mirror of https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys.git
Switching example synth to fifo
Fifo code based on SBY quick start. Instead of showing the full design we are (currently) focusing on a single output (rdata), using `%ci*` to get the subcircuit it relies on.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
YOSYS ?= ../../../../$(PROGRAM_PREFIX)yosys
DOTS = control_hier.dot control_proc.dot
DOTS += example_hier.dot
dots: $(DOTS) example.out
$(DOTS) example.out: example.v example.ys
$(YOSYS) example.ys -l example.out -Q
.PHONY: clean
rm -f *.dot
@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-- Executing script file `example.ys' --
echo on
yosys> read_verilog -defer example.v
1. Executing Verilog-2005 frontend: example.v
Parsing Verilog input from `example.v' to AST representation.
Storing AST representation for module `$abstract\example'.
Storing AST representation for module `$abstract\control'.
Storing AST representation for module `$abstract\data'.
Successfully finished Verilog frontend.
yosys> hierarchy -top control
2. Executing HIERARCHY pass (managing design hierarchy).
3. Executing AST frontend in derive mode using pre-parsed AST for module `\control'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\control'.
3.1. Analyzing design hierarchy..
Top module: \control
3.2. Analyzing design hierarchy..
Top module: \control
Removing unused module `$abstract\data'.
Removing unused module `$abstract\control'.
Removing unused module `$abstract\example'.
Removed 3 unused modules.
yosys> show -notitle -format dot -prefix control_hier
4. Generating Graphviz representation of design.
Writing dot description to `control_hier.dot'.
Dumping module control to page 1.
yosys> proc
5. Executing PROC pass (convert processes to netlists).
yosys> proc_clean
5.1. Executing PROC_CLEAN pass (remove empty switches from decision trees).
Cleaned up 0 empty switches.
yosys> proc_rmdead
5.2. Executing PROC_RMDEAD pass (remove dead branches from decision trees).
Marked 1 switch rules as full_case in process $proc$example.v:43$1 in module control.
Removed a total of 0 dead cases.
yosys> proc_prune
5.3. Executing PROC_PRUNE pass (remove redundant assignments in processes).
Removed 1 redundant assignment.
Promoted 0 assignments to connections.
yosys> proc_init
5.4. Executing PROC_INIT pass (extract init attributes).
yosys> proc_arst
5.5. Executing PROC_ARST pass (detect async resets in processes).
yosys> proc_rom
5.6. Executing PROC_ROM pass (convert switches to ROMs).
Converted 0 switches.
<suppressed ~2 debug messages>
yosys> proc_mux
5.7. Executing PROC_MUX pass (convert decision trees to multiplexers).
Creating decoders for process `\control.$proc$example.v:43$1'.
1/2: $0\addr[7:0]
2/2: $0\state[1:0]
yosys> proc_dlatch
5.8. Executing PROC_DLATCH pass (convert process syncs to latches).
yosys> proc_dff
5.9. Executing PROC_DFF pass (convert process syncs to FFs).
Creating register for signal `\control.\state' using process `\control.$proc$example.v:43$1'.
created $dff cell `$procdff$12' with positive edge clock.
Creating register for signal `\control.\addr' using process `\control.$proc$example.v:43$1'.
created $dff cell `$procdff$13' with positive edge clock.
yosys> proc_memwr
5.10. Executing PROC_MEMWR pass (convert process memory writes to cells).
yosys> proc_clean
5.11. Executing PROC_CLEAN pass (remove empty switches from decision trees).
Found and cleaned up 2 empty switches in `\control.$proc$example.v:43$1'.
Removing empty process `control.$proc$example.v:43$1'.
Cleaned up 2 empty switches.
yosys> opt_expr -keepdc
5.12. Executing OPT_EXPR pass (perform const folding).
Optimizing module control.
yosys> show -notitle -format dot -prefix control_proc
6. Generating Graphviz representation of design.
Writing dot description to `control_proc.dot'.
Dumping module control to page 1.
yosys> design -reset
yosys> read_verilog example.v
7. Executing Verilog-2005 frontend: example.v
Parsing Verilog input from `example.v' to AST representation.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\example'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\control'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\data'.
Successfully finished Verilog frontend.
yosys> hierarchy -check -top example
8. Executing HIERARCHY pass (managing design hierarchy).
8.1. Analyzing design hierarchy..
Top module: \example
Used module: \data
Used module: \control
8.2. Analyzing design hierarchy..
Top module: \example
Used module: \data
Used module: \control
Removed 0 unused modules.
yosys> show -notitle -format dot -prefix example_hier example
9. Generating Graphviz representation of design.
Writing dot description to `example_hier.dot'.
Dumping module example to page 1.
End of script. Logfile hash: b45465606c, CPU: user 0.01s system 0.00s, MEM: 11.86 MB peak
Yosys 0.35+39 (git sha1 0cd4a10c8, clang 10.0.0-4ubuntu1 -fPIC -Os)
Time spent: 37% 4x read_verilog (0 sec), 23% 3x show (0 sec), ...
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
module example (
input clk,
input rst,
input inc,
input [7:0] a,
input [7:0] b,
output [15:0] c
wire [1:0] state;
wire [7:0] addr;
control ctrl (
data dat (
module control (
input clk,
input rst,
input inc,
output [7:0] addr_o,
output [1:0] state_o
reg [1:0] state;
reg [7:0] addr;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (rst) begin
state <= 2'b00;
addr <= 0;
end else begin
if (inc) state <= state + 1'b1;
addr <= addr + 1'b1;
endmodule //control
module data (
input clk,
input [7:0] addr_i,
input [1:0] state_i,
input [7:0] a,
input [7:0] b,
output reg [15:0] c
reg [15:0] mem[255:0];
always @(posedge clk) begin
case (state_i)
2'b00: mem[addr_i] <= a*b;
2'b01: mem[addr_i] <= a+b;
2'b10: mem[addr_i] <= a-b;
2'b11: mem[addr_i] <= addr_i;
c <= mem[addr_i];
endmodule //data
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
# turn command echoes on to use the log output as a console session
echo on
# ========================================================
read_verilog -defer example.v
hierarchy -top control
show -notitle -format dot -prefix control_hier
# ========================================================
show -notitle -format dot -prefix control_proc
# ========================================================
design -reset
read_verilog example.v
hierarchy -check -top example
show -notitle -format dot -prefix example_hier example
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
YOSYS ?= ../../../../$(PROGRAM_PREFIX)yosys
DOTS = addr_gen_hier.dot addr_gen_proc.dot
DOTS += rdata_proc.dot rdata_flat.dot
DOTS += fifo_flat.dot fifo_synth.dot
dots: $(DOTS) fifo.out
$(DOTS) fifo.out: fifo.v fifo.ys
$(YOSYS) fifo.ys -l fifo.out -Q
.PHONY: clean
rm -f *.dot
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
// address generator/counter
module addr_gen
#( parameter MAX_DATA=256
) ( input en, clk, rst,
output reg [AWIDTH-1:0] addr
localparam AWIDTH = $clog2(MAX_DATA);
initial addr <= 0;
// async reset
// increment address when enabled
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
if (rst)
addr <= 0;
else if (en) begin
if (addr == MAX_DATA-1)
addr <= 0;
addr <= addr + 1;
endmodule //addr_gen
// Define our top level fifo entity
module fifo
#( parameter MAX_DATA=256
) ( input wen, ren, clk, rst,
input [7:0] wdata,
output reg [7:0] rdata,
output reg [AWIDTH:0] count
localparam AWIDTH = $clog2(MAX_DATA);
// fifo storage
// sync read before write
wire [AWIDTH-1:0] waddr, raddr;
reg [7:0] data [MAX_DATA-1:0];
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (wen)
data[waddr] <= wdata;
rdata <= data[raddr];
end // storage
// addr_gen for both write and read addresses
addr_gen #(.MAX_DATA(MAX_DATA))
fifo_writer (
.en (wen),
.clk (clk),
.rst (rst),
.addr (waddr)
addr_gen #(.MAX_DATA(MAX_DATA))
fifo_reader (
.en (ren),
.clk (clk),
.rst (rst),
.addr (raddr)
// status signals
initial count <= 0;
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
if (rst)
count <= 0;
else if (wen && !ren)
count <= count + 1;
else if (ren && !wen)
count <= count - 1;
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# ========================================================
# throw in some extra text to match what we expect if we were opening an
# interactive terminal
log $ yosys fifo.v
log -- Parsing `fifo.v' using frontend ` -vlog2k' --
read_verilog -defer fifo.v
# turn command echoes on to use the log output as a console session
echo on
hierarchy -top addr_gen
show -notitle -format dot -prefix addr_gen_hier
# ========================================================
show -notitle -format dot -prefix addr_gen_proc
# ========================================================
design -reset
read_verilog fifo.v
hierarchy -check -top fifo
show -notitle -format dot -prefix rdata_proc o:rdata %ci*
# ========================================================
show -notitle -format dot -prefix rdata_flat o:rdata %ci*
# ========================================================
show -notitle -format dot -prefix fifo_flat
design -reset
read_verilog fifo.v
synth_ice40 -dsp -top fifo
show -notitle -format dot -prefix fifo_synth
@ -23,37 +23,29 @@ First, let's quickly look at the design we'll be synthesizing:
.. todo:: reconsider including the whole (~77 line) design like this
.. todo:: reconsider including the whole (~77 line) design like this
.. literalinclude:: /code_examples/example_synth/example.v
.. literalinclude:: /code_examples/fifo/fifo.v
:language: Verilog
:language: Verilog
:caption: ``example.v``
:caption: ``fifo.v``
:name: example-v
:name: fifo-v
.. todo:: example.v description
.. todo:: fifo.v description
Loading the design
Loading the design
Let's load the design into Yosys. From the command line, we can call ``yosys
Let's load the design into Yosys. From the command line, we can call ``yosys
example.v``. This will open an interactive Yosys shell session and immediately
fifo.v``. This will open an interactive Yosys shell session and immediately
parse the code from ``example.v`` and convert it into an Abstract Syntax Tree
parse the code from ``fifo.v`` and convert it into an Abstract Syntax Tree
(AST). If you are interested in how this happens, there is more information in
(AST). If you are interested in how this happens, there is more information in
the document, :doc:`/yosys_internals/flow/verilog_frontend`. For now, suffice
the document, :doc:`/yosys_internals/flow/verilog_frontend`. For now, suffice
it to say that we do this to simplify further processing of the design. You
it to say that we do this to simplify further processing of the design. You
should see something like the following:
should see something like the following:
.. code:: console
.. literalinclude:: /code_examples/fifo/fifo.out
:language: console
$ yosys example.v
:start-at: $ yosys fifo.v
:end-before: echo on
-- Parsing `example.v' using frontend ` -vlog2k' --
1. Executing Verilog-2005 frontend: example.v
Parsing Verilog input from `example.v' to AST representation.
Storing AST representation for module `$abstract\example'.
Storing AST representation for module `$abstract\control'.
Storing AST representation for module `$abstract\data'.
Successfully finished Verilog frontend.
.. seealso:: Advanced usage docs for
.. seealso:: Advanced usage docs for
@ -62,10 +54,10 @@ Elaboration
Now that we are in the interactive shell, we can call Yosys commands directly.
Now that we are in the interactive shell, we can call Yosys commands directly.
Our overall goal is to call :yoscrypt:`synth_ice40 -top example`, but for now we
Our overall goal is to call :yoscrypt:`synth_ice40 -top fifo`, but for now we
can run each of the commands individually for a better sense of how each part
can run each of the commands individually for a better sense of how each part
contributes to the flow. We will also start with just a single module;
contributes to the flow. We will also start with just a single module;
At the bottom of the :cmd:ref:`help` output for
At the bottom of the :cmd:ref:`help` output for
:cmd:ref:`synth_ice40` is the complete list of commands called by this script.
:cmd:ref:`synth_ice40` is the complete list of commands called by this script.
@ -86,20 +78,20 @@ design. PLLs are a common example of this, where we might need to reference
later. Since our simple design doesn't use any of these IP blocks, we can safely
later. Since our simple design doesn't use any of these IP blocks, we can safely
skip this command.
skip this command.
The control module
The addr_gen module
Since we're just getting started, let's instead begin with :yoscrypt:`hierarchy
Since we're just getting started, let's instead begin with :yoscrypt:`hierarchy
-top control`. This command declares that the top level module is ``control``,
-top addr_gen`. This command declares that the top level module is ``addr_gen``,
and everything else can be discarded.
and everything else can be discarded.
.. literalinclude:: /code_examples/example_synth/example.v
.. literalinclude:: /code_examples/fifo/fifo.v
:language: Verilog
:language: Verilog
:start-at: module control
:start-at: module addr_gen
:end-at: endmodule //control
:end-at: endmodule //addr_gen
:caption: ``control`` module source
:caption: ``addr_gen`` module source
:name: control-v
:name: addr_gen-v
.. note::
.. note::
@ -108,26 +100,26 @@ and everything else can be discarded.
.. use doscon for a console-like display that supports the `yosys> [command]` format.
.. use doscon for a console-like display that supports the `yosys> [command]` format.
.. literalinclude:: /code_examples/example_synth/example.out
.. literalinclude:: /code_examples/fifo/fifo.out
:language: doscon
:language: doscon
:start-at: yosys> hierarchy -top control
:start-at: yosys> hierarchy -top addr_gen
:end-before: yosys> show
:end-before: yosys> show
:caption: :yoscrypt:`hierarchy -top control` output
:caption: :yoscrypt:`hierarchy -top addr_gen` output
Our ``control`` circuit now looks like this:
Our ``addr_gen`` circuit now looks like this:
.. figure:: /_images/code_examples/example_synth/control_hier.*
.. figure:: /_images/code_examples/fifo/addr_gen_hier.*
:class: width-helper
:class: width-helper
:name: control_hier
:name: addr_gen_hier
``control`` module after :cmd:ref:`hierarchy`
``addr_gen`` module after :cmd:ref:`hierarchy`
Notice that block that says "PROC" in :ref:`control_hier`? Simple operations
Notice that block that says "PROC" in :ref:`addr_gen_hier`? Simple operations
like ``addr + 1'b1`` can be extracted from our ``always @`` block in
like ``addr + 1`` and ``addr == MAX_DATA-1`` can be extracted from our ``always
:ref:`control-v`. This gives us the two ``$add`` cells we see. But control
@`` block in :ref:`addr_gen-v`. This gives us the ``$add`` and ``$eq`` cells we
logic (like the ``if .. else``) and memory elements (like the ``addr <= 0``) are
see. But control logic (like the ``if .. else``) and memory elements (like the
not so straightforward. To handle these, let us now introduce the next command:
``addr <= 0``) are not so straightforward. To handle these, let us now introduce
the next command: :doc:`/cmd/proc`.
:cmd:ref:`proc` is a macro command like :cmd:ref:`synth_ice40`. Rather than
:cmd:ref:`proc` is a macro command like :cmd:ref:`synth_ice40`. Rather than
modifying the design directly, it instead calls a series of other commands. In
modifying the design directly, it instead calls a series of other commands. In
@ -135,68 +127,81 @@ the case of :cmd:ref:`proc`, these sub-commands work to convert the behavioral
logic of processes into multiplexers and registers. Let's see what happens when
logic of processes into multiplexers and registers. Let's see what happens when
we run it.
we run it.
.. figure:: /_images/code_examples/example_synth/control_proc.*
.. figure:: /_images/code_examples/fifo/addr_gen_proc.*
:class: width-helper
:class: width-helper
:name: addr_gen_proc
``control`` module after :cmd:ref:`proc`
``addr_gen`` module after :cmd:ref:`proc`
The ``if`` statements are now modeled with ``$mux`` cells, while the registers
The ``if`` statements are now modeled with ``$mux`` cells, while the register
use ``$dff`` cells. If we look at the terminal output we can also see all of
uses an ``$adff`` cells. If we look at the terminal output we can also see all
the different ``proc_*`` commands being called. We will look at each of these
of the different ``proc_*`` commands being called. We will look at each of
in more detail in :doc:`/using_yosys/synthesis/proc`.
these in more detail in :doc:`/using_yosys/synthesis/proc`.
.. todo:: consider a brief glossary for terms like adff
The full example
The full example
Let's now go back and check on our full design by using :yoscrypt:`hierarchy
Let's now go back and check on our full design by using :yoscrypt:`hierarchy
-check -top example`. By passing the ``-check`` option there we are also
-check -top fifo`. By passing the ``-check`` option there we are also
telling the :cmd:ref:`hierarchy` command that if the design includes any
telling the :cmd:ref:`hierarchy` command that if the design includes any
non-blackbox modules without an implementation it should return an error.
non-blackbox modules without an implementation it should return an error.
Note that if we tried to run this command now then we would get an error. This
Note that if we tried to run this command now then we would get an error. This
is because we already removed all of the modules other than ``control``. We
is because we already removed all of the modules other than ``addr_gen``. We
could restart our shell session, but instead let's use two new commands:
could restart our shell session, but instead let's use two new commands:
- :doc:`/cmd/design`, and
- :doc:`/cmd/design`, and
- :doc:`/cmd/read_verilog`.
- :doc:`/cmd/read_verilog`.
.. literalinclude:: /code_examples/example_synth/example.out
.. literalinclude:: /code_examples/fifo/fifo.out
:language: doscon
:language: doscon
:start-at: design -reset
:start-at: design -reset
:end-before: yosys> show
:end-before: yosys> proc
:caption: reloading ``example.v`` and running :yoscrypt:`hierarchy -check -top example`
:caption: reloading ``fifo.v`` and running :yoscrypt:`hierarchy -check -top fifo`
Notice how this time we didn't see any of those `$abstract` modules? That's
Notice how this time we didn't see any of those `$abstract` modules? That's
because when we ran ``yosys example.v``, the first command Yosys called was
because when we ran ``yosys fifo.v``, the first command Yosys called was
:yoscrypt:`read_verilog -defer example.v`. The ``-defer`` option there tells
:yoscrypt:`read_verilog -defer fifo.v`. The ``-defer`` option there tells
:cmd:ref:`read_verilog` only read the abstract syntax tree and defer actual
:cmd:ref:`read_verilog` only read the abstract syntax tree and defer actual
compilation to a later :cmd:ref:`hierarchy` command. This is useful in cases
compilation to a later :cmd:ref:`hierarchy` command. This is useful in cases
where the default parameters of modules yield invalid or not synthesizable code,
where the default parameters of modules yield invalid code which is not
which is why Yosys does this automatically and is one of the reasons why
synthesizable. This is why Yosys defers compilation automatically and is one of
hierarchy should always be the first command after loading the design. If we
the reasons why hierarchy should always be the first command after loading the
know that our design won't run into this issue, we can skip the ``-defer``.
design. If we know that our design won't run into this issue, we can skip the
.. TODO:: more on why :cmd:ref:`hierarchy` is important
.. note::
.. note::
The number before a command's output increments with each command run. Don't
The number before a command's output increments with each command run. Don't
worry if your numbers don't match ours! The output you are seeing comes from
worry if your numbers don't match ours! The output you are seeing comes from
the same script that was used to generate the images in this document,
the same script that was used to generate the images in this document,
included in the source as ``example.ys``. There are extra commands being run
included in the source as ``fifo.ys``. There are extra commands being run
which you don't see, but feel free to try them yourself, or play around with
which you don't see, but feel free to try them yourself, or play around with
different commands. You can always start over with a clean slate by calling
different commands. You can always start over with a clean slate by calling
``exit`` or hitting ``ctrl+c`` (i.e. SIGINT) and re-launching the Yosys
``exit`` or hitting ``ctrl+c`` (i.e. SIGINT) and re-launching the Yosys
interactive terminal.
interactive terminal.
.. figure:: /_images/code_examples/example_synth/example_hier.*
We can also run :cmd:ref:`proc` now to finish off the full :ref:`synth_begin`.
Because the design schematic is quite large, we will be showing just the data
path for the ``rdata`` output. If you would like to see the entire design for
yourself, you can do so with :doc:`/cmd/show`. Note that the :cmd:ref:`show`
command only works with a single module, so you may need to call it with
:yoscrypt:`show fifo`.
.. figure:: /_images/code_examples/fifo/rdata_proc.*
:class: width-helper
:class: width-helper
:name: example_hier
:name: rdata_proc
``example`` module after :cmd:ref:`hierarchy`
``rdata`` output after :cmd:ref:`proc`
We can also run :cmd:ref:`proc` now, although we won't actually see any change
The ``fifo_reader`` block we can see there is the same as the
in this top view.
:ref:`addr_gen_proc` that we looked at earlier.
.. TODO:: more on why :cmd:ref:`hierarchy` is important
.. TODO:: comment on ``$memrd``
.. seealso:: Advanced usage docs for
.. seealso:: Advanced usage docs for
@ -215,12 +220,14 @@ In :cmd:ref:`synth_ice40` we get these:
:name: synth_flatten
:name: synth_flatten
:caption: ``flatten`` section
:caption: ``flatten`` section
First off is :cmd:ref:`synth_flatten`. Flattening the design like this can
First off is :cmd:ref:`flatten`. Flattening the design like this can
allow for optimizations between modules which would otherwise be missed. We
allow for optimizations between modules which would otherwise be missed.
will skip this command for now because it makes the design schematic quite
large. If you would like to see for yourself, you can do so with
.. figure:: /_images/code_examples/fifo/rdata_flat.*
:doc:`/cmd/show`. Note that the :cmd:ref:`show` command only works with a
:class: width-helper
single module, so you may need to call it with :yoscrypt:`show example`.
:name: rdata_flat
``rdata`` module after :cmd:ref:`flatten`
Depending on the target architecture, we might also see commands such as
Depending on the target architecture, we might also see commands such as
:cmd:ref:`tribuf` with the ``-logic`` option and :cmd:ref:`deminout`. These
:cmd:ref:`tribuf` with the ``-logic`` option and :cmd:ref:`deminout`. These
@ -244,6 +251,7 @@ In the iCE40 flow we get all the following commands:
.. literalinclude:: /cmd/synth_ice40.rst
.. literalinclude:: /cmd/synth_ice40.rst
:language: yoscrypt
:language: yoscrypt
:start-after: coarse:
:start-after: coarse:
:end-before: map_ram:
:end-before: map_ram:
Reference in New Issue