Francois Donnet 7b9fe15bbd j'avais oublie le man du lax. voila c'est fait.... 2002-06-04 14:42:33 +00:00
src j'avais oublie le man du lax. voila c'est fait.... 2002-06-04 14:42:33 +00:00
CHANGES 444codette 2002-02-21 11:04:52 +00:00
COPYING-2.0 Readmes + a jour 2000-01-20 18:17:02 +00:00
COPYING.LIB-2.0 Readmes + a jour 2000-01-20 18:17:02 +00:00
FAQ 4.9 2002-02-13 16:36:24 +00:00
LICENCE 4.9 2002-02-13 16:36:24 +00:00
README 4.9 2002-02-13 16:36:24 +00:00
README.win32 4.9 2002-02-13 16:36:24 +00:00


# Alliance VLSI CAD System
# Copyright (C) 1990, 2002 ASIM/LIP6/UPMC
# Home page          :
# E-mail support     :
# ftp site           :
# NOTE: You can find the latest revision of this file at:
# $Id: README,v 1.12 2002/02/13 16:36:24 czo Exp $

# WARNING: This file needs to rewritten for Alliance 5.0 

This file discuss about installation of Alliance on UNIX machines.
If you are interrested in intalling Alliance under Windows please 
read README.win32 and if you are interrested in rebuilding Alliance
from sources please read sources/README.sources

# Alliance 
# ===================================================================
                        Alliance VLSI CAD System 
           Copyright (C) Laboratoire LIP6 - Département ASIM
                    Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
                            4, place Jussieu
                          75252 Paris Cedex 05

              "Alliance VLSI CAD System" is free Software.

Alliance is available under the terms  of the GNU General Public License

You are welcome to use the software package even for commercial designs 
without any fee. You are just required to mention :                     

"Designed with Alliance CAD system, Copyright (C) 1991, 2000 Université
                         Pierre et Marie Curie"

You can get Alliance via anonymous FTP from

# Downloading binary distribution :
# ===================================================================

If you don't find the exact precompiled package for your system, please
consider downloading the sources and recompile them. Please read

Note that for running some precompiled Alliance binaries you will need gcc and
other gnu tools (gmake, gawk ...), X11R6.4 libraries (, Motif
1.2 libraries (You can find a free Motif clone at Rpms
for linux RedHat 6 of lesstif-0.88 are available at

Gziped tar format ( for Linux, SunOS, Solaris and FreeBSD ) :

You will have to download at least two files : one for the common files of
Alliance (like cells library) and another containing binaries for your specific

In the fowlowing filenames X.XX is the Alliance version number 
(e.g.: 3.2 for Alliance 3.2) and Y.YY is the OS version number 
(e.g.: 4.1.4 for SunOS 4.1.4)

- alliance-X.XX-common.tar.gz : Files common to each platform *required*

- alliance-X.XX-i386-linux-Y.YY.tar.gz : binary package for Linux 
  ( pre-compiled on a Linux RedHat 6.0 with Lesstif 0.88 )

- alliance-X.XX-i386-freebsd-Y.YY.tar.gz : binary package for FreeBSD
  ( pre-compiled on a FreeBSD 3.4 with Lesstif 0.88 )
- alliance-X.XX-sparc-sunos-Y.YY.tar.gz : binary package for SunOS
  ( pre-compiled on a SunOS 4.1.4 with Motif 1.2 and X11R6.4 )
- alliance-X.XX-sparc-solaris-Y.YY.tar.gz : binary package for Solaris
  ( pre-compiled on a Solaris 2.7 with dt/Motif 1.2 and X11R6.4 )

Rpm format ( for Linux RedHat 6.0 / 6.1 ) :

Pre-compiled on a Linux RedHat 6.0 with Lesstif 0.88, it works on 
Linux RedHat 6.0 and 6.1 (the common package is included)

- alliance-X.XX-i386-asimYY.rpm

# Installation of binary distribution
# ===================================================================

Gziped tar format :

You *don't* need to be root to install Alliance in a directory you *own*

In the example above I assume you have logged as root

1/ cd to the directory where you want to install Alliance

  > cd /usr/local

2/ Unpack the common package

  > gunzip -c alliance-X.XX-common.tgz | tar -xf -

3/ Unpack one of the platform specific package

  > gunzip -c alliance-X.XX-linux-Y.YY.tgz | tar -xf -

4/ cd to alliance/share/etc and run the 'configure' script
   (This is the *only* script you need to run)

  > cd alliance/share/etc
  > ./configure

If your OS is recognized as "Unknown", you will need to edit and and run autoconf
for that those script use a good $ALLIANCE_OS name. If 
libraries (X11, Motif/LessTiff, readline ...) or tools (sed, 
gawk, ...) are missing, you will have to install them.

If you install Alliance on different platforms you'll
need to run the 'configure' script on each of them.

Linux Rpm :

Note that the Linux RedHat 6 rpm installs Alliance in "/usr/local/alliance"

> rpm -Uvh alliance-X.XX-i386-asimYY.rpm

# Usage :
# ===================================================================

Each user has to source alc_env.[c]sh to set Alliance environment
variables to be able to run the Alliance tools.

in sh  > . [where you have installed Alliance]/alliance/share/etc/

in csh > source [where you have installed Alliance]/alliance/share/etc/alc_env.csh

This sets various default environment variables which could be changed by user
later (Like MBK_OUT_LO to set the netlist output file format).

If you are a SysAdmin, you should consider linking these scripts in 
the system's profile (e.g.: /etc/profile.d/ on Linux) so that configuration
would be done at user login.

If you encounter problems, check the value of these variables in alc_env.[c]sh

          $ALLIANCE_OS : actually Linux
                           or SunOS
                           or Solaris

          $ALLIANCE_TOP     : actually [where you have installed Alliance]/alliance/archi/Linux
                           or [where you have installed Alliance]/alliance/archi/SunOS
                           or [where you have installed Alliance]/alliance/archi/Solaris

That's all :-)

To start, you can read the files README, README.win32 and FAQ