* Bug: In Anabatic::GCell, when width and/or heigh is null, do not try to
compute densities as it will trigger a divide by zero (and do not make
much sense anyway).
* Change: In CRL Core, in cmos/alliance.conf, honor the ALLIANCE_TOP variable
if it is found in the user's environement.
* New: In Bootstrap, add cmake detection for libbfd.
* New: In Hurricane, in Backtrace, add BFD support to read debuginfo from
the shared libraries (aka DSO) when compiled with "-g". This avoid the
tedious step of running gdb after generating a core dump. It is also
mandatory in ExceptioWidget to known from where an exception was thrown
as Qt::notify() block all C++ exceptions.
Currently works only under Linux (gcc or clang), may be extended in
the future.
The BFD reading is based on the small utility from:
Don Hatch (hatch@plunk.org)
And small trinket: adjust the size of the window for high DPI screens.
* New: In CRL Core & Unicorn add link toward libbfd, if needed.
* New: In Anabatic:
- In AnabaticEngine, create a new NetData information for storing
the static ordering of nets (for the global routing). The order
is the half perimeter of the search area divided by the number
of RoutingPads. The order is static once it as been computed in
the first place (even through ripup stages).
* Change: In Anabatic:
- Long wires, going straight accross multiple GCells were splitted
into a long sequence of segment+contact, one for each gone-through
GCell. It was memory-consuming and algorithmically inefficient.
Now there is only one straight wire.
As a consequence, Edges now store the list of all segments
going through them. That way we do not need to load a Net into
Dijkstra before riping up some of it's segment. The ripup mechanims
can now be implemented right at AnabaticEngine level, without
dependencies over Dijkstra. Note that long wires are automatically
broken in two if we need to attach a new branch on it (breakAt()).
And fused back into one if a branch is removed (unify()).
* Bug: In Cumulus, in ClockTree plugin in GaugeConf._rpAccess() do not
create the stack of access VIAs each time the function is called.
Instead maintain a lookup table of the already generated ones.
Was blocking the loading of pre-routed nets in Anabatic.
* Bug: In Hurricane, in tstream (Commons.h), in the *template* overload of
operator<<(), do not use the operator<<() of ostream as it will be
looked up in "stage 1" (template definition) and so will miss all the
overloads added later and built over getString<>(). Instead, make use
of getString<>(), which, as another template will be looked up in
"stage 2" (template instanciation) and at that point will have all the
needed template specialisation of getString<>().
We also need to define new stream manipulators to be able to create
a matching template overload not dependant from the implementation.
To avoid name clashes, we prefix a 't'. For now, only 'tsetw()' is
As a side effect, we cannot directly print bit-fields into the stream,
we must go through an intermediate variable (happens once in AutoContact).
* New: In Anabatic:
- In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges.
- In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going
through an Edge.
- In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to
decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the
local routing).
- In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated
segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()).
Transparently manage the overflowed edges.
- In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are
- New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent
- New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts
no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup
- In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially
or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer
and their attached segments).
- In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is.
Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()".
- In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source
component made of multiple vertexes.
- In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges.
- New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform
the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first).
Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes
- that are connecteds through edges *with* segments.
- In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global
routing tool with ripup & reroute.
- (Add) HurricaneAMS includes
in Dijkstra:
- (Add+Modify) Handle restriction rules in Vertex for analog devices
in GCell:
- (Add) Check neighboring cells (North/South/East/West)
* Change: In Anabatic:
- In Dijkstra, replace _toWires() by _trackback() which is called
immediatly on reaching a target.
- In Constants & GCell, added flags for typing the GCells. We now
* DeviceGCell, for analogic devices.
* ChannelGCell, for resizable routing channels.
* StrutGCell, for fixed spaces in analog designs.
* MatrixGCell, for square tile in digital designs.
* Bug: In Anabatic:
- In _propagate(), on reaching a target, forgot to remove it from
the queue before pushing it back with the new distance. It also
simplificate the core algorithm as target as treated normal nodes.
* New: In Anabatic:
- Update cdebug to use the fastest macro version.
- More readable drawings of GCells and Edges.
- Added timer support.
- The distance is now computed in DbU::Unit (aka long) and not in
normalized float.
- The distance function is now a callback (std::function<>) that
can be changed (a default is provided at initialization).
- New concept of branch in the agglomerated connex component.
Each trace back part create a "branch" (tagged with a "branchId").
When a node is reached with the same distance, but from two
different branches, choose the the branch that was lastly created.
This create a slightly different tree which grows outward from
the newest branches.
- Makes the horizontal edges *slightly* longer than the vertical ones
to skew the tree to use vertical edges, as it is usually less
congested than the horiontal one (due to metal1 cell terminals).
It is also my understanding that it is useful to reduce the
number of vias, whithout introducing a via cost.
* New: In Bootstrap:
- Script sprof.py to perform sprof & demangle libraries execution
* ToDo: In Anabatic:
- Corner optimization. Sometimes when two corners are possible, the
wrong one is choosen. That is, one of it's edge cannot be used for
further grow of the tree.
* Change: In Hurricane Commons.h, even when cdebug print nothing, it slow
down the program (three times for Kite!). Create a macro cdebug_log
which calls cdebug *only* if the debug level is active.
* Bug: In Anabatic:
- Activate the searchArea to limit the area explored by the Dijkstra.
Uses the bounding boxes of the vertexes/gcells instead of the ones
the RoutingPads.
- Always detach contacts from the rings in load(), even if the vertex
is already marked as target.
- On reaching a target (non-negative connexId), do not forget to update
the distance to source.
- In Edges locator, added support for side selection (needed by the
monotonic feature).
* New: In Anabatic:
- Hide the atomic Dijkstra methods (made private).
- Implementation of the monotonic mode in Dijkstra (for bipoints only).
- Added a separate function for distance computation between two vertexes,
now take account of the VIAs costs.
* Bug: In Anabatic:
- In Dijktra::load(), do not create Contact while looping over the Net's
components (for RoutingPads).
- In Dijkstra::propagate(), reset the connexId of reached Vertexes
on updating the stamp to avoid using connexId from previous runs.
Push the vertexes on the queue while backtracking (with a distance
of 0.0). Do not reset the "_from" as we need it in Dijkstra::toWires()
to know how were the routing is.
- In Edge::getDistance(), convert to float more early so the normalisation
do not always end up in zero.
- In GCell::_add(), when the axis of the new edge is equal to one already
on the given side, adds it *after* the existing edge and not before.
(to be coherent with the way GCells are split in two)
- In GCell::hcut() and GCell::vcut(), create an Edge if is equal to X/Y Max,
*but* the new chunk is flat. The new chunk is then expected to expand
- In GraphicsAnabaticEngine::drawGCell(), display the id of the GCell in
a small box at the center of it's bounding box. Nothing displayed for
flat GCells, to avoid cluttering.
* Bug: In Anabatic:
- In Dijkstra/Vertex, use the new Observer for fast access from the GCells.
- In Dijktra::propagate() loop detection.
- In Dijkstra, reset the "_from" of vertexes between two propagates on
the same Net (otherwise: loops...).
- In Matrix, there must be two different way of calculating an index from
a position. One for the min, which is rounded to superior. And one for
the max which is rounded to inferior.
- In Matrix::updateArea(), checks for invalid indexes.
* Change: In Hurricane::Observer, simplification of the template so that
we can use it directly instead of creating a derived class with an
implementation of Observer::notify(). Now the implemenation is the
same for all and just calls a notify() method on the owner object.
Create a StaticObservable for fast access of the observers. This
is mainly a fixed size table (array<>) with oberservers at known
indexes. This way we can go from the obervable to the observer
owner in one indirect access (or so I hope).
* Change: In Hurricane::CellViewer, use the new observers.
* Change: In Hurricane::ControllerWidget, use the new observers.
* Change: In Hurricane::CellWidget, set the winidow initial size to a
more sensible 500px.
* Change: In CRL::LibraryManager, use the new observers.
* Change: In CRL::LibraryManager, use the new observers.
* Change: In CRL, in display.conf & technology.conf, modification for
the ST hcmos9gp capacitors.
* Bug: In Anabatic:
- In Edge, materialize was done before the Edge get it's final position.
Must be invalidated afterwards for the UpdateSession to put him in
the correct QuadTree.
- Functional (debugged) Dijkstra skeleton.
* Change: In Hurricane, in CellWidget, enable the drawing of ExtensionGos
according to the the threshold paramaters (as layers do).
* Change: In CRL Core, provide DrawingStyle for Anabatic::GCell &
Anabatic::Edge. Use the exact name of the ExtensionGo.
In kite.conf, add settings for the size of an edge as the optimal
size may change between analog & digital designs.
* New: In Anabatic:
- Support for fast position query using a matrix.
- Computation of the Edge capacity, based on the routing gauge parameters.
- Graphic display of the edges capacity. Added configuration
parameters to size the bounding box of an Edge.
* Bug: In Anabatic:
- GCell::_moveEdges was both too complex (some cases never arise the
way we divide GCells) and bugged.