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`ifdef SIM
`default_nettype wire
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
/* caravel, a project harness for the Google/SkyWater sky130 */
/* fabrication process and open source PDK */
/* */
/* Copyright 2020 efabless, Inc. */
/* Written by Tim Edwards, December 2019 */
/* and Mohamed Shalan, August 2020 */
/* This file is open source hardware released under the */
/* Apache 2.0 license. See file LICENSE. */
/* */
/* Updated 10/15/2021: Revised using the housekeeping module */
/* from housekeeping.v (refactoring a number of functions from */
/* the management SoC). */
/* */
module caravel (
// All top-level I/O are package-facing pins
inout vddio, // Common 3.3V padframe/ESD power
inout vddio_2, // Common 3.3V padframe/ESD power
inout vssio, // Common padframe/ESD ground
inout vssio_2, // Common padframe/ESD ground
inout vdda, // Management 3.3V power
inout vssa, // Common analog ground
inout vccd, // Management/Common 1.8V power
inout vssd, // Common digital ground
inout vdda1, // User area 1 3.3V power
inout vdda1_2, // User area 1 3.3V power
inout vdda2, // User area 2 3.3V power
inout vssa1, // User area 1 analog ground
inout vssa1_2, // User area 1 analog ground
inout vssa2, // User area 2 analog ground
inout vccd1, // User area 1 1.8V power
inout vccd2, // User area 2 1.8V power
inout vssd1, // User area 1 digital ground
inout vssd2, // User area 2 digital ground
inout gpio, // Used for external LDO control
inout [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] mprj_io,
input clock, // CMOS core clock input, not a crystal
input resetb, // Reset input (Active Low)
// Note that only two flash data pins are dedicated to the
// management SoC wrapper. The management SoC exports the
// quad SPI mode status to make use of the top two mprj_io
// pins for io2 and io3.
output flash_csb,
output flash_clk,
inout flash_io0,
inout flash_io1
// This value is uniquely defined for each user project.
parameter USER_PROJECT_ID = 32'h00000000;
* These pins are overlaid on mprj_io space. They have the function
* below when the management processor is in reset, or in the default
* configuration. They are assigned to uses in the user space by the
* configuration program running off of the SPI flash. Note that even
* when the user has taken control of these pins, they can be restored
* to the original use by setting the resetb pin low. The SPI pins and
* UART pins can be connected directly to an FTDI chip as long as the
* FTDI chip sets these lines to high impedence (input function) at
* all times except when holding the chip in reset.
* JTAG = mprj_io[0] (inout)
* SDO = mprj_io[1] (output)
* SDI = mprj_io[2] (input)
* CSB = mprj_io[3] (input)
* SCK = mprj_io[4] (input)
* ser_rx = mprj_io[5] (input)
* ser_tx = mprj_io[6] (output)
* irq = mprj_io[7] (input)
* spi_sck = mprj_io[32] (output)
* spi_csb = mprj_io[33] (output)
* spi_sdi = mprj_io[34] (input)
* spi_sdo = mprj_io[35] (output)
* flash_io2 = mprj_io[36] (inout)
* flash_io3 = mprj_io[37] (inout)
* These pins are reserved for any project that wants to incorporate
* its own processor and flash controller. While a user project can
* technically use any available I/O pins for the purpose, these
* four pins connect to a pass-through mode from the SPI slave (pins
* 1-4 above) so that any SPI flash connected to these specific pins
* can be accessed through the SPI slave even when the processor is in
* reset.
* user_flash_csb = mprj_io[8]
* user_flash_sck = mprj_io[9]
* user_flash_io0 = mprj_io[10]
* user_flash_io1 = mprj_io[11]
// One-bit GPIO dedicated to management SoC (outside of user control)
wire gpio_out_core;
wire gpio_in_core;
wire gpio_mode0_core;
wire gpio_mode1_core;
wire gpio_outenb_core;
wire gpio_inenb_core;
// User Project Control (pad-facing)
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] mprj_io_inp_dis;
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] mprj_io_oeb;
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] mprj_io_ib_mode_sel;
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] mprj_io_vtrip_sel;
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] mprj_io_slow_sel;
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] mprj_io_holdover;
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] mprj_io_analog_en;
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] mprj_io_analog_sel;
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] mprj_io_analog_pol;
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS*3-1:0] mprj_io_dm;
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] mprj_io_in;
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] mprj_io_out;
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] mprj_io_one;
// User Project Control (user-facing)
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-10:0] user_analog_io;
// User Project Control management I/O
// There are two types of GPIO connections:
// (1) Full Bidirectional: Management connects to in, out, and oeb
// Uses: JTAG and SDO
// (2) Selectable bidirectional: Management connects to in and out,
// which are tied together. oeb is grounded (oeb from the
// configuration is used)
// SDI = mprj_io[2] (input)
// CSB = mprj_io[3] (input)
// SCK = mprj_io[4] (input)
// ser_rx = mprj_io[5] (input)
// ser_tx = mprj_io[6] (output)
// irq = mprj_io[7] (input)
wire clock_core;
// Power-on-reset signal. The reset pad generates the sense-inverted
// reset at 3.3V. The 1.8V signal and the inverted 1.8V signal are
// derived.
wire porb_h;
wire porb_l;
wire por_l;
wire rstb_h;
// Flash SPI communication (
wire flash_clk_frame;
wire flash_csb_frame;
wire flash_clk_oeb, flash_csb_oeb;
wire flash_clk_ieb, flash_csb_ieb;
wire flash_io0_oeb, flash_io1_oeb;
wire flash_io0_ieb, flash_io1_ieb;
wire flash_io0_do, flash_io1_do;
wire flash_io0_di, flash_io1_di;
wire vddio_core;
wire vssio_core;
wire vdda_core;
wire vssa_core;
wire vccd_core;
wire vssd_core;
wire vdda1_core;
wire vdda2_core;
wire vssa1_core;
wire vssa2_core;
wire vccd1_core;
wire vccd2_core;
wire vssd1_core;
wire vssd2_core;
chip_io padframe (
// Package Pins
.vddio_pad(vddio), // Common padframe/ESD supply
.vssio_pad(vssio), // Common padframe/ESD ground
.vccd_pad(vccd), // Common 1.8V supply
.vssd_pad(vssd), // Common digital ground
.vdda_pad(vdda), // Management analog 3.3V supply
.vssa_pad(vssa), // Management analog ground
.vdda1_pad(vdda1), // User area 1 3.3V supply
.vdda2_pad(vdda2), // User area 2 3.3V supply
.vssa1_pad(vssa1), // User area 1 analog ground
.vssa2_pad(vssa2), // User area 2 analog ground
.vccd1_pad(vccd1), // User area 1 1.8V supply
.vccd2_pad(vccd2), // User area 2 1.8V supply
.vssd1_pad(vssd1), // User area 1 digital ground
.vssd2_pad(vssd2), // User area 2 digital ground
// Core Side Pins
// SoC Core Interface
caravel_core chip_core (
// All top-level I/O are package-facing pins
.vddio(vddio_core), // Common 3.3V padframe/ESD power
.vssio(vssio_core), // Common padframe/ESD ground
2023-02-27 12:39:51 -06:00
// .vdda (vdda_core), // Management 3.3V power
// .vssa (vssa_core), // Common analog ground
.vccd (vccd_core), // Management/Common 1.8V power
.vssd (vssd_core), // Common digital ground
.vdda1(vdda1_core), // User area 1 3.3V power
.vdda2(vdda2_core), // User area 2 3.3V power
.vssa1(vssa1_core), // User area 1 analog ground
.vssa2(vssa2_core), // User area 2 analog ground
.vccd1(vccd1_core), // User area 1 1.8V power
.vccd2(vccd2_core), // User area 2 1.8V power
.vssd1(vssd1_core), // User area 1 digital ground
.vssd2(vssd2_core), // User area 2 digital ground
// SoC Core Interface
// Flash SPI communication
// User project IOs
// Loopbacks to constant value 1 in the 1.8V domain
// User project direct access to gpio pad connections for analog
// (all but the lowest-numbered 7 pads)
2023-02-27 12:39:51 -06:00
copyright_block copyright_block();
caravel_logo caravel_logo();
caravel_motto caravel_motto();
open_source open_source();
user_id_textblock user_id_textblock();
// `default_nettype wire