The correct way of using the 'at_zero' regime of simplify is to perform
the simplification on a cloned AST subtree, otherwise the "at_zero"
evaluation seeps into the main tree.
Move the effect of the 'at_zero' flag to the cloning itself, so that
the simplify flag can be retired. We assume we can rely on id2ast in
the new clone method.
It's a repeating pattern to print an error message tied to an AST
node. Start using an 'input_error' helper for that. Among other
things this is beneficial in shortening the print lines, which tend
to be long.
(* nowrshmsk *) on a struct / union variable now affects dynamic
bit slice assignments to members of the struct / union.
(* nowrshmsk *) can in some cases yield significant resource savings; the
combination of pipeline shifting and indexed writes is an example of this.
Constructs similar to the one below can benefit from (* nowrshmsk *), and
in addition it is no longer necessary to split out the shift assignments
on separate lines in order to avoid the error message "ERROR: incompatible
mix of lookahead and non-lookahead IDs in LHS expression."
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if (rotate) begin
{ v5, v4, v3, v2, v1, v0 } <= { v4, v3, v2, v1, v0, v5 };
if (res) begin
v0.bytes <= '0;
end else if (w) begin
v0.bytes[addr] <= data;
When the verilog frontend perfomed constant evaluation of unbased
unsized constants in a context-determined expression it did not properly
extend them by repeating the bit value. This only affected constant
evaluation and not constants that made it through unchanged to RTLIL.
The latter case was already covered by tests and working before.
This fixes the const-eval issue by checking the `is_unsized` flag in
bitsAsConst and extending the value accordingly.
The newly added test also tests the already working non-const-eval case
to highlight that both cases should behave the same.
This brings the metadata for packed arrays in packed structs
in line with the metadata for unpacked arrays, and correctly
handles the case when both lsb and msb in an address range are
Otherwise the AST_CELL simplification uses the wrong celltype before the
AST_CELLARRAY simplification has a chance to unroll it and change it to
the $array celltype.
This is primarily intended to enable the standard-permitted use of
module-scoped identifiers to refer to tasks and non-constant functions.
As a side-effect, this also adds support for the non-standard use of
module-scoped identifiers referring to constant functions, a feature
that is supported in some other tools, including Iverilog. and had inconsistent and slightly broken
handling of signedness for array querying functions. These functions are
defined to return a signed result. Simplify always produced an unsigned
and genrtlil always a signed 32-bit result ignoring the context.
Includes tests for the the relvant edge cases for context dependent
- Attempt to lookup a derived module if it potentially contains a port
connection with elaboration ambiguities
- Mark the cell if module has not yet been derived
- This can be extended to implement automatic hierarchical port
connections in a future change
- Root AST_PREFIX nodes are now subject to genblk expansion to allow
them to refer to a locally-visible generate block
- Part selects on AST_PREFIX member leafs can now refer to generate
block items (previously would not resolve and raise an error)
- Add source location information to AST_PREFIX nodes