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// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2015-2018, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | E t e s i a n - A n a l y t i c P l a c e r |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./AddFeeds.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include "hurricane/Error.h"
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
#include "hurricane/DataBase.h"
#include "hurricane/UpdateSession.h"
#include "hurricane/Instance.h"
#include "hurricane/Plug.h"
#include "hurricane/Path.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/CellWidget.h"
Better handling of exceptions between C++ & Python. Misc. checks. * Bug: In Hurricane, in PyHurricane.h the macro HCATCH was not catching standard STL exceptions. This was the source of the cryptic message: "Fatal Python error: Py_EndInterpreter: thread still has a frame" The Python interpreter was interrupted uncleanly bypassing it's own exceptions mechanism. In PyViewer, the Viewer *do not* inherit from a base class (in the Python export). * New: In Hurricane, in DbU, compute maximum values (in double) for grid, lambda & physical (in meter) so now the DbU::toGrid(), DbU::toLambda() & DbU::toPhysical() methods can check for out of bound values, and throw an exception. * Change: In Hurricane, ExceptionWidget::catchAllWrapper() now returns a boolean, set to <true> if an exception has been catched. Allow callers to interrupt themselves if a problem has occured. * Bug: In Kite & Etesian, in the Python wrapper, send a Python exception if catchAllwrapper() did return true, instead of continuing... * Change: In Kite & Etesian, adds a setViewer() method (exported in Python) to use the graphical ExceptionWidget when in graphic mode. * Bug: In Cumulus, in the check for the core vs. chip size was not returning False when invalid. * New: In CRL Core, in Vst driver, add a support IEEE VHDL. Inactive for now as I don't see clearly the policy for selecting it or not. Remove the code of the old Vst driver. In Blif parser, check for non-existent models (incomplete or corrupted Blif file). Found by G. Gouvine. * New: Added extras file for IDE-like support under Emacs.
2015-05-20 07:02:18 -05:00
#include "hurricane/viewer/CellViewer.h"
#include "crlcore/AllianceFramework.h"
#include "crlcore/ToolBox.h"
#include "etesian/EtesianEngine.h"
namespace {
using namespace std;
using Hurricane::tab;
using Hurricane::ForEachIterator;
using Hurricane::Warning;
using Hurricane::Error;
using Hurricane::DbU;
using Hurricane::Box;
using Hurricane::Interval;
using Hurricane::Instance;
using Hurricane::Path;
using Hurricane::Transformation;
using Hurricane::DataBase;
using Hurricane::Cell;
using CRL::AllianceFramework;
using CRL::CatalogExtension;
using CRL::getTransformation;
using Etesian::EtesianEngine;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "::SliceHoles".
class SliceHoles;
class Slice {
Slice ( SliceHoles*, DbU::Unit ybottom, Interval xspan );
inline DbU::Unit getYBottom () const;
inline const Interval& getXSpan () const;
inline DbU::Unit getXMin () const;
inline DbU::Unit getXMax () const;
inline SliceHoles* getSliceHoles () const;
inline EtesianEngine* getEtesian () const;
inline size_t getSpinSlice0 () const;
DbU::Unit getAverageChunk () const;
void merge ( DbU::Unit source, DbU::Unit target );
void addFeeds ( size_t islice );
void fillHole ( DbU::Unit xmin, DbU::Unit xmax, DbU::Unit ybottom, size_t yspin );
string _getString () const;
SliceHoles* _sliceHoles;
DbU::Unit _ybottom;
Interval _xspan;
list<Interval> _chunks;
class SliceHoles {
SliceHoles ( EtesianEngine* );
~SliceHoles ();
inline EtesianEngine* getEtesian () const;
inline size_t getSpinSlice0 () const;
inline void setSpinSlice0 ( size_t );
void merge ( const Box& );
void addFeeds ();
EtesianEngine* _etesian;
Box _cellAb;
DbU::Unit _sliceHeight;
vector<Slice*> _slices;
size_t _spinSlice0;
Slice::Slice ( SliceHoles* sliceHoles, DbU::Unit ybottom, Interval xspan )
: _sliceHoles(sliceHoles)
, _ybottom (ybottom)
, _xspan (xspan)
, _chunks ()
{ }
inline DbU::Unit Slice::getYBottom () const { return _ybottom; }
inline DbU::Unit Slice::getXMin () const { return _xspan.getVMin(); }
inline DbU::Unit Slice::getXMax () const { return _xspan.getVMax(); }
inline const Interval& Slice::getXSpan () const { return _xspan; }
inline SliceHoles* Slice::getSliceHoles () const { return _sliceHoles; }
inline EtesianEngine* Slice::getEtesian () const { return getSliceHoles()->getEtesian(); }
inline size_t Slice::getSpinSlice0 () const { return getSliceHoles()->getSpinSlice0(); }
void Slice::merge ( DbU::Unit source, DbU::Unit target )
Interval chunkToMerge = _xspan.getIntersection( Interval(source,target) );
cdebug_log(129,0) << " Slice::merge() " << " " << chunkToMerge << endl;
cdebug_log(129,0) << " | " << _getString() << endl;
if (chunkToMerge.isEmpty()) return;
list<Interval>::iterator imerge = _chunks.end();
list<Interval>::iterator ichunk = _chunks.begin();
while ( ichunk != _chunks.end() ) {
if (imerge == _chunks.end()) {
if (chunkToMerge.getVMax() < (*ichunk).getVMin()) {
cdebug_log(129,0) << " | Insert before " << *ichunk << endl;
imerge = _chunks.insert( ichunk, chunkToMerge );
if (chunkToMerge.intersect(*ichunk)) {
cdebug_log(129,0) << " | Merge with " << *ichunk << endl;
imerge = ichunk;
(*imerge).merge( chunkToMerge );
} else {
if (chunkToMerge.getVMax() >= (*ichunk).getVMin()) {
(*imerge).merge( *ichunk );
cdebug_log(129,0) << " | Absorb (erase) " << *ichunk << endl;
ichunk = _chunks.erase( ichunk );
} else
if (imerge == _chunks.end()) {
_chunks.insert( ichunk, chunkToMerge );
cdebug_log(129,0) << " | Insert at end " << DbU::getValueString(_ybottom) << " " << chunkToMerge << endl;
cdebug_log(129,0) << " | " << _getString() << endl;
void Slice::addFeeds ( size_t islice )
if (_chunks.empty()) {
fillHole( getXMin(), getXMax(), getYBottom(), islice%2 );
list<Interval>::iterator ichunk = _chunks.begin();
list<Interval>::iterator ichunknext = ichunk;
// Hole before the first chunk.
if ((*ichunk).getVMin() > getXMin()) {
fillHole( getXMin(), (*ichunk).getVMin(), getYBottom(), (islice+getSpinSlice0())%2 );
for ( ; ichunknext != _chunks.end() ; ++ichunk, ++ichunknext ) {
fillHole( (*ichunk).getVMax(), (*ichunknext).getVMin(), getYBottom(), (islice+getSpinSlice0())%2 );
// Hole after the last chunk.
if ((*ichunk).getVMax() < getXMax()) {
fillHole( (*ichunk).getVMax(), getXMax(), getYBottom(), (islice+getSpinSlice0())%2 );
DbU::Unit Slice::getAverageChunk () const
if (_chunks.empty()) return -1;
DbU::Unit holeLength = 0;
list<Interval>::const_iterator ichunk = _chunks.begin();
list<Interval>::const_iterator ichunknext = ichunk;
// Hole before the first chunk.
if ((*ichunk).getVMin() > getXMin()) {
holeLength += (*ichunk).getVMin() - getXMin();
for ( ; ichunknext != _chunks.end() ; ++ichunk, ++ichunknext ) {
holeLength += (*ichunknext).getVMin() - (*ichunk).getVMax();
// Hole after the last chunk.
if ((*ichunk).getVMax() < getXMax()) {
holeLength += getXMax() - (*ichunk).getVMax();
Cell* feed = getEtesian()->getFeedCells().getBiggestFeed();
if (feed == NULL) {
cerr << Error("EtesianEngine: No feed has been registered, ignoring.") << endl;
return -1;
DbU::Unit feedWidth = feed->getAbutmentBox().getWidth();
return ((getXMax() - getXMin()) * feedWidth) / holeLength;
void Slice::fillHole ( DbU::Unit xmin, DbU::Unit xmax, DbU::Unit ybottom, size_t yspin )
Cell* feed = getEtesian()->getFeedCells().getBiggestFeed();
if (feed == NULL) {
cerr << Error("EtesianEngine: No feed has been registered, ignoring.") << endl;
DbU::Unit feedWidth = feed->getAbutmentBox().getWidth();
DbU::Unit xtie = xmin;
while ( true ) {
if (xtie >= xmax) break;
if (xtie+feedWidth > xmax) {
// Feed is too big, try to find a smaller one.
int pitch = (int)((xmax-xtie) / getEtesian()->getSliceStep());
for ( ; pitch > 0 ; --pitch ) {
feed = getEtesian()->getFeedCells().getFeed( pitch );
if (feed == NULL) continue;
feedWidth = feed->getAbutmentBox().getWidth();
if (feed != NULL) break;
if (feed == NULL) break;
2019-08-04 10:33:03 -05:00
Instance::create ( getEtesian()->getBlockCell()
, getEtesian()->getFeedCells().getUniqueInstanceName().c_str()
, feed
, getTransformation( feed->getAbutmentBox()
, xtie
, _ybottom
, (yspin)?Transformation::Orientation::MY
, Instance::PlacementStatus::PLACED
xtie += feedWidth;
string Slice::_getString () const
ostringstream os;
os << "<Slice " << " @" << DbU::getValueString(_ybottom) << " ";
list<Interval>::const_iterator ichunk = _chunks.begin();
for ( ; ichunk != _chunks.end() ; ++ichunk ) {
if (ichunk != _chunks.begin()) os << " ";
os << "[" << DbU::getValueString((*ichunk).getVMin())
<< " " << DbU::getValueString((*ichunk).getVMax()) << "]";
os << ">";
return os.str();
SliceHoles::SliceHoles ( EtesianEngine* etesian )
: _etesian (etesian)
2019-08-04 10:33:03 -05:00
, _cellAb (etesian->getBlockCell()->getAbutmentBox())
, _sliceHeight(_etesian->getSliceHeight())
, _slices ()
size_t slicesNb = _cellAb.getHeight() / _sliceHeight;
for ( size_t islice=0 ; islice<slicesNb ; ++islice )
_slices.push_back( new Slice( this
, _cellAb.getYMin()+islice*_sliceHeight
, Interval(_cellAb.getXMin(),_cellAb.getXMax()) ) );
SliceHoles::~SliceHoles ()
for ( size_t islice=0 ; islice<_slices.size() ; ++islice )
delete _slices[islice];
inline EtesianEngine* SliceHoles::getEtesian () const { return _etesian; }
inline size_t SliceHoles::getSpinSlice0 () const { return _spinSlice0; }
inline void SliceHoles::setSpinSlice0 ( size_t spinSlice0 ) { _spinSlice0 = spinSlice0; }
void SliceHoles::merge ( const Box& bb )
if (bb.getYMin() < _cellAb.getYMin()) {
cerr << Warning("Attempt to merge instance outside the Cell abutment box.") << endl;
size_t ibegin = (bb.getYMin()-_cellAb.getYMin()) / _sliceHeight;
size_t iend = (bb.getYMax()-_cellAb.getYMin()) / _sliceHeight;
for ( size_t islice=ibegin ; islice<iend ; ++islice ) {
_slices[islice]->merge( bb.getXMin(), bb.getXMax() );
void SliceHoles::addFeeds ()
for ( size_t islice=0 ; islice<_slices.size() ; islice++ ) {
cerr << setw(3) << islice << " | "
<< DbU::getValueString(_slices[islice]->getAverageChunk()) << endl;
_slices[islice]->addFeeds( islice );
} // End of anonymous namespace.
namespace Etesian {
using Hurricane::DataBase;
using Hurricane::UpdateSession;
using Hurricane::Occurrence;
Etesian integration with Chip & ClockTree plugins. * New: In Hurricane, in DebugSession, add a new method to activate the trace inconditionally with a certain level. * New: In Hurricane, in HyperNet, allow copy construction as there is no reason to disallow it and we need it now. * New: In Hurricane, in Cell::flattenNets(), add a new option to prevent the flattening of the clock net(s). For more safety perform the DeepNet creation *outside* the Collection loop. * Bug: In Hurricane, in Cell_HyperNetRootNetOccurrences, skip the DeepNets because they are the result of another flattening operation. * New: In Isobar, in PyBasicLayer, export C++ method getBlockageLayer(). * New: In Isobar, in PyRoutingGauge, export C++ method getLayerPitch(), needed by Cumulus plugins. * New: In Etesian, EtesianEngine::findYSpin() to look for the Y orientation if some cells are already placed. Typically the buffers of a clock tree. Pass the correct orienation to row_compatible_orientation(). Do not try to add feeds in the ISPD05 benchmarks. For now the benchmarks are detected through their names (unreliable). * Change: In Knik, in KnikEngine::initGlobalRouting(), allow the clock to be routed as an ordinary signal when the clock tree is not used. * New: In Kite, in BuildPowerRails, management & detection for the pre-routed clock. In KiteEngine constructor, early initialization of the blockage net to avoid later troubles in BuildPowerRails. * New: In Cumulus, in ChipPlugin, add support for Etesian plus new configuration parameter 'clockTree.placerEngine' to select between Mauka and Etesian. * New: In Cumulus, in BlockCorona, add blockages in the vertical sides in the vertical layer to prevent the router to use the vertical tracks in under the prower lines (for example, blockage in M3 with power line M5). In Cumulus, in ChipConf add attribute to access the blockage net. * New: In Cumulus, when the clock tree is disabled, do not generate the last rail around the block (the clock rail). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ChipConf use the clock pad to guess the clock signals and *not* the power pad. Add more meaningful error messages if a pad global signal is not found (implicit connexion by name). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ClockTree, compute correctly the cells Y spin, that is *from the bottom of the cell AB* (not from 'zero').
2015-02-24 06:13:17 -06:00
size_t EtesianEngine::findYSpin ()
_ySpinSet = false;
Etesian integration with Chip & ClockTree plugins. * New: In Hurricane, in DebugSession, add a new method to activate the trace inconditionally with a certain level. * New: In Hurricane, in HyperNet, allow copy construction as there is no reason to disallow it and we need it now. * New: In Hurricane, in Cell::flattenNets(), add a new option to prevent the flattening of the clock net(s). For more safety perform the DeepNet creation *outside* the Collection loop. * Bug: In Hurricane, in Cell_HyperNetRootNetOccurrences, skip the DeepNets because they are the result of another flattening operation. * New: In Isobar, in PyBasicLayer, export C++ method getBlockageLayer(). * New: In Isobar, in PyRoutingGauge, export C++ method getLayerPitch(), needed by Cumulus plugins. * New: In Etesian, EtesianEngine::findYSpin() to look for the Y orientation if some cells are already placed. Typically the buffers of a clock tree. Pass the correct orienation to row_compatible_orientation(). Do not try to add feeds in the ISPD05 benchmarks. For now the benchmarks are detected through their names (unreliable). * Change: In Knik, in KnikEngine::initGlobalRouting(), allow the clock to be routed as an ordinary signal when the clock tree is not used. * New: In Kite, in BuildPowerRails, management & detection for the pre-routed clock. In KiteEngine constructor, early initialization of the blockage net to avoid later troubles in BuildPowerRails. * New: In Cumulus, in ChipPlugin, add support for Etesian plus new configuration parameter 'clockTree.placerEngine' to select between Mauka and Etesian. * New: In Cumulus, in BlockCorona, add blockages in the vertical sides in the vertical layer to prevent the router to use the vertical tracks in under the prower lines (for example, blockage in M3 with power line M5). In Cumulus, in ChipConf add attribute to access the blockage net. * New: In Cumulus, when the clock tree is disabled, do not generate the last rail around the block (the clock rail). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ChipConf use the clock pad to guess the clock signals and *not* the power pad. Add more meaningful error messages if a pad global signal is not found (implicit connexion by name). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ClockTree, compute correctly the cells Y spin, that is *from the bottom of the cell AB* (not from 'zero').
2015-02-24 06:13:17 -06:00
_yspinSlice0 = 0;
Box blockAb = getBlockCell()->getAbutmentBox();
if (not _placeArea.isEmpty())
blockAb = _placeArea;
Etesian integration with Chip & ClockTree plugins. * New: In Hurricane, in DebugSession, add a new method to activate the trace inconditionally with a certain level. * New: In Hurricane, in HyperNet, allow copy construction as there is no reason to disallow it and we need it now. * New: In Hurricane, in Cell::flattenNets(), add a new option to prevent the flattening of the clock net(s). For more safety perform the DeepNet creation *outside* the Collection loop. * Bug: In Hurricane, in Cell_HyperNetRootNetOccurrences, skip the DeepNets because they are the result of another flattening operation. * New: In Isobar, in PyBasicLayer, export C++ method getBlockageLayer(). * New: In Isobar, in PyRoutingGauge, export C++ method getLayerPitch(), needed by Cumulus plugins. * New: In Etesian, EtesianEngine::findYSpin() to look for the Y orientation if some cells are already placed. Typically the buffers of a clock tree. Pass the correct orienation to row_compatible_orientation(). Do not try to add feeds in the ISPD05 benchmarks. For now the benchmarks are detected through their names (unreliable). * Change: In Knik, in KnikEngine::initGlobalRouting(), allow the clock to be routed as an ordinary signal when the clock tree is not used. * New: In Kite, in BuildPowerRails, management & detection for the pre-routed clock. In KiteEngine constructor, early initialization of the blockage net to avoid later troubles in BuildPowerRails. * New: In Cumulus, in ChipPlugin, add support for Etesian plus new configuration parameter 'clockTree.placerEngine' to select between Mauka and Etesian. * New: In Cumulus, in BlockCorona, add blockages in the vertical sides in the vertical layer to prevent the router to use the vertical tracks in under the prower lines (for example, blockage in M3 with power line M5). In Cumulus, in ChipConf add attribute to access the blockage net. * New: In Cumulus, when the clock tree is disabled, do not generate the last rail around the block (the clock rail). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ChipConf use the clock pad to guess the clock signals and *not* the power pad. Add more meaningful error messages if a pad global signal is not found (implicit connexion by name). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ClockTree, compute correctly the cells Y spin, that is *from the bottom of the cell AB* (not from 'zero').
2015-02-24 06:13:17 -06:00
if (not blockAb.isEmpty()) {
for ( Occurrence occurrence : getCell()->getTerminalNetlistInstanceOccurrences() )
Etesian integration with Chip & ClockTree plugins. * New: In Hurricane, in DebugSession, add a new method to activate the trace inconditionally with a certain level. * New: In Hurricane, in HyperNet, allow copy construction as there is no reason to disallow it and we need it now. * New: In Hurricane, in Cell::flattenNets(), add a new option to prevent the flattening of the clock net(s). For more safety perform the DeepNet creation *outside* the Collection loop. * Bug: In Hurricane, in Cell_HyperNetRootNetOccurrences, skip the DeepNets because they are the result of another flattening operation. * New: In Isobar, in PyBasicLayer, export C++ method getBlockageLayer(). * New: In Isobar, in PyRoutingGauge, export C++ method getLayerPitch(), needed by Cumulus plugins. * New: In Etesian, EtesianEngine::findYSpin() to look for the Y orientation if some cells are already placed. Typically the buffers of a clock tree. Pass the correct orienation to row_compatible_orientation(). Do not try to add feeds in the ISPD05 benchmarks. For now the benchmarks are detected through their names (unreliable). * Change: In Knik, in KnikEngine::initGlobalRouting(), allow the clock to be routed as an ordinary signal when the clock tree is not used. * New: In Kite, in BuildPowerRails, management & detection for the pre-routed clock. In KiteEngine constructor, early initialization of the blockage net to avoid later troubles in BuildPowerRails. * New: In Cumulus, in ChipPlugin, add support for Etesian plus new configuration parameter 'clockTree.placerEngine' to select between Mauka and Etesian. * New: In Cumulus, in BlockCorona, add blockages in the vertical sides in the vertical layer to prevent the router to use the vertical tracks in under the prower lines (for example, blockage in M3 with power line M5). In Cumulus, in ChipConf add attribute to access the blockage net. * New: In Cumulus, when the clock tree is disabled, do not generate the last rail around the block (the clock rail). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ChipConf use the clock pad to guess the clock signals and *not* the power pad. Add more meaningful error messages if a pad global signal is not found (implicit connexion by name). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ClockTree, compute correctly the cells Y spin, that is *from the bottom of the cell AB* (not from 'zero').
2015-02-24 06:13:17 -06:00
ISPD05 loading speed issues. IO PAD support for LEF importation. * New: In Hurricane::IntrusiveMap, introduce IntrusiveMapConst which allow to search with a "const Key&" instead of a "Key", sparing the copy construction of the Key. * Change: In Hurricane::Cell::NetMap, use the new kind of map with "const Name&" key access. This speeds up the Cell::getNet() method by suppressing one copy construction of a Name, which are costly after all... Should review the whole code to use "const Name&" everywhere it is possible. * Change: In Hurricane::Entity & Hurricane::DBo, displace the unique identifier from Entity to DBo (move up to the base class).This to allow us to build deterministic map of DBo requireds in UpdateSession (which is built upon a SharedProperty). WARNING: This break the JSON database exportation support, do not use it until fixed/rewritten. * Change: In Hurricane::Layer, add an attribute to know if a layer is associated to a blockage. Modificate accordingly PyLayer and BasicLayer. * Change: In Hurricane::SharedProperty, the set of owners (DBo*) is now stored in a std::set sorted on the objects Ids, instead of a simple vector. The linera search time through the std::vector was starting to show (ISPD05 bigblue1). * Bug: In Isobar::PyInstance, make full contructor signature (5 arguments) conform to the C++ one. It was only accepting the four first and forcing the placement status to be FIXED. * Bug: In CRL/etc/symbolic/ispd05/kite.conf, update for the new configuration requirements where all distance must be converted into DbU in the file itself (use "helpers.l()", "helpers.m()"). Apply to the cell & routing gauges. * Bug: In CRL/etc/symbolic/ispd05/technology.conf, update for the new configuration. "helpers.initTechno()" *must* by called first thing in this file in order for the Technology to be created. * New: In CRL::AllianceFramework, add matchCellGauge() & matchCellgaugeByHeight() * New: In CRL::CellGauge, add a flag to distinguish gauges meant for IO Pads and an "isPad()" predicate. * Change: In CRL::Ispd05Bookshelf, flush the UpdateSession stack every 1000 elements additions. Maybe not necessary now the the UpdateSession property relies on a std::set instead of a std::vector. * New: In CRL::LefImport, support for SITE and match/create the appropriate CellGauge on the fly. Specific support for MACROS that are flagged PAD. Add a dedicated post-treatment for PAD connectors, extend them toward the boundary of the nearest abutment box side. Tested only on AMS 350nm c35b4 for now. This part is most likely to be tweaked for every kind of real foundry pad that we may encounter... * Change: In EtesianEngine::findYSpin(), use the C++ "for" construct to loop over Collections. * Change: In Unicorn/, register the Python/C++ tutorial support by default.
2019-04-22 05:16:16 -05:00
Instance* instance = static_cast<Instance*>(occurrence.getEntity());
Etesian integration with Chip & ClockTree plugins. * New: In Hurricane, in DebugSession, add a new method to activate the trace inconditionally with a certain level. * New: In Hurricane, in HyperNet, allow copy construction as there is no reason to disallow it and we need it now. * New: In Hurricane, in Cell::flattenNets(), add a new option to prevent the flattening of the clock net(s). For more safety perform the DeepNet creation *outside* the Collection loop. * Bug: In Hurricane, in Cell_HyperNetRootNetOccurrences, skip the DeepNets because they are the result of another flattening operation. * New: In Isobar, in PyBasicLayer, export C++ method getBlockageLayer(). * New: In Isobar, in PyRoutingGauge, export C++ method getLayerPitch(), needed by Cumulus plugins. * New: In Etesian, EtesianEngine::findYSpin() to look for the Y orientation if some cells are already placed. Typically the buffers of a clock tree. Pass the correct orienation to row_compatible_orientation(). Do not try to add feeds in the ISPD05 benchmarks. For now the benchmarks are detected through their names (unreliable). * Change: In Knik, in KnikEngine::initGlobalRouting(), allow the clock to be routed as an ordinary signal when the clock tree is not used. * New: In Kite, in BuildPowerRails, management & detection for the pre-routed clock. In KiteEngine constructor, early initialization of the blockage net to avoid later troubles in BuildPowerRails. * New: In Cumulus, in ChipPlugin, add support for Etesian plus new configuration parameter 'clockTree.placerEngine' to select between Mauka and Etesian. * New: In Cumulus, in BlockCorona, add blockages in the vertical sides in the vertical layer to prevent the router to use the vertical tracks in under the prower lines (for example, blockage in M3 with power line M5). In Cumulus, in ChipConf add attribute to access the blockage net. * New: In Cumulus, when the clock tree is disabled, do not generate the last rail around the block (the clock rail). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ChipConf use the clock pad to guess the clock signals and *not* the power pad. Add more meaningful error messages if a pad global signal is not found (implicit connexion by name). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ClockTree, compute correctly the cells Y spin, that is *from the bottom of the cell AB* (not from 'zero').
2015-02-24 06:13:17 -06:00
Cell* masterCell = instance->getMasterCell();
Box instanceAb = masterCell->getAbutmentBox();
Transformation instanceTransf = instance->getTransformation();
ISPD05 loading speed issues. IO PAD support for LEF importation. * New: In Hurricane::IntrusiveMap, introduce IntrusiveMapConst which allow to search with a "const Key&" instead of a "Key", sparing the copy construction of the Key. * Change: In Hurricane::Cell::NetMap, use the new kind of map with "const Name&" key access. This speeds up the Cell::getNet() method by suppressing one copy construction of a Name, which are costly after all... Should review the whole code to use "const Name&" everywhere it is possible. * Change: In Hurricane::Entity & Hurricane::DBo, displace the unique identifier from Entity to DBo (move up to the base class).This to allow us to build deterministic map of DBo requireds in UpdateSession (which is built upon a SharedProperty). WARNING: This break the JSON database exportation support, do not use it until fixed/rewritten. * Change: In Hurricane::Layer, add an attribute to know if a layer is associated to a blockage. Modificate accordingly PyLayer and BasicLayer. * Change: In Hurricane::SharedProperty, the set of owners (DBo*) is now stored in a std::set sorted on the objects Ids, instead of a simple vector. The linera search time through the std::vector was starting to show (ISPD05 bigblue1). * Bug: In Isobar::PyInstance, make full contructor signature (5 arguments) conform to the C++ one. It was only accepting the four first and forcing the placement status to be FIXED. * Bug: In CRL/etc/symbolic/ispd05/kite.conf, update for the new configuration requirements where all distance must be converted into DbU in the file itself (use "helpers.l()", "helpers.m()"). Apply to the cell & routing gauges. * Bug: In CRL/etc/symbolic/ispd05/technology.conf, update for the new configuration. "helpers.initTechno()" *must* by called first thing in this file in order for the Technology to be created. * New: In CRL::AllianceFramework, add matchCellGauge() & matchCellgaugeByHeight() * New: In CRL::CellGauge, add a flag to distinguish gauges meant for IO Pads and an "isPad()" predicate. * Change: In CRL::Ispd05Bookshelf, flush the UpdateSession stack every 1000 elements additions. Maybe not necessary now the the UpdateSession property relies on a std::set instead of a std::vector. * New: In CRL::LefImport, support for SITE and match/create the appropriate CellGauge on the fly. Specific support for MACROS that are flagged PAD. Add a dedicated post-treatment for PAD connectors, extend them toward the boundary of the nearest abutment box side. Tested only on AMS 350nm c35b4 for now. This part is most likely to be tweaked for every kind of real foundry pad that we may encounter... * Change: In EtesianEngine::findYSpin(), use the C++ "for" construct to loop over Collections. * Change: In Unicorn/, register the Python/C++ tutorial support by default.
2019-04-22 05:16:16 -05:00
occurrence.getPath().getTransformation().applyOn( instanceTransf );
Etesian integration with Chip & ClockTree plugins. * New: In Hurricane, in DebugSession, add a new method to activate the trace inconditionally with a certain level. * New: In Hurricane, in HyperNet, allow copy construction as there is no reason to disallow it and we need it now. * New: In Hurricane, in Cell::flattenNets(), add a new option to prevent the flattening of the clock net(s). For more safety perform the DeepNet creation *outside* the Collection loop. * Bug: In Hurricane, in Cell_HyperNetRootNetOccurrences, skip the DeepNets because they are the result of another flattening operation. * New: In Isobar, in PyBasicLayer, export C++ method getBlockageLayer(). * New: In Isobar, in PyRoutingGauge, export C++ method getLayerPitch(), needed by Cumulus plugins. * New: In Etesian, EtesianEngine::findYSpin() to look for the Y orientation if some cells are already placed. Typically the buffers of a clock tree. Pass the correct orienation to row_compatible_orientation(). Do not try to add feeds in the ISPD05 benchmarks. For now the benchmarks are detected through their names (unreliable). * Change: In Knik, in KnikEngine::initGlobalRouting(), allow the clock to be routed as an ordinary signal when the clock tree is not used. * New: In Kite, in BuildPowerRails, management & detection for the pre-routed clock. In KiteEngine constructor, early initialization of the blockage net to avoid later troubles in BuildPowerRails. * New: In Cumulus, in ChipPlugin, add support for Etesian plus new configuration parameter 'clockTree.placerEngine' to select between Mauka and Etesian. * New: In Cumulus, in BlockCorona, add blockages in the vertical sides in the vertical layer to prevent the router to use the vertical tracks in under the prower lines (for example, blockage in M3 with power line M5). In Cumulus, in ChipConf add attribute to access the blockage net. * New: In Cumulus, when the clock tree is disabled, do not generate the last rail around the block (the clock rail). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ChipConf use the clock pad to guess the clock signals and *not* the power pad. Add more meaningful error messages if a pad global signal is not found (implicit connexion by name). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ClockTree, compute correctly the cells Y spin, that is *from the bottom of the cell AB* (not from 'zero').
2015-02-24 06:13:17 -06:00
instanceTransf.applyOn( instanceAb );
if (not blockAb.contains(instanceAb)) continue;
Etesian integration with Chip & ClockTree plugins. * New: In Hurricane, in DebugSession, add a new method to activate the trace inconditionally with a certain level. * New: In Hurricane, in HyperNet, allow copy construction as there is no reason to disallow it and we need it now. * New: In Hurricane, in Cell::flattenNets(), add a new option to prevent the flattening of the clock net(s). For more safety perform the DeepNet creation *outside* the Collection loop. * Bug: In Hurricane, in Cell_HyperNetRootNetOccurrences, skip the DeepNets because they are the result of another flattening operation. * New: In Isobar, in PyBasicLayer, export C++ method getBlockageLayer(). * New: In Isobar, in PyRoutingGauge, export C++ method getLayerPitch(), needed by Cumulus plugins. * New: In Etesian, EtesianEngine::findYSpin() to look for the Y orientation if some cells are already placed. Typically the buffers of a clock tree. Pass the correct orienation to row_compatible_orientation(). Do not try to add feeds in the ISPD05 benchmarks. For now the benchmarks are detected through their names (unreliable). * Change: In Knik, in KnikEngine::initGlobalRouting(), allow the clock to be routed as an ordinary signal when the clock tree is not used. * New: In Kite, in BuildPowerRails, management & detection for the pre-routed clock. In KiteEngine constructor, early initialization of the blockage net to avoid later troubles in BuildPowerRails. * New: In Cumulus, in ChipPlugin, add support for Etesian plus new configuration parameter 'clockTree.placerEngine' to select between Mauka and Etesian. * New: In Cumulus, in BlockCorona, add blockages in the vertical sides in the vertical layer to prevent the router to use the vertical tracks in under the prower lines (for example, blockage in M3 with power line M5). In Cumulus, in ChipConf add attribute to access the blockage net. * New: In Cumulus, when the clock tree is disabled, do not generate the last rail around the block (the clock rail). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ChipConf use the clock pad to guess the clock signals and *not* the power pad. Add more meaningful error messages if a pad global signal is not found (implicit connexion by name). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ClockTree, compute correctly the cells Y spin, that is *from the bottom of the cell AB* (not from 'zero').
2015-02-24 06:13:17 -06:00
_ySpinSet = true;
Etesian integration with Chip & ClockTree plugins. * New: In Hurricane, in DebugSession, add a new method to activate the trace inconditionally with a certain level. * New: In Hurricane, in HyperNet, allow copy construction as there is no reason to disallow it and we need it now. * New: In Hurricane, in Cell::flattenNets(), add a new option to prevent the flattening of the clock net(s). For more safety perform the DeepNet creation *outside* the Collection loop. * Bug: In Hurricane, in Cell_HyperNetRootNetOccurrences, skip the DeepNets because they are the result of another flattening operation. * New: In Isobar, in PyBasicLayer, export C++ method getBlockageLayer(). * New: In Isobar, in PyRoutingGauge, export C++ method getLayerPitch(), needed by Cumulus plugins. * New: In Etesian, EtesianEngine::findYSpin() to look for the Y orientation if some cells are already placed. Typically the buffers of a clock tree. Pass the correct orienation to row_compatible_orientation(). Do not try to add feeds in the ISPD05 benchmarks. For now the benchmarks are detected through their names (unreliable). * Change: In Knik, in KnikEngine::initGlobalRouting(), allow the clock to be routed as an ordinary signal when the clock tree is not used. * New: In Kite, in BuildPowerRails, management & detection for the pre-routed clock. In KiteEngine constructor, early initialization of the blockage net to avoid later troubles in BuildPowerRails. * New: In Cumulus, in ChipPlugin, add support for Etesian plus new configuration parameter 'clockTree.placerEngine' to select between Mauka and Etesian. * New: In Cumulus, in BlockCorona, add blockages in the vertical sides in the vertical layer to prevent the router to use the vertical tracks in under the prower lines (for example, blockage in M3 with power line M5). In Cumulus, in ChipConf add attribute to access the blockage net. * New: In Cumulus, when the clock tree is disabled, do not generate the last rail around the block (the clock rail). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ChipConf use the clock pad to guess the clock signals and *not* the power pad. Add more meaningful error messages if a pad global signal is not found (implicit connexion by name). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ClockTree, compute correctly the cells Y spin, that is *from the bottom of the cell AB* (not from 'zero').
2015-02-24 06:13:17 -06:00
int islice = (instanceAb.getYMin() - blockAb.getYMin()) / getSliceHeight();
Etesian integration with Chip & ClockTree plugins. * New: In Hurricane, in DebugSession, add a new method to activate the trace inconditionally with a certain level. * New: In Hurricane, in HyperNet, allow copy construction as there is no reason to disallow it and we need it now. * New: In Hurricane, in Cell::flattenNets(), add a new option to prevent the flattening of the clock net(s). For more safety perform the DeepNet creation *outside* the Collection loop. * Bug: In Hurricane, in Cell_HyperNetRootNetOccurrences, skip the DeepNets because they are the result of another flattening operation. * New: In Isobar, in PyBasicLayer, export C++ method getBlockageLayer(). * New: In Isobar, in PyRoutingGauge, export C++ method getLayerPitch(), needed by Cumulus plugins. * New: In Etesian, EtesianEngine::findYSpin() to look for the Y orientation if some cells are already placed. Typically the buffers of a clock tree. Pass the correct orienation to row_compatible_orientation(). Do not try to add feeds in the ISPD05 benchmarks. For now the benchmarks are detected through their names (unreliable). * Change: In Knik, in KnikEngine::initGlobalRouting(), allow the clock to be routed as an ordinary signal when the clock tree is not used. * New: In Kite, in BuildPowerRails, management & detection for the pre-routed clock. In KiteEngine constructor, early initialization of the blockage net to avoid later troubles in BuildPowerRails. * New: In Cumulus, in ChipPlugin, add support for Etesian plus new configuration parameter 'clockTree.placerEngine' to select between Mauka and Etesian. * New: In Cumulus, in BlockCorona, add blockages in the vertical sides in the vertical layer to prevent the router to use the vertical tracks in under the prower lines (for example, blockage in M3 with power line M5). In Cumulus, in ChipConf add attribute to access the blockage net. * New: In Cumulus, when the clock tree is disabled, do not generate the last rail around the block (the clock rail). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ChipConf use the clock pad to guess the clock signals and *not* the power pad. Add more meaningful error messages if a pad global signal is not found (implicit connexion by name). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ClockTree, compute correctly the cells Y spin, that is *from the bottom of the cell AB* (not from 'zero').
2015-02-24 06:13:17 -06:00
switch ( instanceTransf.getOrientation() ) {
case Transformation::Orientation::ID:
case Transformation::Orientation::MX:
_yspinSlice0 = (islice % 2);
case Transformation::Orientation::R2:
case Transformation::Orientation::MY:
_yspinSlice0 = ((islice+1) % 2);
case Transformation::Orientation::R1:
case Transformation::Orientation::R3:
case Transformation::Orientation::XR:
case Transformation::Orientation::YR:
cerr << Warning( "Instance %s has invalid transformation %s."
, getString(instance->getName()).c_str()
, getString(instanceTransf.getOrientation()).c_str()
) << endl;
_ySpinSet = false;
Etesian integration with Chip & ClockTree plugins. * New: In Hurricane, in DebugSession, add a new method to activate the trace inconditionally with a certain level. * New: In Hurricane, in HyperNet, allow copy construction as there is no reason to disallow it and we need it now. * New: In Hurricane, in Cell::flattenNets(), add a new option to prevent the flattening of the clock net(s). For more safety perform the DeepNet creation *outside* the Collection loop. * Bug: In Hurricane, in Cell_HyperNetRootNetOccurrences, skip the DeepNets because they are the result of another flattening operation. * New: In Isobar, in PyBasicLayer, export C++ method getBlockageLayer(). * New: In Isobar, in PyRoutingGauge, export C++ method getLayerPitch(), needed by Cumulus plugins. * New: In Etesian, EtesianEngine::findYSpin() to look for the Y orientation if some cells are already placed. Typically the buffers of a clock tree. Pass the correct orienation to row_compatible_orientation(). Do not try to add feeds in the ISPD05 benchmarks. For now the benchmarks are detected through their names (unreliable). * Change: In Knik, in KnikEngine::initGlobalRouting(), allow the clock to be routed as an ordinary signal when the clock tree is not used. * New: In Kite, in BuildPowerRails, management & detection for the pre-routed clock. In KiteEngine constructor, early initialization of the blockage net to avoid later troubles in BuildPowerRails. * New: In Cumulus, in ChipPlugin, add support for Etesian plus new configuration parameter 'clockTree.placerEngine' to select between Mauka and Etesian. * New: In Cumulus, in BlockCorona, add blockages in the vertical sides in the vertical layer to prevent the router to use the vertical tracks in under the prower lines (for example, blockage in M3 with power line M5). In Cumulus, in ChipConf add attribute to access the blockage net. * New: In Cumulus, when the clock tree is disabled, do not generate the last rail around the block (the clock rail). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ChipConf use the clock pad to guess the clock signals and *not* the power pad. Add more meaningful error messages if a pad global signal is not found (implicit connexion by name). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ClockTree, compute correctly the cells Y spin, that is *from the bottom of the cell AB* (not from 'zero').
2015-02-24 06:13:17 -06:00
if (_ySpinSet) break;
Etesian integration with Chip & ClockTree plugins. * New: In Hurricane, in DebugSession, add a new method to activate the trace inconditionally with a certain level. * New: In Hurricane, in HyperNet, allow copy construction as there is no reason to disallow it and we need it now. * New: In Hurricane, in Cell::flattenNets(), add a new option to prevent the flattening of the clock net(s). For more safety perform the DeepNet creation *outside* the Collection loop. * Bug: In Hurricane, in Cell_HyperNetRootNetOccurrences, skip the DeepNets because they are the result of another flattening operation. * New: In Isobar, in PyBasicLayer, export C++ method getBlockageLayer(). * New: In Isobar, in PyRoutingGauge, export C++ method getLayerPitch(), needed by Cumulus plugins. * New: In Etesian, EtesianEngine::findYSpin() to look for the Y orientation if some cells are already placed. Typically the buffers of a clock tree. Pass the correct orienation to row_compatible_orientation(). Do not try to add feeds in the ISPD05 benchmarks. For now the benchmarks are detected through their names (unreliable). * Change: In Knik, in KnikEngine::initGlobalRouting(), allow the clock to be routed as an ordinary signal when the clock tree is not used. * New: In Kite, in BuildPowerRails, management & detection for the pre-routed clock. In KiteEngine constructor, early initialization of the blockage net to avoid later troubles in BuildPowerRails. * New: In Cumulus, in ChipPlugin, add support for Etesian plus new configuration parameter 'clockTree.placerEngine' to select between Mauka and Etesian. * New: In Cumulus, in BlockCorona, add blockages in the vertical sides in the vertical layer to prevent the router to use the vertical tracks in under the prower lines (for example, blockage in M3 with power line M5). In Cumulus, in ChipConf add attribute to access the blockage net. * New: In Cumulus, when the clock tree is disabled, do not generate the last rail around the block (the clock rail). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ChipConf use the clock pad to guess the clock signals and *not* the power pad. Add more meaningful error messages if a pad global signal is not found (implicit connexion by name). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ClockTree, compute correctly the cells Y spin, that is *from the bottom of the cell AB* (not from 'zero').
2015-02-24 06:13:17 -06:00
return _yspinSlice0;
void EtesianEngine::addFeeds ()
if (not getFeedCells().feedNumbers()) {
cerr << Warning( "No feed cells available, skipping." ) << endl;
Etesian integration with Chip & ClockTree plugins. * New: In Hurricane, in DebugSession, add a new method to activate the trace inconditionally with a certain level. * New: In Hurricane, in HyperNet, allow copy construction as there is no reason to disallow it and we need it now. * New: In Hurricane, in Cell::flattenNets(), add a new option to prevent the flattening of the clock net(s). For more safety perform the DeepNet creation *outside* the Collection loop. * Bug: In Hurricane, in Cell_HyperNetRootNetOccurrences, skip the DeepNets because they are the result of another flattening operation. * New: In Isobar, in PyBasicLayer, export C++ method getBlockageLayer(). * New: In Isobar, in PyRoutingGauge, export C++ method getLayerPitch(), needed by Cumulus plugins. * New: In Etesian, EtesianEngine::findYSpin() to look for the Y orientation if some cells are already placed. Typically the buffers of a clock tree. Pass the correct orienation to row_compatible_orientation(). Do not try to add feeds in the ISPD05 benchmarks. For now the benchmarks are detected through their names (unreliable). * Change: In Knik, in KnikEngine::initGlobalRouting(), allow the clock to be routed as an ordinary signal when the clock tree is not used. * New: In Kite, in BuildPowerRails, management & detection for the pre-routed clock. In KiteEngine constructor, early initialization of the blockage net to avoid later troubles in BuildPowerRails. * New: In Cumulus, in ChipPlugin, add support for Etesian plus new configuration parameter 'clockTree.placerEngine' to select between Mauka and Etesian. * New: In Cumulus, in BlockCorona, add blockages in the vertical sides in the vertical layer to prevent the router to use the vertical tracks in under the prower lines (for example, blockage in M3 with power line M5). In Cumulus, in ChipConf add attribute to access the blockage net. * New: In Cumulus, when the clock tree is disabled, do not generate the last rail around the block (the clock rail). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ChipConf use the clock pad to guess the clock signals and *not* the power pad. Add more meaningful error messages if a pad global signal is not found (implicit connexion by name). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ClockTree, compute correctly the cells Y spin, that is *from the bottom of the cell AB* (not from 'zero').
2015-02-24 06:13:17 -06:00
SliceHoles sliceHoles ( this );
2019-08-04 10:33:03 -05:00
Box topCellAb = getBlockCell()->getAbutmentBox();
Etesian integration with Chip & ClockTree plugins. * New: In Hurricane, in DebugSession, add a new method to activate the trace inconditionally with a certain level. * New: In Hurricane, in HyperNet, allow copy construction as there is no reason to disallow it and we need it now. * New: In Hurricane, in Cell::flattenNets(), add a new option to prevent the flattening of the clock net(s). For more safety perform the DeepNet creation *outside* the Collection loop. * Bug: In Hurricane, in Cell_HyperNetRootNetOccurrences, skip the DeepNets because they are the result of another flattening operation. * New: In Isobar, in PyBasicLayer, export C++ method getBlockageLayer(). * New: In Isobar, in PyRoutingGauge, export C++ method getLayerPitch(), needed by Cumulus plugins. * New: In Etesian, EtesianEngine::findYSpin() to look for the Y orientation if some cells are already placed. Typically the buffers of a clock tree. Pass the correct orienation to row_compatible_orientation(). Do not try to add feeds in the ISPD05 benchmarks. For now the benchmarks are detected through their names (unreliable). * Change: In Knik, in KnikEngine::initGlobalRouting(), allow the clock to be routed as an ordinary signal when the clock tree is not used. * New: In Kite, in BuildPowerRails, management & detection for the pre-routed clock. In KiteEngine constructor, early initialization of the blockage net to avoid later troubles in BuildPowerRails. * New: In Cumulus, in ChipPlugin, add support for Etesian plus new configuration parameter 'clockTree.placerEngine' to select between Mauka and Etesian. * New: In Cumulus, in BlockCorona, add blockages in the vertical sides in the vertical layer to prevent the router to use the vertical tracks in under the prower lines (for example, blockage in M3 with power line M5). In Cumulus, in ChipConf add attribute to access the blockage net. * New: In Cumulus, when the clock tree is disabled, do not generate the last rail around the block (the clock rail). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ChipConf use the clock pad to guess the clock signals and *not* the power pad. Add more meaningful error messages if a pad global signal is not found (implicit connexion by name). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ClockTree, compute correctly the cells Y spin, that is *from the bottom of the cell AB* (not from 'zero').
2015-02-24 06:13:17 -06:00
sliceHoles.setSpinSlice0( _yspinSlice0 );
if (getBlockInstance()) {
Transformation toBlockTransf = getBlockInstance()->getTransformation();
for ( Instance* instance : getCell()->getInstances() ) {
if (instance == getBlockInstance()) continue;
if (instance->getPlacementStatus() == Instance::PlacementStatus::FIXED) {
Box overlapAb = instance->getAbutmentBox();
toBlockTransf.applyOn( overlapAb );
overlapAb = topCellAb.getIntersection( overlapAb );
if (not overlapAb.isEmpty()) {
sliceHoles.merge( overlapAb );
Clarify semantic of flatten Collections (walkthrough). In the Cell/Instance hierarchy, the "terminal" and "leaf cell" concepts where not clearly defined and partially overlapping. Now, "Terminal" is the refer to the physical hierarchy (layout) and "TerminalNetlist" to the logical hierarchy (netlist). The logical hierarchy can be less deep than the physical one thanks to a Cell dedicated cell flags. Collections related to the physical hierarchy keep their old names, the one related to the logical hierarchy are renamed from "Leaf" to "TerminalNetlist". The name "Leaf" was too ambiguous (leaf for *what* hierarchy). * Change: In Hurricane::Device, set the "TerminalNetlist" flag once and for all. No need set it in all the derived classes again. * New: In Hurricane::MultiCapacitor, added new parameter "dummy" to create dummies around the capacity matrix. * Change: In Hurricane::Cell, remove "Leaf" related methods, replace them by "TerminalNetlist" one, especially Collections. Now we have two clear sets of Collections to walkthough the layout or the netlist. Change the "Terminal" flag into "TerminalNetlist". * Change: In Hurricane::CellCollections, rename "Leaf" into "TerminalNetlist" collections and apply the new semantic to the locators. * Change: In Hurricane::DataBase, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming. * Change: In Hurricane::DeepNet, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming. * Change: In Hurricane::HyperNet, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming. * Change: In Hurricane::Instance, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming. * Change: In Hurricane::Viewer::HierarchyInformations, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming. * Change: In CRL::AllianceFramework, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming. * Change: In CRL::Catalog, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming. * Change: In CRL::ApParser, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming. * Change: In EtesianEngine::AddFeeds, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming. * Bug: In EtesianEngine::resetPlacement, move there the loop over non terminal netlist instances to flag fully placed sub-blocks as terminal for the netlist. Only then remove the feed cells from unplaced instances. Previously, the feed cells where stripped even from already placed instances. * Change: In Katana, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming. * Bug: In Bora::PyDSlicingNode, allow the range parameter to be the Python None object when we do not want to pass one but need to have it as positional parameter. * Change: In Cumulus/clocktree/, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
2020-03-10 06:10:53 -05:00
for ( Occurrence occurrence : getBlockCell()->getTerminalNetlistInstanceOccurrences() )
ISPD05 loading speed issues. IO PAD support for LEF importation. * New: In Hurricane::IntrusiveMap, introduce IntrusiveMapConst which allow to search with a "const Key&" instead of a "Key", sparing the copy construction of the Key. * Change: In Hurricane::Cell::NetMap, use the new kind of map with "const Name&" key access. This speeds up the Cell::getNet() method by suppressing one copy construction of a Name, which are costly after all... Should review the whole code to use "const Name&" everywhere it is possible. * Change: In Hurricane::Entity & Hurricane::DBo, displace the unique identifier from Entity to DBo (move up to the base class).This to allow us to build deterministic map of DBo requireds in UpdateSession (which is built upon a SharedProperty). WARNING: This break the JSON database exportation support, do not use it until fixed/rewritten. * Change: In Hurricane::Layer, add an attribute to know if a layer is associated to a blockage. Modificate accordingly PyLayer and BasicLayer. * Change: In Hurricane::SharedProperty, the set of owners (DBo*) is now stored in a std::set sorted on the objects Ids, instead of a simple vector. The linera search time through the std::vector was starting to show (ISPD05 bigblue1). * Bug: In Isobar::PyInstance, make full contructor signature (5 arguments) conform to the C++ one. It was only accepting the four first and forcing the placement status to be FIXED. * Bug: In CRL/etc/symbolic/ispd05/kite.conf, update for the new configuration requirements where all distance must be converted into DbU in the file itself (use "helpers.l()", "helpers.m()"). Apply to the cell & routing gauges. * Bug: In CRL/etc/symbolic/ispd05/technology.conf, update for the new configuration. "helpers.initTechno()" *must* by called first thing in this file in order for the Technology to be created. * New: In CRL::AllianceFramework, add matchCellGauge() & matchCellgaugeByHeight() * New: In CRL::CellGauge, add a flag to distinguish gauges meant for IO Pads and an "isPad()" predicate. * Change: In CRL::Ispd05Bookshelf, flush the UpdateSession stack every 1000 elements additions. Maybe not necessary now the the UpdateSession property relies on a std::set instead of a std::vector. * New: In CRL::LefImport, support for SITE and match/create the appropriate CellGauge on the fly. Specific support for MACROS that are flagged PAD. Add a dedicated post-treatment for PAD connectors, extend them toward the boundary of the nearest abutment box side. Tested only on AMS 350nm c35b4 for now. This part is most likely to be tweaked for every kind of real foundry pad that we may encounter... * Change: In EtesianEngine::findYSpin(), use the C++ "for" construct to loop over Collections. * Change: In Unicorn/, register the Python/C++ tutorial support by default.
2019-04-22 05:16:16 -05:00
Instance* instance = static_cast<Instance*>(occurrence.getEntity());
Cell* masterCell = instance->getMasterCell();
if (CatalogExtension::isFeed(masterCell)) {
cerr << Warning( "Feed instance %s already present."
, getString(instance->getName()).c_str() ) << endl;
Box instanceAb = masterCell->getAbutmentBox();
Transformation instanceTransf = instance->getTransformation();
ISPD05 loading speed issues. IO PAD support for LEF importation. * New: In Hurricane::IntrusiveMap, introduce IntrusiveMapConst which allow to search with a "const Key&" instead of a "Key", sparing the copy construction of the Key. * Change: In Hurricane::Cell::NetMap, use the new kind of map with "const Name&" key access. This speeds up the Cell::getNet() method by suppressing one copy construction of a Name, which are costly after all... Should review the whole code to use "const Name&" everywhere it is possible. * Change: In Hurricane::Entity & Hurricane::DBo, displace the unique identifier from Entity to DBo (move up to the base class).This to allow us to build deterministic map of DBo requireds in UpdateSession (which is built upon a SharedProperty). WARNING: This break the JSON database exportation support, do not use it until fixed/rewritten. * Change: In Hurricane::Layer, add an attribute to know if a layer is associated to a blockage. Modificate accordingly PyLayer and BasicLayer. * Change: In Hurricane::SharedProperty, the set of owners (DBo*) is now stored in a std::set sorted on the objects Ids, instead of a simple vector. The linera search time through the std::vector was starting to show (ISPD05 bigblue1). * Bug: In Isobar::PyInstance, make full contructor signature (5 arguments) conform to the C++ one. It was only accepting the four first and forcing the placement status to be FIXED. * Bug: In CRL/etc/symbolic/ispd05/kite.conf, update for the new configuration requirements where all distance must be converted into DbU in the file itself (use "helpers.l()", "helpers.m()"). Apply to the cell & routing gauges. * Bug: In CRL/etc/symbolic/ispd05/technology.conf, update for the new configuration. "helpers.initTechno()" *must* by called first thing in this file in order for the Technology to be created. * New: In CRL::AllianceFramework, add matchCellGauge() & matchCellgaugeByHeight() * New: In CRL::CellGauge, add a flag to distinguish gauges meant for IO Pads and an "isPad()" predicate. * Change: In CRL::Ispd05Bookshelf, flush the UpdateSession stack every 1000 elements additions. Maybe not necessary now the the UpdateSession property relies on a std::set instead of a std::vector. * New: In CRL::LefImport, support for SITE and match/create the appropriate CellGauge on the fly. Specific support for MACROS that are flagged PAD. Add a dedicated post-treatment for PAD connectors, extend them toward the boundary of the nearest abutment box side. Tested only on AMS 350nm c35b4 for now. This part is most likely to be tweaked for every kind of real foundry pad that we may encounter... * Change: In EtesianEngine::findYSpin(), use the C++ "for" construct to loop over Collections. * Change: In Unicorn/, register the Python/C++ tutorial support by default.
2019-04-22 05:16:16 -05:00
occurrence.getPath().getTransformation().applyOn( instanceTransf );
instanceTransf.applyOn( instanceAb );
Etesian integration with Chip & ClockTree plugins. * New: In Hurricane, in DebugSession, add a new method to activate the trace inconditionally with a certain level. * New: In Hurricane, in HyperNet, allow copy construction as there is no reason to disallow it and we need it now. * New: In Hurricane, in Cell::flattenNets(), add a new option to prevent the flattening of the clock net(s). For more safety perform the DeepNet creation *outside* the Collection loop. * Bug: In Hurricane, in Cell_HyperNetRootNetOccurrences, skip the DeepNets because they are the result of another flattening operation. * New: In Isobar, in PyBasicLayer, export C++ method getBlockageLayer(). * New: In Isobar, in PyRoutingGauge, export C++ method getLayerPitch(), needed by Cumulus plugins. * New: In Etesian, EtesianEngine::findYSpin() to look for the Y orientation if some cells are already placed. Typically the buffers of a clock tree. Pass the correct orienation to row_compatible_orientation(). Do not try to add feeds in the ISPD05 benchmarks. For now the benchmarks are detected through their names (unreliable). * Change: In Knik, in KnikEngine::initGlobalRouting(), allow the clock to be routed as an ordinary signal when the clock tree is not used. * New: In Kite, in BuildPowerRails, management & detection for the pre-routed clock. In KiteEngine constructor, early initialization of the blockage net to avoid later troubles in BuildPowerRails. * New: In Cumulus, in ChipPlugin, add support for Etesian plus new configuration parameter 'clockTree.placerEngine' to select between Mauka and Etesian. * New: In Cumulus, in BlockCorona, add blockages in the vertical sides in the vertical layer to prevent the router to use the vertical tracks in under the prower lines (for example, blockage in M3 with power line M5). In Cumulus, in ChipConf add attribute to access the blockage net. * New: In Cumulus, when the clock tree is disabled, do not generate the last rail around the block (the clock rail). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ChipConf use the clock pad to guess the clock signals and *not* the power pad. Add more meaningful error messages if a pad global signal is not found (implicit connexion by name). * Bug: In Cumulus, in ClockTree, compute correctly the cells Y spin, that is *from the bottom of the cell AB* (not from 'zero').
2015-02-24 06:13:17 -06:00
if (not topCellAb.contains(instanceAb)) {
cerr << Warning( "Instance %s is not fully enclosed in the top cell."
, getString(instance->getName()).c_str() ) << endl;
sliceHoles.merge( instanceAb );
Better handling of exceptions between C++ & Python. Misc. checks. * Bug: In Hurricane, in PyHurricane.h the macro HCATCH was not catching standard STL exceptions. This was the source of the cryptic message: "Fatal Python error: Py_EndInterpreter: thread still has a frame" The Python interpreter was interrupted uncleanly bypassing it's own exceptions mechanism. In PyViewer, the Viewer *do not* inherit from a base class (in the Python export). * New: In Hurricane, in DbU, compute maximum values (in double) for grid, lambda & physical (in meter) so now the DbU::toGrid(), DbU::toLambda() & DbU::toPhysical() methods can check for out of bound values, and throw an exception. * Change: In Hurricane, ExceptionWidget::catchAllWrapper() now returns a boolean, set to <true> if an exception has been catched. Allow callers to interrupt themselves if a problem has occured. * Bug: In Kite & Etesian, in the Python wrapper, send a Python exception if catchAllwrapper() did return true, instead of continuing... * Change: In Kite & Etesian, adds a setViewer() method (exported in Python) to use the graphical ExceptionWidget when in graphic mode. * Bug: In Cumulus, in the check for the core vs. chip size was not returning False when invalid. * New: In CRL Core, in Vst driver, add a support IEEE VHDL. Inactive for now as I don't see clearly the policy for selecting it or not. Remove the code of the old Vst driver. In Blif parser, check for non-existent models (incomplete or corrupted Blif file). Found by G. Gouvine. * New: Added extras file for IDE-like support under Emacs.
2015-05-20 07:02:18 -05:00
if (_viewer) _viewer->getCellWidget()->refresh();
} // Kite namespace.