mirror of https://github.com/efabless/caravel.git
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Definitions: caravel_openframe: Version with two wrappers for user project area and management core caravel_pico: PicoRV32, as a drop-in module for caravel_openframe. Harness definition: Management SoC and User Project are both wrappers for drop-in modules. The harness itself contains the clocking module, DLL, user ID, housekeeping SPI, POR, and GPIO control. GPIO handling moved out of management SoC and into SPI. SPI gets a wishbone interface; the management SoC talks to the SPI through wishbone, not by taking over the 4-pin SPI interface. (Maybe) New block like the ID has the mode at power-up for each GPIO. Can be configured with a text file. SPI pins are fixed for operation on startup. (To be done) On power-up, the SPI automatically configures the GPIO. Manual load is possible from both the SPI and from the wishbone bus. All functions within the harness but outside the management SoC are incorporated into one large module called "housekeeping". This includes a number of registers for all the included functions, with a "front door" SPI interface connected to the padframe through GPIO pins 1 to 4, and a "back door" wishbone interface connected to the management SoC. The management Soc needs to reserve the memory block at 0x26000000 for the housekeeping module. The housekeeping module exchanges data with the management SoC via an interface that uses the byte- wide SPI register data. A small state machine reads four contiguous wishbone addresses and an address decoder determines the corresponding SPI register. The state machine stalls the SoC until all four bytes have been handled before returning the acknowledge signal. Openframe definition: There is only one area which is the User Project, with a wrapper to take a drop-in module. The openframe module contains clocking, DLL, user ID, housekeeping SPI, POR, and GPIO control. Operation is essentially the same as the above (harness definition). There is currently no specific module for the open frame by itself. This needs to be defined, with the management SoC wrapper removed and the wrapper pins reworked. MPW-one compatibility: The same as the harness definition but with a wrapper pin arrangement corresponding to MPW-one. MPW-two compatibility: The same as the harness definition but with a wrapper pin arrangement corresponding to MPW-two. Caravel-pico definition: Caravel-pico is a version of the PicoRV32 Management SoC from MPW-two, but without the GPIO control, clocking control, DLL, and housekeeping SPI. It mainly just exports the Wishbone bus interface to the user project area and housekeeping, with housekeeping defined in memory block 0x26000000 and the user project area defined in memory block 0x30000000 (as before). Pinouts for Caravel (any version) ---------------------------------------------- Power supplies: vddio, vssio, vdda, vssa, vccd, vssd, vdda1, vdda2, vssa1, vssa2, vccd1, vccd2, vssd1, vssd2 Management SoC signals: gpio clock resetb flash_csb flash_clk flash_io0 flash_io1 User area signals: mprj_io[37:0] User project area pinout (openframe) ---------------------------------------------- Power supplies: vddio, vssio, vdda, vssa, vccd, vssd, vdda1, vdda2, vssa1, vssa2, vccd1, vccd2, vssd1, vssd2 Wishbone bus (exported to housekeeping): wb_clk_i wb_rst_i wbs_cyc_i wbs_we_i wbs_sel_i[3:0] wbs_adr_i[31:0] wbs_dat_o[31:0] wbs_ack_o wbs_stb_i wbs_dat_i[31:0] GPIO (3-pin interfaces; all else handled through housekeeping): io_in[37:0] io_out[37:0] io_oeb[37:0] GPIO (single pin not related to the other GPIO): gpio_out gpio_in gpio_oeb gpio_ieb gpio_mode0 gpio_mode1 Flash controller: flash_clk flash_clk_oeb flash_csb flash_csb_oeb flash_io0_do flash_io1_do flash_io2_do flash_io3_do flash_io0_di flash_io1_di flash_io2_di flash_io3_di flash_io0_oeb flash_io1_oeb flash_io2_oeb flash_io3_oeb flash_io0_ieb flash_io1_ieb flash_io2_ieb flash_io3_ieb Essentials (from power-on-reset and clocking): resetb core_clk IRQ (input from housekeeping from SPI and routed pins): irq_spi[2:0] Miscellaneous (independent clock source from clocking control): user_clock2 Module status (optional modules with I/O handled through housekeeping) (if not implemented, then these should be tied low) qspi_enabled uart_enabled spi_enabled debug_mode Module interfaces (optional modules wth I/O handled though housekeeping) (if not implemented, then inputs should be tied low/high as appropriate) ser_tx (UART transmit) ser_rx (UART receive) spi_sdi (SPI master data in) spi_sdo (SPI master data out) spi_sck (SPI master clock out) spi_csb (SPI master select out) debug_in (debug pin on gpio 0) debug_out (debug pin on gpio 0) debug_oeb (debug pin on gpio 0) User project area pinout (harness) ---------------------------------------------- Power supplies: vdda1, vdda2, vssa1, vssa2, vccd1, vccd2, vssd1, vssd2 Wishbone bus: wb_clk_i wb_rst_i wbs_stb_i wbs_cyc_i wbs_we_i wbs_sel_i[3:0] wbs_dat_i[31:0] wbs_adr_i[31:0] wbs_ack_o wbs_dat_o[31:0] GPIO: io_in[37:0] io_out[37:0] io_oeb[37:0] analog_io[28:0] Miscellaneous: user_clock2 user_irq[2:0] Management SoC pinout (mgmt_core_wrapper) ---------------------------------------------- Power supply: vccd_core vssd_core Essentials: core_rstn core_clk GPIO: gpio_out_pad gpio_in_pad gpio_mode0_pad gpio_mode1_pad gpio_outenb_pad gpio_inenb_pad Flash controller: flash_clk flash_csb flash_io0_do flash_io1_do flash_io2_do flash_io3_do flash_io0_di flash_io1_di flash_io2_di flash_io3_di flash_io0_oeb flash_io1_oeb flash_io2_oeb flash_io3_oeb Wishbone bus: (All peripherals) mprj_cyc_o mprj_we_o mprj_sel_o[3:0] mprj_adr_o[31:0] mprj_dat_o[31:0] (User project) mprj_ack_i mprj_stb_o mprj_dat_i[31:0] (Housekeeping) hk_ack_i hk_stb_o hk_dat_i[31:0] IRQ irq[5:0] Module status qspi_enabled uart_enabled spi_enabled debug_mode Module interfaces (UART) ser_tx ser_rx (SPI master) spi_sdi spi_csb spi_sck spi_sdo (Debug) debug_in debug_out debug_oeb (Logic Analyzer) la_input la_output la_oenb la_iena (SRAM read-only port) hkspi_sram_clk hkspi_sram_csb hkspi_sram_addr hkspi_sram_rdata CPU status trap