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This commit is contained in:
Franck Wajsburt 1999-09-28 07:21:23 +00:00
parent 6cee1cce7a
commit bf80c18481
1 changed files with 47 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
.\" $Id: sxlib.5,v 1.4 1999/09/27 17:06:10 franck Exp $
.\" $Id: sxlib.5,v 1.5 1999/09/28 07:21:23 franck Exp $
.\" @(#)Labo.l 0.0 92/09/24 UPMC; Author: Franck Wajsburt
.pl -.4
.TH SXLIB 5 "September 16, 1999" "ASIM/LIP6" "CAO\-VLSI Reference Manual"
.B sxlib - a portable CMOS Standard Cell Library
@ -10,15 +9,28 @@
\fBsxlib\fP library contains standard cells that have been developed at
UPMC-ASIM/LIP6. This manual gives the list of available cells, with their
behavior, width, maximum delay and input fan-in.
behavior, width, maximum delay and input fan-in. This manual gives also
few thumb rules to help the user to well use the cells. The given delais
are the maximum (that means worst case for a generic .35 micron process).
More precise delais can be found in ALLIANCE VHDL behavior files (.vbe file).
Cell-name is built that way <behavior>_<output drive>
(see explanations below).
Three files are attached to each cell:-
- Layout cell-name.ap
- Transistor net-list cell-name.al
- VHDL behavior cell-name.vbe
Four files are attached to each cell:-
- ALLIANCE Layout ............... cell-name.ap
- ALLIANCE Transistor net-list .. cell-name.al
- ALLIANCE VHDL behavior ........ cell-name.vbe
- Compiled HILO behavior ........ 0000000xx.dat
And few files more:-
- CATAL ......................... ALLIANCE catalog file
- sxlib.cct ..................... Cell definition for HILO CAD tools
- CIRCUIT.idx ................... HILO catalog file
- sxlib.lib ..................... Cell definition for Synopsys CAD tools
- sxlib.db ...................... Compiled cell definition for Synopsys
- sxlib.sdb ..................... Icon definition for Synopys
Cell-name is built that way <behavior>_<output drive>.
@ -29,6 +41,7 @@ mapping to a specific process CIF or GDS2 layout must be performed by the
\fBs2r\fP tool (symbolic to real), which uses a value for the lambda
(e.g. 1 lambda=0.3um).
50 | VDD |
45 |_________________| x : place of virtual connector.
@ -75,7 +88,7 @@ cells, but 0.6ns is a good approximation.
The given delay is then a worst case (70degree, 2.7Volt, slow process,
worst input), an idea of the typical delay can be obtain by dividing worst
delay by 1.5, and best delay by dividing by 2. More detailed data can be
found in GENERIC data included in the VHDL files (.vbe). Examples can be
found in GENERIC data included in the VHDL files (.vbe). Examples can be
found at the end of this manual.
@ -101,7 +114,7 @@ not very good to under-load a cell because this leads to a signal overshoot.
With the 0.35um process, a \fB1\fP lambda interconnect wire is about
\fB0.15fF\fP, an average cell fan-in is 10fF. Then, if it needs about 50
lambdas to connect 2 cells, an \fBx1\fP cell is able to drive about 7
cells (125/(10+50*.15)=7). With 100 lambdas, 5 cells, with 750 lambdas
cells (125/(10+50*.15)=7). With 100 lambdas, 5 cells, with 750 lambdas
only 2 cells.
All this are indications. Only a timing analysis on the extracted
@ -124,6 +137,9 @@ the VHDL interface component is always the alphabetic order.
[\fBn\fP][\fBsd\fP]\fBff\fP<i> : [\fBn\fPot] [\fBs\fPtatic|\fBd\fPynamic] \fBf\fPlip-\fBf\fPlop <i> inputs
[\fBn\fP]\fBoa\fP... : [\fBn\fPot] \fBa\fPnd/\fBo\fPr function (see below)
\fBand_or cell (lex grammar):-\fP
NAME : \fBn\fP OA_CELL -> not OA_CELL
@ -161,18 +177,21 @@ The delay is in nano-seconds. Remember this delay corresponds to the slower
input+0.6ns. The behavior gives logic function. / means not, + means or, .
means and, ^ means xor. Each input is followed by fan-in capacitance in fF,
(e.g. i0<11> means i0 pin capacitance is 11fF).
\fB---------------------------------------------------------- BUFFER\fP
\fB-------------------------------------------------------- INVERSOR\fP
3 inv_x1 .7 nq <= /i<8>
3 inv_x2 .7 nq <= /i<12>
4 inv_x4 .7 nq <= /i<26>
7 inv_x8 .7 nq <= /i<54>
\fB---------------------------------------------------------- BUFFER\fP
4 buf_x2 1.0 q <= i<6>
5 buf_x4 1.0 q <= i<9>
8 buf_x8 1.0 q <= i<15>
\fB------------------------------------------------------ THREE STATE\fP
6 nts_x1 .8 IF (cmd<14>) nq <= /i<14>
8 nts_x2 .9 IF (cmd<18>) nq <= /i<28>
@ -204,11 +223,6 @@ means and, ^ means xor. Each input is followed by fan-in capacitance in fF,
10 o3_x4 1.2 q <= (i0<10>+i1<10>+i2<9>)
7 o4_x2 1.2 q <= (i0<10>+i1<10>+i2<10>+i3<9>)
8 o4_x4 1.3 q <= (i0<12>+i1<12>+i2<12>+i3<12>)
\fB-------------------------------------------------------------- XOR\fP
9 nxr2_x1 1.1 nq <= /(i0<21>^i1<22>)
11 nxr2_x4 1.2 nq <= /(i0<20>^i1<21>)
9 xr2_x1 1.0 q <= (i0<21>^i1<22>)
12 xr2_x4 1.2 q <= (i0<20>^i1<21>)
\fB--------------------------------------------------------- AND/OR 3\fP
6 nao22_x1 .9 nq <= /((i0<14>+i1<14>).i2<14>)
10 nao22_x4 1.3 nq <= /((i0<8>+i1<8>).i2<9>)
@ -227,11 +241,19 @@ means and, ^ means xor. Each input is followed by fan-in capacitance in fF,
10 ao2o22_x4 1.3 nq <= ((i0<8>+i1<8>).(i2<8>+i3<8>))
9 oa2a22_x1 1.2 nq <= ((i0<8>.i1<8>)+(i2<8>.i3<8>))
10 oa2a22_x4 1.4 nq <= ((i0<8>.i1<8>)+(i2<8>.i3<8>))
\fB------------------------------------------------------ MULTIPLEXER\fP
7 nmx2_x1 1.0 nq <= /((i0<14>./cmd<21>)+(i1<14>.cmd))
12 nmx2_x4 1.3 nq <= /((i0<8>./cmd<14>)+(i1<9>.cmd))
9 mx2_x2 1.1 q <= (i0<8>./cmd<17>)+(i1<9>.cmd)
10 mx2_x4 1.3 q <= (i0<8>./cmd<17>)+(i1<9>.cmd)
\fB-------------------------------------------------------------- XOR\fP
9 nxr2_x1 1.1 nq <= /(i0<21>^i1<22>)
11 nxr2_x4 1.2 nq <= /(i0<20>^i1<21>)
9 xr2_x1 1.0 q <= (i0<21>^i1<22>)
12 xr2_x4 1.2 q <= (i0<20>^i1<21>)
\fB-------------------------------------------------------- FLIP-FLOP\fP
."25 nsdff2_x4 1.0 IF RISE(ck<23>) nq <=/((i0<11>./cmd<13>)+(i1<7>.cmd))
18 sff1_x4 1.7 IF RISE(ck<8>) q <= i<8>
@ -244,11 +266,6 @@ means and, ^ means xor. Each input is followed by fan-in capacitance in fF,
\fB MBK_CATA_LIB (1), catal(1), scr(1), lynx(1), bop(1), glop(1), scmap(1),
c4map(1), tas(1), yagle(1), genlib(1), ap(1), al(1), vbe(1)\fP
It is possible to add new cells in the library just by providing the 3
@ -277,11 +294,11 @@ GENERIC (
CONSTANT tplh_i1_nq : NATURAL := 606; -- propag. time in pico-sec
-- from i1 falling
-- to nq rizing
CONSTANT rup_i1_nq : NATURAL := 890; -- resitance in Ohms when nq
CONSTANT rup_i1_nq : NATURAL := 890; -- resitance in Ohms when nq
-- rizing due to i1 change
CONSTANT tphl_i1_nq : NATURAL := 349; -- propag time when nq falls
CONSTANT rdown_i1_nq : NATURAL := 800; -- resist when nq falls
CONSTANT tplh_i0_nq : NATURAL := 557; -- idem for i0
CONSTANT tplh_i0_nq : NATURAL := 557; -- idem for i0
CONSTANT rup_i0_nq : NATURAL := 890;
CONSTANT tphl_i0_nq : NATURAL := 408;
CONSTANT rdown_i0_nq : NATURAL := 800
@ -294,4 +311,10 @@ PORT (
vss : in BIT
\fBMBK_CATA_LIB (1), catal(1), scr(1), lynx(1), bop(1), glop(1), scmap(1),
c4map(1), tas(1), yagle(1), genlib(1), ap(1), al(1), vbe(1)\fP
.so man1/alc_bug_report.1