
353 lines
11 KiB

// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC/LIP6 2008-2018, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | U n i c o r n - M a i n G U I |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./UnicornGui.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include <Python.h>
#include <QAction>
#include <QMenu>
#include "hurricane/DebugSession.h"
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
#include "hurricane/DataBase.h"
#include "hurricane/isobar/Script.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/CellViewer.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/PyCellViewer.h"
#include "crlcore/Utilities.h"
#include "crlcore/Catalog.h"
#include "crlcore/AllianceFramework.h"
#include "crlcore/LibraryManager.h"
#include "crlcore/GraphicToolEngine.h"
#include "crlcore/AcmSigda.h"
//#include "crlcore/Ispd04Bookshelf.h"
//#include "crlcore/Ispd05Bookshelf.h"
#include "crlcore/Gds.h"
#include "crlcore/Blif.h"
#include "crlcore/Iccad04Lefdef.h"
#include "crlcore/LefImport.h"
#include "crlcore/DefImport.h"
#include "crlcore/DefExport.h"
#include "unicorn/ImportCell.h"
#include "unicorn/OpenCellDialog.h"
#include "unicorn/SaveCellDialog.h"
#include "unicorn/ImportCellDialog.h"
#include "unicorn/ExportCellDialog.h"
#include "unicorn/UnicornGui.h"
namespace Unicorn {
using Hurricane::dbo_ptr;
using Hurricane::DebugSession;
using Hurricane::Warning;
using Hurricane::PyCellViewer_Link;
using Hurricane::jsonCellParse;
using Hurricane::DataBase;
using Hurricane::Library;
using CRL::System;
using CRL::Catalog;
using CRL::AllianceFramework;
using CRL::LibraryManager;
using CRL::AcmSigda;
//using CRL::Ispd04;
//using CRL::Ispd05;
using CRL::Gds;
using CRL::Blif;
using CRL::Iccad04Lefdef;
using CRL::LefImport;
using CRL::DefImport;
using CRL::DefExport;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "UnicornGui".
Banner UnicornGui::_banner ( "Unicorn"
, "1.0b"
, "Coriolis Main GUI"
, "2008"
, "Jean-Paul Chaput"
, ""
UnicornGui::UnicornGui ( QWidget* parent )
: CellViewer (parent)
, _tools ()
, _importCell ()
, _importDialog (new ImportCellDialog(this))
, _exportDialog (new ExportCellDialog(this))
, _libraryManager(new LibraryManager ())
addMenu ( "placeAndRoute" , "P&&R" , CellViewer::TopMenu );
addMenu ( "placeAndRoute.stepByStep", "&Step by Step" );
addToMenu( "placeAndRoute.========" );
_importCell.setDialog( _importDialog );
_importCell.addImporter<Cell*> ( "JSON (experimental)" , std::bind( &Cell::fromJson , placeholders::_1 ) );
_importCell.addImporter<Cell*> ( "BLIF (Yosys/ABC)" , std::bind( &Blif::load , placeholders::_1, false ) );
_importCell.addImporter<Cell*> ( "ACM/SIGDA (aka MCNC, .bench)", std::bind( &AcmSigda::load , placeholders::_1 ) );
/* Disabled because this is never the one you want
_importCell.addImporter<Cell*> ( "ISPD'04 (Bookshelf)" , std::bind( &Ispd04::load , placeholders::_1 ) );
_importCell.addImporter<Cell*> ( "ISPD'05 (Bookshelf)" , std::bind( &Ispd05::load , placeholders::_1 ) );
_importCell.addImporter<Cell*> ( "ICCAD'04 (LEF/DEF)" , std::bind( &Iccad04Lefdef::load, placeholders::_1, 0 ) );
_importCell.addImporter<Cell*> ( "Alliance compliant DEF" , std::bind( &DefImport::load , placeholders::_1, DefImport::FitAbOnCells) );
_importCell.addImporter<Library*>( "Cadence LEF" , std::bind( &LefImport::load , placeholders::_1 ) );
_libraryManager->setCellViewer( this );
UnicornGui::~UnicornGui ()
{ }
void UnicornGui::_runUnicornInit ()
Utilities::Path pythonSitePackages = System::getPath("pythonSitePackages");
Utilities::Path confFile = "coriolis/unicorn/";
Utilities::Path systemConfFile = pythonSitePackages / confFile;
if (systemConfFile.exists()) {
//Isobar::Script::addPath( systemConfDir.toString() );
dbo_ptr<Isobar::Script> script = Isobar::Script::create( confFile.toPyModPath() );
script->addKwArgument( "editor" , (PyObject*)PyCellViewer_Link(this) );
script->runFunction ( "unicornConfigure", getCell() );
//Isobar::Script::removePath( systemConfDir.toString() );
} else {
cerr << Warning("Unicorn system configuration file:\n <%s> not found."
,systemConfFile.toString().c_str()) << endl;
UnicornGui* UnicornGui::create ( QWidget* parent )
UnicornGui* unicorn = new UnicornGui ( parent );
unicorn->_postCreate ();
return unicorn;
UnicornGui* UnicornGui::vcreate () const
{ return UnicornGui::create(); }
void UnicornGui::destroy ()
_preDestroy ();
delete this;
void UnicornGui::_postCreate ()
setApplicationName ( tr("unicorn") );
setWindowIcon ( QIcon(":/images/diet-coke.png") );
QAction* openAction = findChild<QAction*>("viewer.menuBar.file.openCell");
if ( openAction ) {
connect ( openAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openCell()) );
QAction* saveAction = findChild<QAction*>("viewer.menuBar.file.saveCell");
if ( saveAction ) {
saveAction->setVisible ( true );
connect ( saveAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveCell()) );
QAction* importAction = findChild<QAction*>("viewer.menuBar.file.importCell");
if ( importAction ) {
connect ( importAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(importCell()) );
QAction* exportAction = findChild<QAction*>("viewer.menuBar.file.exportCell");
if ( exportAction ) {
connect ( exportAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(exportCell()) );
QAction* action = addToMenu( "tools.libraryManager"
, tr("Library Manager")
, tr("Browse through Views, Cells & Libraries")
, QKeySequence(tr("CTRL+M"))
, QIcon()
, "tools.script"
connect( action, SIGNAL(triggered()), _libraryManager, SLOT(toggleShow()) );
connect( this , SIGNAL(cellLoadedFromDisk(Cell*)), _libraryManager, SLOT(updateLibrary(Cell*)) );
void UnicornGui::_preDestroy ()
set<GraphicTool*>::iterator itool = _tools.begin();
for ( ; itool != _tools.end() ; itool++ )
(*itool)->release ();
Cell* UnicornGui::getCellFromDb ( const char* name )
Cell* cell = DataBase::getDB()->getCell( name );
if (cell) return cell;
return AllianceFramework::get()->getCell ( name, Catalog::State::Views );
void UnicornGui::registerTool ( GraphicTool* tool )
assert ( tool != NULL );
if ( _tools.find(tool) != _tools.end() ) {
cerr << Warning ( "Tool %s already registered in Unicorn (ignored)."
, getString(tool->getName()).c_str() ) << endl;
_tools.insert ( tool );
const GraphicTool::DrawGoMap& drawGos = tool->getDrawGos ();
GraphicTool::DrawGoMap::const_iterator idrawGo = drawGos.begin();
for ( ; idrawGo != drawGos.end() ; idrawGo++ )
getCellWidget()->addDrawExtensionGo ( idrawGo->first
, idrawGo->second.getInit()
, idrawGo->second.getDraw()
tool->addToMenu ( this );
void UnicornGui::openCell ()
UnicornGui* viewer = this;
QString cellName;
bool newViewer;
if ( OpenCellDialog::runDialog ( this, cellName, newViewer ) ) {
Cell* cell = getCellFromDb ( cellName.toStdString().c_str() );
if ( cell ) {
if ( newViewer ) {
viewer = UnicornGui::create ();
viewer->show ();
viewer->setCell ( cell );
emit cellLoadedFromDisk ( cell );
} else
cerr << "[ERROR] Cell not found: " << cellName.toStdString() << endl;
void UnicornGui::importCell ()
QString cellName;
bool newViewer;
int format;
if ( _importDialog->runDialog( cellName, format, newViewer ) ) {
if (_importCell.load( cellName.toStdString(), format )) {
Cell* cell = _importCell.getLoaded<Cell*>();
if (cell) {
UnicornGui* viewer = this;
if (newViewer) {
viewer = UnicornGui::create();
viewer->setCell( cell );
emit cellLoadedFromDisk ( cell );
void UnicornGui::exportCell ()
Cell* cell = getCell();
if ( cell == NULL ) return;
QString cellName= getString(cell->getName()).c_str();
int format;
if ( _exportDialog->runDialog ( cellName, format ) ) {
renameCell ( cellName.toStdString().c_str() );
switch ( format ) {
// case ImportCellDialog::AcmSigda:
// break;
// case ImportCellDialog::Ispd04:
// break;
// case ImportCellDialog::Iccad04:
// break;
case ExportCellDialog::AllianceDef:
DefExport::drive ( cell, DefExport::WithLEF );
case ExportCellDialog::Gds:
Gds::save( cell );
case ExportCellDialog::Json:
{ //DebugSession::open( 19, 20 );
cerr << "cdebug (" << cdebug.getMinLevel() << "," << cdebug.getMaxLevel()
<< ") level:" << cdebug.getLevel() << " enabled:" << cdebug.enabled() << endl;
JsonWriter writer ( cellName.toStdString()+".json.bz2" );
jsonWrite( &writer, cell );
void UnicornGui::saveCell ()
Cell* cell = getCell();
if ( cell == NULL ) return;
QString cellName = getString(cell->getName()).c_str();
if ( SaveCellDialog::runDialog ( this, cellName ) ) {
renameCell ( cellName.toStdString().c_str() );
AllianceFramework::get()->saveCell ( cell, Catalog::State::Views );
string UnicornGui::_getString () const
ostringstream s;
s << "<UnicornGui ";
Cell* cell = getCell();
if (cell) s << getString(cell->getName());
else s << "No_Cell_Loaded";
s << ">";
return s.str();
} // End of Unicorn namespace.