2022-10-03 07:36:36 -05:00
import random
import cocotb
from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles,Timer
import cocotb.log
2022-10-10 06:50:45 -05:00
from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
2022-10-03 07:36:36 -05:00
from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
from tests.spi_master.SPI_VIP import read_mem ,SPI_VIP
2022-10-10 06:50:45 -05:00
from interfaces.caravel import GPIO_MODE
2022-10-03 07:36:36 -05:00
bit_time_ns = 0
reg = Regs()
async def spi_master_rd(dut):
""" the firmware is configured to always send clk to spi so I can't insert alot of logics reading values
the method of testing used can't work if 2 addresses Consecutive have the same address
caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=214842)
cpu = RiskV(dut)
cocotb.log.info (f"[TEST] start spi_master_rd test")
file_name = f"{os.getenv('CARAVEL_VERILOG_PATH')}/dv/cocotb/tests/spi_master/test_data"
mem = read_mem(file_name)
await cocotb.start(SPI_VIP(dut.bin33_monitor,dut.bin32_monitor,dut.bin35_monitor,(dut.bin34_en,dut.bin34),mem)) # fork for SPI
addresses_to_read = (0x04,0x05,0x06,0x8,0x9,0xa,0xb,0xc,0xd,0xe,0xf) # the addresses that the firmware read from mem file
await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0XAA)
cocotb.log.info (f"[TEST] GPIO configuration finished ans start reading from mememory")
val =0
for address in addresses_to_read:
# await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0x55) # value is ready to be read
#wait until value change
while True:
if val != cpu.read_debug_reg1():
await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,100)
expected_val = mem[address]
val = cpu.read_debug_reg1()
if val == expected_val:
cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] correct read of value {hex(val)} from address {hex(address)} ")
cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] wrong read from address {hex(address)} expected value = {hex(expected_val)} value {hex(val)} ")
# cpu.write_debug_reg2_backdoor(0xCC)
await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
2022-10-04 12:46:34 -05:00
async def spi_master_temp(dut):
""" the firmware is configured to always send clk to spi so I can't insert alot of logics reading values
the method of testing used can't work if 2 addresses Consecutive have the same address
caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=214842)
cpu = RiskV(dut)
cocotb.log.info (f"[TEST] start spi_master_temp test")
await FallingEdge(dut.bin33_monitor)
await RisingEdge(dut.bin32_monitor)
a = ''
b = ''
# first value
for i in range(8):
a = a + dut.bin35_monitor.value.binstr
await RisingEdge(dut.bin32_monitor)
cocotb.log.info (f" [TEST] a = {a} = {int(a,2)}")
# second val
for i in range(8):
b = b + dut.bin35_monitor.value.binstr
2022-10-13 06:05:12 -05:00
if i != 7: # skip last cycle wait
await RisingEdge(dut.bin32_monitor)
2022-10-04 12:46:34 -05:00
cocotb.log.info (f" [TEST] b = {b} = {int(b,2)}")
s = int(a,2) + int(b,2)
s_bin = bin(s)[2:].zfill(8)
cocotb.log.info (f" [TEST] sending sum of {int(a,2)} + {int(b,2)} = {s} = {s_bin}")
2022-10-13 06:05:12 -05:00
await FallingEdge(dut.bin32_monitor)
2022-10-04 12:46:34 -05:00
for i in range(8):
dut.bin34_en.value = 1
dut.bin34.value = int(s_bin[i],2) # bin
cocotb.log.debug (f"[SPI_VIP] [SPI_op] SDO = {s_bin[i]} ")
await FallingEdge(dut.bin32_monitor)
dut.bin34_en.value = 0 # enable
while True:
if cpu.read_debug_reg1() == 0xBB:
cocotb.log.info(f" [TEST] firmware recieve the right value {s}")
elif cpu.read_debug_reg1() == 0xBB:
cocotb.log.error(f" [TEST] firmware recieve the incorrect value {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {s}")
await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,10)