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Update macc test
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,37 +1,41 @@
// Signed 40-bit streaming accumulator with 16-bit inputs
// Signed 40-bit streaming accumulator with 16-bit inputs
// File: HDL_Coding_Techniques/multipliers/multipliers4.v
// File: HDL_Coding_Techniques/multipliers/multipliers4.v
module macc # (parameter SIZEIN = /*16*/7, SIZEOUT = 40)
// Source:
(input clk, ce, sload,
// https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx2014_2/ug901-vivado-synthesis.pdf p.90
input signed [SIZEIN-1:0] a, b,
output signed [SIZEOUT-1:0] accum_out);
module macc # (parameter SIZEIN = 16, SIZEOUT = 40) (
// Declare registers for intermediate values
input clk, ce, sload,
reg signed [SIZEIN-1:0] a_reg, b_reg;
input signed [SIZEIN-1:0] a, b,
reg sload_reg;
output signed [SIZEOUT-1:0] accum_out
reg signed [2*SIZEIN:0] mult_reg;
reg signed [SIZEOUT-1:0] adder_out, old_result;
// Declare registers for intermediate values
always @(adder_out or sload_reg) begin
reg signed [SIZEIN-1:0] a_reg, b_reg;
//if (sload_reg)
reg sload_reg;
//old_result <= 0;
reg signed [2*SIZEIN-1:0] mult_reg;
reg signed [SIZEOUT-1:0] adder_out, old_result;
// 'sload' is now active (=low) and opens the accumulation loop.
always @* /*(adder_out or sload_reg)*/ begin // Modification necessary to fix sim/synth mismatch
// The accumulator takes the next multiplier output in
if (sload_reg)
// the same cycle.
old_result <= 0;
old_result <= adder_out;
a_reg <= a;
// 'sload' is now active (=low) and opens the accumulation loop.
b_reg <= b;
// The accumulator takes the next multiplier output in
// the same cycle.
old_result <= adder_out;
always @(posedge clk)
always @(posedge clk)
//if (ce)
if (ce)
mult_reg <= a_reg * b_reg;
a_reg <= a;
sload_reg <= sload;
b_reg <= b;
// Store accumulation result into a register
mult_reg <= a_reg * b_reg;
adder_out <= old_result + mult_reg;
sload_reg <= sload;
// Store accumulation result into a register
adder_out <= old_result + mult_reg;
// Output accumulation result
// Output accumulation result
assign accum_out = adder_out;
assign accum_out = adder_out;
endmodule // macc
@ -1,17 +1,13 @@
read_verilog macc.v
read_verilog macc.v
hierarchy -top macc
hierarchy -auto-top
equiv_opt -run :restore -map +/xilinx/cells_sim.v synth_xilinx # equivalency check
#equiv_opt -assert -map +/xilinx/cells_sim.v synth_xilinx ### TODO
equiv_opt -run :prove -map +/xilinx/cells_sim.v synth_xilinx
#equiv_miter -trigger miter equiv
miter -equiv -flatten -make_assert -make_outputs gold gate miter
#sat -verify -prove-asserts -tempinduct -show-inputs -show-outputs miter
sat -verify -prove-asserts -seq 10 -show-inputs -show-outputs miter
#equiv_opt -assert -run :prove -map +/xilinx/cells_sim.v synth_xilinx # equivalency check
#miter -equiv -flatten -make_assert -make_outputs gold gate miter
#sat -set-init-zero -verify -prove-asserts -seq 10 -show-inputs -show-outputs miter
design -load postopt # load the post-opt design (otherwise equiv_opt loads the pre-opt design)
design -load postopt # load the post-opt design (otherwise equiv_opt loads the pre-opt design)
cd macc # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
cd macc # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
select -assert-count 1 t:BUFG
select -assert-count 1 t:BUFG
select -assert-count 1 t:FDRE
select -assert-count 1 t:DSP48E1
select -assert-count 1 t:DSP48E1
select -assert-none t:BUFG t:DSP48E1 %% t:* %D
select -assert-none t:BUFG t:FDRE t:DSP48E1 %% t:* %D
Reference in New Issue