AR_met2_A,Net Area Ratio of met2 not connected to via and of via2 >=0.05 [Equation: (AREA(via2))/(2 * AREA(met2NotConnVia) + PERIMETER(met2NotConnVia) * 0.35)],,,Rules
AR_met2_B,"Net Area Ratio of met2GroundOrFloat, via, and via2 <=0.032 [Equation: (AREA(via2))/(2 * AREA(met2GroundOrFloatVia) + PERIMETER(met2GroundOrFloatVia) * 0.35)]",,,Rules
bondPad,pad:dg OUTSIDE areaid:ft,,,Rules
bottom_plate,(capm:dg AND met2:dg) sized by capm.3; Exclude all capm sharing same metal2 plate,,,Rules
Capacitor,Capm enclosing at least one via2,,,Rules
Chip_extent,Holes (areaid:sl ) OR,,,Rules
Diecut_pmm,areaid.dt NOT (cfom.wp OR cp1m.wp OR cmm1.wp OR cmm2.wp),,,Rules
drain_diffusion,(diff NOT poly in nwell or pwell) not abutting tap in the same well or abutting tap in the opposite well,,,Rules
dummy_capacitor,Capm not overlapping via2,,,Rules
dummy_poly,"poly overlapping text ""dummy_poly"" (written using text.dg)",,,Rules
ESD_nwell_tap,"n+ tap coincident with nwell such that n+ tap and nwell are completely surrounded by and abutting n+ diff on all edges, within areaid:ed ",,,Rules
fomDmy_keepout_1, (diff.dg OR tap.dg OR poly.dg OR pwell resistor OR pad OR cfom.dg OR OR PhotoArray OR,,,Rules
floating_met*,met*.dg not connected to diffusion or tap through met(*+1) or met(*-1) and their respecitve vias and contacts,,,Rules
fom_waffles," with dimensions (um x um): 0.5 x 0.5, 1.5 x 1.5, 2.5 x 2.5 and 4.08 x 4.08",,,Rules
gated_npn,cell name: s8rf_npn_1x1_2p0_HV,,,Rules
huge_metX,Metal X geometry wider and longer than 3.000um,,,Rules
hugePad, with width > 100um,,,Rules
iso_pwell,(NOT nwell) AND dnwell,,,Rules
isolated_tap,tap that does not abut diff,,,Rules
laser_target,cell *lazX_* and *lazY_* OUTSIDE areaid:ft,,,Rules
LVnwell,nwell NOT hvi,,,Rules
LVTN_Gate,Gate overlapping lvtn,,,Rules
met2GroundOrFloat,met2 connected to ptap or met2 not connected to difftap\n,,,Rules
met2GroundOrFloatVia,met2GroundOrFloat interacting with via2 >2,,,Rules
N+_diff,Diff NOT Nwell,,,Rules
N+_tap,Tap AND Nwell,,,Rules
nsdmHoles,Hole( nsdm ),,,Rules
NSM_keepout,nsm.dg OR,,,Rules
nwell_all,nwell OR extension of cnwm beyond nwell edge straddling de_nFet_source by cnwm.3f (45 degree edges are retained for the NVHV device nwell); Rule cnwm.3f applies only to GSMC flows,,,Rules
P+_diff,Diff AND Nwell,,,Rules
P+_tap,Tap NOT Nwell,,,Rules
Pattern_density,(diff_tap area) / PD window (as specified in the rule section),,,Rules
photoDiode,deep nwell overlapping areaid.po. Die+frame utility will use the mask data of dnwell in the implementation of this definition,,,Rules
poly_licon1,Any licon1 that does not overlap ((diff or tap) NOT poly),,,Rules
poly_waffles," with dimensions (um x um): 0.48 x 0.48, 0.54 x 0.54 and 0.72 x 0.72",,,Rules
prec_resistor,rpm AND (poly overlapping AND psdm,,,Rules
prec_resistor_terminal,prec_resistor AND li,,,Rules
psdmHoles,Hole( psdm ),,,Rules
pwell,NOT nwell (default substrate area),,,Rules
pwres_terminal,P+tap abutting,,,Rules
pnp_emitter,diff AND pnp.dg AND psdm,,,Rules
routing_terminal, sized inside of metX.drawing by 1/2 * metalX min width; Similar defintion applies to Li1 layer,,,Rules
scribe_line,areaid:ft NOT areaid:dt,,,Rules
slotted_licon,licon1.dg of size 0.19um x 2.0um,,,Rules
slotted_licon_edge1,2.0um edge of the slotted_licon,,,Rules
source_diffusion,(diff NOT poly in nwell or pwell) abutting tap in same well,,,Rules
tap_licon,Tap AND Licon1,,,Rules
tap_notPoly,tap NOT poly,,,Rules
top_indmMetal,met3 for S8D*,,,Rules
top_metal,met3.dg OR (for S8T*/SP8TEE-5R); met3.dg OR (for S8D*); met4.dg OR (for SP8Q/S8Q*); met5.dg OR (for SP8P*/S8P*),,,Rules
top_padVia,Via2 for S8D*,,,Rules
Var_channel,poly AND tap AND (nwell NOT hvi) NOT areaid.ce,,,Rules
hvPoly,= poly electrically connected to hv_source/drain,,,Rules (HV)
HV_nwell,(nwell AND hvi) OR (nwell overlapping areaid.hl),,,Rules (HV)
stack_hv_lv_diff,(diff And Hvi NOT nwell) abutting (diff NOT nwell),,,Rules (HV)
SHVdiff,Diff And shvi,,,Rules (SHV)
SHVGate,SHVPoly AND diff,,,Rules (SHV)
SHVPoly,Poly OVERLAP shvi:dg,,,Rules (SHV)
SHVSourceDrain,Diff And shvi NOT poly NOT diff:rs,,,Rules (SHV)
VHVdiff,Diff And vhvi,,,Rules (VHV)
VHVGate,VHVPoly AND diff,,,Rules (VHV)
VHVPoly,Poly OVERLAP vhvi:dg,,,Rules (VHV)
VHVSourceDrain,(Diff AND tap) And vhvi NOT poly NOT diff:rs,,,Rules (VHV)
background,"Area where waffling grid is defined, sized to avoid waffle shift between runs",,,Waffles
die,Holes (areaid:sl ),,,Waffles
frame,( areaid.ft SIZE by -(max of s.2e/h)) NOT (OR areaid.dt SEALIDandHole),,,Waffles
inductor_metal,(inductor:dg AND (met1 OR met2 OR met3)) size by 10 um [For all flows except S8PIR-10R]\ninductor.dg [for the S8PIR-10R flow],,,Waffles
mm*_slot,mm* slots are defined as empty holes in metal that are located in ( OR,,,Waffles
nwellDnwellHoles,(inner HOLES of nwellAndDnwell). Die+frame utility will use the mask data of nwell and dnwell in the implementation of this definition,,,Waffles
photoArray,(OR nwellAndDnwell nwellDnwellHoles) enclosing photoDiode. Die+frame utility will use the mask data of nwell and dnwell in the implementation of this definition,,,Waffles
esd_diff_tap_nwell,ESDID AND diff_tap_nwell,,,ESD (LVS)
Ndiff,diff NOT nwell,,,ESD (LVS)
tap_nwell,tap INSIDE nwell,,,ESD (LVS)
ESD_diffusion,A+B31ny diffusion or ESD_nwell_tap connected directly or through a resistor to a Pad or to Vss/Vcc that is covered by areaid.ed and located within a double tap guardrings.,,,Latch up rules
ESD_cascode_diffusion,Diffusion covered by areaid.ed between two minimum spaced poly gates and located within a pair of double tap guardrings. (There should be no licons on the diffusion.),,,Latch up rules
ESD_diode,Any nwell (other than ESD_nwell_tap ) covered by areaid.ed and that does not contain poly,,,Latch up rules
ESD_FET,(any Pdiff covered by areaid:ed within a double tap guardrings) Or\nESD_NFET,,,Latch up rules
ESD_NFET,(any Ndiff covered by areaid:ed abutting ESD_nwell_tap) Or (any Ndiff covered by areaid:ed abutting gate within 3.5um of ESD_nwell_tap) Or (any Ndiff abutting ESD_nwell_tap within areaid.ed) a double tap guardrings,,,Latch up rules
I/O_or_Output_Pmos,ESD P+ diffusion overlapping poly and overlapping ESD source/drain diffusion connected to I/O or output net,,,Latch up rules
I/O_Pmos_w/series_R,ESD PMOS connected to I/O or output net through series resistors,,,Latch up rules
met_ESD_resistor,Metal resistor inside areaid:ed,,,Latch up rules
Non_Vcc_nwell,Any nwell connected to any bias other than power supply,,,Latch up rules
Nwell_area,Is determined using the following steps:\n(a) Grow pdiff by 1.5 mm\n(b) Merge\n(c) And Nwell:dg,,,Latch up rules
Pwell_area,Is determined using the following steps:\n(a) Grow ndiff by 1.5 mm\n(b) Merge\n(c) NOT Nwell:dg,,,Latch up rules
Series_transistors,Merged diffusion determined by Nwell_area and Pwell_area,,,Latch up rules
fuse:dg,"met2:fe for S8D*/S8TM*, met3.fe for S8TEE*/S8TNV/S8Q*/SP8TEE-5R/SP8Q*, met4.fe for S8P*/SP8P*",,,Fuse rules
fuse_contact,(fuse_metal overlapping fuse:dg) NOT fuse:dg,,,Fuse rules
fuse_metal,"met3 for S8TEE*/S8TNV/S8Q*/SP8TEE-5R/SP8Q*; met2 for S8D*/S8TM*, met4 for S8P*/SP8P*",,,Fuse rules
fuse_shield,"Metal line (same metal level as fuse) between fuse and periphery, not overlapping contacts or vias, with specified dimensions",,,Fuse rules
non-isolated fuse edge,Long edge of the fuse spaced to Met2/Met3/Met4 less than a specified amount,,,Fuse rules
single_fuses,Fuses without neighboring fuses within specified distance,,,Fuse rules