267 lines
7.8 KiB
267 lines
7.8 KiB
// -*- mode: C++; explicit-buffer-name: "GlobalRoute.cpp<katana>" -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2016-2016, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | K i t e - D e t a i l e d R o u t e r |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./GlobalRoute.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
#include "hurricane/Breakpoint.h"
#include "hurricane/Cell.h"
#include "anabatic/Dijkstra.h"
#include "katana/Block.h"
#include "katana/RoutingPlane.h"
#include "katana/KatanaEngine.h"
namespace {
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::setw;
using std::setfill;
using std::left;
using std::right;
using Hurricane::DbU;
using Hurricane::DbU;
using Hurricane::Net;
using Anabatic::Edge;
using Anabatic::Vertex;
class DigitalDistance {
inline DigitalDistance ( float h, float k );
inline void setNet ( Net* );
DbU::Unit operator() ( const Vertex* source ,const Vertex* target,const Edge* edge ) const;
// For an explanation of h & k parameters, see:
// "KNIK, routeur global pour la plateforme Coriolis", p. 52.
float _h;
float _k;
Net* _net;
inline DigitalDistance::DigitalDistance ( float h, float k ) : _h(h), _k(k), _net(NULL) { }
inline void DigitalDistance::setNet ( Net* net ) { _net = net; }
DbU::Unit DigitalDistance::operator() ( const Vertex* source ,const Vertex* target,const Edge* edge ) const
if (edge->getCapacity() <= 0) return Vertex::unreachable;
if (source->getGCell()->isStdCellRow() and target->getGCell()->isStdCellRow())
return Vertex::unreachable;
float congestionCost = 1.0;
float congestion = (float)edge->getRealOccupancy() / (float)edge->getCapacity();
if (not source->getGCell()->isChannelRow() or not target->getGCell()->isChannelRow())
congestionCost += _h / (1.0 + std::exp(_k * (congestion - 1.0)));
float viaCost = 0.0;
if ( source->getFrom()
and (source->getFrom()->isHorizontal() xor edge->isHorizontal())
and not source->hasGContact(_net) ) {
viaCost += 2.5;
float distance = (float)source->getDistance()
+ (congestionCost + viaCost) * (float)edge->getDistance()
+ edge->getHistoricCost();
// Edge* sourceFrom = source->getFrom();
// if (sourceFrom) {
// distance += ((sourceFrom->isHorizontal() xor edge->isHorizontal()) ? 3.0 : 0.0) * (float)Edge::unity;
// }
cdebug_log(112,0) << "cong:" << congestion
<< " ccost:" << congestionCost
<< " digitalDistance:" << DbU::getValueString((DbU::Unit)distance) << endl;
return (DbU::Unit)distance;
void computeNextHCost ( Edge* edge, float edgeHInc )
float congestion = (float)edge->getRealOccupancy() / (float)edge->getCapacity();
float hCost = edge->getHistoricCost();
float alpha = (congestion < 1.0) ? congestion : std::exp( std::log(8)*( congestion - 1 ) );
edge->setHistoricCost( alpha * (hCost + ((congestion < 1.0) ? 0.0 : edgeHInc) ));
cdebug_log(113,0) << edge << endl;
} // Anonymous namespace.
namespace Katana {
using Hurricane::Error;
using Hurricane::Warning;
using Hurricane::Breakpoint;
using Hurricane::Timer;
using Hurricane::Occurrence;
using Hurricane::Transformation;
using Hurricane::Instance;
using Anabatic::EngineState;
using Anabatic::Dijkstra;
using Anabatic::NetData;
void KatanaEngine::createChannels ()
Cell* core = getCell();
if (isChip())
core = getChipTools().getCore()->getMasterCell();
Block* block = new Block( this, core );
void KatanaEngine::setupGlobalGraph ( uint32_t mode )
Cell* cell = getCell();
cell->flattenNets( Cell::Flags::BuildRings|Cell::Flags::WarnOnUnplacedInstances );
cell->createRoutingPadRings( Cell::Flags::BuildRings );
if (isChannelMode()) createChannels();
if (getGCells().size() == 1) {
cmess1 << " o Building regular grid..." << endl;
} else {
cmess1 << " o Reusing existing grid." << endl;
cmess1 << Dots::asInt(" - GCells" ,getGCells().size()) << endl;
printMeasures( "Anabatic Grid" );
for ( GCell* gcell : getGCells() ) {
if (not gcell->isMatrix()) continue;
for ( Edge* edge : gcell->getEdges(Flags::EastSide|Flags::NorthSide) ) {
if (edge->isHorizontal()) edge->incCapacity( -getHTracksReservedLocal() );
else edge->incCapacity( -getVTracksReservedLocal() );
void KatanaEngine::runGlobalRouter ()
if (getState() >= EngineState::EngineGlobalLoaded)
throw Error ("KatanaEngine::runGlobalRouter(): Global routing already done or loaded.");
cmess1 << " o Running global routing." << endl;
float edgeHInc = getConfiguration()->getEdgeHInc();
Dijkstra* dijkstra = new Dijkstra ( this );
DigitalDistance* distance =
dijkstra->setDistance( DigitalDistance( getConfiguration()->getEdgeCostH()
, getConfiguration()->getEdgeCostK() ));
if (isChannelMode())
dijkstra->setSearchAreaHalo( Session::getSliceHeight()*2 );
size_t iteration = 0;
size_t netCount = 0;
do {
cmess2 << " [" << setfill(' ') << setw(3) << iteration << "] nets:";
netCount = 0;
for ( NetData* netData : getNetOrdering() ) {
if (netData->isGlobalRouted()) continue;
distance->setNet( netData->getNet() );
dijkstra->load( netData->getNet() );
cmess2 << left << setw(6) << netCount;
const vector<Edge*>& ovEdges = getOvEdges();
cmess2 << " ovEdges:" << setw(4) << ovEdges.size();
for ( Edge* edge : ovEdges ) computeNextHCost( edge, edgeHInc );
netCount = 0;
size_t iEdge = 0;
while ( iEdge < ovEdges.size() ) {
Edge* edge = ovEdges[iEdge];
netCount += edge->ripup();
if (ovEdges.empty()) break;
if (ovEdges[iEdge] == edge) {
cerr << Error( "AnabaticEngine::globalRoute(): Unable to ripup enough segments of edge:\n"
" %s"
, getString(edge).c_str()
) << endl;
dijkstra->setSearchAreaHalo( Session::getSliceHeight()*3 );
cmess2 << " ripup:" << setw(4) << netCount << right;
cmess2 << " " << setw(10) << Timer::getStringTime (getTimer().getCombTime())
<< " " << setw( 6) << Timer::getStringMemory(getTimer().getIncrease()) << endl;
} while ( (netCount > 0) and (iteration < 5) );
printMeasures( "Dijkstra" );
if (getBlock(0)) {
delete dijkstra;
if (isChannelMode()) {
setState( EngineState::EngineGlobalLoaded );
} // Katana namespace.