
71 lines
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// -*- C++ -*-
namespace CRL {
/*! \class RoutingGauge
* \brief Gauge for the detailed routing
/*! \function RoutingGauge* RoutingGauge::create(const char* name);
* \Return A new, empty, gauge named \c name.
/*! \function void RoutingGauge::destroy();
* \Return destroy the routing gauge.
/*! \function RoutingGauge* RoutingGauge::getClone() const;
* \Return a deep copy of the gauge.
/*! \function const Name RoutingGauge::getName() const;
* \Return the name of the gauge.
/*! \function Hurricane::Technology* RoutingGauge::getTechnology() const;
* \Return the technology the gauge is built upon.
/*! \function size_t RoutingGauge::getDepth() const;
* \Return the number of routing layers.
/*! \function size_t RoutingGauge::getLayerDepth(const Layer* layer) const;
* \Return the depth of the \c layer. If \c layer is not managed by the
* gauge, return UINT_MAX.
/*! \function RoutingLayerGauge* RoutingGauge::getLayerGauge(const Layer* layer) const;
* \Return the RoutingLayerGauge associated with \c layer. NULL if \c layer
* is not managed by the gauge.
/*! \function unsigned int RoutingGauge::getLayerDirection(const Layer* layer) const;
* \Return the preferred routing direction for \c layer.
/*! \function RoutingLayerGauge* RoutingGauge::getLayerGauge(size_t depth) const;
* \Return the RoutingLayerGauge at position \c depth.
/*! \function unsigned int RoutingGauge::getLayerDirection(size_t depth) const;
* \Return the preferred routing direction at position \c depth.
/*! \function const Layer* RoutingGauge::getRoutingLayer(size_t depth) const;
* \Return the Layer at position \c depth.
/*! \function Layer* RoutingGauge::getContactLayer(size_t depth) const;
* \Return the Contact Layer at position \c depth.
/*! \function const std::vector<RoutingLayerGauge*>& RoutingGauge::getLayerGauges() const;
* \Return the stack of RoutingLayerGauge.
/*! \function void RoutingGauge::addLayerGauge(RoutingLayerGauge* layerGauge);
* \Return add a new \c layerGauge, on top of the others. The order of
* addition is meaningful (it's a stack). The closer to the substrate
* must be added first.
/*! \function void RoutingGauge::checkConnexity() const;
* \Return Verify that the stacked layers are connex and that contacts
* between them exists.