mirror of https://github.com/lnis-uofu/SOFA.git
Merge pull request #13 from LNIS-Projects/xt_dev
Misc Updates: Caravel User Project Wrapper, Post-PnR Testbench and STA script
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<region id="0">
<key id="0" alias="sb_2__2_"/>
<key id="1" alias="cbx_2__2_"/>
<key id="2" alias="grid_io_top_top_2__3_"/>
<key id="3" alias="sb_1__2_"/>
<key id="4" alias="cbx_1__2_"/>
<key id="5" alias="grid_io_top_top_1__3_"/>
<key id="6" alias="sb_0__2_"/>
<key id="7" alias="cby_0__2_"/>
<key id="8" alias="grid_io_left_left_0__2_"/>
<key id="9" alias="grid_clb_1__2_"/>
<key id="10" alias="cby_1__2_"/>
<key id="11" alias="grid_clb_2__2_"/>
<key id="12" alias="cby_2__2_"/>
<key id="13" alias="grid_io_right_right_3__2_"/>
<key id="14" alias="sb_2__1_"/>
<key id="15" alias="cbx_2__1_"/>
<key id="16" alias="sb_1__1_"/>
<key id="17" alias="cbx_1__1_"/>
<key id="18" alias="sb_0__1_"/>
<key id="19" alias="cby_0__1_"/>
<key id="20" alias="grid_io_left_left_0__1_"/>
<key id="21" alias="grid_clb_1__1_"/>
<key id="22" alias="cby_1__1_"/>
<key id="23" alias="grid_clb_2__1_"/>
<key id="24" alias="cby_2__1_"/>
<key id="25" alias="grid_io_right_right_3__1_"/>
<key id="26" alias="sb_2__0_"/>
<key id="27" alias="cbx_2__0_"/>
<key id="28" alias="grid_io_bottom_bottom_2__0_"/>
<key id="29" alias="sb_1__0_"/>
<key id="30" alias="cbx_1__0_"/>
<key id="31" alias="grid_io_bottom_bottom_1__0_"/>
<key id="32" alias="sb_0__0_"/>
@ -180,7 +180,6 @@
<output_buffer exist="true" circuit_model_name="sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1"/>
<port type="input" prefix="D" size="1"/>
<port type="output" prefix="Q" size="1"/>
<port type="output" prefix="Q_N" size="1"/>
<port type="clock" prefix="prog_clk" lib_name="CLK" size="1" is_global="true" default_val="0" is_prog="true"/>
<circuit_model type="iopad" name="EMBEDDED_IO" prefix="EMBEDDED_IO" is_default="true" verilog_netlist="${SKYWATER_OPENFPGA_HOME}/HDL/common/digital_io_hd.v">
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
* A wrapper for the FPGA IP to fit the I/O interface of Caravel SoC
module caravel_fpga_wrapper (
// Fixed I/O interface from Caravel SoC definition
inout vdda1, // User area 1 3.3V supply
inout vdda2, // User area 2 3.3V supply
inout vssa1, // User area 1 analog ground
inout vssa2, // User area 2 analog ground
inout vccd1, // User area 1 1.8V supply
inout vccd2, // User area 2 1.8v supply
inout vssd1, // User area 1 digital ground
inout vssd2, // User area 2 digital ground
// Wishbone Slave ports (WB MI A)
input wb_clk_i,
input wb_rst_i,
input wbs_stb_i,
input wbs_cyc_i,
input wbs_we_i,
input [3:0] wbs_sel_i,
input [31:0] wbs_dat_i,
input [31:0] wbs_adr_i,
output wbs_ack_o,
output [31:0] wbs_dat_o,
// Logic Analyzer Signals
input [127:0] la_data_in,
output [127:0] la_data_out,
input [127:0] la_oen,
// IOs
input [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_in,
output [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_out,
output [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_oeb
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_in;
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_out;
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_oeb;
// FPGA wires
wire prog_clk;
wire Test_en;
wire clk;
wire [0:107] gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_IN;
wire [0:107] gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_OUT;
wire [0:107] gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_DIR;
wire ccff_head;
wire ccff_tail;
wire sc_head;
wire sc_tail;
// Wire-bond TOP side I/O of FPGA to LEFT-side of Caravel interface
assign gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_IN[0] = io_in[24];
assign io_out[24] = gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_OUT[0];
assign io_oeb[24] = gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_DIR[0];
// Wire-bond TOP side I/O of FPGA to TOP-side of Caravel interface
assign gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_IN[1:9] = io_in[23:15];
assign io_out[23:15] = gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_OUT[1:9];
assign io_oeb[23:15] = gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_DIR[1:9];
// Wire-bond TOP side I/O of FPGA to RIGHT-side of Caravel interface
assign gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_IN[10:11] = io_in[14:13];
assign io_out[14:13] = gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_OUT[10:11];
assign io_oeb[14:13] = gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_DIR[10:11];
// Wire-bond RIGHT side I/O of FPGA to RIGHT-side of Caravel interface
assign ccff_head = io_in[12];
assign io_out[12] = 1'b0;
assign io_oeb[12] = 1'b1;
assign io_out[12] = sc_tail;
assign io_oeb[12] = 1'b0;
assign gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_IN[12:21] = io_in[10:1];
assign io_out[10:1] = gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_OUT[12:21];
assign io_oeb[10:1] = gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_DIR[12:21];
assign Test_en = io_in[0];
assign io_out[0] = 1'b0;
assign io_oeb[0] = 1'b1;
// Wire-bond RIGHT side I/O of FPGA to BOTTOm-side of Caravel interface
assign gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_IN[22:23] = la_data_in[0:1];
assign la_data_in[0:1] = gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_OUT[22:23];
assign la_data_in[0:1] = gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_DIR[22:23];
// Wire-bond BOTTOM side I/O of FPGA to BOTTOM-side of Caravel interface
assign gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_IN[24:95] = la_data_in[2:73];
assign la_data_in[2:73] = gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_OUT[24:95];
assign la_data_in[2:73] = gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_DIR[24:95];
// Wire-bond LEFT side I/O of FPGA to BOTTOM-side of Caravel interface
assign gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_IN[96:98] = la_data_in[74:76];
assign la_data_in[74:76] = gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_OUT[96:98];
assign la_data_in[74:76] = gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_DIR[96:98];
// Wire-bond LEFT side I/O of FPGA to LEFT-side of Caravel interface
assign prog_clk = io_in[37];
assign io_out[37] = 1'b0;
assign io_oeb[37] = 1'b1;
assign clk = io_in[36];
assign io_out[36] = 1'b0;
assign io_oeb[36] = 1'b1;
assign io_out[35] = ccff_tail;
assign io_oeb[35] = 1'b0;
assign gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_IN[99:107] = io_in[34:26];
assign io_out[34:26] = gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_OUT[99:107];
assign io_oeb[34:26] = gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_DIR[99:107];
assign sc_in = io_in[25];
assign io_out[25] = 1'b0;
assign io_oeb[25] = 1'b1;
// TODO: Connect spypad from FPGA to logic analyzer ports
fpga_core fpga_core(.prog_clk(prog_clk),
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# This script is designed to generate fabric Verilog netlists
# with a fixed device layout
# It will only output netlists to be used by backend tools,
# i.e., Synopsys ICC2, including
# - Verilog netlists
# - fabric hierarchy description for ICC2's hierarchical flow
# - Timing/Design constraints
vpr ${VPR_ARCH_FILE} ${VPR_TESTBENCH_BLIF} --clock_modeling route --device ${OPENFPGA_VPR_DEVICE_LAYOUT} --route_chan_width ${OPENFPGA_VPR_ROUTE_CHAN_WIDTH} --absorb_buffer_luts off
# Read OpenFPGA architecture definition
read_openfpga_arch -f ${OPENFPGA_ARCH_FILE}
# Read OpenFPGA simulation settings
read_openfpga_simulation_setting -f ${OPENFPGA_SIM_SETTING_FILE}
# Annotate the OpenFPGA architecture to VPR data base
# to debug use --verbose options
link_openfpga_arch --activity_file ${ACTIVITY_FILE} --sort_gsb_chan_node_in_edges
# Build the module graph
# - Enabled compression on routing architecture modules
# - Enable pin duplication on grid modules
build_fabric --compress_routing --duplicate_grid_pin --load_fabric_key ${EXTERNAL_FABRIC_KEY_FILE} #--verbose
# Write the fabric hierarchy of module graph to a file
# This is used by hierarchical PnR flows
write_fabric_hierarchy --file ${OPENFPGA_VERILOG_OUTPUT_DIR}/fabric_hierarchy.txt --depth 1
# Write the Verilog netlist for FPGA fabric
# - Enable the use of explicit port mapping in Verilog netlist
# which is required by Synopsys ICC2 parser
write_fabric_verilog --file ${OPENFPGA_VERILOG_OUTPUT_DIR}/SRC \
--explicit_port_mapping \
# Write the SDC files for PnR backend
# - Turn on every options here
write_pnr_sdc --file ${OPENFPGA_SDC_OUTPUT_DIR}
# Write SDC to disable timing for configure ports
write_sdc_disable_timing_configure_ports --file ${OPENFPGA_SDC_OUTPUT_DIR}/disable_configure_ports.sdc
# Finish and exit OpenFPGA
# Note :
# To run verification at the end of the flow maintain source in ./SRC directory
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# This script is designed to generate fabric Verilog netlists
# with a fixed device layout
# It will only output netlists to be used by backend tools,
# i.e., Synopsys ICC2, including
# - Verilog netlists
# - fabric hierarchy description for ICC2's hierarchical flow
# - Timing/Design constraints
vpr ${VPR_ARCH_FILE} ${VPR_TESTBENCH_BLIF} --clock_modeling route --device ${OPENFPGA_VPR_DEVICE_LAYOUT} --route_chan_width ${OPENFPGA_VPR_ROUTE_CHAN_WIDTH} --absorb_buffer_luts off
# Read OpenFPGA architecture definition
read_openfpga_arch -f ${OPENFPGA_ARCH_FILE}
# Read OpenFPGA simulation settings
read_openfpga_simulation_setting -f ${OPENFPGA_SIM_SETTING_FILE}
# Annotate the OpenFPGA architecture to VPR data base
# to debug use --verbose options
link_openfpga_arch --activity_file ${ACTIVITY_FILE} --sort_gsb_chan_node_in_edges
# Build the module graph
# - Enabled compression on routing architecture modules
# - Enable pin duplication on grid modules
build_fabric --compress_routing --duplicate_grid_pin --load_fabric_key ${EXTERNAL_FABRIC_KEY_FILE} #--verbose
# Write the SDC files for PnR backend
# - Turn on every options here
write_pnr_sdc --file ${OPENFPGA_SDC_OUTPUT_DIR}
# Write SDC to disable timing for configure ports
write_sdc_disable_timing_configure_ports --file ${OPENFPGA_SDC_OUTPUT_DIR}/disable_configure_ports.sdc
# Finish and exit OpenFPGA
# Note :
# To run verification at the end of the flow maintain source in ./SRC directory
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
# This script is designed to generate Verilog testbenches
# with a fixed device layout
# It will only output netlists to be used by verification tools
# including
# - Verilog testbenches, used by ModelSim
# - SDC for a mapped FPGA fabric, used by Synopsys PrimeTime
#--write_rr_graph example_rr_graph.xml
vpr ${VPR_ARCH_FILE} ${VPR_TESTBENCH_BLIF} --clock_modeling route --device ${OPENFPGA_VPR_DEVICE_LAYOUT} --route_chan_width ${OPENFPGA_VPR_ROUTE_CHAN_WIDTH} --absorb_buffer_luts off
# Read OpenFPGA architecture definition
read_openfpga_arch -f ${OPENFPGA_ARCH_FILE}
# Read OpenFPGA simulation settings
read_openfpga_simulation_setting -f ${OPENFPGA_SIM_SETTING_FILE}
# Annotate the OpenFPGA architecture to VPR data base
# to debug use --verbose options
link_openfpga_arch --activity_file ${ACTIVITY_FILE} --sort_gsb_chan_node_in_edges
# Check and correct any naming conflicts in the BLIF netlist
check_netlist_naming_conflict --fix --report ./netlist_renaming.xml
# Apply fix-up to clustering nets based on routing results
pb_pin_fixup --verbose
# Apply fix-up to Look-Up Table truth tables based on packing results
# Build the module graph
# - Enabled compression on routing architecture modules
# - Enable pin duplication on grid modules
build_fabric --compress_routing --duplicate_grid_pin --load_fabric_key ${EXTERNAL_FABRIC_KEY_FILE} #--verbose
# Repack the netlist to physical pbs
# This must be done before bitstream generator and testbench generation
# Strongly recommend it is done after all the fix-up have been applied
repack #--verbose
# Build the bitstream
# - Output the fabric-independent bitstream to a file
build_architecture_bitstream --verbose --write_file arch_bitstream.xml
# Build fabric-dependent bitstream
build_fabric_bitstream --verbose
# Write fabric-dependent bitstream
write_fabric_bitstream --file fabric_bitstream.xml --format xml
# Write the Verilog testbench for FPGA fabric
# - We suggest the use of same output directory as fabric Verilog netlists
# - Must specify the reference benchmark file if you want to output any testbenches
# - Enable top-level testbench which is a full verification including programming circuit and core logic of FPGA
# - Enable pre-configured top-level testbench which is a fast verification skipping programming phase
# - Simulation ini file is optional and is needed only when you need to interface different HDL simulators using openfpga flow-run scripts
write_verilog_testbench --file ${OPENFPGA_VERILOG_OUTPUT_DIR}/verilog_testbench \
--fabric_netlist_file_path ${OPENFPGA_FABRIC_VERILOG_NETLIST} \
--reference_benchmark_file_path ${REFERENCE_VERILOG_TESTBENCH} \
--print_top_testbench \
--print_preconfig_top_testbench \
--print_simulation_ini ${OPENFPGA_VERILOG_OUTPUT_DIR}/SimulationDeck/simulation_deck.ini \
# Write the SDC to run timing analysis for a mapped FPGA fabric
write_analysis_sdc --file ${OPENFPGA_VERILOG_OUTPUT_DIR}/sdc_analysis
# Finish and exit OpenFPGA
# Note :
# To run verification at the end of the flow maintain source in ./SRC directory
@ -16,13 +16,14 @@ timeout_each_job = 1*60
@ -16,12 +16,13 @@ timeout_each_job = 1*60
@ -16,13 +16,14 @@ timeout_each_job = 1*60
@ -0,0 +1 @@
# Directory to keep all the SDF files for FPGA fabrics
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# A template script to generate SDF file from post-PnR results
# using Synopsys PrimeTime
# Define environment variables
set SKYWATER_PDK_HOME "../../PDK/skywater-pdk";
set FPGA_NETLIST_HOME "../../FPGA1212_FC_HD_SKY_PNR/fpga_core";
set SDF_HOME "../../SDF"
# Enable reporting ALL the timing paths even those are NOT constrained
set_app_var svr_enable_vpp true
set search_path ". * ${SKYWATER_PDK_HOME}/vendor/synopsys/results/lib/skywater130_fd_sc_hd/db_nldm"
set link_path "* sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80.db"
# Top-level module name
set DESIGN_NAME fpga_core;
set FPGA_NETLIST_FILES "fpga_core_icv_in_design.pt.v"
# Read timing libraries
read_db "${SKYWATER_PDK_HOME}/vendor/synopsys/results/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hd/db_nldm/sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80.db"
# Read post-PnR netlists
link_design ${DESIGN_NAME}
# Read post-PnR parasitics
read_parasitics ${FPGA_NETLIST_HOME}/fpga_core_icv_in_design.nominal_25.spef
# Write sdf file
write_sdf -version 3.0 ${SDF_HOME}/FPGA1212_FC_HD_SKY_PNR/fpga_core_icv_in_design.pt.sdf
# Finish and quit
# Comment it out if you want to debug
@ -0,0 +1 @@
## This directory is where you should run PrimeTime
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
// FPGA Synthesizable Verilog Netlist
// Description: Netlist Summary
// Author: Xifan TANG
// Organization: University of Utah
// Date: Fri Nov 6 11:46:12 2020
//----- Time scale -----
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// ------ Include preprocessing flags -----
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/TESTBENCH/k4_non_adder_caravel_io_FPGA_2x2_fdhd_cc/verilog_testbench/define_simulation.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/HDL/common/skywater_function_verification.v"
// ------ Include Skywater cell netlists -----
// Cells already used pre-PnR
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/inv/sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/buf/sky130_fd_sc_hd__buf_2.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/buf/sky130_fd_sc_hd__buf_4.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/inv/sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_2.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/or2/sky130_fd_sc_hd__or2_1.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/mux2/sky130_fd_sc_hd__mux2_1.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/sdfxtp/sky130_fd_sc_hd__sdfxtp_1.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/dfxbp/sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfxbp_1.v"
// Cells added due to their use in PnR
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/or2/sky130_fd_sc_hd__or2_0.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/mux2/sky130_fd_sc_hd__mux2_2.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/mux2/sky130_fd_sc_hd__mux2_4.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/mux2/sky130_fd_sc_hd__mux2_8.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/conb/sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/dlygate4sd1/sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlygate4sd1_1.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/dlygate4sd2/sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlygate4sd2_1.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/dlymetal6s2s/sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlymetal6s2s_1.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/dlymetal6s6s/sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlymetal6s6s_1.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/buf/sky130_fd_sc_hd__buf_6.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/dlygate4sd3/sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlygate4sd3_1.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/inv/sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_6.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/inv/sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/clkinv/sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkinv_16.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/bufinv/sky130_fd_sc_hd__bufinv_8.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/PDK/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest/cells/clkinvlp/sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkinvlp_2.v"
// ------ Include fabric top-level netlists -----
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/FPGA22_HIER_SKY_PNR/fpga_core/fpga_core_icv_in_design.pt.v"
`include "and2_output_verilog.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/TESTBENCH/k4_non_adder_caravel_io_FPGA_2x2_fdhd_cc/verilog_testbench/and2_post_pnr_autocheck_top_tb.v"
Reference in New Issue