParams {
NSView *DocumentView;
NSColor *BackgroundColor;
BOOL DrawsBackground;
BOOL Bordered;
BOOL HScroll;
BOOL VScroll;
struct scrollViewData;
extern NSScrollView *mkScrollView(struct scrollViewCreateParams *p, struct scrollViewData **dout);
extern void scrollViewSetScrolling(NSScrollView *sv, struct scrollViewData *d, BOOL hscroll, BOOL vscroll);
extern void scrollViewFreeData(NSScrollView *sv, struct scrollViewData *d);
// label.m
extern NSTextField *newLabel(NSString *str);
// image.m
extern NSImage *imageImage(uiImage *);
// winmoveresize.m
extern void doManualMove(NSWindow *w, NSEvent *initialEvent);
extern void doManualResize(NSWindow *w, NSEvent *initialEvent, uiWindowResizeEdge edge);
// future.m
extern CFStringRef *FUTURE_kCTFontOpenTypeFeatureTag;
extern CFStringRef *FUTURE_kCTFontOpenTypeFeatureValue;
extern CFStringRef *FUTURE_kCTBackgroundColorAttributeName;
extern void loadFutures(void);
extern void FUTURE_NSLayoutConstraint_setIdentifier(NSLayoutConstraint *constraint, NSString *identifier);
extern BOOL FUTURE_NSWindow_performWindowDragWithEvent(NSWindow *w, NSEvent *initialEvent);
// undocumented.m
extern CFStringRef UNDOC_kCTFontPreferredSubFamilyNameKey;
extern CFStringRef UNDOC_kCTFontPreferredFamilyNameKey;
extern void loadUndocumented(void);

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include <dlfcn.h> // see future.m
#import <dlfcn.h> // see future.m
#import "../ui.h"
#import "../ui_darwin.h"
#import "../common/uipriv.h"
@ -12,145 +12,4 @@
#error Sorry, libui cannot be compiled with ARC.
#define toNSString(str) [NSString stringWithUTF8String:(str)]
#define fromNSString(str) [(str) UTF8String]
#ifndef NSAppKitVersionNumber10_9
#define NSAppKitVersionNumber10_9 1265
/*TODO remove this*/typedef struct uiImage uiImage;
// menu.m
@interface menuManager : NSObject {
struct mapTable *items;
BOOL hasQuit;
BOOL hasPreferences;
BOOL hasAbout;
@property (strong) NSMenuItem *quitItem;
@property (strong) NSMenuItem *preferencesItem;
@property (strong) NSMenuItem *aboutItem;
// NSMenuValidation is only informal
- (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)item;
- (NSMenu *)makeMenubar;
extern void finalizeMenus(void);
extern void uninitMenus(void);
// main.m
@interface applicationClass : NSApplication
// this is needed because NSApp is of type id, confusing clang
#define realNSApp() ((applicationClass *) NSApp)
@interface appDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate>
@property (strong) menuManager *menuManager;
#define appDelegate() ((appDelegate *) [realNSApp() delegate])
struct nextEventArgs {
NSEventMask mask;
NSDate *duration;
// LONGTERM no NSRunLoopMode?
NSString *mode;
BOOL dequeue;
extern int mainStep(struct nextEventArgs *nea, BOOL (^interceptEvent)(NSEvent *));
// util.m
extern void disableAutocorrect(NSTextView *);
// entry.m
extern void finishNewTextField(NSTextField *, BOOL);
extern NSTextField *newEditableTextField(void);
// window.m
@interface libuiNSWindow : NSWindow
- (void)libui_doMove:(NSEvent *)initialEvent;
- (void)libui_doResize:(NSEvent *)initialEvent on:(uiWindowResizeEdge)edge;
extern uiWindow *windowFromNSWindow(NSWindow *);
// alloc.m
extern NSMutableArray *delegates;
extern void initAlloc(void);
extern void uninitAlloc(void);
// autolayout.m
extern NSLayoutConstraint *mkConstraint(id view1, NSLayoutAttribute attr1, NSLayoutRelation relation, id view2, NSLayoutAttribute attr2, CGFloat multiplier, CGFloat c, NSString *desc);
extern void jiggleViewLayout(NSView *view);
struct singleChildConstraints {
NSLayoutConstraint *leadingConstraint;
NSLayoutConstraint *topConstraint;
NSLayoutConstraint *trailingConstraintGreater;
NSLayoutConstraint *trailingConstraintEqual;
NSLayoutConstraint *bottomConstraintGreater;
NSLayoutConstraint *bottomConstraintEqual;
extern void singleChildConstraintsEstablish(struct singleChildConstraints *c, NSView *contentView, NSView *childView, BOOL hugsTrailing, BOOL hugsBottom, int margined, NSString *desc);
extern void singleChildConstraintsRemove(struct singleChildConstraints *c, NSView *cv);
extern void singleChildConstraintsSetMargined(struct singleChildConstraints *c, int margined);
// map.m
extern struct mapTable *newMap(void);
extern void mapDestroy(struct mapTable *m);
extern void *mapGet(struct mapTable *m, void *key);
extern void mapSet(struct mapTable *m, void *key, void *value);
extern void mapDelete(struct mapTable *m, void *key);
extern void mapWalk(struct mapTable *m, void (*f)(void *key, void *value));
extern void mapReset(struct mapTable *m);
// area.m
extern int sendAreaEvents(NSEvent *);
// areaevents.m
extern BOOL fromKeycode(unsigned short keycode, uiAreaKeyEvent *ke);
extern BOOL keycodeModifier(unsigned short keycode, uiModifiers *mod);
// draw.m
extern uiDrawContext *newContext(CGContextRef, CGFloat);
extern void freeContext(uiDrawContext *);
// fontbutton.m
extern BOOL uiprivFontButtonInhibitSendAction(SEL sel, id from, id to);
extern BOOL uiprivFontButtonOverrideTargetForAction(SEL sel, id from, id to, id *override);
extern void uiprivSetupFontPanel(void);
// colorbutton.m
extern BOOL colorButtonInhibitSendAction(SEL sel, id from, id to);
// scrollview.m
struct scrollViewCreateParams {
NSView *DocumentView;
NSColor *BackgroundColor;
BOOL DrawsBackground;
BOOL Bordered;
BOOL HScroll;
BOOL VScroll;
struct scrollViewData;
extern NSScrollView *mkScrollView(struct scrollViewCreateParams *p, struct scrollViewData **dout);
extern void scrollViewSetScrolling(NSScrollView *sv, struct scrollViewData *d, BOOL hscroll, BOOL vscroll);
extern void scrollViewFreeData(NSScrollView *sv, struct scrollViewData *d);
// label.m
extern NSTextField *newLabel(NSString *str);
// image.m
extern NSImage *imageImage(uiImage *);
// winmoveresize.m
extern void doManualMove(NSWindow *w, NSEvent *initialEvent);
extern void doManualResize(NSWindow *w, NSEvent *initialEvent, uiWindowResizeEdge edge);
// future.m
extern CFStringRef *FUTURE_kCTFontOpenTypeFeatureTag;
extern CFStringRef *FUTURE_kCTFontOpenTypeFeatureValue;
extern CFStringRef *FUTURE_kCTBackgroundColorAttributeName;
extern void loadFutures(void);
extern void FUTURE_NSLayoutConstraint_setIdentifier(NSLayoutConstraint *constraint, NSString *identifier);
extern BOOL FUTURE_NSWindow_performWindowDragWithEvent(NSWindow *w, NSEvent *initialEvent);
// undocumented.m
extern CFStringRef UNDOC_kCTFontPreferredSubFamilyNameKey;
extern CFStringRef UNDOC_kCTFontPreferredFamilyNameKey;
extern void loadUndocumented(void);
#import "OLD_uipriv_darwin.h"