// -*- C++ -*- // // This file is part of the Coriolis Software. // Copyright (c) UPMC 2015-2018, All Rights Reserved // // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | C O R I O L I S | // | E t e s i a n - A n a l y t i c P l a c e r | // | | // | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT | // | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@asim.lip6.fr | // | =============================================================== | // | C++ Module : "./AddFeeds.cpp" | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #include #include #include "hurricane/Error.h" #include "hurricane/Warning.h" #include "hurricane/DataBase.h" #include "hurricane/UpdateSession.h" #include "hurricane/Instance.h" #include "hurricane/Plug.h" #include "hurricane/Path.h" #include "hurricane/viewer/CellWidget.h" #include "hurricane/viewer/CellViewer.h" #include "crlcore/AllianceFramework.h" #include "crlcore/ToolBox.h" #include "etesian/EtesianEngine.h" namespace { using namespace std; using Hurricane::tab; using Hurricane::ForEachIterator; using Hurricane::Warning; using Hurricane::Error; using Hurricane::DbU; using Hurricane::Box; using Hurricane::Interval; using Hurricane::Instance; using Hurricane::Path; using Hurricane::Transformation; using Hurricane::DataBase; using Hurricane::Cell; using CRL::AllianceFramework; using CRL::CatalogExtension; using CRL::getTransformation; using Etesian::EtesianEngine; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class : "::SliceHoles". class SliceHoles; class Slice { public: Slice ( SliceHoles*, DbU::Unit ybottom, Interval xspan ); inline DbU::Unit getYBottom () const; inline const Interval& getXSpan () const; inline DbU::Unit getXMin () const; inline DbU::Unit getXMax () const; inline SliceHoles* getSliceHoles () const; inline EtesianEngine* getEtesian () const; inline size_t getSpinSlice0 () const; DbU::Unit getAverageChunk () const; void merge ( DbU::Unit source, DbU::Unit target ); void addFeeds ( size_t islice ); void fillHole ( DbU::Unit xmin, DbU::Unit xmax, DbU::Unit ybottom, size_t yspin ); string _getString () const; private: SliceHoles* _sliceHoles; DbU::Unit _ybottom; Interval _xspan; list _chunks; }; class SliceHoles { public: SliceHoles ( EtesianEngine* ); ~SliceHoles (); inline EtesianEngine* getEtesian () const; inline size_t getSpinSlice0 () const; inline void setSpinSlice0 ( size_t ); void merge ( const Box& ); void addFeeds (); private: EtesianEngine* _etesian; Box _cellAb; DbU::Unit _sliceHeight; vector _slices; size_t _spinSlice0; }; Slice::Slice ( SliceHoles* sliceHoles, DbU::Unit ybottom, Interval xspan ) : _sliceHoles(sliceHoles) , _ybottom (ybottom) , _xspan (xspan) , _chunks () { } inline DbU::Unit Slice::getYBottom () const { return _ybottom; } inline DbU::Unit Slice::getXMin () const { return _xspan.getVMin(); } inline DbU::Unit Slice::getXMax () const { return _xspan.getVMax(); } inline const Interval& Slice::getXSpan () const { return _xspan; } inline SliceHoles* Slice::getSliceHoles () const { return _sliceHoles; } inline EtesianEngine* Slice::getEtesian () const { return getSliceHoles()->getEtesian(); } inline size_t Slice::getSpinSlice0 () const { return getSliceHoles()->getSpinSlice0(); } void Slice::merge ( DbU::Unit source, DbU::Unit target ) { Interval chunkToMerge = _xspan.getIntersection( Interval(source,target) ); cdebug_log(129,0) << " Slice::merge() " << " " << chunkToMerge << endl; cdebug_log(129,0) << " | " << _getString() << endl; if (chunkToMerge.isEmpty()) return; list::iterator imerge = _chunks.end(); list::iterator ichunk = _chunks.begin(); while ( ichunk != _chunks.end() ) { if (imerge == _chunks.end()) { if (chunkToMerge.getVMax() < (*ichunk).getVMin()) { cdebug_log(129,0) << " | Insert before " << *ichunk << endl; imerge = _chunks.insert( ichunk, chunkToMerge ); break; } if (chunkToMerge.intersect(*ichunk)) { cdebug_log(129,0) << " | Merge with " << *ichunk << endl; imerge = ichunk; (*imerge).merge( chunkToMerge ); } } else { if (chunkToMerge.getVMax() >= (*ichunk).getVMin()) { (*imerge).merge( *ichunk ); cdebug_log(129,0) << " | Absorb (erase) " << *ichunk << endl; ichunk = _chunks.erase( ichunk ); continue; } else break; } ++ichunk; } if (imerge == _chunks.end()) { _chunks.insert( ichunk, chunkToMerge ); cdebug_log(129,0) << " | Insert at end " << DbU::getValueString(_ybottom) << " " << chunkToMerge << endl; cdebug_log(129,0) << " | " << _getString() << endl; } } void Slice::addFeeds ( size_t islice ) { if (_chunks.empty()) { fillHole( getXMin(), getXMax(), getYBottom(), islice%2 ); return; } list::iterator ichunk = _chunks.begin(); list::iterator ichunknext = ichunk; ++ichunknext; // Hole before the first chunk. if ((*ichunk).getVMin() > getXMin()) { fillHole( getXMin(), (*ichunk).getVMin(), getYBottom(), (islice+getSpinSlice0())%2 ); } for ( ; ichunknext != _chunks.end() ; ++ichunk, ++ichunknext ) { fillHole( (*ichunk).getVMax(), (*ichunknext).getVMin(), getYBottom(), (islice+getSpinSlice0())%2 ); } // Hole after the last chunk. if ((*ichunk).getVMax() < getXMax()) { fillHole( (*ichunk).getVMax(), getXMax(), getYBottom(), (islice+getSpinSlice0())%2 ); } } DbU::Unit Slice::getAverageChunk () const { if (_chunks.empty()) return -1; DbU::Unit holeLength = 0; list::const_iterator ichunk = _chunks.begin(); list::const_iterator ichunknext = ichunk; ++ichunknext; // Hole before the first chunk. if ((*ichunk).getVMin() > getXMin()) { holeLength += (*ichunk).getVMin() - getXMin(); } for ( ; ichunknext != _chunks.end() ; ++ichunk, ++ichunknext ) { holeLength += (*ichunknext).getVMin() - (*ichunk).getVMax(); } // Hole after the last chunk. if ((*ichunk).getVMax() < getXMax()) { holeLength += getXMax() - (*ichunk).getVMax(); } Cell* feed = getEtesian()->getFeedCells().getBiggestFeed(); if (feed == NULL) { cerr << Error("EtesianEngine: No feed has been registered, ignoring.") << endl; return -1; } DbU::Unit feedWidth = feed->getAbutmentBox().getWidth(); return ((getXMax() - getXMin()) * feedWidth) / holeLength; } void Slice::fillHole ( DbU::Unit xmin, DbU::Unit xmax, DbU::Unit ybottom, size_t yspin ) { Cell* feed = getEtesian()->getFeedCells().getBiggestFeed(); if (feed == NULL) { cerr << Error("EtesianEngine: No feed has been registered, ignoring.") << endl; return; } DbU::Unit feedWidth = feed->getAbutmentBox().getWidth(); DbU::Unit xtie = xmin; while ( true ) { if (xtie >= xmax) break; if (xtie+feedWidth > xmax) { // Feed is too big, try to find a smaller one. int pitch = (int)((xmax-xtie) / getEtesian()->getSliceStep()); for ( ; pitch > 0 ; --pitch ) { feed = getEtesian()->getFeedCells().getFeed( pitch ); if (feed == NULL) continue; feedWidth = feed->getAbutmentBox().getWidth(); if (feed != NULL) break; } if (feed == NULL) break; } Instance::create ( getEtesian()->getBlockCell() , getEtesian()->getFeedCells().getUniqueInstanceName().c_str() , feed , getTransformation( feed->getAbutmentBox() , xtie , _ybottom , (yspin)?Transformation::Orientation::MY :Transformation::Orientation::ID ) , Instance::PlacementStatus::PLACED ); xtie += feedWidth; } } string Slice::_getString () const { ostringstream os; os << "::const_iterator ichunk = _chunks.begin(); for ( ; ichunk != _chunks.end() ; ++ichunk ) { if (ichunk != _chunks.begin()) os << " "; os << "[" << DbU::getValueString((*ichunk).getVMin()) << " " << DbU::getValueString((*ichunk).getVMax()) << "]"; } os << ">"; return os.str(); } SliceHoles::SliceHoles ( EtesianEngine* etesian ) : _etesian (etesian) , _cellAb (etesian->getBlockCell()->getAbutmentBox()) , _sliceHeight(_etesian->getSliceHeight()) , _slices () { size_t slicesNb = _cellAb.getHeight() / _sliceHeight; for ( size_t islice=0 ; islicemerge( bb.getXMin(), bb.getXMax() ); } } void SliceHoles::addFeeds () { for ( size_t islice=0 ; islice<_slices.size() ; islice++ ) { cerr << setw(3) << islice << " | " << DbU::getValueString(_slices[islice]->getAverageChunk()) << endl; _slices[islice]->addFeeds( islice ); } } } // End of anonymous namespace. namespace Etesian { using Hurricane::DataBase; using Hurricane::UpdateSession; using Hurricane::Occurrence; size_t EtesianEngine::findYSpin () { _ySpinSet = false; _yspinSlice0 = 0; Box blockAb = getBlockCell()->getAbutmentBox(); if (not _placeArea.isEmpty()) blockAb = _placeArea; if (not blockAb.isEmpty()) { for ( Occurrence occurrence : getCell()->getTerminalNetlistInstanceOccurrences() ) { Instance* instance = static_cast(occurrence.getEntity()); Cell* masterCell = instance->getMasterCell(); Box instanceAb = masterCell->getAbutmentBox(); Transformation instanceTransf = instance->getTransformation(); occurrence.getPath().getTransformation().applyOn( instanceTransf ); instanceTransf.applyOn( instanceAb ); if (not blockAb.contains(instanceAb)) continue; _ySpinSet = true; int islice = (instanceAb.getYMin() - blockAb.getYMin()) / getSliceHeight(); switch ( instanceTransf.getOrientation() ) { case Transformation::Orientation::ID: case Transformation::Orientation::MX: _yspinSlice0 = (islice % 2); break; case Transformation::Orientation::R2: case Transformation::Orientation::MY: _yspinSlice0 = ((islice+1) % 2); break; case Transformation::Orientation::R1: case Transformation::Orientation::R3: case Transformation::Orientation::XR: case Transformation::Orientation::YR: cerr << Warning( "Instance %s has invalid transformation %s." , getString(instance->getName()).c_str() , getString(instanceTransf.getOrientation()).c_str() ) << endl; _ySpinSet = false; break; } if (_ySpinSet) break; } } return _yspinSlice0; } void EtesianEngine::addFeeds () { if (not getFeedCells().feedNumbers()) { cerr << Warning( "No feed cells available, skipping." ) << endl; return; } UpdateSession::open(); SliceHoles sliceHoles ( this ); Box topCellAb = getBlockCell()->getAbutmentBox(); sliceHoles.setSpinSlice0( _yspinSlice0 ); if (getBlockInstance()) { Transformation toBlockTransf = getBlockInstance()->getTransformation(); toBlockTransf.invert(); for ( Instance* instance : getCell()->getInstances() ) { if (instance == getBlockInstance()) continue; if (instance->getPlacementStatus() == Instance::PlacementStatus::FIXED) { Box overlapAb = instance->getAbutmentBox(); toBlockTransf.applyOn( overlapAb ); overlapAb = topCellAb.getIntersection( overlapAb ); if (not overlapAb.isEmpty()) { sliceHoles.merge( overlapAb ); } } } } for ( Occurrence occurrence : getBlockCell()->getTerminalNetlistInstanceOccurrences() ) { Instance* instance = static_cast(occurrence.getEntity()); Cell* masterCell = instance->getMasterCell(); if (CatalogExtension::isFeed(masterCell)) { cerr << Warning( "Feed instance %s already present." , getString(instance->getName()).c_str() ) << endl; } Box instanceAb = masterCell->getAbutmentBox(); Transformation instanceTransf = instance->getTransformation(); occurrence.getPath().getTransformation().applyOn( instanceTransf ); instanceTransf.applyOn( instanceAb ); if (not topCellAb.contains(instanceAb)) { cerr << Warning( "Instance %s is not fully enclosed in the top cell." , getString(instance->getName()).c_str() ) << endl; continue; } sliceHoles.merge( instanceAb ); } sliceHoles.addFeeds(); UpdateSession::close(); if (_viewer) _viewer->getCellWidget()->refresh(); } } // Kite namespace.