
569 B

2(uhvi.1.-)diff/tap can not straddle UHVIN/A
3(uhvi.2.-)poly can not straddle UHVIN/A
4(uhvi.3.-)pwbm.dg must be enclosed by UHVI (exempt inside :drc_tag:`areaid.lw`)N/A
5(uhvi.4.-)dnw.dg can not straddle UHVIN/A
6(uhvi.5.-)UHVI must enclose :drc_tag:`areaid.ext`N/A
7(uhvi.6.-)UHVI must enclose dnwellN/A
8(uhvi.7.-)natfet.dg must be enclosed by UHVI layer by at leastN/A
9(uhvi.8.-)Minimum width of natfet.dgN/A
10(uhvi.9.-)Minimum Space spacing of natfet.dgN/A
11(uhvi.10.-)natfet.dg layer is not allowedN/A