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2019-10-04 14:40:34 -05:00
// This file describes the second of three pattern matcher setups that
// forms the `xilinx_dsp` pass described in xilinx_dsp.cc
// At a high level, it works as follows:
// (1) Starting from a DSP48E1 cell that (a) doesn't have a CREG already,
// and (b) uses the 'C' port
// (2) Match the driver of the 'C' input to a possible $dff cell (CREG)
// (attached to at most two $mux cells that implement clock-enable or
// reset functionality, using a subpattern discussed below)
// Notes:
// - Separating out CREG packing is necessary since there is no guarantee
// that the cell ordering corresponds to the "expected" case (i.e. the order
// in which they appear in the source) thus the possiblity existed that a
// register got packed as a CREG into a downstream DSP that should have
// otherwise been a PREG of an upstream DSP that had not been visited yet
// - The reason this is separated out from the xilinx_dsp.pmg file is
// for efficiency --- each *.pmg file creates a class of the same basename,
// which when constructed, creates a custom database tailored to the
// pattern(s) contained within. Since the pattern in this file must be
// executed after the pattern contained in xilinx_dsp.pmg, it is necessary
// to reconstruct this database. Separating the two patterns into
// independent files causes two smaller, more specific, databases.
pattern xilinx_dsp_packC
udata <std::function<SigSpec(const SigSpec&)>> unextend
state <SigBit> clock
state <SigSpec> sigC sigP
state <bool> ffCcepol ffCrstpol
state <Cell*> ffC ffCcemux ffCrstmux
// subpattern
state <SigSpec> argQ argD
state <bool> ffcepol ffrstpol
state <int> ffoffset
udata <SigSpec> dffD dffQ
udata <SigBit> dffclock
udata <Cell*> dff dffcemux dffrstmux
udata <bool> dffcepol dffrstpol
2019-10-04 14:40:34 -05:00
// (1) Starting from a DSP48E1 cell that (a) doesn't have a CREG already,
// and (b) uses the 'C' port
match dsp
select dsp->type.in(\DSP48E1)
select param(dsp, \CREG, 1).as_int() == 0
select nusers(port(dsp, \C, SigSpec())) > 1
2019-10-04 14:43:19 -05:00
code sigC sigP clock
unextend = [](const SigSpec &sig) {
int i;
for (i = GetSize(sig)-1; i > 0; i--)
if (sig[i] != sig[i-1])
// Do not remove non-const sign bit
if (sig[i].wire)
return sig.extract(0, i);
sigC = unextend(port(dsp, \C, SigSpec()));
SigSpec P = port(dsp, \P);
if (param(dsp, \USE_MULT, Const("MULTIPLY")).decode_string() == "MULTIPLY") {
// Only care about those bits that are used
int i;
for (i = 0; i < GetSize(P); i++) {
if (nusers(P[i]) <= 1)
log_assert(nusers(P.extract_end(i)) <= 1);
sigP = P;
2019-10-04 14:43:19 -05:00
clock = port(dsp, \CLK, SigBit());
2019-10-04 14:40:34 -05:00
2019-10-04 14:40:34 -05:00
// (2) Match the driver of the 'C' input to a possible $dff cell (CREG)
// (attached to at most two $mux cells that implement clock-enable or
// reset functionality, using a subpattern discussed below)
code argQ ffC ffCcemux ffCrstmux ffCcepol ffCrstpol sigC clock
argQ = sigC;
if (dff) {
ffC = dff;
clock = dffclock;
if (dffrstmux) {
ffCrstmux = dffrstmux;
ffCrstpol = dffrstpol;
if (dffcemux) {
ffCcemux = dffcemux;
ffCcepol = dffcepol;
sigC = dffD;
if (ffC)
// #######################
subpattern in_dffe
arg argD argQ clock
dff = nullptr;
for (auto c : argQ.chunks()) {
if (!c.wire)
if (c.wire->get_bool_attribute(\keep))
2019-09-26 12:32:01 -05:00
Const init = c.wire->attributes.at(\init, State::Sx);
if (!init.is_fully_undef() && !init.is_fully_zero())
match ff
select ff->type.in($dff)
// DSP48E1 does not support clock inversion
select param(ff, \CLK_POLARITY).as_bool()
slice offset GetSize(port(ff, \D))
index <SigBit> port(ff, \Q)[offset] === argQ[0]
// Check that the rest of argQ is present
filter GetSize(port(ff, \Q)) >= offset + GetSize(argQ)
filter port(ff, \Q).extract(offset, GetSize(argQ)) == argQ
set ffoffset offset
code argQ argD
if (clock != SigBit() && port(ff, \CLK) != clock)
SigSpec Q = port(ff, \Q);
dff = ff;
dffclock = port(ff, \CLK);
dffD = argQ;
argD = port(ff, \D);
argQ = Q;
dffD.replace(argQ, argD);
// Only search for ffrstmux if dffD only
// has two (ff, ffrstmux) users
if (nusers(dffD) > 2)
argD = SigSpec();
match ffrstmux
if !argD.empty()
select ffrstmux->type.in($mux)
index <SigSpec> port(ffrstmux, \Y) === argD
choice <IdString> BA {\B, \A}
// DSP48E1 only supports reset to zero
select port(ffrstmux, BA).is_fully_zero()
define <bool> pol (BA == \B)
set ffrstpol pol
code argD
if (ffrstmux) {
dffrstmux = ffrstmux;
dffrstpol = ffrstpol;
argD = port(ffrstmux, ffrstpol ? \A : \B);
dffD.replace(port(ffrstmux, \Y), argD);
// Only search for ffcemux if argQ has at
// least 3 users (ff, <upstream>, ffrstmux) and
// dffD only has two (ff, ffrstmux)
if (!(nusers(argQ) >= 3 && nusers(dffD) == 2))
argD = SigSpec();
dffrstmux = nullptr;
match ffcemux
if !argD.empty()
select ffcemux->type.in($mux)
index <SigSpec> port(ffcemux, \Y) === argD
choice <IdString> AB {\A, \B}
index <SigSpec> port(ffcemux, AB) === argQ
define <bool> pol (AB == \A)
set ffcepol pol
code argD
if (ffcemux) {
dffcemux = ffcemux;
dffcepol = ffcepol;
argD = port(ffcemux, ffcepol ? \B : \A);
dffD.replace(port(ffcemux, \Y), argD);
dffcemux = nullptr;