This commit degrades the run success rate of ARMv2a to 87% (40 iters).
* New: In CRLcore/etc/.../kite.conf, add configuration parameters:
for the new edge capacity computation system.
* New: In CRLcore/etc/symbolic/phenitec06/, add support for N. Shimizu
small I/O pads (supplied in phlib80). Tune various parameters of
Anabatic/Katana to increase routing success.
* Change: In CRLcore/alliance/ap/ApParser, make Pin external components,
so RoutingPad will be build upon in global routing.
Do not complain when a I/O pad has a physical instance that did
not exists in the netlist. Just create it (appeared in phlib80).
When no netlist instance exists in a pad, the pad Cell is still
considered as terminal.
* New: In Etesian::BloatCells, new profile named "3metals" better suited
for two routing metals technologies (i.e. Phenitec).
* New: In Anabatic::RawGCellsUnder, new CTOR which take only source &
target points instead of a segment. Needed to manage wide segment for
which the axis to consider is not that of the segment (one axis for
each track it intersect).
* New: In Anabatic::GCell, add a RoutingPad count attribute, for Edge
reservation computation.
* New: In AnabaticEngine::computeEdgeCapacities(), instead of decreasing
all edges of a fixed amount (hTrackReservedLocal), guess the GCell
cluttering from the number of RoutingPads that it contains.
For non-saturated GCells, the four edges are decreased by the number
of RoutingPads. We use the maximum from the two neigboring GCells.
The hTrackReservedLocal parameter is now used only as a *maximum*
that the edge reservation can reach.
If a GCell is saturated (more than 8 RoutingPads, the saturation is
propagated horizontally to 2 neigboring GCells).
* Change: In AutoContactTerminal::getNativeConstraintBox(), use a more
flexible gauge name matching for terminal vertical extensions correction.
Namely, match all "msxlib*" kind of gauges.
* Change: In AutoSegment::setAxis(), add the ability to force the axis
position, even if it is a non-canonical segment. Maybe needed in the
initialisation steo, before the first canonisation is performed.
* New: In NetBuilder, added new methods _do_1G_1PinM1() and _do_2G_1PinM1(),
to manage coronas for Phenitec designs.
To avoid various side effects from segments being too close from
the north / east side of the routing area, make those segments fixeds.
* Change: In KatanaEngine::annotateGlobalGraph(), the management of wide
wires was wrong. The axis to use to find the underlying GCells is the
one of the track, not of the segment. This was creating bad edge
capacity computation under the power ring of a block and subsequently
routing failures.
* New: In Kanata::Manipulator, added method reprocessParallels(), not used
though, but keep it anyway, might be of use later...
* New: In Kanata::Manipulator, added method avoidBlockage() for terminal
METAL2 in non-preferred direction, restrict the terminal and turn
constraint box at the current position of the perpandicular, so it
doesn't create a deadlock in METAL2.
* Change: In SegmentFsm::conflictSolveByPlaceds(), if we cannot break
using the whole overlap, try the first atomic overlap.
* New: In SegmentFsm::_slackenStrap(), manage conflict between a non-prefered
segment and a blockage, this when to call avoidBlockage()...
* New: In Katana::Configuration, management of the new edge computation
* New: In Cumulus/plugins/Core2Chip, support for Phenitec I/O pads.
* Bug: In cumulus/plugins/, when a pad is at the beginning
or at the end of the side, the pad corona terminal may be outside
the corona range (not directly facing it). In that case, create a
bend to reach it.
Worse, in some case more than one (but likely no more), could be
in that case, so not only do we create a bend but also make a
shift in the bended segment so two consecutive ones are not on the
same axis, causing shorts.
If both end pads of a corner are in that case, we cannot prevent
a short, so at least, issue a warning.
* Bug: In CRL::Vhdl, the Entity::VstUseConcat was not passed correctly
along, so we did get a strange mix of conat and direct assignment.
* New: In Unicorn/ : added --vst-use-concat options to control
the VST driver behavior.
* Bug: In CRL::ApDriver & CRL::ApParser, when saving a fused net, do not
use it's name but put a star (*) character to set it anonymous.
Having all component named was creating problems in cougar and
subsquently in yagle (bad name for master latch).
Conversely, in the parser, if the name of the net is "fused_net",
make it a real fused_net and not an ordinary one.
* New: In CRL::AllianceFramework::saveCell(), through the view flag we
can pass an option 'CRL::Catalog::State::VstUseConcat' to tell the
driver tu use or not the concat '&' in PORT MAP statements.
It is not completely clean that the flag for controlling the VST
driver behavior is put in the Catalog states, but it's easier for
And, of course, exported at Python level.
* In CRL::vstDriver(), remove the Vhdl::EntityExtension right after driving
the file. This avoid keeping in memory a mostly usnused structure and
solve the "second write after modification" problem.
* Change: In CRL/BlifParser::Model::mergeAlias(), do not always merge the
net2 with net1 (RHS with LHS of the ".name" instruction). This may
result in a name change in the design interface (external net).
Instead, merge any internal net with the external, so keep the
external net name. If both are external, keep the one with the lower
id (which should have been created first).
* Change: In Hurricane::SharedName, replace the incremental Id by a hash key.
This is to ensure better deterministic properties. Between use cases,
additional strings may have to be allocated, shitfing the ids. Even if
hash can be duplicated, we should be able to ensure that the absolute
order in map table should be preserved. Supplemental strings are inserted
in a way that keep the previous order.
* Change: In CRL/etc/symbolic/cmos/kite.conf, add "katabatic.routingGauge"
default parameter value ("sxlib").
* Change: In CRL/etc/common/technology.conf, define minimal spacing for
symbolic layers too (added for METAL4 only for now).
* Change: In CRL::Histogram, extend support to dynamically sized histograms.
Add a text pretty print with table and pseudo-curve.
* Change: In Cumulus/plugins/ClockTreePlugin, create blockage under the
block corona corners so the global router do not draw wire under them.
This was creating deadlock for the detailed router.
When the abutment has to be computed, directly use Etesian to do it
instead of duplicating the computation in the Python plugin.
* New: In Etesian, as Coloquinte seems reluctant to evenly spread the
standard cells, we trick it by making them bigger during the placement
stage. Furthermore, we do not not uniformely increase the size of the
cells but create a "bloating profile" based on cell size, cell name
or it's density of terminals. Currently only two profiles are defined,
"disabled" which does nothing and "nsxlib" targeted on 4 metal layer
technologies (aka AMS 350nm, c35b4).
* Bug: In Knik::MatrixVertex, load the default routing gauge using the
configuration parameter "katabatic.routingGauge" as the default one
may not be the first registered one.
* New: In AnabaticEngine::setupNetDatas(), build a dynamic historgram of
the nets terminal numbers.
* Bug: In Anabatic::AutoContact::Invalidate(), always invalidate the
contact cache when topology is invalidated. In case of multiple
invalidations, if the first did not invalidate the cache, later one
that may need it where not allowed to do so. The end result was correct
nonetheless, but it did generate annoying error messages.
* Bug: In Anabatic::AutoContactTurn::updateTopology(), bad computation
of the contact's depth when delta == 2.
* Bug: In Anabatic::Gcell::getCapacity(), was always returning the west
edge capacity, even for the westermost GCell, should be the east
edge in that case.
* New: In Anabatic::AutoSegment, introduce a new measure "distance to
terminal". This is the minimal number of segments separating the
current one from the nearest RoutingPad. This replace the previous
"strong terminal" and "weak terminal" flags.
This distance is used by Katana to sort the events, we route the
segments *from* the RoutingPads *outward*. The idea being that if we
cannot event connect to the RoutingPad, there is no points continuing
as thoses segments are the more constraineds. This gives an order close
to the simple ascending metals but with better results.
* New: In Anabatic::AutoSegment, introduce a new flag "Unbreakable", disable
dogleg making on those segments. mainly intended for local segments
directly connecteds to RoutingPads (distance == 0).
* New: In Anabatic::AutoSegment, more aggressive reducing of segments.
Now the only case where a segment cannot be reduced is when it is
one horizontal branch in a HTee or a vertical on a VTee. Check if,
when not accounted the source & target VIAs are still connex, if so,
allow reducing.
* New: In Anabatic::AutoContact, new state flags CntVDogleg & CntHDogleg
mainly to prevent making doglegs twice on a turn contact. This is to
limit over-fragmentation. If one dogleg doesn't solve the problem,
making a second one will make things worse only...
* Bug: In Anabatic::Configuration::selectRpcomponent(), we were choosing
the component with the *smallest* span instead of the *bigger* one.
* New: In Anabatic::GCell, introduce a new flag "GoStraight" to tell that
no turn go be made inside those GCells. Mainly used underneath a block
* New: In AnabaticEngine::layerAssign(), new GCellRps & RpsInRow to manage
GCells with too many terminals. Slacken at least one RoutingPad access
when there is more than 8 RoutingPad in the GCell (slacken or change
a vertical METAL2 (non-preferred) into a METAL3).
* Change: In Anabatic::NetBuilderHV, allow the use of terminal connection
in non-preferred direction. That is, vertical METAL2 directly connected
to the RoutingPad (then a horizontal METAL2). This alllows for short
dogleg without clutering the METAL3 layer (critical for AMS c35b4).
Done in NetBuilderHV::doRp_Access(), with a new UseNonPref flag.
Perform some other tweaking on METAL1 access topologies, to also
minimize METAL3 use.
* New: In AnabaticEngine::computeNetConstraints(), also compute the
distance to RoutingPad for segments. Set the Unbreakable flag, based
on the distance and segment length (local, short global or long global).
New local function "propagateDistanceFromRp()".
* Change: In AnabaticEngine.h, the sorting class for NetData, SparsityOrder,
is modificated so net with a degree superior to 10 are sorted first,
whatever their sparsity. This is to work in tandem with GlobalRouting.
* New: In Katana::TrackSegmentNonPref, introduce a class to manage segment
in non-preferred routing direction. Mostly intended for small METAL2
vertical directly connected to RoutingPad. Modifications to manage
this new variant all through Katana.
* Change: In Katana::GlobalRoute, DigitalDistance honor the GoStraight flag
of the GCell. Do not make bend inside thoses GCells.
* Change: In KatanaEngine::runGlobalRouter(), high degree nets (>= 10) are
routed first and whitout the global routing estimation. There should be
few of them so they wont create saturations and we want them as straight
as possible. Detour are for long be-points.
Set the saerch halo to one GCell in the initial routing stage (before
* Bug: In KatanaEngine & NegociateWindow, call _computeCagedconstraints()
inside NegociateWindow::run(), as segments are inserted into tracks
only at that point so we cannot make the computation earlier.
* Change: In Katana::Manipulator::repackPerpandiculars(), add a flag to
select whether to replace the perpandiculars *after* or *before* the
current segment.
* Change: In Katana::NegociateWindow::NegociateOverlapCost(), when the
segment is fully enclosed inside a global, the longest overlap cost
is set to the shortest global hoverhang (before or after).
When the cost is for a global, set an infinite cost if the overlapping
segment has a RP distance less or equal to 1 (this is an access segment).
* Bug: In Katana::PowerRailsPlane::Rail::doLayout(), correct computation of
the segments extension cap.
* New: In Katana::QueryPowerRails::addToPowerRail(), add support for Pad.
* Change: In Katana/PreProcess::protectCagedTerminals(), apply the contraints
to any turn connected to the first segment of the RoutingPad so the
perpandicular constraints got propagated to the perpandicular segment...
* Change: In RoutingEvent, cache the "distance to RP" value.
* Change: In RoutingEvent::Key::compare(), sort *first* on distance to
RoutingPad, then layer depth. If both distance to RoutingPad is null,
then sort on segment length.
* Change: In RoutingEvent::_processRepair(), try a repack perpandicular with
perpandiculars first (then with perpandicular last, then give up).
* Change: In SegmentFsm::bindToTrack() and moveToTrack(), set an axis hint
when creating the insertion event.
* Change: In SegmentFsm::_slackenStrap(), add a step through slacken between
minimize and maximum slack (wihch directly end up in unimplemented).
* Change: In Session::_addInsertEvent(), add an axis parameter needed when
the axis of the segment is not the one of the track (case of wide
segments or non-preferred direction).
* Bug: In Track::_preDestroy(), bad management of the TrackElement reference
count. Destroy the segment only when reaching zero...
* Bug: In Track::expandFreeIneterval(), forgotten to manage case when there
is a set of overlaping segments at the "end" of the track, the
EndIsTrackMax was not set.
* Change: In TrackCost::Compare, increase the cost when an overlaping
segment is at it's ripup limit. We should try *not* to rip it up if
we can. Add a dedicated flag "AtRipupLimit".
* Change: In TrackElement, add proxies for isUnbreakable(), new function
* New: In TrackFixedSegment CTOR, when a supply wire of METAL2 or above is
found, make the underlying GCells "GoStraight".
* New: In TrackElement::canDogleg(GCell*), check for already done perpandicular
dogleg on source/target (reject if so).
* New: In Isobar::PyCell, export the isRouted() and setRouted() to the
Python interface.
* Bug: In CRL::Entity::parseEntity(), check that the closing parenthesis
is the last character of the net name. Issue a more relevant error
* In Anabatic::NetBuilder::_do_xG() and all other unimplemented methods,
throw an error if called from a derived classes instead of just
issuing a message in the debug stream. Avoid later core dumps...
* In Anabatic::NetBuilderHV, implement the builders for GCells with
one pin. Needed to support chip/corona routing.
* Bug: In Cumulus/plugins/, check that coronaCk exists before
using it.
* New: In Cumulus/plugins/PadsCorona/Side._placePad(), when routing
a design with symbolic pads, export the chip external "pad"
connectors to be able to perform a lvx (otherwise cougar do not
create external nets).
In Corona._createCoreWire(), set the minimal gap between the pads
and the corona to 6 pitches. Empirical value to avoid DRC errors
with symbolic pads (pxlib).
When successufully done, mark the Corona cell as routed.
* Bug: In Cumulus/plugins/Core2Chip.IoNet, the regex for vectorizet net
was wrong, it was allowing only one digit in the index.
* Bug: In Cumulus/plugins/Core2Chip.cmos, correct management of
pad & corona clock nets. Correct connexion between vdde/vddi.
* Bug: In Unicorn/, forgot to execute scripts when in text mode.
* Change: In Hurricane::Error constructors disable the backtrace generation.
(*very* slow).
* Change: In Hurricane::Library::getHierarchicalname(), more compact
naming. Remove the name of the root library.
* New: In Hurricane::Net, new type "FUSED", for component with no net.
More efficient than having one net for each.
* Change: In CellViewer, BreakpointWidget, use Angry Birds icons.
* Change: In CellWidget::State, use the hierarchical name (cached) as key
to the state. This allow to load two cells with the same name but from
different libraries in the widget history.
* Change: In PyGraphics, export "isEnabled()" and "isHighDpi()" functions.
* Change: In CRL/etc/symbolic/cmos/plugin.conf, and
CRL/etc/common/plugin.conf use the physical dimensions converters.
* Change: In CRL/etc/symbolic/cmos/technology.conf, make the GDS layer
table coherent with the default Alliance cmos.rds.
* New: CRL/python/helpers/, put ErrorMessage new implementation here,
along with a new ErrorWidget written in PyQt4. It seems finally that
PyQt4 can be used alongside Coriolis Qt widgets.
New ErrorMessage.catch() static function to manage all exceptions
in except clauses.
* Change: In CRL/python/helpers/, no longer use ErrorMessage.wrapPrint(),
directly print it.
Rewrite the utilities to display Python stack traces "textStacktrace()"
and "showStacktrace()".
* Change: In CRL::AllianceFramework, shorten the names of the libraries.
* Change: In CRL::ApParser & CRL::ApDriver, more accurate translation between
Alliance connectors (C record) and Hurricane::Pin objects. Pin are no
longer made square but thin and oriented in the connecting direction.
Use the new fused net for unnamed components.
* New: In CRL::GdsParser, implementation of SREF parsing, i.e. instances.
Due to the unordered nature of the GDS stream, instances creation are
delayed until the whole stream has been parsed and only then are they
For the sake of reading back Alliance s2r GDS, we assume that any
TEXT following a boundary is the Net name the boundary (component)
belongs to.
Create abutment box for Cells, computed from the bounding box, so
the Hurricane QuadTree could work properly.
Make use of the fused net for unnamed components.
* New: In Cumulus/plugins/chip, complete rewrite of the I/O pad management.
Now we can mix real (foundry) pads and a symbolic core.
To cleanly support the de-coupling between the real part and the
symbolic one we introduce a new intermediary hierarchical level, the
corona. We have now:
Chip --> Pads + Corona --> Core.
At chip level (and if we are using real pads) the layout is fully
real (excepting the corona).
The Corona contains everything that is symbolic. It has symbolic
wires extending outward the abutment box to make contact with the
real wires coming from the pads.
In the pad ring we can use corners instances (or not), pad spacers
or directly draw wires between connectors ring pads.
Provide two flavors: placement only or full place & route.
WARNING: If routing in a second step, *do not route* the *Chip* but
the *Corona*.
* Change: In Cumulus/plugins/clocktree, give the modified Cell an
additional extension of "_cts" (Clock Tree Synthesis) instead of
"_clocked", to follow the common convention.
* New: In cumulus/plugins/, encapsulate call to Alliance S2R and
reload the translated Cell in the editor.
* New: In cumulus/plugins/core2chip, provide an utility to automatically
create a chip from a core. To work this plugins must have a basic
understanding of the pad functionalities which may differs from
foundry to foundry. So a base class CoreToChip is created, then for
each supported pad foundry a derived class is added. Currently we
support AMS c35b4 and Alliance symbolic cmos.
* Bug: In Anabatic::Configuration, read the right configuration parameter
"anabatic.topRoutinglayer" (Katana), and not the one for Katabatic...
* Change: In Unicorn/, process the plugins in alphabetical order
to ensure a reproductible ordering of the menus...
* Bug: In CRL/etc/symbolic/cmos/plugins.conf, rails dimensions are no
longer expressed directly in lambda. Must be created using helper.l().
* Change: In CRL::ApParser, slightly more smart management of Pin width.
Must normalize Pin behavior between Alliance & Hurricane as in
Alliance they have only one dimension.
* Change: In CRL::LefImport, if a net name end with "!", assume it's a
global one. Have to check this naming convention.
* Change: In Anabatic::NetBuilderHV::_do_1G_1PinM3() & _do_1G_1PinM2()
now implemented. Needed for the corona routing support.
* Change: In AnabaticEngine::setupPreRouted(), exclude segments outside
the abutment box.
* Change: In KatanaEngine::PowerRails, remove the I/O pad support as now
we route only inside the Corona. So only one vdd/vss/ck are supported.
* New: In cumulus/plugins/, complete rewrite of the chip
* Uncouple pad I/O ring whith real cells (foundry) from a symbolic
core. A new intermediate level "corona" is introduced to handle
the real/symbolic transition.
* Ability to explicitly setup position of the pads on the chip side
in case of uneven distribution.
* Enable clock tree to be build with 3 metal only (M2 to M4) instead
of (M2 to M5).
* Bug: In Hurricane python module, forgot to add the Segment type.
* Change: In Isobar/layer.getEnclosure() wrapper check and cast the Layer
argument into BasicLayer.
* Change: In CRL::RoutingGauge::getLayerGauge(Layer*), getLayerType() and
getLayerDirection() no longer check layer identity based on layer
mask instead of just Layer* pointer. To allow a unified call wether
the layer is real or symbolic.
* Change: In CRL::RoutingLayerGauge::getTrackIndex() and getTrackPositon(),
no longer consider negative indexes as invalid and reset them to
zero. The check for out of bound index is now left to Anabatic &
* Change: In CRL/RoutingGauge.getRoutingLayer() and getContactLayer(),
more detailed error message.
* Change: In CRL/RoutingLayerGauge.getTrackIndex() and getTrackPosition(),
indexes are now signed long instead of unsigned.
* New: In Hurricane::IntrusiveMap, introduce IntrusiveMapConst which allow
to search with a "const Key&" instead of a "Key", sparing the copy
construction of the Key.
* Change: In Hurricane::Cell::NetMap, use the new kind of map with
"const Name&" key access. This speeds up the Cell::getNet() method
by suppressing one copy construction of a Name, which are costly
after all...
Should review the whole code to use "const Name&" everywhere it
is possible.
* Change: In Hurricane::Entity & Hurricane::DBo, displace the unique
identifier from Entity to DBo (move up to the base class).This
to allow us to build deterministic map of DBo requireds in
UpdateSession (which is built upon a SharedProperty).
WARNING: This break the JSON database exportation support, do not
use it until fixed/rewritten.
* Change: In Hurricane::Layer, add an attribute to know if a layer is
associated to a blockage. Modificate accordingly PyLayer and
* Change: In Hurricane::SharedProperty, the set of owners (DBo*) is now
stored in a std::set sorted on the objects Ids, instead of a simple
vector. The linera search time through the std::vector was starting
to show (ISPD05 bigblue1).
* Bug: In Isobar::PyInstance, make full contructor signature (5 arguments)
conform to the C++ one. It was only accepting the four first and
forcing the placement status to be FIXED.
* Bug: In CRL/etc/symbolic/ispd05/kite.conf, update for the new configuration
requirements where all distance must be converted into DbU in the
file itself (use "helpers.l()", "helpers.m()"). Apply to the cell &
routing gauges.
* Bug: In CRL/etc/symbolic/ispd05/technology.conf, update for the new
configuration. "helpers.initTechno()" *must* by called first thing
in this file in order for the Technology to be created.
* New: In CRL::AllianceFramework, add matchCellGauge() &
* New: In CRL::CellGauge, add a flag to distinguish gauges meant for
IO Pads and an "isPad()" predicate.
* Change: In CRL::Ispd05Bookshelf, flush the UpdateSession stack every
1000 elements additions. Maybe not necessary now the the UpdateSession
property relies on a std::set instead of a std::vector.
* New: In CRL::LefImport, support for SITE and match/create the appropriate
CellGauge on the fly. Specific support for MACROS that are flagged PAD.
Add a dedicated post-treatment for PAD connectors, extend them toward
the boundary of the nearest abutment box side. Tested only on AMS 350nm
c35b4 for now.
This part is most likely to be tweaked for every kind of real foundry
pad that we may encounter...
* Change: In EtesianEngine::findYSpin(), use the C++ "for" construct to loop
over Collections.
* Change: In Unicorn/, register the Python/C++ tutorial support by
* Change: In CRL::DefImport, added callback to read the DEF UNITS statement
and perform a correct length conversion. Previously set to read pseudo
lambdas in hundredth of microns.
Added DefParser::getLefCell() to lookup master cells in the LEF
libraries before looking in the Alliance ones (rooted under "LEF"
* Change: In CRL::LefParser::_pinPostProcess(), when no segment suitable
for terminal connexion is found, add all of them. This is a quick hack
and an a correct policy that match all techno must be implemeneted.
* New: In CRL::pyCRL, add a Python wrapper for DefImport.
* New: In CRL/etc/45/ispd18/ added configuration files for the "real"
technology used by the ISPD18 45nm design benchmarks.
* New: In Hurricane::Isobar::PySegment, added wrapper for getOppositeAnchor().
* Bug: CRL::PyRoutingLayerGauge, Python wrapper of getTrackPosition() was
in fact returning getTrackNumer().
* Bug: In Katana::PowerRailsPlanes::Rail::doLayout(), add the half minimum
distance to the blockage segments extensions. Was causing too near
VIAs is cmos45.
* Change: In cumulus/plugins/ClockTree, correctly manage routing gauge when
the lower pitches (M2/M3) is different from the upper one (M4/M5).
But we still can only do sxlib compliant gauges because we do not
handle a switch in preferred routing directions.
* Bug: In CRL::cyclop, on former versions of Qt 5 there was a double
link of the moc generated modules. This appears to be solved under
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, so now we have to add them again explicitly.
* Bug: In Katana::Track::expandFreeInterval(), the OutsideElement case was
not handled correctly, the end index must be increased in that case.
As a result, this function was returning too short an interval.
This was affecting the computation of perpandicular free interval
in DataNegociate::update() for perpandicular fixed but not in a track.
* New: In Anabatic::NetBuilder and NetBuilderVH, now manage GCells with
one Pin, and up to three globals. Used to put terminals at the
edge of a block.
* New: In EtesianEngine, now manage placed Pins.
(done through extractInstanceName())
* Change: In CRL::RoutingGauge::getHorizontalGauge() no longer skip PinOnly
gauges to find the reference one (same goes for vertical).
* Bug: In Hurricane::DrawingQuery::drawGo(), forgot to apply translation
on Polygon and Rectilinear.
* Bug: In Hurricane::Rectilinear, forgot implementation of getContour().
Add a new accessor getPoints().
* Bug: In CRL::Blif::load(), do not always enforce translation towards
VHDL names. When loading LEF+gds it may change the Cell names between
the two stages so the gds layout do not get added to the LEF Cell
Now add a boolean enforceVhdl argument (may be a flag in the future).
* Bug: In ::GdsStream::operator<<(Cell*), forgot to drive the Rectilinear.
* Change: In CRL/etc/cmos/kite.conf, setup correct H/K parameters for
the Katana global router. Value copied from Knik. They give a
faster solution.
* New: In CRL/etc/cmos45/, new symbolic settings adapted to FreePDK 45nm.
Courtesy of N. Shimizu. To be used with NSXLIB.
* New In CRL::System, add "coriolis_top" to the set of pathes available
to the user.
* Change: In Hurricane::CellWidget, set the minimal size to 350 pixels
to fit my normal DPI secondary screen...
* Change: In Hurricane::Error(), reactivate the backtrace generation by
default. Seriously slow down the program each time an Error is to
be constructed.
* Bug: In Analog::Device::preCreate(), check for NULL Technology before
attempting to use it.
* Change: In Hurricane/Analog, remove all '*Arguments*' classes and their
Python interface. It was an obsoleted way of passing devices parameters
to the Python layout generators (located in Oroshi). Now we just get
them straight from the Device with the getParamter() method.
* Change: In CRL::System CTOR, add Python pathes for Oroshi & Karakaze.
* Change: In Oroshi/Python/WIP_*.py layout generator scripts, remove
all uses of the "Arguments". Directly access the parameters through
the device itself. Make the checkCoherency() with identical arguments
as of layout().
* New: Bora tool that performs analog place & route. Based on a slicing
tree representation. It is the thesis work of Eric Lao.
Code beautyfication and some programming cleanup.
* New: Karakaze tool, provide the Python base class AnalogDesign used
to build an analog design. Create/configure devices and assemble
them in a slicing tree.
* Change: In Unicorn/, display the stack trace in case of an
ImportError exception as well as for other exceptions.
Add Bora to the set for included tool engines.
* Change: In boostrap, remove support for Chams.
* New: In Hurricane::Technology, added support for DTR rules, UnitRule,
PhysicalRule and TwoLayersPhysicalrule. Added devices descriptors and
models descriptors (for Spice). Spice description is not used yet
but kept anyway in case of future use.
* New: Hurricane::Analog whole library and it's Python interface. This
provides support for transistors, capacitors and resistors. Only
transistor support is fully implemented as of now.
* New: In CRL/python/, read configuration files for the
Analog extension (analog.conf & devices.conf). Thoses are optionals
and a simple warning is issued if not found.
Added helpers/ DTR loading helper.
Add analog configuration files for 180/scn6m_deep_09.
* New: Oroshi tool that provides actual layout drawing for transistors.
* Change: In CRL::GdsStream, no longer export empty Cells as structures,
to avoid empty cells in Cadence. To prevent meta-transistors to be
exported as real physical objects.
Also put a hard-coded test to prevent exporting "control_r" model
which is made of AMS standard cells for "amsOTA".
* Change: In CRL/PyRoutingGauge, export the isHV() and isVH() methods so
the Stack can access it.
* Change: In Hurricane/PyCellViewer, export the removeHistory() method.
When a Cell is deleted, it must be also removed from the editor
history. This should be take care of automatically, but for now
we make it manually through scripts.
* Bug: In Anabatic::NetBuilder::doRp_accessAnalog(), the gauge offset
was not taken into account when creating initial Contact on
RoutingPad. The program self corrected afterwards, but with the
display of a disgraceful message.
* Change: In Anabatic::Configuration and Session, export the gauge offsets.
* Bug: In CRL::GdsDriver::GdsStream two bugs :
1. The tm fields are int but must be casted into uint16_t in BGNLIB
2. The mandatory LIBNAME record was missing.
3. We also force, for now the dbu to be 1000 and the UU to be 1um.
The short net mode degrade the routing in some cases. This will be
fixed in a next batch of commits.
* New: In Hurricane::NetRoutingProperty, added "ShortNet" flag for Nets
that are completly inside *one* GCell.
* Bug: In CRL::BlifParser::Model::staticInit(), when looking for the
output of zero and one cell, also skip the blockage net (as well as
automatic and supplies).
* New: In Anabatic::AutoSegment, added "ShortNet" flag to know if the
segment is part of a short net (fully included in *one* GCell).
Also add accessor/mutators for the _analogMode flag (was it ever
used before?).
* New: In Anabatic::NetBuilder::singleGCell(), if a RoutingPad is
vertically small, add a vertical segment to give it some slack.
* New: In Anabatic::Dijkstra::_materialize(), detect "short net" as
they have only one GCell in their source list...
* Bug: In AnabaticEngine::_loadGrbyNet(), reset the AutoSegment
"short net" and "analog mode" creation flags between two different
* New: In Katana::Configuration, added dedicated ripup for short net
* New: In Katana: partially implemented support for "short dogleg", that
is dogleg that are always kept in same metal because they connect
neighboring perpandicular tracks. Not finished neither activated
* New: In Katana::TreckElement and derived, export the the *short net*
support from AutoSegment.
* Bug: In Katana::RoutingEvent::_processRepair(), when a segment is
successfully inserted, re-process any perpandicular that is in
repair state, as it may have a new chance to be placed.
* New: In Katana::SegmentFsm::slackenTopology(), always reject short nets.
* Bug: In Katana::Track::check(), correctly handle wide segments instead
of issuing false check messages.
* Change: In CRL::ParserMap, no longer recognize the file extensions
".vhdl" and ".vhd" which are true VHDL and cannot be parsed by the
"vst" (Alliance structural subset VHDL) parser.
This should solve annoying problems for the Makefiles when there
is both the full VHDL file ".vhdl" and the synthesized one ".vst"
(note that this problem do not arise when using Yosys/Blif).
* Change: In CRL::Blif, we now can add a list of Hurricane library for
the parser to look for standart cells. If the library list is *empty*
we look use the Alliance mechanism, if not, we look *only* in this
library list. This behavior is implemented in Subckt::createModel(). I
To add a library, use CRL::Blif::add(Library*).
This allow to manage symbolic or real mode loading, it may need
some rework to clarify the interface.
* Change: In Hurricane::Polygon, store the points so they are always
ordered in the counter-clockwise (trigonometric) direction. This
simplicificate internal computations.
* New: In Hurricane::Polygon, added getSubPolygons() methods, that
split horizontally the polygon in sub-polygons of about 1000
vertexes. This is mainly to be used by the GDSII driver to abide
to the XY 4000 points limitation.
* New: In Hurricane::Isobar, export support for Point collections so
the various contour Polygon methods can be created in the Python
* New: In CRL::GdsDriver, split the Polygons into set of sub-polygons
of less than 1000 vertexes. Use the getSubPolygons() method.
* Change: In stratus1.dpgen_RF2, makes more explicit error messages
about placement by displaying the faulty vs. expected coordinates.
* New: In CRL, implement a GDSII parser. The complete syntax is supported,
but only a few subset is really taken into account. It is intended to
load the layout of standard cells only. The interface of the cell is
provided through a LEF file and it complete layout through the GDSII.
The loader work in a Library way. It takes a Hurricane library as
argument and search in the GDSII library structures with a name
matching the Cell of the library and complete them.
* Change: In Hurricane::Component, put the Contour methods at Component
level so we can use them in a generic way in the CellWidget drawing
* New: Hurricane::Rectilinear polygon, for small rectlinear polygons.
Should be less than 100 vertexes. For bigger ones, use Polygon
which allows slanted egdes.
* Bug: In CRL, freepdk_45/technology.conf, there seems to be an incoherency
bettween the GDSII layer numbers as defined in the Cadence
file and the one used in the supplied layout of the GDSII cells.
For now, we align on the GDSII cells to get nice layouts, but it
has to checked.
* New: In CRL, implement a true GDSII driver. The driver is directly under
CRL and do not use an intermediate structure in vlsisapd. The ASCII
GDSII is removed.
Huge polygons are not supported yet. Have to be split up in
sub-polygons of less than 4000 vertexes.
Symbolic layout can be exported to give a rough idea of the layout
but RDS expension is not applied. Symbolic composite layers are
expansed into their basic layers so the design *looks* normal.
* Deprecated: In CRL, remove all traces of the old XML configuration
parsers. No one needs them now, including Chams.
* Bug: In CRL::BlifParser, before blindly loading the model of a subckt
from disk with AllianceFramework, checks if it is in the Catalog
first. Load with AllianceFramework only cells that are in the
This prevent a file of the same name than a model to be loaded
shadowing the later defintion of the model in the Blif file.
All this is due to the fact that Blif could be non-ordered for
the models...
* Change: In Hurricane::BasicLayer, the "extract number" is replaced
by a GdsLayer and GdsDatatype to generate accurate GDS files.
Even if datatype is 0 most of the time.
Update all the "technology.conf" files in CRL to provide those
two numbers.
* Bug: In CRL::RoutingLayerGauge::divide() & getTrackNumber(), the number
of traks crossing an edge was wrongly computed for GCells around the
zero coordinate, this was due to the change in rouding direction
around zero. It was starting to show for routing gauges with an offset.
Note: to simplificate the computation of the capacity of an interval,
all the track over a Cell are computed from (0,0). The Cell abutment
box has to be choosen relative to that. The tracks positions are fixed
all over the Cell (or chip if it is one).
* Bug: In Hurricane::Cell_SubCells collection, order the set<> of Cell
with Entity::CompareById instead of pointer values.
* Bug: In Hurricane::Component_ConnexComponents::Locator, sort the
set<> of Components with Entity::CompareById instead of pointers.
* Bug: In Hurricane::Occurrence::operator<(), uses Ids to compare
both _entity and _sharedPath. Check for NULL pointers.
* Change: In Hurricane::IntrusiveMap, add a debug output in _resize()
like for IntrusiveSet.
Note to myself : despite their names, InstrusiveMap are hash
tables and not map<> in the STL sense.
* Bug: In CRL Core, Vst parser, sort the CellVectorMap on Ids.
* Bug: In CRL::NamingScheme::toVhdl(), sort the set<Cell*> models on Ids.
* Bug: In CRL::toVhdlName(), sort the set<Cell*> models on Ids.
* Bug: In CRL::getInstancesCount(), sort the map<Cell*,size_t>
gatesByMaster on Ids.
* Bug: In Hurricane::Cell::uniquify(), a set<Cell*> sorted on pointers
was remaining. Now sorted on Entity::Id.
* Bug: In CRL::VhdlEntity, in the driver, the components where driven
in pointer order (set<> again). Now use ids.
* Bug: In CRL/etc/scn6m_deep_09/technology.conf, the symbolic extentions
for VIAs and layers were wrong. Have to be multiplied by two.
* Change: In AnabaticEngine, AutoContact and AutoSegment LUTs are now
sorted on Entity::Id. Should not have had any impact, but better
safe than sorry.
* Change: In KatanaEngine, Symmetric contraint map<> is now sorted on
Entity::id. Idem for TrackSegmentLut.
* New: In Hurricane::Entity, add an id counter limit and a memory size
limit. The two limits are checked only when a new Entity object is
created. This should help avoiding massive memory links.
* New: In CRL Core, add a "crlcore.groundName" and a "crlcore.powerName"
parameter to specify the name of the ground/power signals to be
created if they are missing in a Cell. For Alliance libraries it
would be "vss" & "vdd" (default values), but for real technologies,
it is often "gnd!" & "vdd!".
The Blif parser is modificated to make use of it.
* Bug: In AnabaticEngine::unify(), set the resulting unified segment in
the center of the GCells common side. Gcells under a segment are
found by using the edge that cover the segment axis. When we have
a "bend" GCell stack and the axis is wrong, they could be ommited.
This was causing deleted segments to be not removed from some
Edges, then core dump.
* Change: In Anabatic::AutoSegment::create(), smarter choosing of the
reference contact, select the fixed or terminal one instead of
always the source one.
* New: In Anabatic::Edge::isEnding(), new function to check if a
segment going through an Edge is starting/ending in either source
or target GCell of the edge (active only when running in channel
* New: In Anabatic::Edge::add(), a segment takes part in the occupancy
only if it is not ending in either source or target (channel mode
only). The occupancy due to terminal is pre-computed in Katana.
* New: In Anabatic::Edge::ripup(), in channel mode, never ripup a
segment which is ending in either source or target (we *have* to
access this edge to connect to the terminal).
* Bug: In Anabatic::GCell::hcut() and vcut(), force the update of
the Edge which is on the side that will get splitted by the cut.
It's capacity will be reduced to it must be updated.
* Change: In Anabatic::GCell::updateGContacts() add a flag to conditionnally
update horizontals or verticals only. We may require only a partial
update when resizing the GCell in only one direction.
This, again, related to the fact that we compute the GCells under
a segment thanks to it's axis position, so we need to be very careful
when modificating axis.
* Change: In Katana::Block::resizeChannels(), only update GContact vertical
position. Do not disturb X positions of segments.
* Bug: In Katana::GlobalRoute::DigitalDistance, in channel mode, some
Edges can have a zero capacity, but still be reachable if the net has
a terminal in either source or target. Look for this case and return
a distance of zero instead of "unreachable". This was causing the
global routing not to complete in channel mode.
For computing the edge distance, makes the vertical edges much more
long (10 times) than the horizontal ones as the vertical capacity is
very limited. Hard coded for now, should make it a parameter in the
* Change: In KatanaEngine::annotateGlobalGraph(), decrease the capacity
of edges with reserveCapacity for each terminal inside a GCell.
Both north and south edges are decreased as we a terminal will
block both north and south edges.
As a counterpart, the Edge capacity is not decreased when the
global router connect to a terminal.
* Change: In Katana::RoutingEvent::revalidate(), when in repair stage,
do not expand the slack for horizontal segments in channel mode.
So they may not overlap the standard cell row.
* Bug: In Stratus documentation, do not use the french option in babel,
the documentation is in english!
* New: In Documentation, added Hurricane/Python tutorial, part for drawing
* New: In Commons, inspector support for std::pair<T,U>.
* New: In Hurricane::Layer, ContactLayer & ViaLayer, support for non
square VIAs. The hole (cut) remains square, but the various metal
extensions can now be different in X and Y. The ::getEnclosure()
method now takes a flag EnclosureH / EnclosureV.
* New: In Hurricane::DbU, inspector support for:
Must be defined here as DbU do not exists yet in Commons.h
* Bug: In Hurricane::Interval::getSize(), when the interval is "full span",
do not return the difference between min and max, but directly DbU::Max.
(the previous result was -1 !)
* New: In CRL Core Python/, support for non square VIAs in
the configuration files. Applied to FreePDK 45.
* New: In CRL::RoutingGauge, added a "symbolic" flag to tell if a gauge
is for symbolic layout or not. Exported to Python.
* New: In Anabatic::AutoHorizontal::updatePosition(), differentiated
computation for soure or target taking account of the VIA extension
in the right segment metal (due to non-square VIAs).
* Change: In Anabatic::AutoHorizontal::_makeDogleg(), the dogleg is
UP for HV gauges and DOWN for VH.
* New: In Anabatic::AutoSegment::_initialize(), create a cache of the
various extension length for each layer (viaToTop, viaToBottom,
New implementation of getExtensionCap() using the previous cached
extension table. See updatePositions().
New static functions to access the extension cache in the header:
getViaTotopCap() ...
* Change: In Anabatic::AutoSegment, in various update methods, updateOrient()
must always be called *before* updatePositions() as extensions are
dependant on source/target.
* New: In Anabatic::AutoSegment::getEndAxes() compute the position of the
first source and last target position (center/axes) on an *aligned*
set of segments.
* New: In Anabatic::AutoSegment, add a new state flag SegAxisFixed to
signal segments that can be put on only one track. Specific case
to VH gauge for a M1 vertical terminal with a M2 vertical segment.
The M2 is effectively bound to the M1 axis position.
* Bug: In Anabatic::NetBuilderVH::_do_xG_xM1_xM3(), in case of E/W global
and only one RoutingPad the connexion to the RoutingPad was duplicated.
It was valid, but totally stupid.
* Bug: In Anabatic::Session::_canonize(), for an aligned segment set,
intersect the user constraints from all segments instead of only
considering the canonical one.
Issue a warning about too tight constraints only for symbolic
gauges. It may be correct for the real ones.
* New: In Katata::DataNegociate::update(), more accurate computation
of the perpandicular free interval. Use segment extension cap
calculation. Create a special case for fixed axis segments allowing
them to find alternative free interval, try under source and under
target as they are likely to be draggable segments.
* Change: In Katana::Manipulator::relax(), use the extension cap value
to compute the axis of the perpandicular segemnts.
* Change: In Katana::Manipulator::moveUp(), now move up the whole set
of aligned segments instead of just the canonical one.
* Change: In Katana::NegociateWindow::loadRoutingPads(), more accurate
TrackMarkers insertions for fixed terminals.
* New: In Katana::RoutingEvent::Key::Compare::operator(), segments with
fixed axis are processed prior to any others.
* New: In Katana::RoutingEventLoop, store segment pointers instead of
ids to generate more accurate error messages.
* Change: In Katana::RoutingPlane::create(), perform local track
assignment only for HV gauges.
* Change: In Katana::SegmentFsm::_slackenLocal(), add a "dragMinimize"
step in the automaton. Mutliple states transitions can occurs in
a row if an action fails.
* New: In Katana::Session::_toIntervalAxis(), normalize interval
bounds so they are on track positions (by shrinking the interval).
* Bug: In Katana::TrackMarker CTOR, the weigh computation was wrong.
* New: In Anabatic & Katana, add the new "drag" feature.
With VH gauges used by real technologies (M1-H, M2-V, M3-H) a new
routing configuration that was not efficiently handled did appear.
While the preferred routing direction for metal1 is officially
horizontal, due to the way the standard cell must be designed,
their metal1 terminals are still verticals (or punctuals).
Thus, when connecting to them, we face the case where the metal1
terminal (RoutingPad) is vertical *and* the metal2 wire is also
vertical. With that setup, the position of the AutoContactTerminal
via12 cannot be deduced, it may range all the way over the
metal1 RoutingPad. What may define it's position is the metal3 the
metal2 finally connects to. That, is, when we have one horizontal
(the metal3) and one vertical (the metal1 RoutingPad).
The intermediate wire of metal2 can be kept to a minimum size
by "dragging" the via12 close to the via23 when the metal3 wire is
* New: In Anabatic & Katana, problem of closely vertically aligneds
RoutingPads in metal1 is managed first in PreProcess by restricting
the span of the connecteds metal3 and in _makeDogleg also by restricting
the span even more tightly (to the RoutingPad itself).
* New: In Anabatic::AutoContactTerminal, add the "drag" support.
Automatically check if the connecting segment is in the same
direction as the RoutingPad, if so, sets the "SegDrag" flag.
The dragging state can be known with the "::canDrag()" predicate.
* New: In Anabatic::AutoHorizontal, add the "drag" support.
The drag state can be known with the "::isDrag()" predicate.
In "::_makeDogleg()", when making a dogleg on a dragable segment
pass the drag state correctly and restrict the perpandicular span
of the perpandicular to the RoutingPad (though segment user constraints).
If we make a dogleg on the metal2 is it likely than we cannot go
straigth out vertically from the RoutingPad, so the new perpandicular
*is* restricted to the RoutingPad span.
Idem for AutoVertical.
* New: In Katana::Manipulator, add method "::dragMinimize()" which find a
hole where to minimize a draggable segment. We finally did not use it,
but keep it for potential further use.
* New: In Katana::PreProcess, adds a "protectAlignedaccesses()" local
function to check for vertically aligned metal1 RoutingPads, in that
case setup user constraints on the metal3 segments so they cannot
completly cover the other RoutingPad with metal2.
We also keep a "metal2protect()" function that create a fixed segment
to lock/protect a RoutingPad. Not used for now.
* New: In Katana::Session, add a RoutingPad locking event mechanism.
This allows us to request the creation of a locking (fixed segment)
over a draggable segment. Not used for now.
Lock events are processeds before all others as they create new
* New: In Katana::Track, "::getNextFree()" and "::getPreviousFree()"
method to find the nearest free interval in a Track after/before a
* Bug: In Anabatic::AutoHorizontal::getConstraints(), merge with user
constraints *only* if it's not an empty interval (as we use min/max
functions). Idem for AutoVertical.
* Bug: In AutoSegments_OnContacts::Locator::isValid(), the boolean test
must be inverted. Seems it never worked, but we never used it until
* Change: In Anabatic::GCell::doGrid(), remove the "3 slice height"
limit (for small digital analog blocs).
* Bug: In Anabatic::NetBuilder::setStartHook(), perform a check for
a RoutingPad still on a Plug. Diplay an error instead of crashing.
* Bug: In CRL::RoutingLayerGauge::getTrackIndex(), the upper bound
of the track interval must be included instead of excluded.
* New: In Hurricane::Cell, add a StayOnPlugs flags for flattenNets().
To keep the RoutingPad occurrences on Plug instead of selecting
physical components.
* New: In Isobar::PyNet, add setAutomatic() and isAutomatic() to the
* Bug: In Katana::protectRoutingPads(), do not create protections on
PinOnly layers (mostly metal1).
* Change: In CRL Core, etc/, update the configuration files of real
technologies. Mostly for FreePDK 45. This work is also done for
AMS c35b4 (350nm) but in a private (SoC) git repository.
Added a new parameter 'lefImport.minTerminalwidth' for the
minimum size (width) of a metal1 terminal in standard cells.
Corrected bug of the minimum trace level which must be
initialized to a great value and *not* zero;
* Change: In CRL Core, BlifParser, detect when there is no tie low
or tie high defined, issue an error (connexion left open) but
* New: In CRL::RoutingLayerGauge, new overlad of getTrackPosition()
with the parameter set of getTrackIndex(). Used to know if a
terminal is on-grid or not.
* New: In CRL::LefImport, smarter management of metal1 pins. Adds a
_pinPostProcess() function to select the external components
among the various shapes. If the gauge is VH, all the pin rectangles
are translateds into vertical segments (even if the metal1 gauge
says the tracks are horizontals).
The _pinPostProcess() function adds as external components of
a net, only the segments of a sufficent width as given in
'lefImport.minTerminalWidth' and that are on-grid.
* Change: In Hurricane::Technology, in all the layer connexity methods
(getLayers(), getMetalAbove(), getCutAbove(), getViaBetween(), ...)
the "useWorking" parameter is replaced by a more accurate "useSymbolic".
BEHAVIOR CHANGE: formerly, if a symbolic layer was requested, and
none was found, NULL was returned. Now, if the symbolic layer is not
found, we try to return the associated real one (same layer mask,
but not flagged as symbolic, and usually with a lowercase name).
All thoses changes have been propagated to Python bindings.
* Change: In Hurricane::BasicLayer and derived classes, rename the
"isWorking" attribute into "isSymbolic" (to match the technology
* Change: In Hurricane::Cell::flattenNets(), ignore power, ground and
blockage nets for the flatten.
* Change: In CRL Core, in and helpers,
rename the tables describing the technology as follow:
- symbolicLayersTable --> compositeLayersTable
- workingLayersTable --> symbolicLayersTable
- symbolicRulesTable --> layersExtensionsTable
This is to give the table names a more clearer semantic after
merging real technologies configurations (testbench AMS c35b4).
In particular, we need to define a composite layer for the
real VIAs, and not only the symbolic ones. And with correct
enclosures expressed in real dimensions (microns).
* Bug: In Hurricane the ::tstream class must be initialized with a
minLevel of 10000 instead of zero, as the minLevel go *towards*
zero as the debug slice [min:max[ is expanded by DebugSession.
This default value must be repeated in the CRL::System CTOR
and in the coriolis2/etc/commons/misc.conf.
* Bug: In Hurricane::IntrusiveSet, uses "tsetw(n)" dedicated cdebug
stream manipulator instead of the STL one.
* New: In Anabatic::NetBuilder, set all the attributes as private and
create accessors and mutators.
Finish virtualising all GCell build methods and transfer them
into the NetBuilderHV class.
Build methods now return a boolean to tell if the GCell was
processed or not, to allow cascading in the "big switch".
Reorganise the "big switch" in separate sections only partially
Truly fuse the *big switch* for channel routing and over-the-cells.
Create a new method "_do_globalSegment()" to delagate the
drawing of global segments between two GCell to the derived classes.
* New: In CRL Core, AllianceFramework::getCell(), adds a new Catalog::State
flags to request the loading of a "foreign" cell. That is, a Cell which
is *not* in the Alliance libraries, but in *any* library starting from
the root library. This is a temporary hack to allow the Blif parser to
* New: In CRL Core, RoutingGauge::getHorizontalGauge() and
RoutingGauge::getVerticalGauge() to avoid relying on either metal names
or depth to know the vertical and horizontal default routing
informations. They return the metal layers gauges *closests* to the
substrate which are likely to have the lesser pitch.
* New: In CRL Core, BlifParser, new configuration parameters:
"" & "" to figure out what are the
tielow and tiehigh cells (instead of having the ones from sxlib
* New: In Etesian, add support for non-square routing pitchs, that is,
the lowest vertical and horizontal pitches are not equal. Needs to
work with two pitches (H & V) instead of one.
The Configuration associated class now also provides the
RoutingGauge (not only the CellGauge).
Use a new Configuration setting "etesian.feedNames" to set up
the names of the filler cells. This a string of comma separated
cell names.
* New: In Anabatic, Session::_getNearestGridPoint(), use the new
non-square grid scheme.
* New: In CRL Core, added LEF importer for real technologies. This is
still a work in progress. Exported in Python interface.
* Bug: In CRL Core, CellGauge::getRecord() correctly display DbU
* Change: In Unicorn, mofificate ImportCell and ImportCellDialog to
support the LEF importer. Add a template layer so we can work with
loaders returning Cell* or Library*.
* Change: In Unicorn::UnicornGui::getCellFromDb(), in addition to the
Alliance loader, uses the DataBase::getCell() too (for Cells that
are *not* in Alliance).
* New: As, starting from version 5.8, LEF/DEF parser/drivers are
availables under Apache 2.0 license, integrate them inside the
project. Rewrite the Makefiles into CMakeLists.txt, build only
the C++ version. Create an entry for the LEF/DEF doc in the