
1149 lines
44 KiB

// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2021-2021, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | A n a b a t i c - Routing Toolbox |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./AntennaProtect.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>
#include <tuple>
#include "hurricane/Bug.h"
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
#include "hurricane/DebugSession.h"
#include "hurricane/Breakpoint.h"
#include "hurricane/Net.h"
#include "hurricane/NetExternalComponents.h"
#include "hurricane/NetRoutingProperty.h"
#include "hurricane/Layer.h"
#include "hurricane/RoutingPad.h"
#include "hurricane/Pad.h"
#include "hurricane/Plug.h"
#include "hurricane/Instance.h"
#include "hurricane/Vertical.h"
#include "hurricane/Horizontal.h"
#include "hurricane/Cell.h"
#include "crlcore/RoutingGauge.h"
#include "etesian/EtesianEngine.h"
#include "anabatic/AutoContactTerminal.h"
#include "anabatic/AutoSegment.h"
#include "anabatic/AnabaticEngine.h"
namespace {
using namespace std;
using namespace CRL;
using namespace Hurricane;
using namespace Anabatic;
using Etesian::EtesianEngine;
class CompareByLength {
inline bool operator() ( const Segment* lhs, const Segment* rhs )
DbU::Unit delta = lhs->getLength() - rhs->getLength();
if (delta < 0) return false;
if (delta > 0) return true;
return lhs->getId() < rhs->getId();
class CompareBySegmentBox {
inline bool operator() ( const Box& lhs, const Box& rhs )
bool lhsH = (lhs.getWidth() >= lhs.getHeight());
bool rhsH = (rhs.getWidth() >= rhs.getHeight());
if (lhsH xor rhsH) return lhsH;
DbU::Unit lhsLength = (lhsH) ? lhs.getWidth() : lhs.getHeight();
DbU::Unit rhsLength = (rhsH) ? rhs.getWidth() : rhs.getHeight();
return lhsLength > rhsLength;
typedef tuple<RoutingPad*,uint32_t> RPInfosItem;
class CompareRPInfos {
inline bool operator () ( const RPInfosItem& lhs, const RPInfosItem& rhs ) const;
inline bool CompareRPInfos::operator () ( const RPInfosItem& lhs, const RPInfosItem& rhs ) const
{ return std::get<0>(lhs)->getId() < std::get<0>(rhs)->getId(); }
typedef tuple<GCell*,uint32_t,GCell*> GCellInfosItem;
inline const uint32_t& elemFlags ( const GCellInfosItem& item ) { return std::get<1>(item); }
inline uint32_t& elemFlags ( GCellInfosItem& item ) { return std::get<1>(item); }
inline GCell* elemGCell ( const GCellInfosItem& item ) { return std::get<0>(item); }
class CompareGCellInfos {
inline bool operator () ( const GCellInfosItem& lhs, const GCellInfosItem& rhs ) const;
inline bool CompareGCellInfos::operator () ( const GCellInfosItem& lhs, const GCellInfosItem& rhs ) const
if (std::get<1>(lhs) != std::get<1>(rhs)) return std::get<1>(lhs) < std::get<1>(rhs);
return std::get<0>(lhs)->getId() < std::get<0>(rhs)->getId();
typedef set<RPInfosItem,CompareRPInfos> RoutingPadInfos;
typedef set<GCellInfosItem,CompareGCellInfos> GCellArea;
inline DbU::Unit getBoxLength ( const Box& bb )
{ return (bb.getWidth() > bb.getHeight()) ? bb.getWidth() : bb.getHeight(); }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "::DiodeCluster".
class DiodeCluster {
static const uint32_t IsDriver;
static const uint32_t IsSink;
static const uint32_t HasDiode;
static const uint32_t IsSegSource;
static const uint32_t InCluster;
static string toStr ( uint32_t );
template<typename DerivedT>
inline const DerivedT* as () const { return dynamic_cast<const DerivedT>( this ); }
template<typename DerivedT>
inline DerivedT* as () { return dynamic_cast<DerivedT>( this ); }
DiodeCluster ( AnabaticEngine*, RoutingPad* );
virtual ~DiodeCluster ();
DbU::Unit getAntennaGateMaxWL () const;
DbU::Unit getAntennaDiodeMaxWL () const;
inline bool hasRp ( RoutingPad* ) const;
bool hasGCell ( GCell* ) const;
inline Net* getTopNet () const;
inline RoutingPad* getRefRp () const;
inline vector<GCellArea>& _getAreas ();
inline AnabaticEngine* _getAnabatic () const;
inline const RoutingPadInfos& getRoutingPads () const;
inline RoutingPadInfos& _getRoutingPads () ;
inline const set<size_t>& getNeighbors () const;
inline const vector<Instance*>& getDiodes () const;
inline vector<Instance*>& _getDiodes ();
inline uint32_t getForcedDiodes () const;
inline DbU::Unit getWL () const;
inline DbU::Unit& _getWL ();
void showArea () const;
virtual bool needsDiode () const = 0;
Box getBoundingBox () const;
inline void addNeighbor ( size_t );
inline void addForcedDiodes ( uint32_t );
void merge ( GCell*, uint32_t distance, GCell* back=NULL );
virtual void merge ( RoutingPad* );
virtual void merge ( Segment* ) = 0;
void mergeForcedHalo ( size_t iarea, GCell*, uint32_t distance );
virtual void mergeHalo ( Segment*, uint32_t flags );
virtual void inflateArea ();
Instance* _createDiode ( Etesian::Area*, const Box&, DbU::Unit uHint );
Instance* _createDiode ( Etesian::Area*, GCell*, GCell* );
virtual const vector<Instance*>& createDiodes ( Etesian::Area* );
bool connectDiodes ();
AnabaticEngine* _anabatic;
DbU::Unit _WL;
RoutingPadInfos _routingPads;
vector<GCellArea> _areas;
vector<Instance*> _diodes;
set<size_t> _neighbors;
uint32_t _forcedDiodes;
const uint32_t DiodeCluster::IsDriver = (1 << 0);
const uint32_t DiodeCluster::IsSink = (1 << 1);
const uint32_t DiodeCluster::HasDiode = (1 << 2);
const uint32_t DiodeCluster::IsSegSource = (1 << 3);
const uint32_t DiodeCluster::InCluster = (1 << 4);
string DiodeCluster::toStr ( uint32_t flags )
string s;
s += (flags & IsDriver ) ? 'd' : '-';
s += (flags & IsSink ) ? 's' : '-';
s += (flags & HasDiode ) ? 'D' : '-';
s += (flags & IsSegSource) ? 'S' : '-';
s += (flags & InCluster ) ? 'C' : '-';
return s;
DiodeCluster::DiodeCluster ( AnabaticEngine* anabatic, RoutingPad* rp )
: _anabatic(anabatic)
, _WL(0)
, _routingPads()
, _areas(1)
, _diodes()
, _neighbors()
, _forcedDiodes(0)
merge( rp );
DiodeCluster::~DiodeCluster ()
{ }
inline AnabaticEngine* DiodeCluster::_getAnabatic () const { return _anabatic; }
inline vector<GCellArea>& DiodeCluster::_getAreas () { return _areas; }
inline Net* DiodeCluster::getTopNet () const { return getRefRp()->getNet(); }
inline DbU::Unit DiodeCluster::getWL () const { return _WL; }
inline DbU::Unit& DiodeCluster::_getWL () { return _WL; }
inline const RoutingPadInfos& DiodeCluster::getRoutingPads () const { return _routingPads; }
inline RoutingPadInfos& DiodeCluster::_getRoutingPads () { return _routingPads; }
inline const vector<Instance*>& DiodeCluster::getDiodes () const { return _diodes; }
inline vector<Instance*>& DiodeCluster::_getDiodes () { return _diodes; }
inline const set<size_t>& DiodeCluster::getNeighbors () const { return _neighbors; }
inline void DiodeCluster::addNeighbor ( size_t neighbor ) { _neighbors.insert(neighbor); }
inline uint32_t DiodeCluster::getForcedDiodes () const { return _forcedDiodes; }
inline void DiodeCluster::addForcedDiodes ( uint32_t count ) { _forcedDiodes += count; }
DbU::Unit DiodeCluster::getAntennaGateMaxWL () const
EtesianEngine* etesian = static_cast<EtesianEngine*>
( ToolEngine::get( _getAnabatic()->getCell(), EtesianEngine::staticGetName() ));
return etesian->getAntennaGateMaxWL();
DbU::Unit DiodeCluster::getAntennaDiodeMaxWL () const
EtesianEngine* etesian = static_cast<EtesianEngine*>
( ToolEngine::get( _getAnabatic()->getCell(), EtesianEngine::staticGetName() ));
return etesian->getAntennaDiodeMaxWL();
inline bool DiodeCluster::hasRp ( RoutingPad* rp ) const
{ return (_routingPads.find(make_tuple(rp,0)) != _routingPads.end()); }
inline bool DiodeCluster::hasGCell ( GCell* gcell ) const
if (not gcell) return false;
for ( auto& item : _areas[0] ) {
if (elemGCell(item) == gcell) return true;
return false;
inline RoutingPad* DiodeCluster::getRefRp () const
if (not _routingPads.empty()) return std::get<0>( *_routingPads.begin() );
return NULL;
void DiodeCluster::showArea () const
cdebug_log(147,1) << "GCell diode areas:" << endl;
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_areas.size() ; ++i ) {
cdebug_log(147,0) << "GCell diode area [" << i << "]" << endl;
for ( auto& item : _areas[i] ) {
cdebug_log(147,0) << " | d=" << std::get<1>(item)
<< " " << std::get<0>(item)
<< " back=" << std::get<2>(item) << endl;
void DiodeCluster::merge ( RoutingPad* rp )
Plug* rpPlug = dynamic_cast<Plug*>( rp->getPlugOccurrence().getEntity() );
if (rpPlug) {
DiodeCluster::merge( _getAnabatic()->getGCellUnder( rp->getPosition() ), 0 );
if (rpPlug->getMasterNet()->getDirection() & Net::Direction::DirIn) {
cdebug_log(147,0) << "| Sink " << rp << endl;
_getRoutingPads().insert( make_tuple(rp,IsSink) );
} else {
_getRoutingPads().insert( make_tuple(rp,IsDriver) );
cdebug_log(147,0) << "| Driver " << rp << endl;
} else {
Pin* rpPin = dynamic_cast<Pin*>( rp->getPlugOccurrence().getEntity() );
if (rpPin) {
_getRoutingPads().insert( make_tuple(rp,IsDriver) );
cdebug_log(147,0) << "| Pin (considered driver) " << rp << endl;
void DiodeCluster::merge ( GCell* gcell, uint32_t distance, GCell* back )
if (not gcell) return;
if (hasGCell(gcell)) return;
if (back) distance += 20;
_areas[0].insert( make_tuple(gcell,distance,back) );
void DiodeCluster::mergeForcedHalo ( size_t iarea, GCell* gcell, uint32_t distance )
if (not gcell) return;
while ( iarea >= _areas.size() ) _areas.push_back( GCellArea() );
_areas[iarea].insert( make_tuple(gcell,distance,(GCell*)NULL) );
Box DiodeCluster::getBoundingBox () const
Box bb;
for ( auto& item : _areas[0] ) bb.merge( elemGCell(item)->getBoundingBox() );
return bb;
void DiodeCluster::mergeHalo ( Segment* segment, uint32_t flags )
cerr << Error( "DiodeCluster::mergeHalo(Segment*): Unimplemented (%s). "
, getString(segment).c_str() ) << endl;
void DiodeCluster::inflateArea ()
cerr << Error( "DiodeCluster::inflateArea(): Unimplemented. " ) << endl;
Instance* DiodeCluster::_createDiode ( Etesian::Area* area, const Box& bb, DbU::Unit uHint )
cdebug_log(147,1) << "DiodeCluster::_createDiode(): under=" << bb
<< " uHint=" << DbU::getValueString(uHint) << endl;
Instance* diode = area->createDiodeUnder( getRefRp(), bb, uHint );
if (diode) {
cdebug_log(147,0) << "| New diode " << diode << endl;
_diodes.push_back( diode );
GCell* gcell = _anabatic->getGCellUnder( diode->getAbutmentBox().getCenter() );
Contact* contact = gcell->hasGContact( getTopNet() );
if (not contact)
contact = gcell->breakGoThrough( getTopNet() );
cdebug_log(147,0) << "| breakGoThrough(), contact= " << contact << endl;
return diode;
Instance* DiodeCluster::_createDiode ( Etesian::Area* area, GCell* gcell, GCell* backGCell )
cdebug_log(147,1) << "DiodeCluster::_createDiode(): under=" << gcell << endl;
Box bb = gcell->getBoundingBox();
cdebug_log(147,0) << "> GCell area: " << bb << endl;
Instance* diode = area->createDiodeUnder( getRefRp(), bb, 0 );
if (diode) {
cdebug_log(147,0) << "| New diode " << diode << endl;
_diodes.push_back( diode );
Transformation trans = getRefRp()->getPlugOccurrence().getPath().getTransformation();
Point center = diode->getAbutmentBox().getCenter();
trans.applyOn( center );
bool newContact = false;
Contact* contact = gcell->hasGContact( getTopNet() );
if (not contact) {
newContact = true;
contact = gcell->breakGoThrough( getTopNet() );
cdebug_log(147,0) << "| breakGoThrough(), contact= " << contact << endl;
if (backGCell and newContact) {
Contact* backContact = backGCell->breakGoThrough( getTopNet() );
if (backContact->getY() == contact->getY()) {
if (contact->getX() > backContact->getX())
std::swap( backContact, contact );
Horizontal::create( contact
, backContact
, _anabatic->getConfiguration()->getGHorizontalLayer()
, contact->getY()
, _anabatic->getConfiguration()->getGHorizontalPitch()
} else {
if (backContact->getX() == contact->getX()) {
if (contact->getY() > backContact->getY())
std::swap( backContact, contact );
Vertical::create( contact
, backContact
, _anabatic->getConfiguration()->getGHorizontalLayer()
, contact->getX()
, _anabatic->getConfiguration()->getGHorizontalPitch()
} else {
cerr << Error( "DiodeCluster::_createDiode(): Back GCell not aligned with diode GCell.\n"
" * %s\n"
" * %s"
, getString(gcell).c_str()
, getString(backGCell).c_str()
) << endl;
return diode;
const vector<Instance*>& DiodeCluster::createDiodes ( Etesian::Area* area )
if (not needsDiode()) return _diodes;
DbU::Unit antennaDiodeMaxWL = getAntennaDiodeMaxWL();
size_t diodeCount = getWL() / antennaDiodeMaxWL;
if (not diodeCount) diodeCount = 1;
cdebug_log(147,1) << "DiodeCluster::createDiodes() count=" << diodeCount
<< ", forcedHalo=" << (_areas.size()-1) << endl;
Instance* diode = NULL;
//for ( size_t i=(_areas.size() == 1)?0:1 ; i<_areas.size() ; ++i ) {
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_areas.size() ; ++i ) {
if (i) diodeCount = 1;
cdebug_log(147,0) << "Diode for area [" << i << "]" << endl;
for ( auto& item : _areas[i] ) {
GCell* gcell = std::get<0>( item );
GCell* backGCell = std::get<2>( item );
cdebug_log(147,0) << "| d=" << std::get<1>(item) << " " << gcell << endl;
diode = _createDiode( area, gcell, backGCell );
if (diode) {
if (_diodes.size() < diodeCount) {
diode = NULL;
return _diodes;
bool DiodeCluster::connectDiodes ()
EtesianEngine* etesian = static_cast<EtesianEngine*>
( ToolEngine::get( _anabatic->getCell(), EtesianEngine::staticGetName() ));
Cell* diodeCell = etesian->getDiodeCell();
Net* diodeOutput = NULL;
for ( Net* net : diodeCell->getNets() ) {
if (net->isSupply() or not net->isExternal()) continue;
diodeOutput = net;
Net* topNet = getTopNet();
Net* diodeNet = topNet;
Plug* sinkPlug = dynamic_cast<Plug*>( getRefRp()->getPlugOccurrence().getEntity() );
Path path = Path();
if (sinkPlug) {
diodeNet = sinkPlug->getNet();
path = getRefRp()->getOccurrence().getPath().getHeadPath();
for ( Instance* diode : _diodes ) {
cdebug_log(147,0) << " Bind diode input:" << endl;
cdebug_log(147,0) << " " << diode << " @" << diode->getTransformation() << endl;
cdebug_log(147,0) << " topNet->getCell():" << topNet->getCell() << endl;
cdebug_log(147,0) << " " << getRefRp()->getOccurrence().getPath() << endl;
Plug* diodePlug = diode->getPlug( diodeOutput );
diodePlug->setNet( diodeNet );
RoutingPad* diodeRp = RoutingPad::create( topNet, Occurrence(diodePlug,path), RoutingPad::BiggestArea );
cdebug_log(147,0) << " " << getRefRp() << endl;
GCell* gcell = _anabatic->getGCellUnder( diodeRp->getPosition() );
if (gcell) {
Contact* contact = gcell->breakGoThrough( topNet );
contact->getBodyHook()->merge( diodeRp->getBodyHook() );
return true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "::DiodeRps".
class DiodeRps : public DiodeCluster {
DiodeRps ( AnabaticEngine*, RoutingPad* );
virtual bool needsDiode () const;
virtual void merge ( Segment* );
virtual void mergeHalo ( Segment*, uint32_t flags );
virtual void inflateArea ();
DiodeRps::DiodeRps ( AnabaticEngine* anabatic, RoutingPad* rp )
: DiodeCluster(anabatic,rp)
{ }
bool DiodeRps::needsDiode () const
if (getForcedDiodes()) return true;
for ( auto& infos : getRoutingPads() ) {
if (std::get<1>(infos) & IsSink) return true;
return false;
void DiodeRps::merge ( Segment* segment )
_getWL() += segment->getLength();
GCellsUnder gcells = _getAnabatic()->getGCellsUnder( segment );
if (not gcells->empty()) {
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<gcells->size() ; ++i ) {
DiodeCluster::merge( gcells->gcellAt(i), 0 );
void DiodeRps::mergeHalo ( Segment* segment, uint32_t flags )
cdebug_log(147,0) << "DiodeRps::mergeHalo(): " << segment << endl;
if (not segment) return;
// if ( (dynamic_cast<Horizontal*>(segment))
// and (getWL() + segment->getLength() > getAntennaGateMaxWL())) {
if (dynamic_cast<Horizontal*>(segment)) {
cdebug_log(147,0) << " Put in forced halo." << segment << endl;
GCellsUnder gcells = _getAnabatic()->getGCellsUnder( segment );
if (not gcells->empty()) {
size_t iarea = _getAreas().size();
size_t count = std::min( gcells->size(), (size_t)50 );
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<count ; ++i ) {
size_t igcell = (flags & IsSegSource) ? i : (gcells->size()-1-i);
DiodeCluster::mergeForcedHalo( iarea, gcells->gcellAt(igcell), i );
GCellsUnder gcells = _getAnabatic()->getGCellsUnder( segment );
if (not gcells->empty()) {
size_t count = std::min( gcells->size(), (size_t)10 );
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<count ; ++i ) {
size_t igcell = (flags & IsSegSource) ? i : (gcells->size()-1-i);
DiodeCluster::merge( gcells->gcellAt(igcell), i+1 );
void DiodeRps::inflateArea ()
vector< tuple<GCell*,GCell*> > border;
for ( auto& item : _getAreas()[0] ) {
GCell* current = std::get<0>( item );
if (std::get<2>(item)) continue;
GCell* neighbor = current->getEast();
if (neighbor and not neighbor->hasNet(getTopNet()))
border.push_back( make_tuple(neighbor,current) );
neighbor = current->getWest();
if (neighbor and not neighbor->hasNet(getTopNet()))
border.push_back( make_tuple(neighbor,current) );
for ( auto& item : _getAreas()[0] ) {
GCell* current = std::get<0>( item );
if (std::get<2>(item)) continue;
GCell* neighbor = current->getNorth();
if (neighbor and not neighbor->hasNet(getTopNet()))
border.push_back( make_tuple(neighbor,current) );
neighbor = current->getSouth();
if (neighbor and not neighbor->hasNet(getTopNet()))
border.push_back( make_tuple(neighbor,current) );
for ( auto& item : border ) {
DiodeCluster::merge( std::get<0>(item), 1, std::get<1>(item) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "::DiodeWire".
class DiodeWire : public DiodeCluster {
DiodeWire ( AnabaticEngine*, RoutingPad* );
virtual bool needsDiode () const;
virtual void merge ( Segment* );
virtual const vector<Instance*>& createDiodes ( Etesian::Area* );
inline const set<Segment*,Go::CompareById>& getSegments () const;
set<Box,CompareBySegmentBox> _boxes;
set<Contact*,Go::CompareById> _contacts;
set<Segment*,Go::CompareById> _segments;
inline const set<Segment*,Go::CompareById>& DiodeWire::getSegments () const { return _segments; }
DiodeWire::DiodeWire ( AnabaticEngine* anabatic, RoutingPad* rp )
: DiodeCluster(anabatic,rp)
, _boxes()
, _contacts()
, _segments()
{ }
bool DiodeWire::needsDiode () const
{ return getWL() >= getAntennaDiodeMaxWL(); }
void DiodeWire::merge ( Segment* segment )
if (_segments.find(segment) != _segments.end()) return;
Box bb = segment->getBoundingBox();
cdebug_log(147,0) << "| merge: " << segment << endl;
_segments.insert( segment );
_boxes.insert( bb );
_getWL() += segment->getLength();
const vector<Instance*>& DiodeWire::createDiodes ( Etesian::Area* area )
cdebug_log(147,1) << "DiodeWire::createDiodes() on " << _boxes.size() << " boxes." << endl;
ostringstream m;
m << "Neighbors: [";
for ( size_t neighbor : getNeighbors() ) { m << " " << neighbor; }
m << " ]";
cdebug_log(147,0) << m.str() << endl;
DbU::Unit antennaDiodeMaxWL = getAntennaDiodeMaxWL();
size_t diodeCount = getWL() / antennaDiodeMaxWL;
if (not diodeCount) return _getDiodes();
for ( const Box& bb : _boxes ) {
bool bbH = (bb.getWidth() >= bb.getHeight());
DbU::Unit bbLength = (bbH) ? bb.getWidth() : bb.getHeight();
size_t segDiodeCount = bbLength / antennaDiodeMaxWL;
if (not segDiodeCount) ++segDiodeCount;
bool isH = (bb.getWidth() >= bb.getHeight());
cdebug_log(147,0) << "Processing wire diodes=" << segDiodeCount << " " << bb
<< " isH=" << isH
<< " length:" << DbU::getValueString(getBoxLength(bb)) << endl;
//if (bbLength < antennaDiodeMaxWL/4) continue;
if (bbH) {
DbU::Unit uHint = bb.getXMin();
DbU::Unit uMax = bb.getXMax();
while ( uHint < uMax ) {
_createDiode( area, bb, uHint );
uHint += antennaDiodeMaxWL;
} else {
GCellsUnder gcells = _getAnabatic()->getGCellsUnder( Point(bb.getXCenter(),bb.getYMin())
, Point(bb.getXCenter(),bb.getYMax()) );
if (gcells->size()) {
size_t gcellPeriod = antennaDiodeMaxWL / gcells->gcellAt(0)->getHeight();
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<gcells->size() ; ++i ) {
Instance* diode = _createDiode( area, gcells->gcellAt(i), NULL );
if (diode) {
i += gcellPeriod - (i%gcellPeriod);
if (_getDiodes().size() >= diodeCount) {
cdebug_log(147,0) << "Added enough diodes " << _getDiodes().size() << endl;
if (_getDiodes().size() < diodeCount) {
cerr << Error( "DiodeWire::createDiode(): On cluster of net \"%s\",\n"
" Allocated only %u diodes of %u."
, getString(getTopNet()->getName()).c_str()
, _getDiodes().size()
, diodeCount
) << endl;
return _getDiodes();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Local functions.
} // Anonymous namespace.
namespace Anabatic {
using namespace Hurricane;
using CRL::ToolEngine;
using Etesian::EtesianEngine;
//! \function AnabaticEngine::antennaProtect( Net* net, uint32_t& failed, uint32_t& total );
//! \param net The net to protect against antenna effects.
//! \param failed A reference to the global counter of diodes that we
//! where unsucessful to allocate.
//! \param total The total number of diode that where requesteds.
//! counting both successful and unsuccessful allocations.
//! \section antennaSettings Configuration Variable for Antenna Effect
//! <center>
//! <table class="UserDefined" width="50%">
//! <tr><td>\c etesian.antennaMaxWL
//! <td>The maximum wirelength whitout a diode effect
//! </table>
//! </center>
//! \section antennaAlgo A Brief Description of the Antenna Protection Algorithm.
//! The brute force approach would be to put a diode near all sink
//! points of the net. To reduce that number, we create clusters whose
//! total wirelength is less than the one triggering an antenna effect.
//! The antenna protection stage is called after the global routing
//! and before the detailed routing. The computed wirelength will be
//! slightly inaccurate but it allow us to directly amend the global
//! routing so the detailed router needs no modification.
//! To build the clusters:
//! <ol>
//! <li>Select an unreached (not part of a cluster) RoutingPad.</li>
//! <li>Perform a depth-first search (DFS) using the segments as edges
//! and the Hook rings as nodes. Use a stack to store the search
//! state. An element of the stack is a \c tuple of
//! \c(Hook*,Segment*,size_t,uint32_t) :
//! <ol>
//! <li>\c Hook* : the hook of the Segment we are coming \e from.</li>
//! <li>\c Segment* : the segment we are to process.</li>
//! <li>\c size_t : the index, in the stack, of the predecessor
//! segment.</li>
//! <li>\c uint32_t : flags. If this segment is \b already part
//! of the cluster.
//! </ol>
//! All the elements are kept in the stack until the cluster is
//! completed. The current top of the stack is given by the \c stackTop
//! index.
//! When exploring a new node (ring of Hook), all the adjacent segments
//! are put on top of the stack. Their suitablility is assesssed only
//! when they are popped up.
//! </li>
//! <li>When looking at a new stack element (incrementing \c stackTop, not
//! really popping up):
//! <ol>
//! <li>If the segment length is greater than half the maximum antenna
//! wirelength, skip it (assume it connects two clusters).</li>
//! <li>If the segment length, added to the cluster total length,
//! is greater than the antenna length, skip it.
//! <li>If the segment is connected to another RoutingPad, agglomerate
//! this one the the cluster and merge the segment and all it's
//! predecessors to the cluster. Using the back index and setting
//! the DiodeCluster::InCluster flags.
//! </ol>
//! </li>
//! <li>When we reach the end of the stack, close the cluster and build
//! it's halo. Go through each elements of the stack again and look
//! for segments not part of it, but directly connected to it
//! (that is, they have not the InCluster flags set, but their
//! immediate predecessor has).
//! </li>
//! </ol>
//! Structure of a Cluster:
//! <ol>
//! <li>A vector of RoutingPad.</li>
//! <li>A set of GCells, ordered by priority (distance).
//! <ol>
//! <li>A distance of zero means we are under the Segments belonging
//! to the cluster itself (directly connecting the RoutingPad).
//! </li>
//! <li>A distance between 1 to 9 means we are under the halo, that
//! is, Segments that <em>connects to</em> the cluster, with the
//! increasing distance.
//! </li>
//! <li>A distance between 10 to 19 means a GCell which is an
//! immediate neighbor of the core or halo segments.
//! </li>
//! </ol>
//! </li>
//! </ol>
//! We try to create the cluster's diode in the GCell of the lowest distance
//! possible.
void AnabaticEngine::antennaProtect ( Net* net, uint32_t& failed, uint32_t& total )
// tuple is: Hook (S or T), From segment, back segment index, flags.
typedef tuple<Hook*,Segment*,size_t,uint32_t> StackItem;
DebugSession::open( net, 145, 150 );
cdebug_log(147,1) << "Net \"" << net->getName() << endl;
EtesianEngine* etesian = static_cast<EtesianEngine*>
( ToolEngine::get( getCell(), EtesianEngine::staticGetName() ));
DbU::Unit antennaGateMaxWL = etesian->getAntennaGateMaxWL();
vector<DiodeCluster*> clusters;
map<RoutingPad*,size_t,DBo::CompareById> rpsDone;
map<Segment*,size_t,DBo::CompareById> clusterSegments;
for ( RoutingPad* rp : net->getRoutingPads() ) {
set<Segment*,DBo::CompareById> segmentsDone;
if (rpsDone.find(rp) != rpsDone.end()) continue;
cdebug_log(147,0) << "New Cluster [" << clusters.size() << "] from " << rp << endl;
DiodeCluster* cluster = new DiodeRps ( this, rp );
clusters.push_back( cluster );
rpsDone.insert( make_pair( rp, clusters.size()-1 ) );
size_t stackTop = 0;
vector< StackItem > hooksStack;
hooksStack.push_back( make_tuple( rp->getBodyHook()
, (Segment*)NULL
, 0
, DiodeCluster::InCluster ) );
while ( stackTop < hooksStack.size() ) {
Hook* toHook = std::get<0>( hooksStack[stackTop] );
Segment* fromSegment = std::get<1>( hooksStack[stackTop] );
DbU::Unit branchWL = 0;
cdebug_log(147,0) << "| PROCESS [" << stackTop << "] " << fromSegment << endl;
if (fromSegment) {
if (fromSegment->getLength() > antennaGateMaxWL/2) {
cdebug_log(147,0) << "| Long connecting wire, skipping" << endl;
size_t backIndex = stackTop;
while ( backIndex ) {
Segment* segment = std::get<1>( hooksStack[backIndex] );
branchWL += segment->getLength();
backIndex = std::get<2>( hooksStack[backIndex] );
if (not backIndex) break;
if (std::get<3>( hooksStack[backIndex] ) & DiodeCluster::InCluster) break;
cdebug_log(147,0) << "| wl=" << DbU::getValueString(cluster->getWL())
<< " + " << DbU::getValueString(branchWL) << endl;
if (cluster->getWL() + branchWL > antennaGateMaxWL) {
cdebug_log(147,0) << "| Cluster above maximul WL, skipping" << endl;
rp = NULL;
for ( Hook* hook : toHook->getHooks() ) {
RoutingPad* toRp = dynamic_cast<RoutingPad*>( hook->getComponent() );
if (toRp) {
if (rpsDone.find(toRp) == rpsDone.end()) {
cdebug_log(147,0) << "> Agglomerate " << toRp << endl;
cluster->merge( toRp );
rpsDone.insert( make_pair( toRp, clusters.size()-1 ) );
rp = toRp;
if (rp) {
size_t backIndex = stackTop;
cdebug_log(147,1) << "+ Backtrack" << endl;
while ( backIndex ) {
Segment* segment = std::get<1>( hooksStack[backIndex] );
if (segment->getLength() <= branchWL) branchWL -= segment->getLength();
else branchWL = 0;
cluster->merge( segment );
std::get<3>( hooksStack[backIndex] ) |= DiodeCluster::InCluster;
clusterSegments.insert( make_pair( segment, clusters.size()-1 ) );
cdebug_log(147,0) << "| back=" << backIndex
<< " -> " << std::get<2>( hooksStack[backIndex] )
<< " " << DbU::getValueString(segment->getLength())
<< " " << segment << endl;
backIndex = std::get<2>( hooksStack[backIndex] );
if (std::get<3>( hooksStack[backIndex] ) & DiodeCluster::InCluster) {
cdebug_log(147,0) << "| stop=" << backIndex << " is part of the cluster" << endl;
for ( Hook* hook : toHook->getHooks() ) {
Segment* segment = dynamic_cast<Segment*>( hook->getComponent() );
if (segment) {
if (segment == fromSegment) continue;
cdebug_log(147,0) << "| progress wl=" << DbU::getValueString(cluster->getWL())
<< " + " << DbU::getValueString(branchWL)
<< " / " << DbU::getValueString(segment->getLength())
<< " " << segment << endl;
if (segmentsDone.find(segment) != segmentsDone.end()) continue;
segmentsDone.insert( segment );
uint32_t flags = (segment->getSourceHook() == hook) ? DiodeCluster::IsSegSource : 0;
if (dynamic_cast<Segment::SourceHook*>(hook)) {
hooksStack.push_back( make_tuple( segment->getTargetHook(), segment, stackTop, flags ) );
} else {
hooksStack.push_back( make_tuple( segment->getSourceHook(), segment, stackTop, flags ) );
cdebug_log(147,0) << "Cluster halo" << endl;
for ( size_t i=1 ; i<hooksStack.size() ; ++i ) {
Segment* segment = std::get<1>( hooksStack[i] );
uint32_t flags = std::get<3>( hooksStack[i] );
cdebug_log(147,0) << "| [" << i << "] flags=" << flags << " " << segment << endl;
if (not (flags & DiodeCluster::InCluster)) {
size_t j = std::get<2>( hooksStack[i] );
if (std::get<3>(hooksStack[j]) & DiodeCluster::InCluster) {
cdebug_log(147,0) << "> Put in halo." << endl;
cluster->mergeHalo( segment, flags );
cdebug_log(147,0) << "Cluster border" << endl;
if (clusters.size() > 1) {
NetData* netData = getNetData( net );
size_t rpClustersSize = clusters.size();
if (netData) {
for ( auto item : clusterSegments ) {
cdebug_log(147,0) << "No move up: " << item.first << endl;
netData->setNoMoveUp( item.first );
cdebug_log(147,0) << "Cluster wiring, rpClustersSize=" << rpClustersSize << endl;
for ( Segment* segment : net->getSegments() ) {
if (clusterSegments.find(segment) != clusterSegments.end()) continue;
cdebug_log(147,0) << "New Cluster [" << clusters.size()
<< "] wiring from " << segment << endl;
DiodeWire* cluster = new DiodeWire( this, clusters[0]->getRefRp() );
cluster->merge( segment );
clusters.push_back( cluster );
clusterSegments.insert( make_pair( segment, clusters.size()-1 ) );
size_t stackTop = 0;
vector< StackItem > hooksStack;
hooksStack.push_back( make_tuple( segment->getSourceHook()
, segment
, 0
, DiodeCluster::IsSegSource ) );
hooksStack.push_back( make_tuple( segment->getTargetHook()
, segment
, 0
, 0 ) );
while ( stackTop < hooksStack.size() ) {
Hook* toHook = std::get<0>( hooksStack[stackTop] );
Segment* fromSegment = std::get<1>( hooksStack[stackTop] );
bool hasRp = false;
for ( Hook* hook : toHook->getHooks() ) {
RoutingPad* rp = dynamic_cast<RoutingPad*>( hook->getComponent() );
if (rp) {
hasRp = true;
auto irp = rpsDone.find( rp );
if (irp != rpsDone.end()) {
size_t neighbor = (*irp).second;
cdebug_log(147,0) << "| " << rp << " belongs to [" << neighbor << "]" << endl;
cluster->addNeighbor( neighbor );
if (not hasRp) {
for ( Hook* hook : toHook->getHooks() ) {
Segment* segment = dynamic_cast<Segment*>( hook->getComponent() );
if (segment) {
if (segment == fromSegment) continue;
auto iclusterSegment = clusterSegments.find( segment );
if (iclusterSegment != clusterSegments.end()) {
size_t neighbor = (*iclusterSegment).second;
cdebug_log(147,0) << "| " << segment << " belongs to [" << neighbor << "]" << endl;
if (neighbor < rpClustersSize)
cluster->addNeighbor( neighbor );
clusterSegments.insert( make_pair( segment, clusters.size()-1 ) );
cluster->merge( segment );
uint32_t flags = (segment->getSourceHook() == hook) ? DiodeCluster::IsSegSource : 0;
if (dynamic_cast<Segment::SourceHook*>(hook)) {
hooksStack.push_back( make_tuple( segment->getTargetHook(), segment, stackTop, flags ) );
} else {
hooksStack.push_back( make_tuple( segment->getSourceHook(), segment, stackTop, flags ) );
total += clusters.size();
cdebug_log(147,1) << "Net \"" << net->getName() << " has " << clusters.size() << " diode clusters." << endl;
size_t i = clusters.size()-1;
while ( true ) {
cdebug_log(147,1) << "Cluster [" << i << "] needsDiode=" << clusters[i]->needsDiode()
<< " bb=" << clusters[i]->getBoundingBox() << endl;
cdebug_log(147,0) << " WL=" << DbU::getValueString(clusters[i]->getWL()) << endl;
for ( auto& item : clusters[i]->getRoutingPads() ) {
cdebug_log(147,0) << "| flags=" << DiodeCluster::toStr(std::get<1>(item))
<< " " << std::get<0>(item) << endl;
if (clusters[i]->needsDiode()) {
const vector<Instance*>& diodes = clusters[i]->createDiodes( etesian->getArea() );
if (not diodes.empty()) {
} else {
cerr << Error( "EtesianEngine::antennaProtect(): For %s (rps:%u, clusters:%u)\n"
" Cannot find a diode nearby %s."
, getString(net).c_str()
, rpsDone.size()
, clusters.size()
, getString(clusters[i]->getRefRp()).c_str()
) << endl;
failed += 1;
for ( size_t icluster : clusters[i]->getNeighbors() ) {
clusters[icluster]->addForcedDiodes( 1 );
if (i == 0) break;
if ((rpsDone.size() == 2) and (clusters.size() == 2)) {
cerr << "Long bipoint " << net << endl;
for ( DiodeCluster* cluster : clusters ) delete cluster;
void AnabaticEngine::antennaProtect ()
//DebugSession::open( 145, 150 );
if (not ToolEngine::get( getCell(), EtesianEngine::staticGetName() )) {
cerr << Warning( "AnabaticEngine::antennaProtect(): No EtesianEngine found, skipped." ) << endl;
EtesianEngine* etesian = static_cast<EtesianEngine*>
( ToolEngine::get( getCell(), EtesianEngine::staticGetName() ));
DbU::Unit segmentMaxWL = etesian->getAntennaDiodeMaxWL() / 2;
if (not etesian->getDiodeCell()) {
cerr << Warning( "AnabaticEngine::antennaProtect(): No diode cell found, skipped." ) << endl;
cmess1 << " o Antenna effect protection." << endl;
uint32_t failed = 0;
uint32_t total = 0;
for ( Net* net : getCell()->getNets() ) {
if (net->isSupply()) continue;
if ( NetRoutingExtension::isManualDetailRoute(net)
or NetRoutingExtension::isFixed(net))
antennaProtect( net, failed, total );
cmess2 << Dots::asString ( " - Antenna gate maximum WL" , DbU::getValueString(etesian->getAntennaGateMaxWL()) ) << endl;
cmess2 << Dots::asString ( " - Antenna diode maximum WL" , DbU::getValueString(etesian->getAntennaDiodeMaxWL()) ) << endl;
cmess2 << Dots::asString ( " - Antenna segment maximum WL", DbU::getValueString(segmentMaxWL) ) << endl;
cmess2 << Dots::asInt ( " - Total needed diodes", total ) << endl;
cmess2 << Dots::asInt ( " - Failed to allocate" , failed ) << endl;
cmess2 << Dots::asPercentage( " - Success ratio" , (float)(total-failed)/(float)total ) << endl;
printMeasures( "antennas" );
Breakpoint::stop( 99, "After diodes insertions." );
} // Anabatic namespace.