vieux man remplaces par ceux d avertec
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
.\" @(#)etas.1 1.00 complete October 19, 1997 UPMC; Karim DIOURY and Marie-Minerve LOUERAT
.TH ETAS 1 "October 19, 1997 - Release 1.00" "ASIM/LIP6" "cao\-vlsi reference manual"
\fBetas\fP \- A timing file .dtx and .ttx browser
.so man1/alc_origin.1
etas \fI[options] [root_file]\fP
\fBetas\fP is the browser of the timing result files
provided by the hierarchical timing analyzer \fBtas\fP.
It requires a file with the \fBttx\fP extension
to report information on the path delays and possibly
a file with the \fBdtx\fP extension to report information on the detailed delays (gate)
of the paths.
\fBetas\fP reports timing information selected according to
the user's requests.
When entering \fBetas\fP, the prompt \fBetas\fP appears.
On-line help can be provided by running:
\fBetas>\fP help [options|commands|arguments]
the options should be specified when running \fBetas\fP, they are described
in the following section.
The commands and the arguments are specified after entering \fBetas\fP.
They are described in the following sections.
Previously performed commands are available through the keyboard arrow.
\fBtas\fP is a switch level, pattern independent, timing analyzer
for CMOS circuits.
The input file \fIroot_file\fP is a netlist of transistors and capacitances
extracted from the layout (ALLIANCE or SPICE format).
The netlist can be hierarchical and is flattened if necessary.
\fBtas\fP uses a technology file dedicated for each target process
(file with \fBelp\fP extension).
The default version works out a flattened timing view of the circuit
and does not take into account the resistances of wires.
In the hierarchical analysis mode, \fBtas\fP uses
existing timing views of leaf cell blocks
to work out the timing view of the whole circuit,
and takes possibly into account the resistances of the interconnecting wires.
The default option of \fBtas\fP provides
one output, called 'general perfmodule' (\fBroot_file.ttx\fP ). It is the entire
timing view of the circuit in a special format
suitable for the hierarchical analysis and
the text browser of the results \fBetas\fP.
It contains the propagation times between reference points.
Reference points are:
- Terminals (input or/and output of path)
- Registers or latches (input and output of path)
- Register Commands (output of path)
- Precharged signals (optional, input and output of path)
Another possible output of \fBtas\fP is the 'detailed perfmodule'
(\fBroot_file.dtx\fP). The corresponding
file contains detailed informations
on gate delays
in a special format
suitable for the hierarchical analysis and
the text browser of the results \fBetas\fP.
.TP 20
Input file
This argument \fIroot_file\fR, is the name of the timing file(s) \fBroot_file.ttx\fP
(and \fBroot_file.dtx\fP) of a circuit provided by \fBtas\fP.
Options may appear in any order before or after the
input filename.
.TP 10
Active with the \fBpath\fP command.
It can be cancelled by the \fBnoin\fP command.
Very useful for large circuits and clock checking.
When this option is set \fBetas\fP reports
only the critical \fBpath\fP associated
to the \fIref_in\fP signal. The \fIref_in\fP signal
can either be :
-a register (or latch), or
-an input terminal, or
-a bidirectional terminal.
It is possible to specify more than one signal by using
\fIregular expression\fP containing
as many '*' as you want. You can ask for a part of a vectorized signal
(for example \fI-xin="sig*a*" -xin="vector[2-5]\fP").
.TP 10
This option enables the user to indicate the maximum size of the cache memory to be used
by \fBetas\fP (Megabyte) when loading the timing data base
resulting from \fBtas\fP run.
During the analysis \fBetas\fP tries to use less than \fBlm\fP megabytes,
if it does not succeed \fBetas\fP uses more and issues a warning.
\fBetas\fP will allow 10% of the cache memory to the signals and 90% to the paths.
This size can be modified by the \fBcache\fP command.
.TP 10
This option enables the user to specify the name of signals (terminals, latches, other signals)
will be reported by the \fBlist\fP command.
It is possible to specify more than one signal by using
\fIregular expression\fP containing
as many '*' as you want. You can ask for a part of a vectorized signal
(for example \fI-xout="sig*a*" -xout="vector[2-5]\fP").
.TP 10
Active with the \fBpath\fP command.
It can be cancelled by the \fBnoout\fP command.
Very useful for large circuits.
When this option is set \fBetas\fP reports
only the critical path associated
to the \fIref_out\fP signal. The \fIref_out\fP signal
can either be :
-a register (or latch), or
-a register command, or
-an output terminal, or
-a bidirectional terminal.
It is possible to specify more than one signal by using
\fIregular expression\fP containing
as many '*' as you want. You can ask for a part of a vectorized signal
(for example \fI-xout="sig*a*" -xout="vector[2-5]\fP").
.TP 10
If the \fB-x\fP option is used without argument, the
details of \fBall\fP critical paths will be reported.
Beware that this can be a lot of informations.
With \fI=val_min\fP argument, where \fIval_min\fP is a delay in pico-second
(integer), only paths with delay greater than \fIval_min\fP will be
With \fI=:val_max\fP argument, where \fIval_max\fP is a delay in pico-second
(integer), only paths with delay smaller than \fIval_max\fP will be
With \fI=val_min:val_max\fP argument, only paths with delay between
\fIval_min\fP and
\fIval_max\fP will be detailed.
.TP 10
Specify the maximum number of delays or signals to be reported
The commands allow the user to request a report on some specified timing data.
You run the commands by :
\fBetas>\fP command_name [command_parameter] [command_argument]
On-line help can be provided by running:
\fBetas>\fP help command
If an arrow follows the name of the command, further information
can be retrieved by :
\fBetas>\fP help command command_name
.TP 10
\f4list(l) list_parameter [list_argument]\fP
request a list of items \fBlist_parameter\fP
in the circuit (instance, command, terminal, latch or
precharged signal). The \fBlist_parameter\fP
allow the user to specify the type of items of the requested list. They are:
\f4instance(i)\fP : report the list of instances
\f4command(q)\fP : report the list of commands (of memory points)
\f4connector(c)\fP : report the list of terminals
\f4latch(l)\fP : report the list of latches
\f4precharge(p)\fP : report the list of precharged signals
\f4signal(s)\fP : report the other kind of signals
.TP 10
\f4path(p) path_parameter [path_argument]\fP
request for path search according to \fBpath_parameter\fP
(delay, critic or parallel). The \fBpath_parameter\fP
allow the user to
specify the type of path report requested. They are:
\f4delay(d)\fP : report all the critical paths (possibly specified by the \fBpath_argument\fP)
\f4critic(c)\fP : report only the longest (or shortest) critical path
\f4parallel(p)\fP : report the parallel paths of a specified path (use \fBpath_argument\fP)
NB. The \f4critic\fP \fPpath_parameter\fP can be used to report more than
one path. You can use :
\f4path critic number\fP to specify the number (integer) of longest (or shortest) paths to
be reported
\f4path critic delaymax=value1 delaymin=value2\fP to specify the time interval
between value1 (pisosecond) and value2 (picosecond),
in which you want the paths to be reported.
.TP 10
\f4detail(d) detail_parameter [detail_argument]\fP
request for detailed delay search according to
\fBdetail_parameter\fP (delay, critic or parallel). The \fBdetail_parameter\fP
allow the user to
specify the type of detailed report requested.
The path can be specified by an index. This index is available in the
path report, so a path report should be performed before the request on details.
This option requires the existence of the \fB.dtx\fP file.
The \fBdetail_parameter\fP are:
\f4delay(d)\fP : report the detailed (gate) delays of a specified path (use \fBdetail_argument\fP)
\f4critic(c)\fP : report the detailed delays (gate) of the longest (or shortest) path
\f4parallel(p)\fP : report the detailed delays (gate) of a specified parallel path (use
.TP 10
\f4open(o) file_name\fP
open the timing file(s) of a circuit (file_name.ttx and if it exists
file_name.dtx), the file_name should be given without extension
.TP 10
remove the opened timing file
.TP 10
\f4window(w) value\fP
set to value (integer) the maximum number of items reported simultaneously,
default value is 10
.TP 10
\f4cache(c) int1 [int2]\fP
set the value (Megabyte) of the cache size
to be used for loading the timing data. Without the value argument \fBetas\fP reports
the actual size of the cache. With only one argument (\fBint1\fP integer) \fBetas\fP
uses 10% of the cache memory for signals and 90% for paths. With both arguments
(integers) \fBetas\fP uses the value \fBint1\fP for the signals and \fBint2\fP
for the paths.
.TP 10
report the actual memory used
.TP 10
report the status of the timing files under analysis and the type of search
.TP 10
provide on-line help
.TP 10
quit \fBetas\fP
.TP 10
rerun last command
.TP 10
specify the index of a path to be reported (index reported by \fBetas>\fP path delay)
These argument allow the user to specify the ends of paths
(in or out), the names of signals and the instances to be analyzed
as well as the type of analysis (long or
short paths, from output or from input).
It should be used with either the command \fBpath\fP or \fBdetail\fP or \fBlist\fP.
On-line help can be provided by running
\fBetas>\fP help argument
.TP 10
to specify the name(s) or the index of the path
input(s) (terminal, latch, precharged signal) to be reported
by the \fBpath\fP or \fBdetail\fP commands. Regular expressions can be used
(these \fIinput_name\fP and \fIinput_index\fP are available
by \fBetas>\fP list connector|latch|precharge)
.TP 10
cancel \fIin\fP argument (also from option)
.TP 10
to specify the name(s) or the index of
the signals (terminal, latch, precharged signal) to be reported
by the \fBpath\fP or \fBdetail\fP commands. Regular expressions can be used
(these \fIoutput_name\fP and \fIoutput_index\fP are available
by \fBetas>\fP list connector|latch|precharge)
.TP 10
cancel \fIout\fP argument (also from option)
.TP 10
this argument is used together with the command \fBlist\fP or with the command
\fBpath parallel\fP as a mask to specify the signals.
Regular expressions can be used.
With the \fBlist\fP command it can specify the instances, terminals, latchs or precharged signals
to be reported.
With the \fBpath parallel\fP command it can specify an intermediary signal of a parallel
path in order to report all the parallel paths including this signal. If more
than one name is used, the user can specify to report all paths including
at least \fImask_name1\fP \fBOR\fP \fImask_name2\fP (default), but
he can also specify all paths including \fImask_name1\fP \fBAND\fP \fImask_name2\fP.
.TP 10
cancel \fIname\fP argument (also from option)
.TP 10
to specify the name or the index of an instance (available by \fBlist instance\fP command),
it can be an
argument of one of the following commands:
\fBpath delay\fP,
\fBpath parallel\fP,
\fBlist command\fP
\fBlist precharge\fP
\fBlist latch\fP
\fBlist signal\fP
It means that the requested informations are given only for the specified instance
.TP 10
cancel \fIinstance\fP argument
.TP 10
specify the maximum delay (value in pico-second) for path search, only paths
with a delay smaller than \fIdelaymax\fP will be reported
.TP 10
specify the minimum delay (value in pico-second) for path search, only paths
with a delay greater than \fIdelaymin\fP will be reported
.TP 10
cancel \fIdelaymin\fP and \fIdelaymax\fP argument
.TP 10
specify search from input
.TP 10
specify search from output (default)
.TP 10
longest delay search (default)
.TP 10
shortest delay search
.TP 10
path index used to specify a path to be reported. For example :
\fBetas>\fP detail delay 3
reports the detailed delays of the path of index 3 (index available by \fBpath delay\fP command).
\fBtas -t adder\fP
\fBetas\fP adder
\fBetas>\fP path critic
\fBetas>\fP detail critic
\fBetas>\fP path delay
\fBetas>\fP path parallel index
\fBetas>\fP detail path index
\fBetas>\fP path parallel index name=signal1,signal2 and
In this example
the user runs \fBtas\fP and then uses \fBetas\fP to analyse the results.
looks for adder.ttx (then for adder.dtx) and opens the files to figure and report the requested informations:
the critical path
the detail of the critical path
all the path delays between reference points
the parallel paths of the path of index \fIindex\fP reported in the above list of paths
the detail of the path of index \fIindex\fP reported in the above list of parallel paths
the parallel paths to the path of index \fIindex\fP in the above list of paths including \fIsignal1\fP and \fIsignal2\fP
tas(1), yagle(1), lynx(1), inf(5)
.so man1/alc_bug_report.1
@ -1,736 +0,0 @@
.\" @(#)tas.1 5.34 complete August 18, 1998 UPMC; Karim DIOURY and Marie-Minerve LOUERAT
.TH TAS 1 "August 18, 1998 - Release 5.34" "ASIM/LIP6" "cao\-vlsi reference manual"
\fBtas\fP \- A switch level static timing analyzer for CMOS circuits
.so man1/alc_origin.1
tas \fI[options] root_file \fP
\fBtas\fP is a switch level, pattern independent, timing analyzer
for CMOS circuits.
It gives delays with an accuracy better than 10% versus
SPICE simulation.
The input file \fIroot_file\fP is a netlist of transistors and
capacitances and resistances of the interconnecting wires
extracted from the layout (ALLIANCE or SPICE format).
The netlist can be hierarchical and is flattened if necessary.
\fBtas\fP uses a technology file dedicated for each target process
(file with \fBelp\fP extension).
The default version works out a flattened timing view of the circuit
and takes possibly into account the resistances of wires.
In the hierarchical analysis mode, \fBtas\fP uses
existing timing views of leaf cell blocks
to work out the timing view of the whole circuit,
and takes possibly into account the resistances of the interconnecting wires.
The default option of \fBtas\fP provides
one output, called 'general perfmodule' (\fBttx\fP format). It is the entire
timing view of the circuit in a special format
suitable for the hierarchical analysis (\fB -hr\fP option),
the text browser of the results \fBetas(1)\fP
and the graphical display of the timing analysis results \fBxtas(1)\fP.
It contains the propagation times between reference points.
Reference points are:
- Terminals (input or/and output of path)
- Registers (input and output of path)
- Register Commands (output of path)
- Precharged signals (optional, input and output of path)
This 'general perfmodule' output file can also have the \fBttv\fP
with the \fB -n\fP option (or \fB -nvx\fP option),
it is another format suitable for small circuits and
readability of the results.
It is possible to obtain all critical paths in the 'general perfmodule'
(options \fB-a -n\fP or \fB-a -nvx\fP). In this case \fBtas\fP may give
between any actual pair of reference points \fIA\fP and \fIB\fP, four delays:
\fBTPHH\fP, \fBTPLL\fP, \fBTPHL\fP and \fBTPLH\fP. Where \fBTPxy\fP means maximal
propagation delay from \fIA\fP to \fIB\fP, when \fIA\fP goes to 'x' level and
to the 'y' level.
Another possible output is the 'detailed perfmodule'. The corresponding
file contains detailed informations
on gate delays.
This file has the \fBdtx\fP extension
with the \fB-t\fP option, it is the detailed
timing view of the circuit in a special format
suitable for the hierarchical analysis (\fB -hr\fP option),
the text browser of the results \fBetas(1)\fP
and the graphical display of the timing analysis results \fBxtas(1)\fP.
This file can also have the \fBdtv\fP extension
with the \fB-t -n\fP options (or \fB-t -nvx\fP options),
it is another format suitable for small circuits and
readability of the results.
Options may appear in any order before or after the
input filename.
Options called with one single letter can be concatenated
(\fB-bei\fP for instance).
.TP 10
To be used always together with \fB-n\fP or \fB-nvx\fP options.
\fBtas\fP reports all the paths in the \fBttv\fP file.
With this option, beware that a large
circuit can generate a \fBvery\fP large 'perfmodule file' \fBttv\fP.
When this option is used with the \fB-xout="ref_out"\fP option,
\fBtas\fP gives all the paths associated with the
reference point only \fIref_out\fP (see \fB-xout\fP option)
in the \fBttv\fP 'general perfmodule' file.
When this option is used with the \fB-xin="ref_in"\fP option,
\fBtas\fP gives all the paths associated with the
reference point only \fIref_in\fP (see \fB-xin\fP option)
in the \fBttv\fP 'general perfmodule' file.
.TP 10
To be used only in the flattened analysis mode (default option).
Activate transistor orientation.
This orientation is performed during the phase of
transistor netlist disassembling (see \fByagle(1)\fP).
.TP 10
This option allows \fBtas\fP to cut the RC interconnecting nets
during the flatten or hierarchical analysis.
.TP 10
To be used only in the flattened analysis mode (default option).
Generate a file which contains the cone view.
It is called \fIoutput_file\fP with the \fBcns\fP extension.
This file is mainly used for debugging (see \fByagle(1)\fP).
.TP 10
To be used with the \fB-fl\fP option.
It enables to share the same control signal between several master-slave flip-flops.
.TP 10
A given capacitance is added to all output terminals.
The value \fIx\fP is given in pico-farad (float).
.TP 10
With this option all cross-talk capacitances are
multiplied by the factor x. x should be between 0 and 2.
.TP 10
When this option is set
\fBtas\fP has a special behavior on differential latches.
The transistor close to the memory point is known to be the data connector,
the second transistor is known to be the clock connector.
Without this option, the opposite convention is assumed.
.TP 10
Generate a file which contains the signal slopes
which are computed by \fBtas\fP for each input of a cone.
It is called \fIoutput_file\fP with the \fBslo\fP extension.
.TP 10
The information required to save the propagation time resulting from the interconnecting in elmore delay data structure.
wires is worked out from one hierachical level to the other
with a special data structure, the \fBelm\fP one.
This representation takes into account resistance and capacitance
of interconnecting wires (poly, alu1, alu2) and enables to use various models
for analyzing timing of interconnections.
It is available also for the flatten analysis of the leaf cells.
.TP 10
In order to decrease the number of paths of
the 'general perfmodule', \fBtas\fP can keep paths
starting or stoppping at some special signals that are not
reference points ('factorizing points') when this option is used.
These points are automatically detected by \fBtas\fP,
but they can also be chosen by the user through the \fBinf\fP file
(see \fB-i\fP option and \fBinf(5)\fP).
To be used in the hierarchical mode, it should have been used in the
leaf cells analysis and all along the hierarchical levels.
.TP 10
This option makes the disassembling tool \fByagle\fP use
library-based transistor net-list recognition (see \fByagle(1)\fP and \fBfcl(5)\fP).
This allows the user to specify a number of net-lists to be identified
within the circuit to be disassembled. These net-lists are specified
in the Spice format and can contain a number of special directives for
the marking of the identified signals and transistors in the circuit.
With this option, latches are also detected.
It can be used with the \fB-nl\fP option to disable the latch detection.
It can be used with the \fB-fl\fP option to enable also the
master-slave flip-flop automatic detection when possible.
.TP 10
This option enables the automatic detection of master-slave flip-flop based on a special
latch ``with conflict'' when possible.
By default, the master latch is chosen to be the memory point,
this can be changed using the \fB-ls\ option.
.TP 10
With this option, \fBtas\fP reports errors and warnings
in French.
.TP 10
The help option. It gives a summary of all \fBtas\fP
.TP 10
The hierachical analysis mode option. It assumes that the circuit under study is
hierarchical (as many levels of hierarchy as needed). The timing analysis
performed on the whole circuit
uses the existing hierarchy defined by the circuit designer.
\fBtas\fP assumes that the timing views of the
leaf blocks already exist (\fBttx\fP and possibly \fBdtx\fP view of the blocks)
and models the propagation times resulting from
block interconnecting , possibly
taking into account the resistances of interconnecting wires
between blocks.
By default the computation of propagation times resulting
from the interconnecting wires
at any level of the hierarchy
uses the Elmore model.
When the \fB-elm\fP option is used the timing information
on interconnecting wires is saved with a special data structure (elmore delay).
When the \fB-nr\fP option is used the timing information ignores
the interconnecting resistances
(see \fB-elm -nr\fP options).
The analysis of some interconnecting signals can be precised in the \fBinf\fP file,
it allows a special analysis of the clock signal for example.
.TP 10
This option makes \fBtas\fP read the \fBinf\fP file. This
file has the same name than the \fIroot_file\fP
with the \fBinf\fP extension. It may contain mutual
exclusion conditions on ports of the circuit for
the functional analysis process
as well as information about signal renaming, path elimination, case analysis,
precharged signals, intermediary points, path selection,
factorizing points and interconnecting analysis (hierarchical mode)
(see \fB-f\fP option, \fBinf(5)\fP and \fByagle(1)\fP).
.TP 10
Should be used to force the input netlist format
(prevailing over the environment variables)
\fBtas\fP can read the following formats:
- Alliance netlist : \fBal\fP
- Compass extracted netlist : \fBfne\fP
- Compass logical netlist : \fBhns\fP
- Spice netlist : \fBspi\fP
.TP 10
To be used with the hierarchical mode (\fB-hr\fP option).
This option enables the user to indicate the maximum size of the cache memory to be used
by \fBtas\fP (MegaBytes).
During the analysis \fBtas\fP tries to use less than \fBlm\fP megabytes,
if it does not succeed \fBtas\fP uses more and issues a warning.
.TP 10
To be used with the \fB-fl\fP option.
It chooses the slave latch as the memory point of the flip-flop.
.TP 10
With this option, \fBtas\fP assumes that the analyzed circuit
will \fInot\fP be used as instance on a higher level of
Consider the following example where \fIA\fP, \fIB\fP and \fIC\fP are
the terminals of a circuit which contains two inverters:
A---| o----------------B
|/ |
I1 | I2
| |\\
----| o-----C
.RS 10
with the \fB-lv\fP option, \fBtas\fP gives \fIA\fP->\fIB\fP and \fIA->C\fP
paths. But if this block is used as an instance, the delay of
the last path (\fIA\fP->\fIC\fP) depends strongly upon the
capacitances introduced on the \fIB\fP terminal.
By default, \fBtas\fP cuts paths if necessary
for taking into account hierarchical capacitances.
In this example, it gives \fIA\fP->\fIB\fP and \fIB\fP->\fIC\fP paths.
.TP 10
Merge the gate delays and the interconnection RC delays in the flatten analysis mode. By default the gate delays and the interconnection RC delays are separated.
.TP 10
\fBtas\fP calculates and reports in the 'perfmodule files'
also the shortest paths.
By default \fBtas\fP gives only the longest paths between two signals.
.TP 10
This option must be used to generate the 'not new' format files of \fBtas\fP.
The result files are in the \fBttv\fP format for the 'general perfmodule file'
and in the \fBdtv\fP format for the 'detailed perfmodule file'.
When this option is set, the options \fB-a\fP \fB-xin\fP \fB-xout\fP
can be used.
.TP 10
To be used with the \fB-fcl\fP option.
Disables the detection of latches and memory points using the built-in latch library.
This option is useful if all memory points are to be recognized by the use
of a user-defined library with the \fB-fcl\fP option (see \fByagle(1)\fP and \fBfcl(5)\fP).
.TP 10
Only the capacitances and not the resistances of the interconnecting wires are
taken into account to compute the propagation times.
.TP 10
When this option is set, the interface and the internal signal
of the \fBttx\fP or \fBttv\fP
and of the \fBdtx\fP or \fBdtv\fP description of the circuit are not vectorized
(see \fByagle(1)\fP).
.TP 10
With this option, \fBtas\fP generates both \fBttx\fP and \fBttv\fP formats
for the 'general perfmodule file' and both \fBdtx\fP and \fBdtv\fP formats
for the 'detailed perfmodule file' (\fB-t\fP option).
When this option is set, the options \fB-a\fP \fB-xin\fP \fB-xout\fP
can be used for the \fBdtv\fP or \fBttv\fP formats.
.TP 10
To be used only in the flattened analysis mode (default option).
Activate transistor orientation taking into account the \fB_s\fP
convention on signal's names.
This orientation is performed during the phase of
transistor netlist disassembling (see \fByagle(1)\fP).
.TP 10
To be used only in the flattened analysis mode (default option).
This option takes into account 'out-of-path' capacitances.
| <---pass transistor T1
=== |\\
___| |____________| o------
| | |/
| === C1 : out of path
| | capacitance
| ~~~
|\\ | |\\
A---| o-------------| o-----B
|/ |/
.RS 10
In this example, the delay of the path \fIA->B\fP
depends upon the \fIC1\fP capacitance through \fIT1\fP
transistor. In some case, only a part of these 'out-of-path'
capacitance must be taken into account.
The \fB-opc\fP option indicates a factor to reduce this
effect. It is expressed by percent and default is
.TP 10
When this option is used, the user can choose the name of
the output files \fIfilename.*\fP.
.TP 10
To be used only in the flattened analysis mode (default option).
This option sets the \fBdepth\fP for the functional
analysis. This is the number of gates that will be
taken into account for the functional analysis,
so that \fBtas\fP can detect re-convergence
in the circuit. The default value is 7.
When \fBdepth\fP=0, the functional analysis process is
disabled (see \fByagle(1)\fP).
.TP 10
To be used only in the flattened analysis mode (default option).
Without this option, reference points are terminals,
registers or register commands. With this option, precharged
signals are also considered as reference points (input and output of path).
A signal is considered as precharged if its name is
suffixed by \fB_p\fP or if it is declared in the \fBinf\fP file
(see \fBinf(5)\fP, \fByagle(1)\fP).
.TP 10
When this option is set, \fBtas\fP generates 2 files
called \fBPwlFall\fP and \fBPwlRise\fP which
give, at the SPICE format, the input terminal slopes used by \fBtas\fP
to compute the gate delays (respectively falling
and rising slopes).
If the option \fB$\fP is set, \fBtas\fP exits after
generating the two files.
.TP 10
Silent mode, in order to run \fBtas\fP in batch mode.
With this option, only error or warning messages
will be reported.
.TP 10
When this option is set, \fBtas\fP uses the slope of value
\fIvalue\fP (picosecond) as the input signal driving every external input terminals.
The default value is \fI1000\fP.
.TP 10
To be used only in the flattened analysis mode (default mode).
\fBtas\fP reports terminal capacitances in the 'general perfmodule'
(\fBttv\fP file).
Without this option 100% 'out-of-path' capacitances
associated to an input terminal
are taken into account.
To reduce this percentage, use the \fB-swc\fP option.
This option does not change the delay computation.
It affects only the \fBttv\fP or \fBttx\fP or \fBdtv\fP
or \fBdtx\fP files.
.TP 10
With this option \fBtas\fP generates the 'detailed
perfmodule' (\fBdtx\fP or \fBdtv\fP extension) which contains the gate delays.
If '$' argument is used, \fBtas\fP stops after \fBdtx\fP or \fBdtv\fP
generation (\fBtas\fP -t$ \fIroot_file\fP).
.TP 10
Indicates which technology file should be used
(prevailing over the environment variable). By
default \fBtas\fP uses a one micron technology described
in the \fI$ALLIANCE_TOP/etc/prol05.elp\fP file where \fI$ALLIANCE_TOP\fP is the
Alliance's root directory.
.TP 10
With this option, \fBtas\fP reports errors and warnings
in English, it is the default option.
.TP 10
To be used with the \fB-n\fP or the \fB-nvx\fP options.
If the \fB-x\fP option is used without argument, the 'general perfmodule'
(\fBttv\fP format)
will contain details of \fBall\fP critical paths.
Beware that this file can be very large.
With \fI=val_min\fP argument, where \fIval_min\fP is a delay in pico-second
(integer), only paths with delay greater than \fIval_min\fP will be
With \fI=:val_max\fP argument, where \fIval_max\fP is a delay in pico-second
(integer), only paths with delay smaller than \fIval_max\fP will be
With \fI=val_min:val_max\fP argument, only paths with delay between
\fIval_min\fP and
\fIval_max\fP will be detailed.
.TP 10
To be used with the \fB-n\fP or the \fB-nvx\fP options.
Very useful for large circuits and clock checking.
When this option is set \fBtas\fP reports in
the 'general perfmodule' (\fBttv\fP), only the critical path associated
to the \fIref_in\fP signal. The \fIref_in\fP signal
can either be :
-a register, or
-an input terminal, or
-a bidirectional terminal.
When this option is used with the \fB-a\fP option, \fBtas\fP reports all the
functional paths
associated with the \fIref_in\fP signal in the \fBttv\fP file.
To find the proper name of the signal you want to analyze, take a look
at the \fBdtv\fP file (see the \fB-t\fP option). Note that
vectorized signals have to be like \fIsignal_name[number]\fP).
It is possible to specify more than one signal by using several \fB-xin\fP
options. You can also use \fIregular expression\fP containing
as many '*' as you want. You can ask for a part of a vectorized signal
(for example \fI-xin="sig*a*" -xin="vector[2-5]\fP").
You can also do path selection thanks to the \fBinf\fP file (see
.TP 10
To be used with the \fB-n\fP or the \fB-nvx\fP options.
Very useful for large circuits.
When this option is set \fBtas\fP reports in
the 'general perfmodule' (\fBttv\fP), only the critical path associated
to the \fIref_out\fP signal. The \fIref_out\fP signal
can either be :
-a register, or
-a register command, or
-an output terminal, or
-a bidirectional terminal.
When this option is used with the \fB-a\fP option, \fBtas\fP reports all the
functional paths
associated with the \fIref_out\fP signal in the \fBttv\fP file.
To find the proper name of the signal you want to analyze, take a look
at the \fBdtv\fP file (see the \fB-t\fP option). Note that
vectorized signals have to be like \fIsignal_name[number]\fP).
It is possible to specify more than one signal by using several \fB-xout\fP
You can also use \fIregular expression\fP containing
as many '*' as you want. You can ask for a part of a vectorized signal
(for example \fI-xout="sig*a*" -xout="vector[2-5]\fP").
You can also do path selection thanks to the \fBinf\fP file (see
.TP 10
To be used only in the flattened analysis mode (default option).
When this option is set, the functional analysis phase exploits high
impedance nodes. This allows, for instance, the resolution of false
conflicts in circuits which use precharged logic (see \fByagle(1)\fP).
.TP 20
If the input netlist is hierarchical, the leaf cells
may not be in the working directory MBK_WORK_LIB.
In that case, MBK_CATA_LIB indicates where \fBtas\fP can find
the cells to flatten the netlist to the transistor level.
.TP 20
Indicates the format of the input netlist :
- Alliance netlist : \fBal\fP
- Compass extracted netlist : \fBfne\fP
- Compass logical netlist : \fBhns\fP
- Spice netlist : \fBspi\fP
.TP 20
If the input netlist is in the SPICE format, this
variable indicates what is the name of the NMOS model
transistor. Default is \fItn\fP
.TP 20
If the input netlist is in the SPICE format, this
variable indicates what is the name of the PMOS model
transistor. Default is \fItp\fP
.TP 20
To indicate the technology file. Default is \fI$ALLIANCE_TOP/etc/prol05.elp\fP
where \fI$ALLIANCE_TOP\fP is the Alliance's root directory.
.TP 20
The name of the file (located in \fBMBK_WORK_LIB\fP ) containing the list
of cells in the user-defined cell library used if the \fB-fcl\fP option is set.
The default is \FBLIBRARY\fP
.TP 20
Indicates the access path to the directory containing the user-defined cell
library used if the \fB-fcl\fP option is set. The default is a subdirectory
\fBcells\fP in \fBMBK_WORK_LIB\fP.
.TP 20
Sets the name of power supply
in the disassembling phase (see \fByagle(1)\fP). \fIvdd\fP is the default.
Every external port of the circuit whose name contains
this string will be considered as a power supply.
.TP 20
Sets the name of the ground
in the disassembling phase (see \fByagle(1)\fP. \fIvss\fP is the default.
Every external port of the circuit whose name contains
this string will be considered as a ground.
.TP 20
Indicates where tas has to read the input file and
write the resulting files.
\fBtas\fP \-nvx \-t \-f \-cout=0.5 adder
In this example
all of the output terminals are considered to have a load
of 500 fF . \fBtas\fP performs
a flattened timing analysis with factorization
and possibly interconnecting extracted wires and
generates two detailed perfmodule \fBdtx\fP and \fBdtv\fP
and two general perfmodule one whole \fBttx\fP
that is the entire view of the circuit suitable for
the text browser \fBetas\fP, the graphical display \fBxtas\fP
and the hierarchical analysis
and the other one that is \fBttv\fP that contains only the critical path.
The generated files are called \fBoutput_file.*\fP that is
either \fBroot_file.*\fP (default option)
or \fBfilename.*\fP (\fB-o\fP option).
.TP 20
The 'general perfmodule', containing all critical
paths between two reference points, in a special format
suitable for
the text browser \fBetas\fP, the graphical display \fBxtas\fP
and the hierarchical analysis
.TP 20
The 'detailed perfmodule', containing all local
delays (gate delays), in a special format,
suitable for
the text browser \fBetas\fP, the graphical display \fBxtas\fP
and the hierarchical analysis,
created if the \fB-t\fP option is used.
.TP 20
The 'general perfmodule', containing critical
paths between two reference points.
Created when the \fB-n\fP or \fB-nvx\fP options are used.
.TP 20
The 'detailed perfmodule', containing local
delays (gate delays), created if the \fB-n -t\fP or \fB-nvx -t\fP
are used.
.TP 20
The slope file containing slopes of all signals.
Created if the \fB-e\fP option is used.
.TP 20
The file containing the cone view (gate netlist) of the circuit.
Used for debugging.
Created if the \fB-c\fP option is used.
.TP 20
If a combinatorial loop is detected in the circuit
\fBtas\fP reports it in the \fBloop\fP file.
.TP 20
The file contains the description of the interconnecting wires
for one level of the hierarchy to be used at higher levels
of the hierarchy.
Created if the \fB-hr\fP option is used.
By default the intermediary information is saved using a RC tree network.
If the \fB-elm\fP option is used the intermediary information is saved using the
special \fBelm\fP data strucure.
.TP 20
\fIPwlFall\fP and \fIPwlRise\fP
Contain the voltage slope generator,
(falling and rising)
used by \fBtas\fP, at the SPICE format.
Created if the \fB-pwl\fP option is used.
xtas(1), etas(1), yagle(1), lynx(1), dtv(5), ttv(5), inf(5), fcl(5), losig(3)
This release of \fBtas\fP does not perform false path analysis.
It has the graphical interface \fBxtas\fP.
.so man1/alc_bug_report.1
@ -1,543 +0,0 @@
.\" @(#)Labo.1 1.0 97/05/29 UPMC; Author: LESTER A.
.pl -.4
.TH YAGLE 1 "29 May 1997" "Release 2.01" "CAO\-VLSI Reference Manual"
yagle \- Disassembly and functional abstraction of CMOS circuits
.so man1/alc_origin.1
.B "yagle "
.B \-i
.B \-v
.B \-p=n
.B \-nc
.B \-nl
.B \-fcl
.B \-elp
.B \-o
.B \-z
.B \-s
.B \-nb
.B \-h
.B \-d
.B \-t
.I input_name
.I output_name
.B yagle
is a circuit disassembler and functional abstractor for CMOS digital circuits.
It generates a VHDL data flow description and an oriented gate net-list
from a transistor level description of the circuit. The transistor net-list
can be either flat or hierarchical.
The VHDL subset generated by
.B yagle
is supported by
.B asimut,
.B bop,
.B scmap
.B proof.
Tri-state nodes of the circuit are expressed as VHDL Bus. Latches and registers
are expressed as VHDL Register signal.
.B yagle
does not use a predefined gate library except for latches and flip-flops.
All styles or circuitry are supported: dual-cmos, precharge, pass-transistor, etc.
In addition a user-defined gate library can be provided in order to handle complex latches
or analog circuitry.
\fBAll power supplies and grounds signals must be connected to an external connector.\fB
In the first phase,
.B yagle
extracts the CMOS dual circuitry.
In the second phase,
.B yagle
builds the gate net-list for the remaining circuitry whilst performing functional
analysis in parallel, in order to prevent the fabrication of false branches
within a gate and to verify the behaviour of the gate.
This functional analysis depends on the '-p=n' option which defines the maximum
depth (in gates) of the analysis.
.B yagle
reads the transistor net-list given by
.I input_name
and generates a VHDL data flow description in
.I output_name.
If no
.I output_name
is given then
.I input_name
is used.
.sp 1
Options may be given in any order before or after the filename(s).
.TP 0.5i
.B \-v
When this option is set, the interface and the internal signal of the behavioural
description are vectorised. Every bit of the vector has to be of the same type
otherwise the functional description will not be generated.
.TP 0.5i
.BI \-p= n
This option sets the maximum depth for the functional analysis.
This is the depth of circuitry (in gates) taken into account when detecting
reconvergences in the circuit. The default value is 5.
.I n
= 0, the functional analysis process is disabled.
.TP 0.5i
.B \-nc
Disables the detection of complex gates. Without this option complex gates such
as edge-triggered flip-flops are identified by pattern-matching applied to the
disassembled gate net-list. Special predefined behavioural descriptions are then
generated for these gates. This option is useful if a one to one correspondance
between the elements of the behavioural description and the elements of the
disassembled gate net-list is required.
.TP 0.5i
.B \-nl
Disables the detection of latches and memory points using the built-in latch
library. This option is useful if all memory points are to be detected by
the use of a user-defined library with the
.B \-fcl
.TP 0.5i
.B \-fcl
This option makes
.B yagle
use library-based transistor netlist recognition (see fcl (5)). This
allows the user to specify a number of netlists to be identified within the
circuit to be disassembled. These netlists are specified in the Spice format and
can contain a number of special directives for the marking of the identified
signals and transistors in the circuit, for example signals corresponding to
memory points or transistors to be ignored.
In addition the user can specify a behavioural description for the transistor
netlist in the .vbe format (see vbe (5)) which is used to generate the global
behavioural description of the circuit. This allows the functional abstraction
of circuits containing analog blocks for example RAMs containing sense amplifiers.
.TP 0.5i
.B \-elp
With this option set
.B yagle
uses the elp tecnology file (see elp (5)) to update the capacitances in the input
transistor net-list. So that the cns and structural views contain accurate
capacitance values.
.TP 0.5i
.B \-o
.B yagle
orients transistors using a simple rule:
A transistor whose source is connected to the output of a CMOS Duals gate, and
not connected to a transistor gate, is oriented form source to drain. This
orientation is performed during the phase of extraction of CMOS duals.
.TP 0.5i
.B \-z
When this option is set,
.B yagle
exploits high impedance nodes during the phase of
functional analysis. This allows, for example, the resolution of false conflicts
in circuits which use precharge logic.
.TP 0.5i
.B \-s
This option provides only one power supply and ground connector in the interface
of the behavioural description. This can be useful in order to use Asimut or
Proof since there may be only one in the specification, and more in the circuit
to be abstracted. When this option is set, the name of power supply an ground
are given by
.B \-nb
Disables the generation of the behavioural description of the circuit, useful if
the user is solely interested in the gate-level net-list.
.TP 0.5i
.B \-h
.B yagle generates a structural gate level net-list. The variable MBK_OUT_LO has to be set to
choose the format of the out files: the net-list and the gates. A behavioural
description is generated for each gate.
.TP 0.5i
.B \-d
.B yagle
generates a .cns file which contains the flat gate net-list. This file is mainly
used for debugging.
.TP 0.5i
.B \-i
This option makes
.B yagle
read the .inf file. This file should have the same name
as the input file with extesion .inf. It may contain mutual exclusion
conditions on ports of the circuit. These conditions are only used in the
functional analysis process.
# lines beginning with '#' are comment lines
# Syntax for the mutual exclusion conditions
.TP 10
expresses that one port at most in the list is "one".
.TP 10
expresses that one port at most in the list is "zero".
.TP 10
expresses that one and only one port in the list is "one".
.TP 10
expresses that one and only one port in the list is "zero".
Port name may be preceded by the character '~' which minds that it is the inverse
of the port which has to be taken into account.
The user can also use this file to rename internal signals in the behavioural
description in order to use the formal proof.
# Syntax to rename signals for the behavioural description
existing_name : new_name ;
*gno* : *latch_data* ;
"new_name" will replace "existing_name" in the behavioural description file.
It is possible to use the joker '*'. When the names contain the string "gno",
this string is replaced by the string "latch_data" (l2_y_gno_01 is replaced by
Beware that only one rule can be applied to a name, (the following rules
are then ignored when one has been applied) and that the rules are
taken into account in the order in which they appear in the 'inf' file.
.TP 0.5i
.B \-t
Set the trace mode during execution, used only for debugging purposes.
.TP 10
.B vbe
The functional description is described in a file called
.I input_name
.I output_name, with extension .vbe.
.TP 10
.B cns
The disassembled gate net-list or cone net-list description when the
.B \-d
option is set.
.TP 10
.B vst/hns/al/spi
The structural description when the
.B \-h
option is set.
.TP 10
.B rep
The errors and warnings report file.
.B loop
File containing list of combinatorial loops file, only created if loops exist
and the environment variable
is set.
.TP 7
indicates the format of the input net-list.
spi for Spice net-list.
fne for Compass extracted net-list.
hns for Compass logical net-list.
al for Alliance extracted net-list.
.TP 7
indicates the format of the output net-list when the
.B \-h
option is set. Same values as
.TP 7
Indicates where YAGLE has to read the input file and write the resulting files.
.TP 7
If the input net-list is hierarchical, the leaf cells may not be in the working
directory MBK_WORK_LIB. In that case, MBK_CATA_LIB indicates where YAGLE can
find the cells.
.TP 7
Sets the name of power supply. "vdd" is the default. Every external port of the
circuit whose name contain this string will be considered as a power supply.
.TP 7
Sets the name of the ground. "vss" is the default. Every external port of the
circuit whose name contain this string will be considered as a ground.
.TP 7
Sets the name of the grid connector of a transistor. "grid" is the default.
.TP 7
Sets the name of the source connector of a transistor. "source" is the default.
.TP 7
Sets the name of the drain connector of a transistor. "drain" is the default.
.TP 7
Sets the full access path and name of the technology file (.elp) used to correct
the node capacitances in the circuit.
.TP 7
Sets the extension of the file that will contain the VHDL description. "vbe" is
the default value.
.TP 7
When set to F,
.B yagle
will report errors and warnings in French.
When set to E,
.B yagle
will report errors and warnings in English.
The default is English.
.TP 7
When set to Y,
.B yagle
generates a file with the extension .stat which contains statistics of the
transistor net-list.
.TP 7
Sets the the maximum possible length of a branch within a gate. The default is
.TP 7
When set to Y,
.B yagle
looks for combinatorial loops in the disassembled circuit, if any are found,
are reported in a file with extension
.B \.loop.
Note that any two gate loops are systematically reported in the
.B \.rep
.TP 7
Indicates the access path to the directory containing the user-defined cell
library used if the
.B \-fcl
option is set. The default is a subdirectory
.B /cells
.TP 7
The name of the file (located in
) containing the list of cells in the user-defined cell library used if the
.B \-fcl
option is set. The default is
Reported in the
.B rep
"[WAR] Possible unconnected supply ?"
means that an internal signal whose name contains
has been found. Verify if this signal should be connected to an external supply.
"[WAR] Transistor used as a resistance"
Indicates that a transistor P (resp. N) with gate connected to the ground
(resp. power supply) has been found in the circuit.
"[WAR] Transistor used as a diode"
Indicates that a transistor with drain (or source) connected to gate has been
found in the circuit, and the signal connecting them is neither power supply nor
"[WAR] Transistor is always off"
Indicates that a transistor P (resp. N) with gate connected to power supply
(resp. ground) has been found in the circuit.
"[WAR] Transistor used as a capacitance"
Indicates that a transistor with drain and source connected together has been
found in the circuit.
"[WAR] Gate of transistor is not connected"
Indicates that a transistor gate which is connected to nothing has been found
in the circuit.
"[WAR] Drain of transistor is not connected"
Indicates that a transistor drain which is connected to nothing has been found
in the circuit.
"[WAR] Source of transistor is not connected"
Indicates that a transistor source which is connected to nothing has been found
in the circuit.
"[WAR] Transistors are not used in the circuit"
This means that these transistor are not used to pull up or pull down any
transistor gate in the circuit, or any external port. This occurs if the output
of an inverter does not drive anything: In this case
.B yagle
considers both
transistors of the inverter to be unused.
"[WAR] Loop between 2 gates (bleeder found)"
This means that a loop corresponding to a bleeder has been found in the circuit.
"[WAR] Loop between 2 gates (latch found)"
This means that a loop corresponding to a latch has been found in the circuit.
"[WAR] Loop between 2 gates (bistable found)"
This means that a loop corresponding to a bistable has been found in the circuit.
"[WAR] Loop between 2 gates (nothing found)"
This means that a two gate loop which does not correspond to a latch, bleeder
or bistable has been found in the circuit.
"[WAR] Conflict may occur on signal"
This means that the signal may be pulled-up and pulled-down simultaneously. This
is a warning since this message may disappear with a greater depth for the
functional analysis process.
"[WAR] HZ state may occur on signal"
This means that the signal is not pulled up or pulled down for every input
pattern on the cone entries. This is a warning since this message may disappear
with a greater depth for the functional analysis process.
"[WAR] Signal does not drive anything"
This means that the the signal is not used as the input to any gate or used
to drive any external connector.
"[WAR] Connector unused"
This means that the external connector is neither the input nor the output of
any of the extracted transistor gates.
"[ERR] Bad direction on connector"
Indicates that the orientation of an external connector after disassembly does not correspond
to that specified in the input net-list.
"[ERR] Transistor gate signal is not driven"
Indicates that a transistor gate can not be pulled up or down.
"[FATAL ERR] No VDD/VSS connector in the circuit"
This means that
.B yagle
did not find any external ports whose name is the name of the power supply in the
circuit. Have CNS_VDDNAME and CNS_VSSNAME the right value?
"[FATAL ERR] Connector is power supply and ground"
This means that
.B yagle
found a connector whose name includes
"[FATAL ERR] No VDD/VSS signal in the circuit"
This means that
.B yagle
did not find any signal whose name is the name of the power supply in the
"[FATAL ERR] Several external connectors on signal"
This means that
.B yagle
found several external connectors connected to the same equipotential, a configuration
which is illegal in Alliance.
.so man1/alc_bug_rprt.1
.BR bop (1),
.BR scmap (1),
.BR asimut (1),
.BR proof (1).
Reference in New Issue