docs: Adding Parasitic Layout Extraction docs.

Signed-off-by: Tim 'mithro' Ansell <>
This commit is contained in:
Tim 'mithro' Ansell 2020-07-23 19:06:45 -07:00
parent 45fad831cb
commit 1fb5d531b6
5 changed files with 144 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -19,4 +19,6 @@ SkyWater SKY130 Process Design Rules

docs/rules/rcx.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
Parasitic Layout Extraction
This table list layers and contacts included in SPICE models, and parasitic layers include in the AssuraLayout Extraction.
The modeled columns indicate sheets and contacts that are parasitic resistance/capacitance included in the model extraction measurements.
The CAD columns indicate sheets and contacts that are parasitics included in the schematic/layout RCX from Assura.
.. csv-table:: Parasitic Extraction Table
:file: rcx/rcx-all.csv
:header-rows: 2
.. note:: The models includes M1/M2 capacitance. As a result of RCX extraction limitation M1/M2 routing over the varactor will have no capacitance extraction.
Routing and placement of devices over or under Precision resistors (xhrpoly_X_X) should be avoided.
The parasitic capacitance between 3-terminal MIMC and any routing/devices is not included in layout RCX, except M3 by 1 snap grid width.
No artificial fringing capacitance is extracted for MIMC M2/M3 due to CAD algorithm after CAPM sizing.
The parasitic capacitance between Precision resistors (xhrpoly_X_X) and any routing/devices is not included in layout RCX.
S8Q-5R is not supported for RF ESD diode RCX blocking.
The ``areaid:substratecut`` will be extracted as a 0.123 ohm two terms resistor.
Resistance Rules
.. todo:: This table should be rendered like the periphery rules.
.. csv-table:: Table of resistance rules
:file: rcx/resistance.csv
:header-rows: 2
Capacitance Rules
.. todo:: This table should be rendered like the periphery rules.
.. csv-table:: Table of capacitance rules
:file: rcx/capacitance.csv
:header-rows: 2
Non-precision poly resistors
These resistors do not extract capacitance to substrate.
This needs to be accounted for manually by using ICPS_0150_0210 (cap per perimeter), and ICPS_2000_4000 (cap per area).
Un-shielded VPP's
Any routing above an un-shielded VPP will not be extracted.
The impact of this on total capacitance and parasitic capacitance is already comprehended in the model corners, however, cross-talk is not modeled. Also, parasitic cap is routed to ground and this may not be ideal for the scenario.
The parasitic cap can be estimated using RescapWeb.

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
.X.1,No capacitance is extracted due to contacts. (This is a generic layout extraction tool limitation.)
,MOS Devices (MOS.-)
.mos.1,area between poly and diff should not have capacitance extracted.
.mos.2,li within .055um will not have fringing capacitance (npcon.4 = 0.055 for S8)
.mos.3,there will be no fringing caps between gates ( as capacitance is shielded by the LICON and MCON).
.mos.4,All 20V NMOS ISO DEFETs will have the parasitic diodes included in the models.
.mos.5,All 20V NMOS ISO DEFETs will have the parasitic diode included in the models.,This model also includes the 5th terminal Drain-Psub diode (DeepNwell - Psub).
.mos.6,All 20V PMOS DEFETs will have the parasitic DeepNwell-Psub diode included in the CAD extraction.
.mos.7,The only 20V DEFET instance parameter that the model uses from CAD extraction is m-factor.,The model will over-write all other instance parameters from CAD extraction.
,Resistors (RES.-)
.res.1,short devices must not have capacitance calculated across the device.
.res.2,fuse devices must have capacitance extracted.
.res.3,poly resistors that are not the precision poly resistors (xhrpoly_X_X) must have capacitance extracted.
.res.4,metops that are merged must have capacitance extracted.
.res.5,parasitic resistors for diff/nwell must have the junction diode extracted.
.res.6,Poly precision resistors must not have the poly-psub parasitic capacitance extracted (RCX should also exclude head/tail poly-psub capacitance).
.res.7,"For Poly precision resistors xhrpoly_X_1, the device recognition layer is defined by growing the AND rpm.dg layers 0.50 um(head/tail distance from ID layer) in all directions. Poly-Field/Diff/Well, and Poly-Poly, Poly-Li will not have capacitance extracted inside this device recognition layer."
.res.8,"For Poly precision resistors xhrpoly_X_2, the device recognition layer is defined by growing the AND rpm.dg layers 1.18 um(head/tail distance from ID layer) in all directions. Poly-Field/Diff/Well, and Poly-Poly, Poly-Li will not have capacitance extracted inside this device recognition layer."
,Capacitors (PASSIVES.-)
.cnwvc.1,"capacitance will not be extracted for field, diff, Poly, Li, M1, M2 up to 0.465u away from device\n recognition layer (as defined in LVS table of TDR)"
.cmimc.1,"capacitance will not be extracted between M2 to field, diff, Poly, Li, M1 up to 0.14u away from device\n recognition layer (intersection of M2 overlapping CAPM that's connected to VIA2, 3-terminal MiM only)"
.crfesd.1,"capacitance will not be extracted for field, diff, Poly, Li, M1, M2 up to 0.4u away from device recognition layers (diode terminals)"
.xcmvpp.1," For Cap extraction of xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym50p4shield, the metal5 exposed for metal5-metal5 capacitance extraction is an extra 0.4um from the extraction of xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym5shield. For any layer below metal5, the capcitance extraction of xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym50p4shield is the same as xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym5shield (Note: for the unit cel xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym50p4shield metal5 is pulled in 0.4um from the cell edge)"
,Bipolar Devices
Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 9.

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
Description,Model Structure,Modeled RX,,Actual CAD RX,,RX Discrepancy,Modeled CX,Actual CX,CX Discrepancy
All Periphery FETs,mXXXX d g s b w l m ad as pd ps nrd nrs,none,diff(min),licon/mcon/vias, diff(ext)/poly/li/m1/m2-m3,none,poly/licon/li,li/m1/m2-m3,li-negligible
20V NDEFETs NONISO,xXXXX d g s b w l m ad as pd ps nrd nrs,none,diff(min)/licon,mcon/vias, diff(ext)/poly/li/m1/m2-m3,none,poly/licon/li,li/m1/m2-m3,li-negligible
20V NDEFETs ISO,xXXXX d g s b w l m ad as pd ps nrd nrs,none,diff(min)/licon,mcon/vias, diff(ext)/poly/li/m1/m2-m3,none,poly/licon/li/dnwdiode_psub,li/m1/m2-m3,li-negligible
20V PDEFETs,xXXXX d g s b w l m ad as pd ps nrd nrs,none,diff(min)/licon,mcon/vias, diff(ext)/poly/li/m1/m2-m3,none,poly/licon/li,li/m1/m2-m3/dnwhvdiode_psub,li-negligible
All Diodes,dXXXX n1 n2 area pj,licon,diff,licon/mcon/vias, poly/li/m1/m2-m3,licon-negligible,Junction,li/m1/m2-m3,none
RF ESD Diodes,xesd_XXXX n1 n2 area pj,licon/mcon/ via,li/m1/m2,via2,m3,none,li/m1/m2,m3,none
Parasitic PNP,qXXXX nc nb ne ns pnppar m,licon/mcon,diff/li,mcon/vias,li/m1/m2-m3,li/mcon-neglible,na,li/m1/m2-m3,none
Parasitic PNP (5X),qXXXX nc nb ne ns pnppar5x m,licon/mcon,diff/li,mcon/vias,li/m1/m2-m3,li/mcon-neglible,na,li/m1/m2-m3,none
Parasitic NPN,qXXXX nc nb ne ns npnpar m,licon/mcon,diff/li,mcon/vias,li/m1/m2-m3,li/mcon-neglible,na,li/m1/m2-m3,none
Non-precision Resistors,rXXXX a b l w m,none,sheet layer,licon/mcon/vias,none (no sheet resistance where sheet layer & res id layer intersect),none,none,junction/li/m1/m2-m3,parasitic capacitance to substrate (tool limitation)
Precision poly resistor,xXXXXX hrpoly_X_X r0 r1 b l w m,licon/mcon,poly/li,via,m1/m2-m3,none,poly-sub,m1/m2-m3,li-negligible
MIM Capacitor (2-terminal),xXXXX xcmimc2 c0 c1 w l m ,via2,m3,N/A,poly/li/m1/m2,m2 (of the device) -negligible,capm-m2,li/m1/m2-m3,routing layers underneath device
MIM Capacitor (3-terminal),xXXXX xcmimc c0 c1 b w l m ,via2,m3,N/A,poly/li/m1/m2,m2 (of the device) -negligible,m2-sub/capm-m2,(1) Carea of M2-sub (non-overlap CAPM w/ 0.14um upsize)\n(2) M3 Cap by 1 snap grid width,none
Isolated Pwell Resistor,xXXXX pwres r0 r1 b l w m,licon/mcon,pwell/li,vias,m1/m2-m3,none,none,junction/m1/m2-m3,li-negligible
Vertical Parallel Plate Cap,xXXXX xcmvpp c0 c1 b m (note: no special RCX implementation for VPP required since black-box LVS will be used),mcon/via,li/m1/m2,none (black box LVS),none (black box LVS),none,li/mcon//m1/via/m2,none (black box LVS),Parasitic capacitance to routing above
Vertical Parallel Plate Cap over MOSCAP,xXXXX xcmvpp2_* c0 c1 b m ,mcon/via,li/m1/m2,none (black box LVS),none (black box LVS),none,li/mcon//m1/via/m2,none (black box LVS),Parasitic capacitance to routing above
4-terminal Vertical Parallel Plate Cap (M3 Shielded),xXXXXX xcmvpp*x*_m3shield c0 c1 b term4 m=,licon/mcon/ via,poly/li/m1/m2,via3/via4,m3/m4/m5,none,poly/licon/li/mcon/m1/via/m2/m3,"m3-substrate (not m3-m2), neighboring metal to VPP metal",none
4-terminal Vertical Parallel Plate Cap (M5 Shielded),xXXXXX xcmvpp*_*m5shield c0 c1 b term4 m=,licon/mcon/ via/via2/via3,poly/li/m1/m2/m3/m4,via4,m5,none,poly/licon/li/mcon/m1/via/m2/m3/m4/m5,neighboring metal to VPP metal,none
3-terminal Vertical Parallel Plate Cap,xXXXXX xcmvpp*x* c0 c1 b m=\nxXXXXX xcmvpp*x*_lishield c0 c1 b m=,mcon/ via,li/m1/m2,via2/via3/via4,m3/m4/m5,none,li/mcon/m1/via/m2,neighboring metal to VPP metal,Parasitic capacitance to routing above
3-terminal Vertical Parallel Plate Cap (for S8Q/S8P only),xXXXXX xcmvpp*x*_m3_lishield c0 c1 b m=,mcon/ via/via2,li/m1/m2/m3,via3/via4,m4/m5,none,li/mcon/m1/via/m2/via2/m3,neighboring metal to VPP metal,none
Varactor,xXXXXX xcnwvc c0 c1 b l w m,licon/mcon/via,diff/poly/li/m1/m2,via2,m3,none,poly/li/m1/m2,nwdiodemodel/m3*,none
Inductor,xXXXXX xindXXXX t1 t2 body (note: no special RCX implementation for inductor required since black-box LVS will be used),via,m2/Cu,Nothing extracted within inductor.dg layer,,none,m2/via/Cu,Nothing extracted within inductor.dg layer,none
1 Description Model Structure Modeled RX Actual CAD RX RX Discrepancy Modeled CX Actual CX CX Discrepancy
2 Contacts Sheets Contacts Sheets Sheet Sheet
3 All Periphery FETs mXXXX d g s b w l m ad as pd ps nrd nrs none diff(min) licon/mcon/vias diff(ext)/poly/li/m1/m2-m3 none poly/licon/li li/m1/m2-m3 li-negligible
4 20V NDEFETs NONISO xXXXX d g s b w l m ad as pd ps nrd nrs none diff(min)/licon mcon/vias diff(ext)/poly/li/m1/m2-m3 none poly/licon/li li/m1/m2-m3 li-negligible
5 20V NDEFETs ISO xXXXX d g s b w l m ad as pd ps nrd nrs none diff(min)/licon mcon/vias diff(ext)/poly/li/m1/m2-m3 none poly/licon/li/dnwdiode_psub li/m1/m2-m3 li-negligible
6 20V PDEFETs xXXXX d g s b w l m ad as pd ps nrd nrs none diff(min)/licon mcon/vias diff(ext)/poly/li/m1/m2-m3 none poly/licon/li li/m1/m2-m3/dnwhvdiode_psub li-negligible
8 All Diodes dXXXX n1 n2 area pj licon diff licon/mcon/vias poly/li/m1/m2-m3 licon-negligible Junction li/m1/m2-m3 none
9 RF ESD Diodes xesd_XXXX n1 n2 area pj licon/mcon/ via li/m1/m2 via2 m3 none li/m1/m2 m3 none
10 Parasitic PNP qXXXX nc nb ne ns pnppar m licon/mcon diff/li mcon/vias li/m1/m2-m3 li/mcon-neglible na li/m1/m2-m3 none
11 Parasitic PNP (5X) qXXXX nc nb ne ns pnppar5x m licon/mcon diff/li mcon/vias li/m1/m2-m3 li/mcon-neglible na li/m1/m2-m3 none
12 Parasitic NPN qXXXX nc nb ne ns npnpar m licon/mcon diff/li mcon/vias li/m1/m2-m3 li/mcon-neglible na li/m1/m2-m3 none
13 Non-precision Resistors rXXXX a b l w m none sheet layer licon/mcon/vias none (no sheet resistance where sheet layer & res id layer intersect) none none junction/li/m1/m2-m3 parasitic capacitance to substrate (tool limitation)
14 Precision poly resistor xXXXXX hrpoly_X_X r0 r1 b l w m licon/mcon poly/li via m1/m2-m3 none poly-sub m1/m2-m3 li-negligible
15 MIM Capacitor (2-terminal) xXXXX xcmimc2 c0 c1 w l m via2 m3 N/A poly/li/m1/m2 m2 (of the device) -negligible capm-m2 li/m1/m2-m3 routing layers underneath device
16 MIM Capacitor (3-terminal) xXXXX xcmimc c0 c1 b w l m via2 m3 N/A poly/li/m1/m2 m2 (of the device) -negligible m2-sub/capm-m2 (1) Carea of M2-sub (non-overlap CAPM w/ 0.14um upsize)\n(2) M3 Cap by 1 snap grid width none
17 Isolated Pwell Resistor xXXXX pwres r0 r1 b l w m licon/mcon pwell/li vias m1/m2-m3 none none junction/m1/m2-m3 li-negligible
18 Vertical Parallel Plate Cap xXXXX xcmvpp c0 c1 b m (note: no special RCX implementation for VPP required since black-box LVS will be used) mcon/via li/m1/m2 none (black box LVS) none (black box LVS) none li/mcon//m1/via/m2 none (black box LVS) Parasitic capacitance to routing above
19 Vertical Parallel Plate Cap over MOSCAP xXXXX xcmvpp2_* c0 c1 b m mcon/via li/m1/m2 none (black box LVS) none (black box LVS) none li/mcon//m1/via/m2 none (black box LVS) Parasitic capacitance to routing above
20 4-terminal Vertical Parallel Plate Cap (M3 Shielded) xXXXXX xcmvpp*x*_m3shield c0 c1 b term4 m= licon/mcon/ via poly/li/m1/m2 via3/via4 m3/m4/m5 none poly/licon/li/mcon/m1/via/m2/m3 m3-substrate (not m3-m2), neighboring metal to VPP metal none
21 4-terminal Vertical Parallel Plate Cap (M5 Shielded) xXXXXX xcmvpp*_*m5shield c0 c1 b term4 m= licon/mcon/ via/via2/via3 poly/li/m1/m2/m3/m4 via4 m5 none poly/licon/li/mcon/m1/via/m2/m3/m4/m5 neighboring metal to VPP metal none
22 3-terminal Vertical Parallel Plate Cap xXXXXX xcmvpp*x* c0 c1 b m=\nxXXXXX xcmvpp*x*_lishield c0 c1 b m= mcon/ via li/m1/m2 via2/via3/via4 m3/m4/m5 none li/mcon/m1/via/m2 neighboring metal to VPP metal Parasitic capacitance to routing above
23 3-terminal Vertical Parallel Plate Cap (for S8Q/S8P only) xXXXXX xcmvpp*x*_m3_lishield c0 c1 b m= mcon/ via/via2 li/m1/m2/m3 via3/via4 m4/m5 none li/mcon/m1/via/m2/via2/m3 neighboring metal to VPP metal none
24 Varactor xXXXXX xcnwvc c0 c1 b l w m licon/mcon/via diff/poly/li/m1/m2 via2 m3 none poly/li/m1/m2 nwdiodemodel/m3* none
25 Inductor xXXXXX xindXXXX t1 t2 body (note: no special RCX implementation for inductor required since black-box LVS will be used) via m2/Cu Nothing extracted within inductor.dg layer none m2/via/Cu Nothing extracted within inductor.dg layer none

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
,General (RES.-)
.X,Parasitic resistance is not extrated under a sheet layer with it's corresponding layer.
,Sheet Resistance (SR.-)
.X,Calibre now extracts deltaW by bucketing the sheet rho based on different widths.,The accuracy of each bucket must be within 2% of the Sheet Rho Calc using deltaW.
.met3,Parasitic resistance is calculated for all metal3 (if metal3 exists for the specific technology)
.met2,Parasitic resistance is calculated for all metal2.
.met1,Parasitic resistance is calculated for all metal1 with the exception of varactor which follow rule SR.xcnwvc.1
.li1,Parasitic resistance is calculated for all li1.
.poly.1,Parasitic resistance on gates is calculated to the center of the gate.
.poly.2,Parasitic resistance for poly is not extracted beyond the device terminal. The device terminal for all devices but MOS is at the edge of the poly. Note: This means that parasitic resistance is not extracted for poly that is part of an LVS capacitor or LVS resistor. The LVS capacitors have poly in the model.
.diff.1,Parasitic resistance is not extracted for any diffusion regions.
.diff.2,Extract NRD/NRS for MOSFETs (except extendedDrain Fets) per the equations defined in USC-206. NRD/NRS for the n-type ESD devices must include the ntap enclosed in the source/drain ndiff hole NRD/NRS for the p-type ESD devices must include the ptap enclosed in the source/drain pdiff hole.
.xnwvc.1,Inside the Varactor device boundry (see rule PASSIVES.cnwvc.1) all layers listed in the model (m1 and below) will not have resistance extracted.
,contact-to-gate space (CT.-)
.via,All vias will have parasitic resistance extracted.
.mcon,All mcons will have parasitic resistance extracted.
.licon.1,All licons that are connected to Poly and not connected to the poly of the xhrpoly_X_X device should have resistance extracted.
.licon.2,All licons that are connnected to non-precision resistors will have resistance extracted.
.licon.3,All licons that are connected to FETs will be extracted by RCX.
.licon.4,All licons on diff of PNP/NPN will be considered part of the device model.
.licon.5,All licons on tap of PNP/NPN will be considered part of the device model.
.licon.6,All licons on non-PNP tap regions will have parasitic resistance extracted.
.hrpoly.1,"All licons and mcons that are part of the hrpoly resistor will not have parasitic resitance extracted, these contacts are in the models."
.pwres.1,"All licons and mcons that are part of the pwell resistor will not have parasitic resitance extracted, these contacts are in the models."
Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 5.