* Move all Python stuff under a common Python namespace "coriolis".
* Instead of having a series subtrees for each tool, integrate
everything in one common tree. So now, all components can be
located either with an absolute path from "coriolis" or, inside
cross-reference themselves through relatives imports.
* As a consequence, we only need to add ".../site-packages/coriolis/"
to the PYTHONPATH, and not a whole bunch of subdirectories.
And nothing, if installed in-system.
* The tree of free technologies configuration files is also moved
below "coriolis/technos" instead of "/etc".
* Supressed "cumulus" level for the plugins.
* All python modules are rewritten using relative imports except
for the configuration files that uses absolute import as they
can be cloned outside of the tree to serve as templates.
* Change: In boostrap/FindPythonSitePackages, include "/coriolis" in
Provide a Python_SITELIB *without* "/coriolis" appended.
* Change: In cumulus/plugins/__init__.loadPlugins(), must prefix modules
read in the plugins directory by "coriolis.plugins.". No longer need
to add their path to sys.path.
* Change: In crlcore/python/technos/nodeX/*/devices.py, the scripts of
the layouts generators must be prefixed by "coriolis.oroshi.".
* Change: In CRL::System CTOR, no longer add the pathes of the various
plugins to sys.path. Only "site-packages/coriolis/".
* New: In Utilities::Path::toPyModePath(), new method to convert a
filesystem path into a python module path.
"coriolis/plugins/block" --> "coriolis.plugins.block".
"coriolis/plugins/rsave.py" --> "coriolis.plugins.rsave".
* Change: In katanaEngine::_runKatanaEngine(), rename the hook script
initHook.py. No longer need to modify sys.path.
* Change: In BoraEngine::_runBoraEngine(), rename the hook script
initHook.py. No longer need to modify sys.path.
* Change: In UnicornGui::_runUnicornInit(), rename the hook script
initHook.py. No longer need to modify sys.path.
* Change: In cumulus.plugins.chip.constants, put the constants
outside __init__.py to avoid a loop at initialization.
* New: Python/C++ API level:
* Write a new C++/template wrapper to get rid of boost::python
* The int & long Python type are now merged. So a C/C++ level,
it became "PyLong_X" (remove "PyInt_X") and at Python code
level, it became "int" (remove "long").
* Change: VLSISAPD finally defunct.
* Configuration is now integrated as a Hurricane component,
makes use of the new C++/template wrapper.
* vlsisapd is now defunct. Keep it in the source for now as
some remaining non essential code may have to be ported in
the future.
* Note: Python code (copy of the migration howto):
* New print function syntax print().
* Changed "dict.has_key(k)" for "k" in dict.
* Changed "except Exception, e" for "except Exception as e".
* The division "/" is now the floating point division, even if
both operand are integers. So 3/2 now gives 1.5 and no longer 1.
The integer division is now "//" : 1 = 3//2. So have to carefully
review the code to update. Most of the time we want to use "//".
We must never change to float for long that, in fact, represents
DbU (exposed as Python int type).
* execfile() must be replaced by exec(open("file").read()).
* iter().__next__() becomes iter(x).__next__().
* __getslice__() has been removed, integrated to __getitem__().
* The formating used for str(type(o)) has changed, so In Stratus,
have to update them ("<class 'MyClass'>" instead of "MyClass").
* the "types" module no longer supply values for default types
like str (types.StringType) or list (types.StringType).
Must use "isinstance()" where they were occuring.
* Remove the 'L' to indicate "long integer" (like "12L"), now
all Python integer are long.
* Change in bootstrap:
* Ported Coriolis builder (ccb) to Python3.
* Ported Coriolis socInstaller.py to Python3.
* Note: In PyQt4+Python3, QVariant no longer exists. Use None or
directly convert using the python syntax: bool(x), int(x), ...
By default, it is a string (str).
* Note: PyQt4 bindings & Python3 under SL7.
* In order to compile user's must upgrade to my own rebuild of
PyQt 4 & 5 bindings 4.19.21-1.el7.soc.
* Bug: In cumulus/plugins.block.htree.HTree.splitNet(), set the root
buffer of the H-Tree to the original signal (mainly: top clock).
Strangely, it was only done when working in full chip mode.
* New: In CRL::NamingScheme, add a flag VstNoLowerCase, and its
management it in the Verilog to VHDL converter.
* Change: In CRL::BlifParser::Model::toVhdlModels(), disable the
lowercasing of identifiers. We shouldn't apply Alliance VHDL
subset constraits when reading blif files. So we will see
uppercase identifiers in Coriolis.
* Change: In CRL::VstParser, no longer lowercase identifiers that
are *not* VHDL keywords. Uppercases are legals in VHDL...
* New: In CRL::Catalog::State, add a new flag VstNoLowerCase to
tell if the VST driver should keep the uppercases.
* Change: In CRL::VhdlEntity, add a VstNolowerCase flag to disable
the lowercasing.
* Change: In CRL::vstDriver, lower case the file name if needed.
remove the previously opened filename if it differs from the
lowercased one.
* Change: In UnicornGui CTOR, disable VHDL enforcement for the
Blif parser.
* Bug: In Hurricane::DrawingQuery::drawGo(), forgot to apply translation
on Polygon and Rectilinear.
* Bug: In Hurricane::Rectilinear, forgot implementation of getContour().
Add a new accessor getPoints().
* Bug: In CRL::Blif::load(), do not always enforce translation towards
VHDL names. When loading LEF+gds it may change the Cell names between
the two stages so the gds layout do not get added to the LEF Cell
Now add a boolean enforceVhdl argument (may be a flag in the future).
* Bug: In ::GdsStream::operator<<(Cell*), forgot to drive the Rectilinear.
* New: In CRL, implement a true GDSII driver. The driver is directly under
CRL and do not use an intermediate structure in vlsisapd. The ASCII
GDSII is removed.
Huge polygons are not supported yet. Have to be split up in
sub-polygons of less than 4000 vertexes.
Symbolic layout can be exported to give a rough idea of the layout
but RDS expension is not applied. Symbolic composite layers are
expansed into their basic layers so the design *looks* normal.
* Deprecated: In CRL, remove all traces of the old XML configuration
parsers. No one needs them now, including Chams.
* Bug: In CRL::BlifParser, before blindly loading the model of a subckt
from disk with AllianceFramework, checks if it is in the Catalog
first. Load with AllianceFramework only cells that are in the
This prevent a file of the same name than a model to be loaded
shadowing the later defintion of the model in the Blif file.
All this is due to the fact that Blif could be non-ordered for
the models...
* Change: In Hurricane::BasicLayer, the "extract number" is replaced
by a GdsLayer and GdsDatatype to generate accurate GDS files.
Even if datatype is 0 most of the time.
Update all the "technology.conf" files in CRL to provide those
two numbers.
* New: In CRL Core, added LEF importer for real technologies. This is
still a work in progress. Exported in Python interface.
* Bug: In CRL Core, CellGauge::getRecord() correctly display DbU
* Change: In Unicorn, mofificate ImportCell and ImportCellDialog to
support the LEF importer. Add a template layer so we can work with
loaders returning Cell* or Library*.
* Change: In Unicorn::UnicornGui::getCellFromDb(), in addition to the
Alliance loader, uses the DataBase::getCell() too (for Cells that
are *not* in Alliance).
* Change: In Hurricane, in Flags add operator overload for "int" type
and not only "unsigned int". Otherwise the compiler complaints about
ambiguous overload when using enum values which are considered as
Simpler code for the BaseFlags::contains() method.
Added implicit conversion from BaseFlags toward bool type.
* Change: In Hurricane, in Commons, complete replacement of the previous
two trace systems (trace & ltrace) by a stream-based one.
As it is a true object it is much less fragile than the one based
on defines (but maybe a little slower).
Define a reservation table for the trace levels for all the
Coriolis & Chams components.
* Change: All tools, use the new trace system.
* Test: post-receive hook on server should send mail [1].
* New: In VLSISAPD, in Parameter, callback have now a tag, which the
pointer to the caller. This allow for the callback removal when
the caller is destroyed.
* New: In VLSISAPD, in WidgetDescription, when associated to a parameter,
the destructor must remove the associated callback function on
the Parameter.
* New: In Hurricane, added JSON support for Configuration, separated
from vlsisapd, as the support is not available at this point.
JSON support for Configuration, Parameter & LayoutDescription.
* Change: In Hurricane, in JsonStack, the stack of JsonObjects has been
displaced here from HurricaneHandler. This way, all
JsonObject::toData() can access the JsonOjects in the context
of the parser.
* New: In Hurricane, in DBo::toJson() added support for Entity by
reference (ids).
* New: In Hurricane, added JSON support for all Layer sub-class types.
* New: In Hurricane, in Technology, export the Layers, but must be
sorted by increasing mask value.
* New: In Hurricane, in Entity, added support for Entity by reference (ids).
* New: In Hurricane, in DataBase, added technology full support.
* New: In Hurricane, In JsonNet, move the ring rebuild management from
JsonStack to JsonNet.
* New: In Hurricane, added JSON support for NetAlias, NetExternalcomponents
(not cleanly implemented as a Relation).
* New: In Hurricane, new method Cell::fromJson() to load a cell from
a JSON file.
* New: In Hurricane, In Graphics, make it an observable, for when JSON
fully reload the graphic state, it must be able to notify other
objects (namely the Controller).
* New: In Hurricane, in ControllerWidget, observe the Graphics to regenerate
the palette as needed. New method ControllerTab::graphicsUpdated().
* New: In Hurricane, in RawDrawingStyle added a destructor to release the
Qt pen/brush. Added JSON support for HSVr, DrawingStyle, DrawingGroup,
& DisplayStyle.
* New: In Hurricane, in GraphicsWidget, rewrite correctly the readGraphics()
to erase the previous widgets and re-create the new ones.
* New: In Hurricane, in PaletteWidget, correct re-creation of the layout/widgets
in case of Graphics change.
* New: In CRL Core, in System, register the parameters callbacks with
the address of the object, for later deletion.
* New: In CRL Core, in AllianceFramework, make it observable, to notify
library changes. For the AllianceFramework creation, now allow to
completly bypass the Python initialization system, when we expect
to restore it from a full blob. Added methods to sets the default
RoutingGauge & CellGauge.
* New: In CRL Core, added JSON suppport for CellGauge, RoutingLayerGauge
& RoutingGauge.
* New: In CRL Core, in LibraryManager, oberver AllianceFramework, to update
the list of libraries in case of change (for JSON full reload).
* New: In boostrap, in ccb.py, added support for the "support" project
which contains external dependencies. Currently contains only
RapidJSON. Those dependencies must be cloned here manually.
* New: In Hurricane, Initializer class for an ordered static initialization
across different compilation modules.
* Change: In Hurricane, at DataBase level, no longer save the Cells in
the libraries, but create and ordered list of Cell. Deepest cells
(leaf cells) first. To avoid dependency problems.
* New: In Hurricane, JSON support for Property.
* New; In CRL, added JSON support for AllianceFramework, Environement &
Catalog and their associated properties. Adjustment of the
AllianceLibrary creation policy.
* New: In Hurricane, added first support for DataBase native import/export
using JSON.
We choose RapidJSON, in SAX mode, to manage the JSON format low level
Read/Write. Thus, it's Git repository http://github.com/miloyip/rapidjson
must be added under ~/coriolis-2.x/src and manually build and installed
in the Coriolis installation tree (to be integrated in ccb later).
Two mode are being supported:
1. Cell mode: one Cell only is saved. In that mode, Entities
referred by Occurrences are "outside" the file. They are coded
through their "signature" (mostly, all the values of their
attributes). The ids saved in the file cannot be restored
identically as we cannot predict when and in which context the
Cell will be reloaded.
2. Design Blob mode: the whole design hierarchy, down and including
the standard cells is saved. This way the design is completly
self contained and Entities ared referred through their ids.
A design blob can only be loaded immediatly after starting cgt
as the DataBase *must* be empty. This way we restore the whole
design hierarchy with *exactly* the same ids.
Now, Hurricane object should provide a "toJson()" method for driving
JSON, and be associated with a JsonObject derived class for parsing.
* New: In Hurricane, ability to force the next id that will be used for a
DBo (used by Design Blob Mode).
* New: In Hurricane, in DataBase, added getCell() and getLibrary() functions
to allow the hierarchical access of a Cell/Library in native mode
(i.e. whithout the requirement of AllianceFramework).
* New: In Hurricane, In CellViewer, added menu entry for Save/Load of
JSON Design Blobs. Added at this level because we consider it as the
"native" format of Hurricane.
* New: In Unicorn, added support of import/export of JSON Cell.
* Bug: In Hurricane, in Instance, when cloning an Instance or uniquifying
it's master Cell, we forgot about the Occurrences (through shared pathes).
When an instance is cloned the Shared pathes still points toward the
original Instance. And when it's the master Cell that is uniquifyed
it's the Entities pointed to that remains in the original Cell.
This is a software design problem. It is difficult to define what
policy to adopt when uniquifying: basically that means that one
Occurence is either moved onto the clone or duplicated. Furthermore,
it is not trivial to known what Occurrence is pointing on the
uniquifyed/cloned item. Have to think about it a little more.
* Bug: In Etesian, in EtesianEngine, build the flattened nets and their
RoutingPads *after* uniquifying (through slaving bounding boxes).
This way we avoid the Occurrences problem described above.
* Bug: In Etesian, in EtesianEngine, invalidate the RoutingPad after
processing the placement so they are put into the right quadtree.
This problem is due to the fact that the RoutingPads do not belong
to the Instance that they refer. And when this instance is moved
around, she doesn't inform the RoutingPad that is has moved.
More software architecture design to review...
* New: In CRL Core, created a LibraryManager widget. It provides a
composite information based on what is present, for each
Alliance library:
1. - A Cell in memory, without Catalog::State.
2. - A Catalog::State, with or whithout the Cell in memory.
3. - The files of the Cell in the librariy's directory.
4. - A file with a format referenced for one of the importers.
File type recognition is based *only* on the file extension,
so it may easily confused. Be careful about what you put in
the library's directory.
One of the big limitation is that it will not display Hurricane
libraries that do not have the AllianceLibrary extension.
This widget is put in a separate library <libmanager>, included
in the default CRLCORE_LIBRARIES.
* Change: In CRL Core, in State (through the loader), now sets the
InMemory flag (event if nobody uses it yet...). Display it in
the state _getString().
In AllianceFramework, new getAllianceLibraries() method.
In CatalogExtension, make the static method "get()" publicly
accessible, for sometimes we want the whole State.
* Bug: In vlsisapd, in Path, the pathcache was not rebuild when it
should, leading to incorrect results.
* New: In vlsisapd, in Path, added a listdir() method to access the
contents of a directory and a stat() method to poll the status
of a file/directory.
Rename the ".string()" method in ".toString()" to avoid
tricky name resolution with std::string, refactor in all the
other tools.
* Change: In Hurricane, in Controller, no longer oversize the fonts
of the table's headers.
* New: In Unicorn, in UnicornGui, integrate LibraryManager.
* Error messages are more explicit in Ap and Blif parsers
* Warns when not using tie cells
* New layer synonym in ApParser for easier format conversion
* Blif import is now on top
* New: In Hurricane, In CellWidget, add methods to emit CellPreModificated
and CellPostModificated Qt signals (from non-Qt aware objects).
* New: In Unicorn, In ImportCell, parsers are now dynamically hooked
in the importer, allowing third party application (i.e. Chams) to
add their own. See the ImportCell::addImporter() method.
* Bug: In Unicorn, in FindUNICORN.cmake, seems to be unable to detect
the UnicornGui.h. Not a blocking problem because the include dir
is shared with other tools correctly detected. But still...
* New: In Bootstrap, added support for RHEL7 in ccb.py & coriolisEnv.py.
In coriolisEnv.py, under RHEL6, directly launch a shell under
devtoolset-2 (do not put it in .bashrc).
* Change: All tools, compliance with Clang 3.2.
- Call using namespace std *after* at least one include of std has
been used.
- In Utilities.h define both const and non-cont overload for operator<<
of mstream (this was the true cause of the Banner display problem).
- No longer use defaults arguments in templates, instead create two
separated overloads.
- Put template static attributes allocation outside of namespaces
(this one I'm not sure how to justify).
- Protect by NDEBUG variables that are only needed in assert().
- In PyInterval getUnion() & getIntersection() we where silently
overwriting the "self" object (interval).
- In Mauka, *do no* overload _postCreate() and add an argument, breaks
the virtual function mechanism. Rename it into _maukaPostCreate().
Idem for SubRow().
- In Katabatic::GCell(), invalidate() overload a Go funtion but is
used for different purpose at this level. Rename it invalidateCt()
(invalidate *ConTents*).
- Miscellaneous small cleanup.
* New: In Unicorn, in ExportCellDialog and UnicornGui add an entry to
call the ASCII/GDSII export driver.
* New: In CRL Core, in AgdsDriver, checks for off-grid coordinates (that
is non-integer one) and round them with a warning. This is most
likely that the layout is flawed but it will at leat generate a
readable ASCII/GDSII file.
* New: In Isobar, export the DebugSession mechanism.
* New: In Kite, In KiteEngine, add the ability to run a Python script
(hook) after the initialization of the KiteEngine.
* New: In Isobar::Script, scripts arguments are now passed through a
"keywords" argument (Python: **kw), that is a dictionnary.
To add *any* Python object to that dictionnary, uses the new
method Script::addKwArgument(const char* key, PyObject*).
The "cell" and "editor" variables are now passed that way.
This means that, for the editor, the old way of inserting
a symbol in the module global dictionary is no longer used
and the Python scripts must be modificateds.
* New: In Hurricane::PyCellViewer, create the Python link function
for translation from Hurricane to Python.
* New: In Unicorn, modifications for the new argument passing for
the Python scripts.
* New: In Hurricane, in CellViewer, create a simpler API to graft menu
and actions into the menubar. Mainly addToMenu() which take care of
the QAction creation but also locate the relevant QMenu, base on
the Qt object name. Regroup all the widget & action creation inside
the body of the constructor, this way almost all actions can be
removed from the attributes of the CellViewer.
addToMenu() is supplied in three flavors:
1. For C++ callbacks in GraphicToolEngines (with a binded
member function method).
2. For running Python scripts to be used by the plugin system.
3. To insert separator in menus (to give a more homogeneous
Remove the last remnants of Stratus scripts (unificated with basic
Python scripts).
* New: In Hurricane, in PyCellViewer, export the interface to graft
Python scripts into the CellViewer menu tree.
* Change: In Etesian, in GraphicEtesianEngine, use the new API to
graft menus & callbacks into the CellViewer.
* Change: In Mauka, in GraphicMaukaEngine, use the new API to
graft menus & callbacks into the CellViewer.
* Change: In Kite, in GraphicKiteEngine, use the new API to
graft menus & callbacks into the CellViewer.
* New: In Cumulus, install Python scripts as plugins for Unicorn under
* New: In Unicorn, in UnicornGui, make uses of the new API for creating
menus in the CellViewer. Creates the stem menu for the P&R tools.
Add a Python initialization mechanism to read the plugins
installeds into <PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES>/cumulus/plugins/.
* Cleanup: In <vlsisapd/src/bookshelf>, remove unused file Bookshelf.cpp
(may have been a parser once upon a time).
* Cleanup: In <hurricane>, in Cell::flattenNets() use flags instead of
booleans to be more readable. Allow occurrence placement checking.
* New: In <crlcore> add Python wrapper for the Ispd05 loader.
* New: In <unicorn> add option for direct loading of ISPD05 designs.
* Bug: In <hurricane/src/viewer>, RecordModel must emit
layoutAboutToBeChanged() before changing the record contents (and
layoutChanged() afterwards).
* New: In <vlsispad/utilities>, new objet Dots for displaying a kind
of progress bar.
* Change: In <vlsisapd/bookshelf>, keywords are now case-insensitive.
Added a "strict syntax" option (to be disabled for ISPD05).
* New: First working implementation of Etesian, at least for ISPD05
* Change: In <hurricane>, in Cell::flattenNets(), no longer display
a warning if an instance is unplaced, this does not make sense
when the circuit is not placed.
* New: In <crlcore>, Added translator for ISPD05 bookshelf, the
circuit is *not* placed, unlike in ISPD04 and terminal nodes
*are* true cells.
* New: In <unicorn>, added entry in import cell for ISPD05 benchmarks.
Update to Qt 5:
* Change: Now requires at least cmake 2.8.9.
* Change: CMakeLists.txt needs small changes. Qt modules must be found
one by one (Core, Gui, Widgets). Must add "set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON)"
in the top file and replace "qt4" prefix in macros by "qt5".
Added simpler macro "setup_qt()" in FindBootstrap.cmake.
* Change: No longer need to include <QGtkStyle> is is choosen by default
according to the current desktop environment.
* Change: In <hurricane>, In HApplication, launch ExceptionWidget when
a std::exception is catched instead of silently discarting it.
New placer Tool: Etesian
* New: <etesian> analytical placer. Encapsulate Coloquinte from
Gabriel Gouvine.
* New: in <documentation>, add stub demonstration ToolEngine <smurf>.
Needs to be commented.
* New: in <boostrap> and <unicorn>, added support for Etesian, the new
analytic placer. The tool itself will be added in the next commit.
* Bug: in <CellWidget>, when shifting the display buffer, we no longer
can copy the buffer on itself (we should never have). Now go through
a temporary one (PlaneId::AutoCopy) which is added to the
DrawingPlanes. Affect "goLeft()" and "goUp()".
* Bug: In <CellWidget>, remove the WA_PaintOnScreen flag/attribute.
When it's on, no PaintEvent is transmitted to the CellWidget
when it's the central widget of the <CellViewer> (QMainWindow).
It's something I still don't understand from the doc of Qt.
* Change: In <AreaCommand>, use the PlaneId enumeration instead of a
anonymous numerical index.
* Change: In <HApplication>, no longer catch and silently discard
standartd exceptions but launch the ExceptionWidget...
Suppress the now deprecated constructor with "Type" argument.
* Change: In <SelectionModel>, the "reset()" method is deprecated in
Qt5, instead enclose the "clear()" by a "beginResetModel()" and
"endResetModel()" pair.
* New: In <crlcore>, add support for ISPD05 benchmarks (in Bookshelf
format). Forked from ISPD04 and not finished yet.
* Change: In <Mauka>, distinguish the Action string identifier from
* New: In <unicorn>, add entry for ISPD05 loader. Add entry for
<Etesian> analytic placer.
- A complete sweep of cleanup to suppress allmost all compiler warnings.
* ./unicorn:
- New: Added Python support.
- New: No binary is generated. Instead a Python script is supplied.
- New: Adds graphic support for Import/Export files (ACM/SIGDA, ISPD04,
- New: To avoid buggy database deletion, and also to speed up, now exits
with a system exit. Previous behavior could be acticated with the
"--delete-db" boolean switch.
- Change: Read verbosity, info and trace level from configuration.
- New: Catches correctly boost exceptions.
- New: Can specify an additionnal XML configuration file on the command
- Change: Makes use of the CRL::System environment variable loading.
XML environment loading is also obsoleted by the new Utility features.
- Change: In UnicornGui, _banner is now a static member. Useful to print
the banner whenever running in pure text mode so no UnicornGui is
- Change: Rename COpenCellDialog in OpenCellDialog.
- Change: In CgtMain, now the save parameter must be supplied with a design
name. The same should be different from the input one to avoid overwrites.
- New: SaveCellDialog to write back the Cell. Currently only writes the
layout view.
- SVN MOVE: Source tree simplification & uniformisation. Now all tools
are at the same level, directly under the root of the repository.
No more "coriolis/src".